Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

People gather far and wide to the capitol city for a ceremony that has lasted with the people for twelve years. The children tremble in the crowds with their own nightmares coming true before their own eyes and the parents weep when they think no one is looking. The celebration is a noisy crowd of organized chaos; they try to make it seem happy while enforcing it, but there are only a small number of fools that buy into it. People bump and push, noise rushing, goodbyes whispered in ears and prayers to non existent gods are made. Queen Victoria, who was eight teen years old, stood on the stage surveying the crowd. She had an unpleasant look in her eyes, but she remained silent. She was the only one in crowd that was still deemed a child by the courts eyes that had no chance of leaving her safety. She still looked afraid and uneasy as she stepped onto the stage. She met the eyes of little children and turned away to looked at the parents as quickly as she could.

The guards posted by the sides of the crowd straightened up as they watched the queen take her place on the stage. They all looked like humanoids, but some were far from it. Dragons stood in the place of humans, matching their appearance, but not there facial expressions. There was pity and shame in the human soldier’s eyes, a pain they carried with them constantly, and in the dragons eyes there was laughter and ease. The dragons had won their war; they were the victors of these games.

The crowd was settled by the rustle of soldiers and the sobs of a weeping mother where quickly silenced. The crowd fell into its own structure. There was at least a thousand children standing in the capitols square, but there was only forty that’s lives would end that day. The numbers were small, but it felt like a great lost for the people standing in the square. There was always a chance that you would be next, but it was a better sacrifice than what they used to have. Hundreds of people died each year and now there was only forty that said goodbye. The crowd seemed to shuffle by itself into a crowd of children standing near the front and parents that couldn’t say goodbye moving to the back to watch.


Mercy shuffled through the crowd trying to find a place that she could stand where she wouldn't get the looks like that got standing in the middle of the crowd. Oddities were normal among the people, but that didn't mean they people weren't frightened of them, especially if they came from human villages. Mercy's long slender horns came out of the top of her head, near her forehead, and extended back with her hair. They were pitch black like the midnight sky and had rings along them as if they were made out of crushed up bones.

Her ash blonde hair that hadn’t been seen a pair of scissors since her village burned up in ashes, reached the bottom of her back. She wore a top that wrapped around her chest and left her mid drift open so the heat of the summer sun wouldn’t make her sweat. Her bottom half was covered by a worn out pair out shorts that had tools hanging loosely from her belt. The outfit distracted the people around her and brought more attention to her than she already had. It was prefect for theft, but in the middle of the crowd where she wasn’t interested in being watched it felt exposing.

Mercy looked around at the silent children that stood like statues waiting to see if anything would happen. Some of them were born into this treaty and others had known of the pain of the time before it, but they all understood the silence. The parents of the children knew better and cried over there loses. They knew that death was evil, but the children were ignorant as ever. She didn’t care about death, but tended to avoid it. It wasn’t like she was doing anything important with her life, so she didn’t seem to care if her torment was over. A part of her even wished for it.

The queen looked emotionless from where she stood, she was fairly upset, but it wasn’t for herself. Mercy could normally read people, but with the queen she could only tell minor things. The queen wasn’t like normal people; there was a piece of her missing. She was preparing for the same speech as each year, the same lies, the same feeling of emotionless sacrifices and heartbreak.


Nixon stood in the mix of the crowd staring up at his sister feeling a mix of emotions. His Raven black hair matched hers, but he wasn’t wearing as extravagant clothing. They had similar facial features, but he was a bit softer, a bit younger, he still had excitement left in his eyes. He wore all black and had a long sword strapped to his side, but none of it seemed to matter at the moment. He felt sadness, but he couldn’t explain what it was. He had said his good byes to his sister before they left home, before she was quickly rushed out. They said good bye every year, but this year she had a longing in her eyes that confused and frustrated him.

He watched her as she got on the stage and ignored the people around him that bumped and pushed. He wanted to explain his feelings, but he couldn’t. He felt lost in the crowd and all by himself at the exact same time. A feeling of being surrounded by people, but having no one always seemed to haunt him, especially on this day. His eyes broke away from the stage and he looked at the soldiers with a small smile. The servants gossiped about how bad they were, but he didn’t see what they saw. They were trying to protect them. Everything that had ever happened was done for there safety. His father was gone so that they would be safe and every year more children left, but the safety stayed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Technically she was still under eighteen, technically she could be pulled from that stupid bowl they used as some sort of sick play at random chance. Of course, Scarlett didn't believe in random chance and technicalities. Her name simply wasn't in the bowl. Scarlett had realised long ago that with enough money anyone could be paid off. She had went to the officials and paid them a large amount of money. She wasn't going to spoil all the fun she had planned for the rest of her life to be taken off and eaten by some dragon, she had a lot bigger plans than that. It was a curious thing to see when she first came here, initially she held fear at the very thought of it but as she hardened she simply didn't care until the point were she decided the risk, although small, was still a risk and needed to be dispatched.

