Name: Mathew
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Bio: Growing up Mathew used to read all day if he could. He read about all sorts of thing. From the little everyday things like devices and electronics, pokemon and battles to the great wonders of the world. How things work and why thing are the way they are. To him, it was all just so fascinating and beautiful. It just made him want to go out there himself and see the world with his own 2 eyes. Discover for himself what makes the world tick. However his body was small and frail, and often people told him he could never do the things he wanted to do. But he never gave up. He Learned everything he could about pokemon and memorized everything he needed to survive.
Now all that is left, is to find himself a loyal partner to protect him on his eagerly awaited journey.
Personality: Mathew is extremely curious and inquisitive and often speaks his mind without thinking. Being cheerful by nature and driven to make his own path in life, he can often find beauty in the simplest of things.
Background: Book worm (+gen Edu, Poke Edu, Tech Edu)(-Atletics, Acro, Combat)
Weight: 110lbs (wc 3)
Acrobatics 1
Athletics 1
Combat 1
Intimidate 2
Stealth 2
Survival 3
Mind: 3
General Edu 3
Medicine Edu 2
Occult Edu 2
Pokemon EDU 3
Technology EDU 3
Guile 2
Perception 3
Spirit: 3
Charm 2
Command 2
Focus 2
Intuition 2
Basic Skill Edge(2x)
Natural Theory
Prerequisites: Novice Survival
Effect: You may count Survival as an Education Skill for
all Features that reference Education Skills, and you may
add your Mind Modifier to all Survival Skill Checks in
addition to your Body Modifier.
Apricorn Balls
[See features]
Effect: As an Extended Action, you may craft Apricorns
into their corresponding Poké Ball. Use of this Feature
requires access to a Poké Ball Tool Box.
Basic Cooking
[See Features]
Effect: You may create “Candy Bars” or “Baby Food”
with cooking ingredients costing $50. You may fluff the
food in any reasonable manner you like.
Prerequisites: Novice General Education, Novice Perception
Effect: Gain any two of the following Edges, even if you do not meet the prerequisites(see corebook)
(choosen Apricorn Balls and Basic Cooking)
Varied Hobbies[Rank 1]
[Ranked 3]
Rank 1 Prerequisites: Hobbyist
Rank 2 Prerequisites: Hobbyist, Adept General
Education or Adept Perception
Rank 3 Prerequisites: Hobbyist, Expert General
Education or Expert Perception
Effect: Each Rank, gain one of the following Features,
even if you do not meet the prerequisites (see corebook)
(Chosen Dive)
Let Me Help You With That
Prerequisites: None
Daily x3 – Full Action, Interrupt
Trigger: An allied Trainer fails a Skill Check in a Skill
you have Ranked at Novice or higher.
Effect: The ally may re-roll the Skill Check with a Bonus
equal to your Skill Rank.
[+2 Speed]
[See Varried Hobbies]
2 AP – Shift Action, Interrupt
Trigger: You are targeted by a Ranged 1-Target Attack,
or are in a Cone, Burst, Blast, or Line.
Effect: You may immediately Shift 1 Meter, and then
become Tripped. This Feature cannot be used if you are
Stuck, Grappled, or otherwise impaired from Shifting.
This Feature causes you to dodge Ranged attacks aimed
at you, and may let you avoid Cones, Bursts, Blasts, or
Lines if the shift removes you from the area of effect.
HP: 14
Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Speed: 10 [8+2 from dive]
Special Attack: 5
Special Defence: 8
Derived Stats
AP: 5
Hit Points: 54
Physical Evasion: 1
SPecial Evasion: 1
SPeed Evasion: 2
Overland: 4
Swim: 2
Power: 3
Throwing Range: 5
Jump L/H: 0.5/0