Name: Thomas O'Connol
AKA: "One-Eye"
Age: 36

He's wearing his uniform most of the time, try to forget that it's a German uniform, would you kindly? :P
Faction: Committee soldier for the Marauders.
Role in Team: Communications operative, support/Field Operator?
Bio: Thomas' family came from Ireland on Earth, before they decided to join the governmental plan to populate the human colonies on the planets in their solar system. the O'Connol family ended up on Mars, settling down in the first human colony which rapidly grew to become the capital of Mars. His parents were also born on Mars, but would always take the time to take Thomas with them back to Earth to see how their homeworld was, to make sure Thomas never forgot who he was and his ancestors had been. And he never forgot, especially that he was an Irishman.
The living conditions on Mars was worse than on Earth, but better than other colonies in the Solar system, so work outside an office was always hard labour. the O'Connol family worked for generations as miners and terra-formers in Man's effort to terra-form Mars into something similar to Earth. They felt proud of their work, and Thomas himself started working for the Mars Terraforming Program after having graduated from the Martian University of Engineering. Then the recession hit, and things on Mars were about to get much worse.
Funding from Earth dwindled, and increasing mining-activity and increasing failure to terraform the surface ensured that the native water on Mars sank down into the core of the planet, piracy ensured trade with the human colonies shrank. The humans on Mars did their best to avoid famine, but without support from their homeworld, it was inevitable. Thomas' parents died of disease still unfamiliar to humans on the planet, and like many others he blamed the Galactic Committee for failing to save the lives on Mars. At first the dissidence was scarce, only a few acts of looting and violence, but it was when the executions began that Mars became a war-zone. Thomas joined the Martian Defence Forces in their "Fight to keep Martians safe, fed, and independent", and proved himself to be a proficient soldier, and his heritage from Ireland only assured his role to fight for Mars' independence. It was at his time he earned his nickname, "One-Eye", after he had to operate out his eye because it had been injured during a fire-fight.
A year after the "Martian Rebellion" began, Thomas suddenly swapped sides on the conflict to fight for the "Loyalist Forces of Mankind", fighting to preserve the union of human colonies instead of planetary independence. What changed his mind, he won't tell, only the highest ranking military officials and politicians, Thomas O'Connol and those who survived it know happened. Rumour has it that after the MDF started evicting and executing first-generation colonists to take their property for the Martian state, and realizing along others that an independent Mars couldn't survive without support from Earth and her remaining colonies, Thomas gathered a group of men and fled for the closest loyalist base.
Thomas had himself taken part in some of the war crimes during in the five year long conflict, either freely or under direct orders, though at the time the LFM were happy to have any war-hardened soldier on their side. When the rebellion was over however, he was faced with criminals charges for his actions during the conflict, and had a choice; Either being sentenced for war crimes and facing life in imprisonment in one of the feared prison colonies outside Pluto, or formally joining a Expedition force team called "The Marauders" and serve the Galactic Committee for 15 years. Now 14 years of service for the Galactic Committee had passed, and Thomas prayed to God that his life would not end before this time, now that he had freedom within his grasp.
Personality: Can I leave this blank, please? I'd rather set his personality during the RP.

A combat rifle with both semi-automatic fire and fully-automatic fire, good accuracy and range, and an attached grenade-launcher.
Family/Relationship: His parents died during the "Martian Plague Year", while his uncle and aunt still lives peacefully on a farm on Mars, and Thomas hopes to go back to them when his service is over. Thomas himself is not in a relationship, having avoiding getting into a relationship knowing fully that life can end in his line of duty.
Other: Having worked as an communications operator for years now beside taking part as the ground team, he speaks several languages fluently, including a few of the most spoken alien languages. And he speaks with an Irish accent, if it is legit or something he's taught himself to do to keep his heritage intact, is a question he's ready to punch your face in for.