She pushed through the crowd of grieving parents at the back, it sickened her. Their children had more chance of surviving than actually dying but still they wept. Scarlett wouldn't of wept for a child unless the child's name was drawn, though to be honest Scarlett herself doubted if she would weep at all. She shouldered aside a mother with wet cheeks as she looked, dumbfounded at Scarlett. It must of looked a weird sight for anyone, Scarlett looked a good few years older than she actually was, she already carried herself like a lady instead of a teenage girl. Placing a firm hand at the back of her head, she removed the shining hair pin, letting her almost raven-black hair cascade over her shoulders as she took her place in one of the rows facing the queen.

Scarlett had decided to wear one of the silk dresses that made the young ladies of the court blush at just how revealing it was. It wasn't particularly that bad but they had a weird idea here that a woman might as well be naked if she exposed any skin above her knee. From where Scarlett was from and the places she had been passed around this was a stupid idea, someone could wear whatever the hell they liked without the pestering of anyone else. It was however, entertaining that they still withheld the idea of innocence here. Innocence was a stupid idea for a stupid people but if it made them forget the cold, unforgiving world then they could worship it all they wanted.

Her eyes flashed over the soldiers and she suppressed a small grin as her eyes averted back to the Queen, perched up on the stage in front of them. Most of them were as they looked to be, simple soldiers but Scarlett had the unique ability to see past the lies people tried to push on others. She could see the fire in their eyes, the long dark hunger as they knew they would be well fed by the day was done. She had never seen a dragon before but she had heard rumours; that they could pass of as any normal human and only a very trained eye could spot them. If they wanted to they could hide but their hunger seemed to get the better of them.

Scarlett, unlike most other people had a large respect for the dragons and their intelligence. Most people would have shunned it off as stupid if the dragons preferred to only take forty children instead of whole towns and villages. Scarlett however saw the intelligence behind it. Humans bred like wild fire and if dragons were truly immortal then they would have a stable amount of food long into the forseeable future instead of wiping out the whole population.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fu and Fae walked hand in hand toward the crowed. Their ears twitched from all the noise. Fae felt a slight tug at her heart as she watched the other children cry with their parents. She gave a small prayer for each and every one of them. Fae knew Fu and she could be taken by the dragons but she hoped if it came down to it only she would be. She wanted her brother to be the adventures young man he was supposed to be. They had on one but each other no one to cry for them, to miss them, or no one to come home too. She could only hope that if she was taken Fu would not dwell on her and live his life to the fullest. “They smell weird.” Fu’s words snapped Fae out of her thoughts. “What are you talking about?” She looked around sniffing the air trying to find some sent of the strange smell. “Some of the humans they just don’t smell right.” Fae looked at him for a long moment she could not deny they had a strange smell but that was not reason to point it out. “Fu don’t be rude.”

He chuckled. “We might die tonight and you are worried about me being rude.” She squeezed his hand tight. “You don’t know this brother. We might not even get picked. So many children are here to be chosen.” He shook his head slowly his ears falling flat against his head. “It is not right to think that way. My life is not more important than anyone else’s life.” Fae felt awful her twin brother was right however it did not stop her from hoping another child would take her brothers place. Fae leaned into her brother placing her head on his slender shoulders. “I don’t understand why they must gather all the children to the city. Why not just select them and send a letter. This way there won’t be so much heartache.” Fu let out a sarcastic laugh. “They want this pain, the fear, the knowing that can cause it.”

Fae had no words for what her brother just proclaimed so she lifted up tugging him forward. “I guess if there is no stopping it we should at least get a good view of everything.” They walked closer to the stage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

there was a bit of up stir in the crowed as Bjomolf tried to get through them, compared to everyone else he was a giant This was his last year having to stand with the others after that he would be of age. He edged his way forward trying not to knock any grieving parents or stand on any children that were too young for the picking.
His many years of wood cutting had built his muscles up and he was blessed to have his grandfathers height, but there was a drawback to this, he couldn't fit in small places, he wasn't quick on his feet and Doorways oh how he hated doorways,

As he edged closer he came across a small child who was alone and crying, he didn't know how the child would react to him, but he felt as if he had to do something.
So Bjomolf bent down as low as he could to talk to this child
"greetings young sir, what ever is the matter?"
the child shocked by this communication stuttered out amidst the crying " I...I'm Sc..scared what if i get p..p..picked today"
Bjomolf knew that there was a chance this kid would be picked and there was nothing he could do about it so he simply replied " I can't promise you won't get picked, but if you do just think of how many lives you will save, i know its scary but this is for the good of the kingdom, you will be protecting your family who i'm sure you love dearly"
The boy looked up at Bjomolf still sobbing "i..i guess Can i stay with you till its over?"
Bjomolf stood up and offered the child his hand "Stay close little one, By the way i'm Bjomolf and it is my pleasure to meet you Laddie"

With that they both edged forward into the group of children at the front, it would be unfair for Bjomolf to go at the front but the boy wanted to see what was going on so he lifted him up and sat him on his shoulders, He glanced about the guards seeing if they was expecting trouble, there always was from protective parents but nothing ever to serious, With that he looked up at the front waiting for this thing to start
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cold. Cold and damp was all that Taraah could feel. The weather chose to make her punishment even worse. In the city below her was where the human sacrifices would be gathered once they arrived from their lands. Each year, few of them were always picked to be paired with a dragon, while the rest was... disposed of. The selected ones were trained to become peacekeepers of the land, or so the humans were told. The dragoness didn't think it cruel. The humans did the same with their herd animals, theirs just didn't talk or fight back. What was unfathomable to her was why she was here. She despised the little fleshbags. Their kind was pathetically frail and immature. Why would father think sticking one on her would be good for her?
Her life as a Red was so far all she could ask for. As a very miltaristic flight, the Reds were all serving in some capacity, from nurses to generals. Relatively young as she was but with high ranking father, Taraah was currently assigned to patrolling borders between Red and Black dragonflight, due to her knowledge of Blacks' tactics. There was only one hitch: She couldn't stand to work with idiots and weaklings, and she often did more damage to her own troops during drills than the enemy would in battle.

