Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Ari returned to the living room, realizing that the beaten Gijinka sleeping on the sofa was no longer there. "I guess he escaped. I know I would.." she thinks to herself.
She opened the door to the cold night outside and took a glance around, finding only the red Gijinka, already up and alert, yet merely standing next to her door for some strange whim. "..what are you doing?" Ari asks, narrowing her eyes. She grasps the Pokeball containing her Flygon, ready for some kind of counterattack the young Gijinka was planning to do as she awaited his response. Maybe he was feigning the pain during the beating and the faint; she's seen it before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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"Yeah, but at least out here we're safe." Joseph pointed out, never liking to focus only on the negatives. "...It's fine." Otto waved it off, his voice more dismissive than anything. At this point he figured the sooner he could drop the subject, the better. "What's your name, anyway?" Joseph tried to bring the conversation back to something else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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"Oh right! My name is Trista." She said with a wide smile as she bowed slightly to both of them. "What are your names?" As she waited for the answer, she played with the edges of her sleeves which more than long enough to over her hands. She was glad they would no longer talk about such a dark subject, though she was glad to hear news of what was really going on beyond the forest that has become her home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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"I'm Joseph, and this is Otto." The latter gave a small nod in her direction. It was like they had a system in the event the two's lack of social skills didn't prevent them from getting to introductions - Joseph would do most of the talking, including going through the trouble of giving out names. "It's nice to meet you." And it really was nice to meet Trista. Meeting another one of their type gave a better feeling of security.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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WeepingLiberty said
"I'm afraid I might have offended them when I admitted to working with the humans. I guess they're just that type that sees all humans as bad, just like the Hunters all view gijinkas as evil." Alanya's ears drooped for a moment before perking back up. "I'm Alanya, it's a pleasure to meet you. Are you here with someone or just exploring on your own?" Her eyes scanned the area carefully, still quite suspicious after being taken by surprise once before.

Kelts sighed. I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, too. I'm looking for a friend of mine, actually. He's another Gijinka, a normal type with frizzy hair and skitty ears. You haven't seen him, have you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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"It's nice to meet you too." Trista said happily as she took the time to look at them more closely. The pair seemed fairly close since the one named Joseph knew to talk for the both of them while Otto seemed to be more of the fighter is something were to happen to them. She thought about how it must be nice to be able to rely on someone else at times when you needed someone to lean on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"You are a terrible man," CiCi said before turning to Carson. "And I can't believe you just put up with this. I honestly thought you were different but what can I believe now. NOTHING. thats what I believe." CiCi said before running out and running out of the building. While she ran, she transformed into her suicune form and ran to the forest, she sped through the forest until she came to a clearing and stood there still in her pokemon form. Her long mane flowing behind her as she lifted her head towards the sky. What she didn't realize is that there were others near by. As she stood there the northern winds seemed to pick up as she laid down in the field not bothering to transform into her gijinka form.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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"So, Trista, do you live out here?" Joseph asked, curious. Otto already knew the answer, of course she did. She wouldn't have mentioned not seeing any gijinkas in awhile if she lived in one of the many hidden villages scattered beyond, past the forest like they did. However, he looked up at her, waiting for her own response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Trista nodded as she pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. "When I first started living out here, I lived alone and in the woods. When I discovered there were villages for just Gijinkas, I visited some but I never felt comfortable enough to stay." She explained, not thinking anything of it to sort of hint that she lived with humans before living in the wild alone. Her humans had been fair and pleasant to live with but with the news she heard from them made her realize humans were just getting more hostile towards their kind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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"Understandable. We don't really live in the village, just on the very outskirts. Too busy." Living in an abandoned house all his life, Joseph never grew to like the energy and the life that towns held within them. Otto was thankful that Joseph did the talking for the both of them, it gave him a chance to think. The small hints that she was dropping was leading him to believe the two were put in a similar situation, and very slowly, he was gaining some confidence in her. "...Is it nice to live out here?" The question came from Otto, who although didn't plan on becoming homeless again, thought it would be good information to have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson stood up,looking at his father." Son,tomorrow is the big day...i want you here to see this.." Rowan looked out the window. The moon started to come frome its hiding spot.

