Look what I found.
Name: Marvin Walters
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Appearance: This minus the sword, plus some peach fuzz and a red jumpsuit.
History Type:
Homesteader: Your character comes from the farms outside of Chicago City, where they grew up a farm boy. For one reason or another they left the life, but trade caravans are typically friendlier towards this character as they recognize him or her as one of their own, and this character tends to scavenge better than anyone else for products that they need most.
(Scavenge bonus, easier to negotiate better deals especially with traders and caravans.)
--Precision Shooting: In a mech, this is achievement worthy. (Bonuses to accuracy.)
--Supremely Uninteresting: Believe it or not, Marvin doesn't look like an appetizing target initially. That's a mistake the enemy doesn't get to make twice if Marvin has anything to say about it. (Until Marvin opens fire, enemies generally don't take interest in him.)
Biography: Marvin Walters was a homesteader some miles from Bunker Chicago. His life was supposed to be nothing particularly special, but when he was 8 a group of raiders ransacked his home. Normand Walters, a neighbor who happened to be tending to his farm that day, came over when he heard the commotion, though kept a distance until the raiders took off. When he came inside, he found Marvin, alone and horrified by the carnage. Feeling sorry for the kid, and needing an extra hand around the homestead, Normand adopted the kid and gave him a home. The home itself was home to Normand, his wife Julia, mother Sadie, and about 6 sons and daughters.
At first, Marvin was assigned to help grow the food to send to the Bunker, but soon enough it was discovered that he was a natural at scavenging old machines and repairing the family tractor. Thus he was assigned as the main person in charge of the tractor. This was at 14 years of age. About a year later, there was some dispute amongst the family regarding whom they should support in the growing war for the Bunkers. Some, Marvin included, preferred the Council of ADAM for their less extreme ways, while others preferred U-ARM, for their visionary goals. A few even supported certain fringe and nearly inconsequential groups. Eventually Normand forced all parties to a compromise: The family would remain totally neutral, lest the family be forced to fight each other, and they would run their excess goods to independent traders to let
them decide who to sell their wares to. After some token resistance the compromise was agreed upon, but the question soon became who would run the good through empty lands to the traders. Marvin decided to volunteer for this job, and set about for a couple of years trying to fix an old Jeep that was on the property to make the run. Fortunately, the Jeep ran, though it had a fair share of breakdowns considering the often patchwork nature of the repairs. Thus he was exposed to the traders and how they ran things, and would likely have run off with them had it not been for the family back home.
One day, his life changed forever. While Marvin was returning home from a trading run, he was astonished to find fog covering the entirety of the farm. Inexplicably, the farm had been turned into a Shadow Zone. Without thinking, Marvin ran into the fog, though had just enough sense and time to get out when he started suffocating. Frantic, he started looking for survivors around the farm, but only his sister, Maya, was accounted for. Maya's account seemed to suggest that another of their siblings, Locke, had gotten out, but the two never found him. With nowhere else to turn, they made their way to Bunker Chicago. They spent about a month in the outermost circle, until Marvin managed to impress enough people with his technical prowess to let them both into the Third Ring. Marvin got a job as a scavenger to bring back oddities. Several months after, Marvin was..."encouraged" to sign up for the military as a mech pilot ("Conscription?" Nah that's banned by the Council of ADAM of course!). (Un)Fortunately, Marvin excelled at that as well, and had a reasonable career within. That was two years ago.
Now, he finds himself in a mission within the Shadow Zone, hoping to rescue some survivors of a raid gone horribly awry...
Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.Career Path: Pilot: The pilot is someone who has specialized themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would.
Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyze foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves.
Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analyzing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.
Mech:Designation: CSEC-WP-C "Bastion"
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
General Description: A heavy, Weapons Platform mech designed to hold the line against any threat with powerful munitions and tough armor. The C class is the smallest of these, typically given to certain new recruits just learning how to pilot heavy mechs. Larger versions are available to veteran members, notably the B class, the standard of the class and typically used to defend the bunker, and the newer A class, larger mechs that work like mobile artillery platforms. This particular one is designed with a fully enclosed pilot chamber, as well as several different weapons for various situations. Marvin has painted a gold stripe across the middle to differentiate his from others. At least it's better than Vlad's mech which wore camoflauge.