As such, she currently found herself in her father's presence, being - as she expected - scowled on and at least in her mind demoted, even though in proper terminology she would rank up higher should she succeed. "No! Father! You can't do this to me!" she pleaded, but knew the expression on his face. "You have a problem, Taraah. Your habit of decimating troops in drills is frankly not only annoying but also costly in the medical department. Eight cases of broken limbs, and over twenty reported with complete exhaustion, and who knows how many are still trying to tough it out." he said, adjusting the glasses on his snout as he read through the report.

"You need to learn that you can not make people on par with you, learn to work with what you have, and above all else, learn to give respect where it's required, because despite your belief, miss, respect is not only earned. Sometimes, people are simply made better than you. You will volunteer for this or be assigned one of the worst posts imaginable. Your pick." He finished, picking up a different report and delving into it. "But a flesh bag? What can possibly be worse?!" She whined, but the look on Tereus's face told her she didn't want to know. Letting out an angered growl, she paced across the room for a while, before letting out a heavy sigh. "Fine."

The miserable-o-meter had officially hit it's peak. Roaring in frustration, Taraah took off, seeking refuge from the rain above the clouds. That way she would only be cold. After an hour of flight though, when the clouds dispersed and she could see the ground, she found out that misery loves company. Below her was a group of humans struggling in the mud. There weren't enough for them to be the sacrifices, and it was too soon. With a roaring laughter, Taraah swooped down to make easy prey of the fools that dared trespass into their territory. On her first pass, she only scared them. Most of them took off to the nearest cover, but none made it before they were incinerated in a white hot burst of flames.

Something else caught Taraah's attention though. One of them didn't run. In fact, thing looked like it was challenging her. Making one more turn, she landed and jumped the rest of the distance, stopping just short of hitting the human, eyes locked with hers, claws hovering above it's cheek. It was a runt! A mere child, barely hatched. And just for a second, Taraah could feel something close to admiration, although she'd never admit it even to herself. There was something in this one the others lacked. This one had fire. Was this the one she was looking for?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BrassOtter
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BrassOtter That dapper otter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Can you believe we're being paid This to move this brat?"

"Hey, that little shit is turning out to be more trouble than she's worth. I knew she was the Boss's daughter, but she actually tried to stab me! We're lucky we packed a few bandages, she got my arm good..."

Thalia smiled as best she could around the dirty rag in her mouth. The girl looked like a mess; Her hair was dirty and muddy, her clothes were just as bad and ripped up a bit, and she had quiet a large bruise near her left eye from were she'd been struck after stabbing one of her captors. Honestly... She'd need to have a word with he Father when she escaped about the quality of his men's training. These idiots hadn't searched her, Daughter of the greatest Warlord that Volen has ever seen, for a weapon! And they still didn't search her for spares after she stabbed one of them! Either these guys were rookies, or they underestimated what Thalia was willing to do to escape. Likely both. Thalia would have escaped sooner if these morons didn't put a watch on her after her first stabbing. The very man she'd wounded sat across from her in the back of the small cart, glaring at her. Thalia glared right back, trying with little success to spit out the gag in her mouth. They'd stuck the rag in when they realized her death threats weren't going to stop on their own, but little did they know that she meant every single one. They weren't going to be executed normally, oh no. Her father was going to tear them apart, limb from limb, himself. And Thalia was going to watch and laugh.

The girl was torn from her lovely daydream by a sudden jolt, sending her toppling forward. She growled in to the gag as she hit the wood hard, along with the Mercenary she'd stabbed. The burly, bearded man managed to pick himself up, but Thalia was left laying there, hands and legs bounds with thick rope. The Mercenary stuck his head out the front of the cart,having a conversation Thalia couldn't make out, before he returned and picked her up by her bound arms. Thalia, of course, kicked and screamed in to her gag to be let go immediately, but the scornful man only chuckled, and forcefully tossed her out the back of the cart.

Thalia hit the muddy ground hard, stars dancing in front of her eyes as pain shot through her. Okay, he was going to die slowly, she decided. Thalia looked around as best she could, having to keep one eye closed against the mud she now lay in. They seemed to be out in the middle of a rather large field or clearing. Thalia could see trees a few dozen yards away, and she knew not what lay in the other direction. With a grunt, she managed to force herself in to a sitting position again, and looked back towards the cart. The three mercenaries tasked with transporting her were standing around the back-left wheel, conversing with eachother. From what Thalia could see, it seemed the rain earlier had opened up a sink-hole, and now not only had the wheel broken, but it was sank in to the mud, and would need to be lifted out to be changed.

