Saarebas said
Marshall stepped into the elevator rubbing his temples. ""Ughh I hate pain killers..." He grumbled half to himself.Valentin stepped forward towards Vlad. "Am I to be one to escort the subjects sir?" He asked in his official sounding tone.
Vlad caressed Bjorn's neck as he fastened the collar around his neck. He turned part of his attention to the Valentin. As one of the enhanced guards he was qualified to go. Plus Vlad knew Valentin would make sure the mission went exactly as he wanted it to. "Yes you will be accompanying the team. You may pick your partner."
Jade watched the interactions curiously. She didn't understand how the group worked. From what Vlad told her it barely did. Why were they fighting so hard? They had agreed to the experiment. They had wanted a chance to make a difference and do good. So why did Vlad have to resort to bomb collars to get them to agree.