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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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"Well look who it is! our top gijinka hunter.." A boy around Carson's age wrapped his arms around his shoulder and took a sip to drink."So man, how many of those rats did ya catch this? i could a few my self."

Carson have his allie a little smile." I wan to say over 200 hundard this week." he said. Sparx his emgola bragged by folding his arms and shaking his head.

"W-Whoa! dude thats good! hey, look i might go pick me up a gijinka. I gotta stuff that needs to be done at the house,but i'm to busy with work. Ya wanna come?" he asked

"Nah, boss wants to talk to me." Carson said

The boy sighed."Alright than dude..see ya!." he walked out the building
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

CiCi silently sat outside the building staring at the night sky. She closed her crimson eyes and let the sounds sink in. The cool breeze blew through her air and made the purple strands flutter in the wind. She leaned her head back and opened her eyes to look at the moon. The air around her was still and mostly silent other than the sounds of the rambocksous gijinka hunters in the building she was currently in front of. She always was one to avoid being around Carson when he was with the other hunters, they were very intimidating to her and she preferred the peace of being outside and alone while waiting instead of being near them. Her head turned as one of the hunters walked out of the building, she shrunk back into the shadows hoping to not be seen as he walked by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Traveling for many days, Veyas sought to see just what it was like in a city. Doing his best to blend in even in the most outrageous clothes he tried to pass as a martial artist. He made it through most of the town before running into a gijinka hunter, who saw easily through his guise. Not knowing the lay out of the city Veyas didn't know he was right outside the gijinka hunter's main building. The hunter beginning to attack, but Veyas going on the defensive ended his assault quickly, but not before he caused enough ruckus to cause many more to charge him. After beating down some Veyas was taken down by the end of 5 minutes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Ari watched under a lit lamppost with her arms crossed, as a swarm of hunters began to beat down on a red Gijinka in the middle of the street. Her Houndoom, Crisis, watched the brutality of the humans alongside her, leaning against her legs. 'If this was what they did to get paid..', Ari thought to herself, sighing. 'Then, I wish the same would happen to them.' She was indeed one of the better hunters out there, but a solitary one, and not one of those who travelled with their allies just to cover up their weakness. "Come on, Crisis. I've had enough of this.." she spoke softly, heading towards the building. Crisis began to follow after, but stopped for a moment, and looked back at Veyas, who was now on the ground, and being laughed upon by the lot of them. He snarled for a moment, baring his teeth at the hunters (who were too focused on making fun of the lone Gijinka to notice him), before catching up to his master.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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In the midst of being beat, Veyas was doing his best to find a way out without killing the men, he had no qualms with human. But as he looked around through the crowd of men to see a lone hunter followed by her Houndoom, noticing Houndoom snarl and the girl avoiding looking at him, he realized that even a Hunter can have a heart. "She's probably my best bet on surviving in here if I can get out of this mosh pit." Veyas thought between the beatings. As the beating continued there felt to be an odd pattern to it, an off beat harmonity, noticing it Veyas waited for the off beat to come in always an odd punch in towards the face. When it comes in there is a very brief moment where no one hits, this will be their downfall. Once the hit comes in Veyas takes his shot, sweeping a small set of them down with a swift kick, spinning himself up taking down a few more before quickly jumping next to the Hunter he saw a moment ago going into a kneel before her with his head down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Otto and Joseph were wandering around, closer to their own city but still well out of bounds. As usual, Joseph was clinging to his friend's arm, although the height difference made it a bit of an awkward setup. The Chandelure was nervous, at least more nervous than usual, looking around much more often the longer they went. "I'm not sure we should be out this far, Otto..." He mumbled, jumping a bit when his friend stepped on a stick. "What, are you scared of those swine? None of them come out here anyway. " Otto responded nonchalantly, if nothing else a bit worn down by his friend's worry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carsonwalked into the boss's room,who had a big smile on his face."Son...i'm so proud of you." he took a puff of his cigar."Also,Sparx to

"Thanks dad,i mean boss."Carson said. Sparx blushed abit.

"Listen,theres gijinkas in the city..well thats what i was told. I know your the only one that clean my streets up. Trash
isn't allowed here..undertand boy?" he said.

Carson nodded."Understood..i'll get on it."he said and walked out the room.

A delphox
gijinka sat besideCarson's farther."Come on now..i'm not trash.." he said.

"Of course your not.." he said.

Carson let out a sigh as he walked out the building. He wax tired..he wanted to soak in a hot bath. But first, he had to grab him a bite
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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((Pardon if it's a little subpar. I'm kinda busy right now.))
When Ari heard the shuffling stop and the yelling being directed towards her direction, she stopped in place and turned, only to find the worn down Gijinka from earlier at his knees. Poor thing seemed to be desperate for an escape, though helping him simply wasn't an option.
"What are you doing, Ari?!" shouted one of the rowdier ones from the crowd. "Hurry up and get him back here, so we can teach the brat n-" He was shot down by one of Ari's glares before he could finish his sentence, shutting his mouth.
There was simply too much of a risk: If she was to help the Gijinka, there was the possibility of losing her reputation and getting fired by her fellow hunters. Ari wouldn't dare to come her financially struggling family as a disappointment, but if she didn't help, it was his life that would be taken away. One of them would have to sacrifice the other.
"Tch." Ari turned away, and resumed walking towards the hunter building. Her Houndoom began to follow suit, looking at him one last time before turning away as well, not looking back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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((Don't worry about it)