"What about the brat? We haven't taken her to the drop-off point."

"You're joking, right? We're in the middle of dragon territory, and she's trussed up like an appetizer. I say we just leave her here and head home. Job done."

The Mercenaries all laughed, and Thalia screamed in to her gag again. These lazy, idiotic pieces of filth didn't at least have the decency to do their job right!? They were going to besmirch the good name of the Stonewall Mercenaries! Thalia was going to see each and every one of them skinned alive for such a grievous action to her family's name! But not before her father-

Thalia was knocked forward by a strong gust of wind. She could hear the mercenaries shouting about something, but couldn't make anything out as they were all screaming at once. Soon, she heard heavy, wet footsteps as they ran past the confused, angry girl... But, she didn't complain. This was her chance to escape! Thalia forced herself back in to a sitting position with some difficulty, and reached in to her left boot to withdraw her back-up knife. She could hear the Mercs screaming and cursing behind her, but Thalia ignored them, getting to work on the binds around her wrists. Thankfully, the rope wasn't TOO thick, and it seemed to be aging, so Thalia managed to cut through them without too much trouble. Great, now she just needed t-

Thalia froze as light exploded behind her. No. No, it couldn't be. The girl turned, knife raised, to see the Mercenaries that had captured her were blasted to a crisp. And there, soaring over the fire directly towards her? A dragon. Thalia was stunned for a moment, watching the enormous beast barrel towards her, fire lighting up behind it to make the Dragon look so much more intimidating and fearsome. Thalia eventually managed to remember she was still bound up, and set to work immediately, sawinga way at the ropes binding herlegs like mad. She kept looking up to gauge how close the Dragon was, fear rising in her heart as it rocketed closer and closer. Come on... Come ooon... Come ON!

Thalia immediately jumped to her feat as her legs were freed, knife raised before her. She was ready to fight for her freedom. She was not dying here today! Thalia looked up, tearing the rag from her mouth, just in time to see the Dragon leaping at her, gigantic claw raised to strike her down. Thalia's eyes widened, and the world seemed to slow or a moment. Her body locked up as she watched death come to claim her, that claw swinging through the air. Thalia braced herself for the blow, knowing it wouldn't do much good either way. She took a deep breath, accepting her fate... But, the blow never came. Thalia stared for a moment as the large claw hovered inches from her form, nearly half her size! When the world finally seemed to resume it's normal pace, Thalia raised her dagger, scowling at the Dragon.

"Stand aside, Dragon! I'm not one of those weak little sacrifices! I was wrongfully taken from my home by the men you killed, who were also my prey. Either let me return home, or I will have no choice but to strike you down!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Queen Victoria walked to the front of the stage in the silence and took a deep breath into the microphone that was tied to her ear so that everyone could hear. Their was a crystal bowl that was transparent, so that everyone could see her hand reach in and out as the names were called one by one. The setting reminded the young queen of cattle, trapped in a fenced in area and she was the Sheppard that led them back to there deaths. There were four guards positioned around her and guards lining across the walls, so nobody could run and nobody would think about running. They wanted them to feel trapped, that’s what this day was all about. The city was dirty and run down, but it was better than the other villages. Behind the stage there was the flag of the people, a purple flag with a beautiful flower growing up from the ground, but it wasn’t how it used to be.

Now the dragons flag stood beside there flag, even higher than the peoples. It was snow white, with a dragons egg painted across it in mainly different colors to show there birth, but it was just a reminder for the people that they weren’t any closer to freedom. The queen thought about what stood behind her and how she was just as guilty, but how that guilt never affected her heart. It never made her think twice about her father’s goals or ambitions.

“Welcome. I won’t waste your time. By now, you should know how this works. Your name, among others, is in here.” The queen touched the bowl and than took her hand away placing it down in front of her dress. Her voice was unemotional, like she was reading pages of a book. She seemed unfazed by it. “I will draw the names and read them out. I ask that the names called come up to the stage without a fight. You see, we do this each year for a reason. A treaty that grants us peace in exchange for a small price. In the words of my father, ‘our peace isn't free, we paid with our children, its better than paying with all of our existences.’ You sacrifices aren’t in vain; they are what keep us, as a nation, intact. We thank you.”

Victoria shifted uncomfortably and reached her slender hand into the bowl pulling out the first name among the list and lifting it up to read. “The first of many. Alicia Mirror.”

The crowd stirred and parted as a young girl, who looked about eleven, made her way forward. She looked confused and like she might cry, but she fought against the urge of tears. Her short brown hair sway as she climbed the stairs and her simple pink dress made her look innocent. When she was standing beside the queen, staring out at the many horrified faces, the queen continued on with names being called one by one until there were at least ten children on stage. “Mercy Dracona Vail, Daman, Vanya Gwanae, Ni-“ She coughed and looked across the crowd with clear pain in her eyes as she tried to continue her sentence, but had to take a minute to breath. “Nixon Farren.” She coughed out the words as if they were acid and continued to go draw names. “Scarlett Thornhammer, Fu, Fea.” She drew names one by one, but she seemed to sad now.