" ok..." carson turned to leave
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Trista nodded slowly and then turned her head suddenly when she heard a question come from the quiet one named Otto. She was quiet for a moment, still surprised he asked her a question. "Uh... Yeah. It's pretty quiet and peaceful most of the time out here, and I enjoy that. The only thing I can complain about is that it can get lonely." She explained, trying to think of others ways to explain what it was like to live out in the woods. "Hunters sometimes come through here but they don't usually find me since there are so many other noises, sounds and smells to cover up mine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Veyas just looked at Ari, "You've saved me, and by the honor of my village I am in your debt." As he finished he bowed down to his "Master"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

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"No, I can't say that I have." Alanya glanced down at the bag she was supposed to return to the house, and sighed. Turning back to Kelts with a smile, she offered her hand out to the Pokemon. "Maybe I can be of some assistance. I'm told I have a sharp nose."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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Hunters came out here. These words registered in Otto's head. He knew the forest better than they did, maybe he could ambush them? But these thoughts were for another time, a time better suited for planning. "Alright, thanks." He went back to thinking about something, but what was hard to tell. Joseph bent down to Otto, and the two had a conversation for a moment, whispering back and forth. Otto seemed more hesitant to whatever they were talking about, but let his friend go on. "You know, Trista, if it does get lonely out here...You're welcome to find us, and just talk for awhile, if you want. We never do much, really, so we're never busy..." It might have seemed like it was a bold move, especially since the trio had just started talking - but the two men shared an idea that you didn't need a soul bond to stick together, just an understanding among them. After all, they met under similar, albeit more desperate circumstances.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Ari sighed quietly to herself as Veyas did his little, yet genuine display. It seemed like the kid saw her as a savior instead of someone who destroys other Gijinkas' lives in order to get by in the city. Poor thing probably had his dignity beaten out of him along with his body during the scene a few hours ago. "Look.." she began, taking a glance around the area before continuing. "I'm not going to keep you here, alright? Saving you from.. that.. was a terrible idea on its own, and keeping you here won't help the fact that I'm probably going to get fired.." she said, her voice trailing off towards the end. Ari brought out the Pokeball from behind her and sent out Acier the Bronzong wordlessly. "We're close to the forest from here, anyways. Lets go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kelts nodded. Thank you. I just hope he hasn't been caught by hunters already. Knowing him, it's more than likely. He brought out a bell and presented it to her. He left this with me earlier this morning.


Ritsu was lost. He had no idea where Kelts was, and he had no idea where he was anymore. Sighing, he turned another corner to see something rushing down the streets. Intrigued, he tried to follow it, though he was left behind when it suddenly changed shape and took off into the forest.
"What was that?"
Whatever it was, he was still curious, so he continued off to the forest in the general direction he had seen it running.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Glacia walked through the forest to the lake and looked down upon the polluted water. The humans dumped waste into the lakes and she could feel the lake was slowly dying. Glacia stepped onto the water. As she walked she slowly transformed back into her normal form. Glacia stood in the middle of the lake and the breeze picked up as the water below her began to glow. A glowing circle with wind blowing around it slowly spread across the water.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alanya could hear the bell's chime within the subtle movement of presenting it. It wasn't anything particularly special but it had a beautiful sound in her ears. "That should do perfectly, though I'd keep a tight grip on that if I were you. A fox can be a sly creature when it comes to shiny objects." She nudged the little guy playfully before cracking the vertebrae in her neck. "I think things will go much faster if we travel on all fours." It had been a while since Alanya walked around in her Pokémon form for she had no use for it as a servant. She remembered how much she missed it as she shook out her silver fur. Alanya was different from other Ninetails, a difference only obvious when she walked as one of them. Instead of the warm colored fur, hers shined silver with eyes like burning rubies. She sniffed the bell gingerly then picked up her bag in her mouth, motioning for the Ritsu to hop on her back. We'll find him, I'm sure he's alright.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kelts put away the bell and climbed up onto the Ninetales' back. Knowing this one, I can never be sure, he replied with a sigh.

Wow, it was dark in here. At least there was some moonlight shining through the branches of the trees, though the skitty Gijinka was still lost. Well, not really, he kind had an idea of where he came from...
...or at least, he thought so.
Up ahead, there seemed to be some sort of light a ways off in the distance. Ritsu wasn't sure what it meant, but it looked cool! Besides, he was lost anyway, maybe there would be someone or something that could help him there. He transformed into his pokemon form and ran towards it, since he was faster that way anyhow. Somehow, his more athletic traits never fully carried over into his Gijinka form.
As he approached the light, he found himself staring in awe at the sight before him. Was that...?
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