[(Behold the result of our rushed collaboration!)]

(Just ignore the helmet. It's replaced by a mask)
Birth Name: Valentina Jett
Name origin: Her mother and Father named her Valentina because she did not cry when she was introduced to the world.
Alias: Wanderer
Gender: Girl
Skin tone: Very lightly tan
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Height: 4' 6"
Body Build: lean
Faction: Brotherhood
Affiliation: Good
Backstory: Valentina was born in a family of five, and was the middle child of three siblings. She enjoyed playing with her brothers, and climbing to places to uncover secrets. She lived a normal life, until she and her family were attacked by bandits while traveling. She watched as her older brother was knocked out and kidnapped. They fled by running through the forest, where Valentina was separated from the rest of her family by falling down a hole.
On her way down, she hit her head hard, and fell unconscious. She awoke to find herself in a bed, with no recollection of the Past, except for her first name. She was found by a female warrior, who was training within a cave. Given her newfound amnesia, and the fact that she was still a child, Valentina lived with the warrior woman, who would teach her how to fight with a sword and shield throughout the years.
When Valentina was old enough, the female warrior sent her out into the world to make something of herself. What she found was distasteful to say the least. She was unfortunate enough to find the suffering people of both kingdoms. The nobles showed little care, with a few exceptions, toward the weak and starving. She saw them as horrible people to not help those less fortunate than them, and she thought that the royal hierarchies that held authority over them equally guilty. If they were to but give a command, then those who suffer would not have to anymore. But instead, they focus on other subjects, and allow the upper class to do whatever they wanted. Valentina knew nothing of the royal or noble families, but she believed that they could have done something to help those who need them the most.
They say "Birds of a feather flock together." This rings true to Valentina. She encountered the Brotherhood after protecting a beggar from a noble. The noble was enraged that the beggar had dirtied his shoes by touching them. Were she not there, the nobleman would most likely have beaten the beggar. Though, she may have overdone it. Since most of her life was focused on combat training, Valentina broke the nobleman's leg. She had to flee from the nobleman's hired protectors. The brotherhood, impressed with the action, wanted to recruit her in hopes that she would go farther. She agreed, seeing that their cause is for the benefit of those who needed it.
Strengths: -Sword and shield-focused fighting style
-evasive and defensive
-Skilled in countering
Weaknesses:-no knowledge of martial arts
-fighting style splits strength for both arms.
-armor underneath the cloak is still light, so it's likely not to provide much protection.
Mask Appearance:
Religion: Heptanity
Birth Month: Lorem