Veyas, truly desperate refusing the obvious "No" he silently stood and followed the hunter he now knows is Ari. "I can't die here, and I know if I try to run I won't make it for now." Veyas was thinking desperately, knowing this was his only choice for now he would slave for Ari.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Why are we going out here, anyway?" Joseph asked, "The city is perfectly fine." "The city is boring, stale. We're just taking a walk." Was the reply he received, Otto seemingly focused on something else. "You know, I've noticed we've been heading towards the humans. Is there really a reason for this, can we please turn back?" Now that he thought about it, he realized they were probably within the human's city limits. "Of course you can turn back, I've never forced you to come with me." The short replies he was getting made him more nervous, but he didn't want to leave Otto. The Banette had a knack for getting himself in trouble, not to mention he himself would probably soon get some separation anxiety. "That still doesn't answer the other question, why are we going here?" He avoided one topic by bringing up the other. "You make it sound like we're actually going to enter the city. Of course we're not, we're just going around it. Having a quick look. Once that's done we can turn back, alright?" Joseph hated the idea, seeing all the things that could go wrong. Personally, he wasn't very strong, and the city was filled with hunters. "You've been focusing more on the humans lately, Otto, please tell me you're not planning anything radical..." To this, Otto had nothing to say, letting an uneasy silence fall as they approached the very outskirts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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CiCi watched as Carson walked out of the building. She got up and walked over to him. "Carson do you want me to help with your pokemon or anything tonight? Or should I leave you alone?" Glacia asked only loud enough for him to hear as se kept her head down as other hunters looked at her curiously. She held her hands in front of her together as he ice blue boots clicked against the pavement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson jumped and gripped his chest." Oh cici...you scared me.." he said and took a deep breath. Sparx started to laugh abit." Anyway, thats only if you want to. The poor guys haven't ate since morning. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Sorry, but I'll do whatever you want me to do. Just tell me."Glacia said offering him a sweet smile. "If you want I can make them food and make your family food if you need me to. "She added. CiCi was truly one to do whatever she needed to to help others: humans, pokemon, and gijinka alike. CiCi pushed a strand of her purple hair behind her ear while waiting for his answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Ari stopped once more, hearing his pleas. It seemed like he, too, was desperate to live. She made a quick glance at Crisis, who seemed to look at her with longing eyes. Sighing, she unstrapped one of the Pokeballs off her belt. "Come out, Ellice" she spoke, pressing on the button, unleashing her draconic companion, and placing the Pokeball back. Ari turned her head back to Veyas, then looked at Ellice. He silently nodded, before approaching Veyas and reaching out for his arm, in an attempt to drag him across the ground towards Ari and Crisis, who were already a few feet away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A wealthy couple stood over the bed of their young child, a boy of only 8 years. He lay bundled in his covers with eyes closed, beads of sweat soaking his face and shirt collar. It was a simple fever but it didn't stop the couple from worrying about their only baby. In the corner of the room stood a young woman with her head bowed and her mouth shut. She twitched nervously in her silence, casting her eyes up for a second before looking at the ground again. The man rested his hand on his wife's shoulder for comfort then turned and left, descending the steps to his study to catch up on work. Alanya turned to follow him out but the woman stopped her and called her to her side. "I need you to run and get these things for my baby." Without even looking at Alanya she held out a piece of paper which was accepted quickly. "As you wish." She bowed her head and left the room, grabbing a bag before stepping out the door. The brisk night air didn't phase the young girl, her pokemon side being a fire-type. Her uniquely colored eyes read the words quickly and surely, setting off in the direction she would find what she needed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Veyas just gave her his hand, and walked with her. "Thank you," his own voice beaten like the rest of his body, he focused hard to keep himself standing, waiting till he would get to an area where he'd feel safe-ish passing out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Ari unlocked the door to her house, sighing, then allowed her Pokémon and Veyas in. She gestured Ellice to carry him over to the sofa and shut the door behind her, leaving the lights off. She knew the Gijinka kid was about to faint after the beating, so she made it quick. "I'll let you stay for one night, kid. After that, you're on your own." Ari called Ellice and Crisis and sent them back into their Pokeballs, then disappeared into another room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson sighed,but smiled." I guess you can feed." He said and rubbed his head. He felt like falling over,his father sure did worked him to death." Come on.." he walked to his house
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kelts wandered the streets looking for his partner. He should have come back already. Why had he thought it would be a good idea to let him go off on his own? He knew how he got when left alone, and with the increased hunter activity lately, things would be even more dangerous than usual. Not being a gijinka himself, Kelts knew that he would be fine. He was a little odd looking compared to the other Kirlia in the area with his one ponytail and slightly different "garment", but probably not enough to get him into trouble with any of the local humans. Maybe a kid who wanted to catch the "strange Kirlia", but he doubted that would be a problem. More importantly, where was Ritsu?

Ritsu was at a local market, buying food. There were a lot of cool things here, so he was indeed a bit distracted. Currently, though, he was looking at a fruit display, thinking about how Kelts might like some of the fresh looking produce. The oranges and peaches looked so good! His ears picked up the sounds of a hunter's conversation... Something about a fighting-type getting away earlier that day? He pulled his cap down on his head a bit more, keeping his ears and hair covered. His tail remained wrapped loosely around his waist and covered by his coat. It was a tad uncomfortable, since he couldn't move his tail and had to keep the end in a slightly awkward position to keep it from looking suspicious, but at least it kept his "special traits" hidden. He purchased some of the fruit and continued looking around the other displays.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Veyas half-dragged all the way to the Hunter Ari's house, he was dropped onto the couch. "She saved me, now I must be hers by debt and honor." Veyas thought before swiftly fainting
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