Recently, Marvin has made some particularly useful modifications. Currently the Bastion holds three weapons, a Narrow Beam Laser for heavily armored targets, a Minigun for taking down groups or providing covering fire, and missiles for those times you absolutely need everything in front of you blown to smithereens. His specialization is in the Drone Package, he hopes to be able to launch a variety of aerial drones to scout and deal damage to targets.
--Heavy Armor
--Pilot Chamber. (Cannot be replaced!)
--Emergency Escape Hatch.
--Emergency Life Support System
--Reinforced Ammo Feed
--Motion Detection Package
--Standard Scanning Package.
--Drone Deployment and Control Center: Drone Deployment and Control Center: This package, about the size of a small backpack, allows for the deployment of aerial drones, controlled by the pilot's glove. Drones are stored inside of it, which recharges their batteries and protects them from onslaught. It's current capacity is only one drone, but can be upgraded to hold more. Also comes with the programming make use of the cameras aboard the drones.
Drones Held:
1x Valkyrie Mk. I
Technology Marches On: All pilots are now equipped with a pair of nanotech gloves which have wireless technology. State of the art, these gloves allow them to attempt to hijack the controls of an opposing mech at short range, and grant them access to a small, mechanized companion. This can be anything from a small aerial gun drone to a robotic puppy. Their "companion" has two ability slots and so long as there is no interference in the gloves, will obey every command given to them.
The gloves are also quite hardy and thick to protect the nanotechnology, however, they aren't indestructible. Given that you will typically be wearing these gloves however, if they are damaged, it should be noted that the amount of force or heat to damage them will likely completely wreck the user's hand. So it's only a small concern, so long as the technology isn't hit with an electromagnetic pulse or other similar device-ruining weapon.
Valkyrie Mk. I:

Type: Aerial Drone
Equipment: Drone Sub Machine Gun, Video Cameras (Ability to see in any direction at once).
Description: This rather simple drone design has often been cited as little more than a gun with a helicopter on it. However, this drone is highly prized for it's mobility, being able to get into places that would be highly hazardous. Perhaps the most striking aspect is not it's weapon, but rather the camera that Marvin placed into it. This makes it a valuable scout, able to see dangerous areas before sending in the more vulnerable (and valuable) humans. With the Drone Deployment and Control Center, the pilot can see everything the drone sees.
Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)
Combat Knife: The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.
Standard Issue Council Rifle: Your standard issue, thirty shot clip semi-automatic rifle, based on the M16AR2 of old with some near-future treatment to make it a little more effective.
Mechanical Jumpsuit: Offers all the tools needed to perform small time repairs to a mech. It also protects slightly against attacks from the elements, such as acid, but has very little use if one wants to sneak around.
Light Armour: Standard issue armour. It's light weight and looks like it might be able to defend against a kitten assault if you hold it just the right way. Needless to say, this armour won't stop anything from harming you, but it may at least lessen the damage you take.
Technical Kit: Allows for extreme repairs of a mech, including wrenches, bolts, metal, etc. Also allows for the scanning of enemy technology for personal or societal use.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.
Anything that is just excess fluff in most situations, like dog-tags, or a watch.
Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Standard Watch: Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
Scavenger's Box: Nothing is worse than trying to scavenge items only for them to bounce around in the cockpit and cause a concussion or lasceration. Thus this small box allows the holder to store items safely. Marvin has added some clamps to the cockpit of his mech to stash this box in to keep it with him at all times. Radiation proof!
Signature: I, Maxim, agree to let Brovo kill my characters off without my consent. (Oh dear...what have I done?)
If there's anyone willing to go with me, I'll head through the center.
EDIT: Due to finals I probably won't get back to this for a while. That said I'll probably finish this Friday or Saturday.