Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Magnixx Hannoxx

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Race: Sajukai

Random descriptors: Height: 6’4
Weight: 230 ibs

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Non-Critical Character/Secondary Character or Background Character (supporting characters for story purposes..)

Physical Description: Despite his age he still looks like he's in his twenties. Muscular and fit all around he has a simple small yet squared jaw line with no visible hairs on his body despite his dark brown hair which is in a dreaded ponytail with a single lock coming down his right side reaching his shoulder. He has tattoos all over the left side of his body reaching to his face. Two large horns curve on the top sides of his head above the his pointed ears, both colored a dark reddish. His eyes are blood red with slit amber pupils. His skin hue is tan to brown his feet and fists being dark brown. His nails on his feet and hands are painted black and his clothing consists of clean white cloth tied around his waist and down to his knees. Dark Armor on his chest, back, shoulders, wrists, shins and ankles. Two fluid yet tall black wings on his back. He also has a 6 foot black tail.

Personality Description: Magnixx is the King of warriors within an entire nation. He is wise from many battles but his blood still runs hot with youth and wild passions. He is down to earth despite being wildly imaginative. His mind is complex array of voices and visions from his past, which he replays and learns from thoroughly. He finds his reason for living to be in the past, having a strong urge to supersede his father's accomplishments.

Skills, powers and abilities:
Breaker- A blood seal is placed on weapons by the warriors of old, then adopted by assassins. The blood of a Descendant resonates with a energy signature readable by a parallel realm. This realm transfers the weapon through their realm and time, to the source of the energy signature. Transporting the weapon through realms or dimensions in an instant to summon the weapon before the summoner. This can be done in reverse as well, sending the weapon back through realms to the set destination that is identical or similar to the caster. The activation is done with a mere thought.

Finisher- Any bit of friction caused by the user can be used to create scorching heat. For example a connecting punch, kick, or a frictional rub. The level of heat invoked by the user depends on their skill level, how much they want, and the amount of friction. Some ignitions cause explosions. The hotter the flames, or more explosive the attack the more damage done to the user.

General: (Intermediate)
Magnixx comes from a world of 2x higher gravity than that of earth. Making him feel significantly lighter on other worlds. Allowing him further speed and strength than before. His strength is able to allow him to lift maxing around 2000ibs, run 35 mph top speed, jump max 12 feet up, and fly at 150 mph top speed. He has scales on the back of his body, cheek, wings and tail that are smooth, dense and light like marble. His wings are retractable and expandable like toughened rubber able to reach out 20 feet long and fold gently on his back resembling a cape. He has a arm length of 5'5. His nails are black and sharp both on his hands and feet. His tail is strong just as his legs and arms, being 6 feet long and black. His horns are as hard and smooth as refined copper and are sharp, reaching 7 inches past his head aiming forward. His body can handle intense heat up to 2000 degrees F for 10 minutes. He has a severe pain tolerance and for heat he can withstand 3000 degrees F for 2 minutes without pain. His skin is layered and the top layers are as tough as hardened keratin.

(High) Dimension cut- Imbuing his weapon with his soul's power he can cut through the fabric of reality opening harmful ripples that remain for a short period of time. These ripples hurt whatever touches it like a laser trip wire. He can also cut through any object or entity despite how immune to conventional attacks they might be.

(High) Ascension- Upon death Magnixx's soul will leave his body and he will be remade into a ghostly version of himself with exceeding abilities in magic than his normal self as well as other perks. He is able to form his body into flames and cannot be harmed through average means.

Character Equipment:(High) - 5 feet long, 1 in a half foot wide. A sword made from the teeth of a mountain eating Dragon. The weapon can absorb the energy of anything it comes into contact with as long as it generates significant heat and then imbues itself with that energy. The level of energy it comes into contact with or how long it comes into contact with alters the amount it absorbs. The capacity is virtually limitless however it does not entirely retain the energy rather than just holds it into place around it, allowing Magnixx to manipulate the energy in the forms of either a projectile, or a shockwave. Once used the energy leaves the weapon until absorbed again. The hilt is coated with the gums of Dragons, highly fire and electrical resistant.
The effect of this weapon may absorb beings made of energy or other entities of that nature.