She couldn’t look at the children on the stage with her, until the moment that they all stood in beside her. “We- We thank you for your Sacrifice. Ple- Please follow the guards as they escort you into dragon territory. On behalf of our people, we wish you far well.” She stammered and was quickly lead off of the stage, glancing back at her brother to say goodbye on last time, but the children were already lead away. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying not to let her mind run wild.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Scarlett looked up to the stage as the flags fluttered in the heavy wind. She had no idea how in the Gods' names dragons had enough patience and creativity to create a flag. All the stories she ever heard was of them being fearsome fire-breathing monsters that would kill anything and anyone. Scarlett wondered briefly if Dragon's used their human forms a lot. She also wondered if that would make them susceptible to normal attacks that would normally just bounce off a dragon's armour. She shook her head to clear her thoughts as the Queen stepped up onto the dais.

The Queen was one of the only people that Scarlett couldn't seem to get close to... at all. She had an innocence about her that gave her the feeling that she didn't make a lot of the decisions for the realm. According to reports from the palace the Queen seemed to dote over her little brother but she made Scarlett feel that she was more of a puppet and a figure head than an actual leader.

As she reached into the bowl and withdrew the first name from the bowl a small girl stepped forward, Scarlett could only see the back of the girl so she didn't know what she was thinking but she could see the girl trembling. Her short brown hair swayed in the wind as the crowd remained silent and Scarlett gave a disapproving tut. She preferred it when there was a little drama, the girl could of at least broke down in tears or tried to run to her parents. She reminded her of a younger self, she thought with a small smirk. The only difference is that young Scarlett had abandoned pink before she was seven, it made her look to innocent. After the next names were drawn Scarlett realised she wasn't going to get a lot of drama so she set about busying herself with her hands, slowly pulling her hair up and gradually running the pin through it.

Her world seemed to slow around her, the Queen's words slowing to an almost stop as "Scarlett..." was read out. Surely there had to be other Scarletts, it couldn't possibly be her, she had paid off the highest of the highest. There was no way her name could be drawn from that bowl. Her name wasn't even there she initially thought but changed her mind as the world around her sped up again, "...Thornhammer." The name reached her but she wasn't thinking straight, there was no way her name could be drawn, no way in hell. She cursed aloud as her pin pierced the skin of her finger. Ignoring the pain, she continued and quickly finished pinning her hair up before stepping out of the crowd with a leap of her heart. She wouldn't give the bastards who out-bidded her the satisfaction of seeing her in pain so she put on a mask of carelessness as she fell into step behind two little creatures that looked remarkably like foxes.

She stood with a mock smirk on her face as they all assembled behind the Queen. Her mind quickly thought about trying to run but she knew she would be blocked and she would look like a craven little fool so she banished the thought. It didn't take the Queen long to draw to a close as the guards came up and led them of. Scarlett had lived through being a slave for most of her life, a little fire-breather wasn't going to end it all. So she plotted and planned some sort of escape, knowing all too well that she wouldn't be able to escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bjomolf still stood with the boy on his shoulders, He wouldn't lie he was scared shitless, but rather him than a wee boy that's not even old enough to know whats going on,
The names drawn one by one, First the girls and then the boys, as the names was drawn out there was mostly little ones getting called up..all scared to death, well who could blame them. within 24 hours they would be dragon feed. However He he did notice a few stronger looking people, i would stake his place that they would be the few that the dragons took under their wing, but for what purpose he didn't know.

His train of thought was interrupted as he felt hundreds of eyes, looking at him and the little boy on his shoulders crying again, he thought at first that it was the boys name that had been called but as he put the boy down he looked up at him with teary eyes "I'm sorry" the boy said and with that the boy fell to the ground sobbing, then it hit Bjomolf. His name had been called,
After the initial shock, He gathered himself n started to walk to the front. He was determined to show the dragons that not everyone one was scared of them. He knew that if he wasn't careful that he could spark tensions but this process had gone on to long, someone had to make a stand..he would if he could. but not here not yet, their time will come he thought.

As he reached the queen he took a long bow and got inline, now closer to some guards he was certain that they was either under a spell or something worse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Taraah was a little gobsmacked when the human talked up to her. When the message finally sank in, the dragoness exploded in roaring laughter. It took several seconds for her to calm down. How cute! The thing believed it could make it home alive on it's own. Fleshbag wouldn't last five minutes after dark - the nocturnal wildlife in this region was enough to give dragon whelps trouble, let alone young - or any for that matter - humans. Time to break the bad news in. "I am sorry child, but are you sure about this?" Taraah asked, unable to keep the amusement form her voice as her head shot forward. In a swift blur, the dragoness' jaws snapped around Thalia's blade and torn it from her grasp, spitting it out of her reach.

As former black, Taraah wasn't skeptical to beliefs like the Reds. She didn't believe in the same gods as the blacks did, but she would admit to an existence of some higher power. And right now, she believed said power was giving her a gift. The sacrificed children she would have to choose a rider from later were broken people by the time they got there - content with their fate and believing they would all die soon. On top of that, most of them were too old for their mindsets to be hammered into more favorable shape. And here she was, presented with not only a young mind, but one that had fire in her soul to match her own. If this wasn't divine intervention, nothing was.

