Ollumhammersong said
Well vault-tec was an American company. More than likely the rest of the world didn't have vaults anywhere close to that. But London being London most likely had various bomb shelters left over from WW2 and seeing has in fallout lore the threat of nuclear war was becoming so real that the government probably saw fit to expand on those bunker, reinforce, build more, etc. Coupled with the extensive subway system I think it can be worked out. I think we should focus on life existing within the underground. Have the surface like an irratiated no-go zone. Small groups go up to hunt for supplies but they always go back down because the air on the surface is to polluted/ acid rain is frequent/ mutants etc. I think if we are limited to short term excersions on the surface it makes it just that much more interesting when we are forced to stay up there longer for whatever tragic and life threatening reason.