Character History: He was born in Fotia when his father was pronounced King after delivering the final blow to the leader of the Dragons. In time Fotia’s King had disagreements with the children of Mana and was assassinated soon after. Through battles against Dragons and enemy warriors Magnix proved his skill in rank and soon was able to become King once his father died. Magnix has ruled for 10 short years however since the Seraphin’s return he has been less involved with people affairs and more with political and military.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

This is sounding like multiple levels of dick waving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rai, you submitted the character in the wrong place. The CS Thread is located HERE.

However, we're not that big of assholes... so we can review it here. Just make sure to post it in the proper location if it is accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Beta said
To be perfectly honest I wondered why you were even arguing it, due to the fact I pointed out using her 0-turn abilities instead of the big fuck-you card that I still think you're half-assed metagaming to avoid.

I honestly thought you believed the prepping mechanics to work like that, it's not really something I could avoid trying to explain. But you know, glad that wasn't the case.

As for half-assed metagaming, I had two approaches to chose from;

Edmund would either spot Ysolda (sensors all over, remember?), fuck her shit up with the mecha tail before she could even start chanting, disrupting or at least delaying the prep, then, with the knowledge that Ysolda can dodge the fuck out of anything non-aoe, blast a drill into the ground and detonate it. Nuclear explosion, much less climatic.

Or, get a call from HQ, and under the false belief that he had already vanquished his foes and the city, abandon his mecha, and detonate it to prevent anyone from stealing or replicating it. Nuclear explosion, less climatic, but good tie-in to future battles.

As for future reference, if you would refrain from announcing your moves ahead of time like you did, people can carry out actions they would do anyway without fear of meta-gaming. What else was I to do, stomp your dude (who can dodge energy beams and missiles) with my slow ass mech?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just once I'd like a fight to last longer than five fucking posts...

As for me telling people what I was going to do... I recall people calling me out on bullshit, saying I was either not prepping, or not allowed to prep and dodge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I said way back that Erde didn't need help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fights don't usually last very long. The first exploited opening often spells death for the other part, and that's it. Stalemates tend to last for a long time though, way too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Or... two people could ENJOY the fight, and play it out in a more cinematic fashion, rather than "YOU HAVE AN OPENING!!!" MURDERDEATHKILLHUEHUEHUE!!!

Hence my annoyance with hardcore T1... people don't seem to think of the readers... they don't seem to think of the fight... they only seem to think of "How can I fucking annihilate this guy or GTFO before he annihilates me?" ... It's annoying and tasteless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'm going to read over this CS while the two of you go at it, aight?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well. If you want to write a cinematic fight where the elements are controlled and the story built-up and exciting; do that.

If you want to challenge your ability to fight, to outwit and outmaneuver others in an awesome mind-game, then do competitive forum battling. I'm not here for your, or anyone elses enjoyment of a good read, I'm here to indulge my own need for a tactical challenge. To seek those who can beat me into the mud, so that I can get back up and surpass them. If you were under any other impression, then I regret to inform you that it was wrong.

Which is not to say that it is not possible to write exciting cinematic fights in such a format; but that you have to be good enough for that to occur. Your opponents will not be holding back, and should not be expected to. Be better than them, show them that every opening they exploit is a carefully laid trap. That every attack you launch, is but a prelude to the next. Be in control, and you will have your cinematic fight.

Edit: Schradinger is good at that, for example. Last time I fought him, he had a response to every move I made, saw every exploit, punished every mistake. And I loved it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I think taking a forum arena battle that seriously isn't exactly healthy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I fight for cinematic purposes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wait... Really? I was just about to comment on how fantastic YOUR set ups were. Lol. I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't had my armor, that fight would have ended very differently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

ASTA said
I think taking a forum arena battle that seriously isn't exactly healthy.

ImportantNobody said
I fight for cinematic purposes.

Hence my appreciation for a more cinematic battle that is both fun to write and to read. As for Ysolda surviving... I really have stopped caring. Your "GRRARGHSUPERSRS" approach and attitude to this thing has utterly killed my drive to even bother. I was going to have her take a longshot and hide inside that groove she was holding onto (as in the picture it is at LEAST fifteen feet wide, given that mech's height, more than enough for her AND her essence armor to fit into) and ride out the blast using your own nuke-proof armor as sort of a sail to ride the shockwave. But frankly, she can die now for all I care.