"I have a proposition for you - one that you can't really refuse. I am one of those to choose a rider this time around. And you know what? I choose you!" Taraah said, with a crazy and challenging gleam in her eyes as her neck wrapped around Thalia's shoulders in the same manner a human would put an arm around them, leveling her head to the eyes of the girl. For the first time her burning red eyes noticed Thalia had different color in each eye. "Alternatives are dying right now by my hand, or dying a few moments later when the sun sets. That is all you have to choose from." the dragoness delivered in a teasing voice, "You stand no chance on your own, that is a fact. You are nobody. Nothing. They -" she pointed to the crispy remains of Thalia's captors, "- didn't even disarm you. But I will train you. Take my offer, and I'll make you the strongest human in history. And perhaps, as you so elegantly put it, one day you will be strong enough to 'strike me down' - and win your freedom!" Taraah finished, her eyes burrowing into Thalia's, searching for an answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BrassOtter
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BrassOtter That dapper otter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thalia glared at the Dragon as it simply stared at her... Only to burst in to what sounded like laughter. The girl blushed brightly, looking rather indignant. "I am Thalia Stonewall of the Stonewall family, and I will NOT be taken lightly by any one, not even a dragon! I am absolutely sure that I can find my own way back ho-" Thalia started screaming, only to be cut short as the Dragon's head shot forward. In the blink of an eye, Thalia was disarmed, her last dagger spat across the ground a few yards away. She stumbled back a bit caught off-guard by her adversary's speed, but quickly regained her composure, holding up her fists like a boxer. She was ready to strike back if the Dragon pulled something like that again. Thalia flinched away as the Dragon's head came down, much slower this time, wrapping around her shoulders. She... She was being picked by this beast as a rider? She would never-

And then the Dragon went on. Nobody? Nothing!? All her life, Thalia had been seen as a high-class member of society, even if she wasn't a noble in demeanor and appearance. And now, a dragon had come and not only swiftly killed the men Thalia had wanted to see slowly tortured to death for their crimes, but was claiming she was less than the dirt they both stood on? Thalia felt a rage boiling in her she had not felt before. No, she wasn't going to die here. Not today. And especially not to such a high-and-mighty piece of trash like this dragon! Thalia growled under her breath, slipping free of the Dragon's touch. "I will Never be a rider for you or your kind! I am Thalia Stonewall, Heiress to the Stonewall family and future general in the Royal Army. I would sooner die than have anything to do with lesser trash like you!"

With that, Thalia cocked back her first, bringing it forward to deliver the strongest blow she could to the side of the Dragon's head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fu and Fae watched the queen stand on stage and give a small speech before starting with the names. It was short and simple. No point keeping the dead more than necessary. Thought Fu as he pulled in his sister closer. The first name was Alicia Mirror. It was a lovely name. It was heartbreaking to know just how small and lovely the child who owned that name was. She was scared just like most. Fae feared the girl might try to make a run for it. However she did not run, the girl was brave as she took the steeps that would lead to her death. Fae was saddened it was hard hearing name after name being called. Sad, confused, angry, defeated, and numb it was emotions that was going through all the children who was being selected as sacrifices was feeling.

It seemed the choosing was lasting forever yet going too quickly. It also seemed that the name Nixon Farren to the queen was important she had lost a little of herself for a moment. It took a slight amount of time to regain herself. Once the Queen continued the twins heard something they both feared. Neither of them wanted the other to get called. Fu looked in to his sisters eyes, grabbing both her hands into his, he lead his forehead on top of her own forehead. He smiled slightly and whispered just for her ears. “I guess we go die together.” He looked back up seeing her smiling face. “I would not wish it any other way.” This was a lie she wished he was not the one who was called. Fae knew Fu felt the same.

They broke free of each other walking very close to one another, almost touching, their hearts racing as they took each step. Fu ignored everyone keeping his eyes focused on what was ahead. Fae looked toward the queen giving a slight bow of the head once on stage than again after her last little good bye to the chosen ones. Each twin was now thinking of a way to save the other once they were gone from the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mercy looked shocked for a moment and frustrated, but not sad. She bit down on her lip to the point were it left a small indent on her fragile skin, but it was a feeling she needed to keep herself from loosing it. She spat down on the ground in a moment of frustration and dug her foot into the soil. Anything to keep her from going insane, because once she lost it she wouldn’t clam down, but it wasn’t like it mattered now. She was fighting a mental battle with herself, one that wouldn’t easily be put to rest. Half of her was ready to grab the nearest officer and throw them to the ground and beat them until they were nothing, but skin and broken bones. She wanted to fight, but her other half wanted peace. To go out without hesitation. It wasn’t death that frightened her really. It was dying in a stupid way like this.

She took one step at a time as she made her way to the stairs, she was strong willed, but the closer she got the harder she pressed on her lip until she could have sworn that she tasted blood inside her mouth. She could feel eyes on her, more than usual. It didn’t help her trying to keep her inner demons under control while she felt the glares of thousands that were happy it was her instead of them. She got to stage and made a quick cocky curtsy to the queen, even thought she was just in her shorts. There was a moment of silence in her mind, a moment were she was scared, but ready to embrace what came next. She knew she was going to die, but she hoped she got pull off a miracle and escape death. She always had been good at miracles before.

