Raen Elvarasi said
Mate. Seriously. Before going off on this spiel, that really does make you come off as a jackass... Just... Stop. Consider on a scale of 1 to Asshole your post is about to make you sound... And if its anything above slight bitchiness, don't post it. *thumbs up*
Don't start at Limey about "starting that shit," because you did start it. I made one joke at the expense of your character and one joke about what "fighting like a wolf" meant. It apparently exacerbated from there. So far, you've insulted just about everyone in this thread while keeping some self-righteous oblivious attitude. You have single-handedly escalated a simple joke into a piss fight. You have accused people, made an ass of yourself and just worn thin my patience. Grow the fuck up. Grow a thicker fucking skin. You have, just you, been involved in every. Single. Fight. In both LoR and TLB. Chill your tits. It's getting old, real fast.
If you accuse it of picking on you, or your character, you may be in the wrong group. Everyone else in here at some point or another will have their chains yanked as a simple joke. I wouldn't have minded if you were just being informative. I don't mind getting to know the roleplayers I am involved with. But this escalated. Way too far. I'm sorry that your story was hard to accept at face-value. I'm sorry if "nobody gets you," but I've stated in the past and I will state again. There's an expected level of maturity in these RPs.
I'm not saying you're not the only one to blame here. I can see how some things might have gotten to you. Maybe we struck a sore spot. But before you start calling people
bitches and
assholes and telling them to fuck up... Stop. Remember you are your age and not your shoe size. And think about a more constructive way to express yourself than "Fuck you, fuck this, you're a jerk, and I'm wah wah wah."
You are not 5.
This conversation had stopped. But of course, you needed to get the last word in. Enough of this. I don't know about Brovo, but I know for a fact you're already on the nerves of several. As a warning... If you piss off everyone in a group and alienate yourself, its gonna be pretty boring roleplaying with yourself. No one will want to work with you.
I doubt you're a bad person. Maybe you're stressing? Maybe things are going on in your life? I don't know. But, whatever your reasoning, jumping in and helping spur on these arguments... Its not conducive to your interests here and its promoting some pretty bad fuckin vibes around here. If you need someone to talk to, to vent at, open up a PM conversation with me or something. Or add me on steam. I'm a pretty cool person if you don't just jump on a simple teasing comment and run wild with it.
Now, good sir...

I'm done here, if you got another thing to say... Other than "Oh, Tempest, you're right you amazingly fabulous bitch! Thanks to your fantastic lesbian words, I have seen the light of my ways and I do swear to try and be as wonderfully perfect as you!" ... Anything but that, take it to my PM Box. Get it? Got it? Good, now get the fuck off your pedestal, we're just a bunch of fucking geeks and freaks online here.