Don't get me wrong, I can be a HELL of a fighter when I want to be. But generally I find myself having much more fun when a fight is taken lightly, played out in a manner pleasing to read and imagine, and not two or more people looking for the first chance they get to assfuck the opponents with no lubrication. Truth be told, I've really only gone apeshit wild on someone like... 4 times in the 10 years I've been RPing. I really just don't like doing it unless there's one hell of a point to prove. Barring that, I fight for fun, not to win.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

This is a long one.

  • Breaker: You're probably going to have to explain this better, what I'm gathering is that he cannot be disarmed. Otherwise I have no idea what this does.

  • Finisher: This seems pretty reasonable, but you should specify exactly what he can do with this. List off how many ways it can be properly used. Also a temperature and how many lbs of TNT it is comprable to.

  • General: It's fine, this is reasonable. I suppose you should probably buff it after this however.

  • Dimension cut: No. Now let me explain why not. It's incredibly powerful, far too powerful. It has an absolute in it- "He can also cut through any object or entity despite how immune to conventional attacks they might be." That is far too certain. You're saying that he can cut through anything, period. This is far too powerful to be allowed. Either tone down the power, make it a move that charges, or remove it completely.

  • Ascension: This is remarkably unspecific, is this just saying that he becomes invincible and all powerful after he dies? If yes: Then this can't be allowed. If no: Explain this further.

  • The Sword: As long as it's not a passive absorption of energy, this should be fine. Just saying "I absorbed that." would not be allowed. You would have to use this as a counter to an energy based attack specifically, it is not an understood immunity. About the projection. It should have a list of ways it can be projected, and is this based off of the power of the attack it absorbed or the power he himself can put out?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

And it returns to Erde being the only high tier on Necropoli. Albeit, I will have to write a few posts where he goes mining for materials to reshape a bronze skeleton from scratch.

Edit: ASTA, man. You comment on everything in the thread but haven't actually participated in the roleplay, are you just here to poke at the furnace with an iron? I mean I don't care either way, but that's what it seems like. You could always put your giant robot on Darashal and start wrecking up a city. Again, I don't care either way, but I wonder why you're here dude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Schradinger said
Wait... Really? I was just about to comment on how fantastic YOUR set ups were. Lol. I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't had my armor, that fight would have ended very differently.

I had such a good time doing that fight. It really felt like a challenge. You did marvelously!

ASTA said
I think taking a forum arena battle that seriously isn't exactly healthy.

That's subjective. I only ever get upset when I win, to be honest. I hate winning. I just like a good challenge, and for it to be so, it has to be genuine, that's all.

Beta said
Hence my appreciation for a more cinematic battle that is both fun to write and to read. As for Ysolda surviving... I really have stopped caring. Your "GRRARGHSUPERSRS" approach and attitude to this thing has utterly killed my drive to even bother. I was going to have her take a longshot and hide inside that groove she was holding onto (as in the picture it is at LEAST fifteen feet wide, given that mech's height, more than enough for her AND her essence armor to fit into) and ride out the blast using your own nuke-proof armor as sort of a sail to ride the shockwave. But frankly, she can die now for all I care.

I don't really know what you're talking about. What attitude? Did you want me to go easy on you? I could totally have done that if you asked me to ahead of time. I don't have any issues with doing a light-hearted fight with more story elements involved, but unless specifically stated ahead of time, I'm going to assume my opponents wants to mash me to a pulp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LeeRoy said
And it returns to Erde being the only high tier on Necropoli. Albeit, I will have to write a few posts where he goes mining for materials to reshape a bronze skeleton from scratch.

It's a shame, really. I put a lot of work into Ysolda. But I can not be fucked in any way shape or form to give a shit about the fight anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why thank you, Green. I definitely enjoyed it too, and I'd be more than happy to fight you into blowing yourself up again if you want. ;)

EDIT: I guess this is what happens when two people come into a collaborative text-based roleplay battle with different expectations and no consensus on how the fight should be handled. From what I can see, it's all just a difference of expectation that could be avoided by laying out how you want to conduct the fight. It's really easy to get in trouble with these things when the participants have contrary ideas about what tone the RP should have. Mine and Green's fight, for instance, was stated from the start to be a cutthroat, no holds barred, deathmatch with each fighter bringing the best they've got. Since we both understood that ahead of time, we both had a blast.

*tosses two pennies in a cup on the floor*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

It wasn't a fight, it was a complicated execution. As only one individual managed to attack.
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