Mercy was quick to glance around from person to person as soon as she was on stage and than scan the crowd. Some looked sad and others had a silent joy that was well hidden, behind false looks of woe. There was mother with relief and fathers that hugged there smiling children. An image of a prefect home in her mind, but it was nothing like her own. ‘Prefect’ couldn’t describe anything in her life. She thought of how her mother would have acted. She probably would have ripped everyone’s throats out and regained once she was safe, but Mercy wasn’t her mother. She was still somewhat human.


Nixon looked to his sister as his name got called. He reacted gently, like a lost child who was trying to find himself as he moved quietly up the stairs. He still had his sword on him, but they didn’t take it off of him. They didn’t seem to think any of them were any threat. He looked down at the ground and clenched his teeth, but walked smoothly and sturdily onto the stage. He wondered if his sister would be alright when he was gone. They hardly saw each other anyways, but he would miss her if she was gone forever. He tried not to think about what would happen and when he got on stage he looked up at his sister one last time. She looked beautiful to him, but not how she used to be. He missed her.

Nixon let out a quiet sigh as she continued on with the names and than finished. She looked stunned and upset, but he couldn’t blame her. She was trying to be strong as was everyone in this group. He was silent for the rest of it, counting the number of ways he would say goodbye to everyone he loved if he got the chance, but the chance was now gone.

Guards shuffled the group out, not as gently as they could. There was a lot of shoving as soon as the group went behind the walls of the gates and outside of the city. It was mid day and the sun was bright in the sky. A large wooden cart that looked like it might fall apart waited to take them to the dragon’s territory. Half of the group of soldiers fell back and reentered the city walls and the others got a grin when they left.

A tall woman with long brown hair approached the group that stood out from the rest of the group because of her stunning pure white eyes. When they women looked at her with her stunning glaze she seemed to glance at each person before clearing her throat. She was thin, but you tell she was clearly strong than all of the people in this area combined. “Well than, we hope all of you weaklings enjoy your next few hours as we get to our city. This group is stronger than the last, but your all still weaklings here. Perhaps some of you won’t be so crudely grotesque when where done with you.” Her eyes seemed to give off a slight light when she said they were gross, as if the words made her laugh.

She nodded to the rest of her group and they quickly pushed the group into the large cart that had no where to sit, but the floor. She smiled slyly and waved to the group as she took her place at the front of the cart with a group of other soldiers. The soldiers left closed a shabby excuse for a wooden door once the people were packed inside. It was a time where nobody was listening to them anymore, but they sat in silence for the first few moments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Taraah saw the fist flying at her face, but didn't move away. She was initially amused by the fleshling's outburst, but by now it was becoming apparent she didn't know her place. Her amusement slowly turning into anger, she let the fist connect with her jaw. The blow carried more force than she expected, actually aching somewhat. The dragoness' eyes narrowed into slits and she raised her head back up, scrutinizing the little human with piercing gaze. "General? With that naive inflated head of yours?" Taraah growled, "The same people that sent you here would see you dead a lot sooner! And do you know how lucky you are a Black didn't find you? You would be slowly bleeding to death on an altar by now! You know, your kind has a saying: Pride goeth before a fall."

How magnificently literal. As soon as she said it, Taraah whipped around, her tail wrapping around Thalia's waist. Then with a whooshing sound of wing beats, the two of them took off, Taraah carrying them high into the skies. And when they were at the apex of their ascend, she let go...

Quickly turning and chasing after the falling girl, she matched her speed and locked eyes with her: "I do not care for your name! You lost it the second you crossed the border into our territory! No one here cares who you were before! All you have left is your life! Now either perish, or accept my offer, those are your only options, make your choice!" she said, her arm extended close enough for Thalia to grab.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BrassOtter
Avatar of BrassOtter

BrassOtter That dapper otter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thalia panted lightly a her fist connected with the Dragon's scaly hide, feeling her arm quake a bit. Ooph, she was going to have a few bruises on her hand tomorrow... But, there were more pressing matters right now. Thalia watched as the Dragon raised it's head, looking rather annoyed at her actions. "Yes, and a great General at that! You know nothing of me or who I am, you have no right to claim that I cannot become anything I wish!" Thalia screamed back, anger still boiling inside her, "I care not of who found me, only that you are the only thing between me and my freedom, and I will destroy you if it means returning ho-"

Thalia was cut short, the wind being knocked out of her small form by a rather thick, scaly tail. The world lurched around her, and before she knew it, the little girl was soaring towards the clouds. She fought desperately to keep from losing her lunch, being lurched around as the dragon took to the skies. Before Thalia could fully grasp what exactly was happening, she was suddenly falling headfirst towards the earth! The wind stung at her eyes, and fear stabbed at her heart. The ground almost seemed to be rising up to meet her, and for the second time in minutes, Thalia looked death in the eye. She heard the dragon roaring over the wind, and saw the claw outstretched to her... But she smacked it away, glaring at the dragon. The action pushed her away a bit, but still within grabbing distance.

She was keeping to her word.

She would rather die than be forced in to being the Dragon's charge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Scarlett gave a menacing look towards the guards that had abandoned them. She figured out the other half of their guard that didn't leave them must of been dragons. She could tell by the look in their eyes, they had a dark desire swirling within them. She shook herself from her thoughts and gave one a forceful shoulder as they were pushed and shoved outside of the city. The midday sun shone down angrily on the small group being escorted out towards a large wooden cart. As they came closer Scarlett could see a woman at the front of it. As they came even closer, Scarlett could see that her eyes were milky white, bleached of all colour. It made her a little curious to why they would have a blind woman leading a cart but she didn't air her curiosities.

As they were pushed into the cart Scarlett took a second to inspect the door by feigning to trip over her dress. As she rose up she gave a quick look over the door; it was in a horrible condition and with a right amount of skill she could maybe pick it. She continued on into the back of the cart, taking a seat beside a large man who seemed to have a beard of a thirty year old. Scarlett wondered how in the Gods' names he was under eighteen but let those thoughts drop as she waited for a few minutes until they were safely on their way. She looked around and rose slightly, picking a pin from a small girl as she passed.

She passed the pin into her mouth as she held it between clenched teeth. Gradually, Scarlett advanced towards the rickety door as she tore the hair pin from her hair, wielding it expertly as she pressed it into the lock before bringing the other pin down from her mouth. She rotated her own pin before it gave a satisfying click. Her heart leaped triumphantly as she pressed the other pin into the lock. After a few moments an audible snap could be heard as she cursed aloud and turned back around, sinking down to a sitting position. She couldn't break it, even if she had her proper equipment. The lock, although old looking, was very tough. "We're going to die..." She mumbled, absently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mercy looked at the girl who had spoken with minor disgust; she didn’t need a reminder of the events that were unfolding. She had already contemplated own her death a thousand times over. She should have died years ago, but she was still here. She could cheat death again if she had to. She didn’t need these people to try and save her. Everyone sat in an eerie silence, nobody dared to speak out. Everyone settled into their own state of shock. Everyone tried to be brave, but the fear was clear in people’s eyes.

Mercy bit down on her lip and cursed under her breath. She looked at the girl and looked around at the rest. “Obviously, but stating it doesn’t change the fact. Does it?” She spat, her eyes shining carelessly, as if she was almost pleased. She smirked and her eyes settled on the door. She had no plan and didn’t know where her word would take her. She needed to stop herself before she got too far. If she continued like this she wouldn’t be able to stop.

She breathed and exhaled a sharp breath. She leaned against the side of the wooden cart, regaining her thoughts. She seemed less hostile, but her spark of annoyance was still lingering in her voice. “Best not be afraid, they are smarter than they look. They can tell everything about you.” She brushed her fingers through her hair and felt her long thin black horns as she did. She wasn’t interested in speaking anymore. She simply tried to forget like everyone else. Try to ignore everything around her.


The cart sat in silence and they were quickly moved along when they arrived inside of the dragon’s city. They were all grouped together and led out of the cart in an orderly fashion. The woman with white eyes led the group forward into the city. She past by guards effortlessly, nobody questioned the woman, it was clear she had authority over most of them. The group was led past large walls as a large gust of wind pushed them back of a large blue scaled dragon as it swept through the sky and dipped down. Nobody fell over, but a few of the younger children were shifted back, covering their faces in fear.

The city itself looked as if it was made of glass. The structures were large glass panels that reflected back at them like mirrors. There was dragons that walked along and flew across on there normal days. Some were smaller than humans and others were large beasts, there scales seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the late night. There was no sign of human life passing by, but the cities looked beautiful under the moonlight. This was the dragon’s capitol. This was where they would die.

The blind woman led the through the town, there was some dragons that snarled in disgust as the group walked by and others who seemed to look almost sad. It seemed as if the city was split into many sides. They were led into the only normal looking building. The group was led inside the large glass building that had closed in walls and a narrow door. It was unlike the other buildings, it looked like a large skyscraper made of glass, instead of one that was open.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You stubborn fool!" Taraah yelled, making a grab for Thalia, both of them barely avoiding the treetops. She had to hold the child with both arms to make sure she didn't slip from her grasp. She had a whole speech ready, but all of it was forgotten when she noticed just how frightened the small thing was. And yet she didn't waver. "Hmh, you have the heart of a dragon, I'll give you that. But heart alone will not keep you alive here." the dragoness said, shielding Thalia from the wind as she carried them back to the dragon city, the opposite the fleshling wanted to go.

Thalia felt cold in her arms, but Taraah was half red - her motor was always running hot, making all else feel cold. She didn't feel sorry for what she just did, or for the kid not being able to go home. But perhaps she cared enough for not wanting her die on a senseless stubborn journey. "If you do not wish to lay eyes on me or my kind, then fine. I'll give you a teacher of your kind. You're not the first or only human here. The chosen will arrive soon, they will keep you company. But as I said: There is no choice for you - yet." her voice was different. Still rough, but warmer, almost caring. "And your people know me as Ashwing."
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