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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


So it's modern day, the streets are packed, the air is lousy and the government is ever watchful. As humans evolved, we hit a plateau, until the first event happened. These event's occurred all over the world over the course of a couple months. Men and women displaying super human abilities unlike anything anyone had ever seen. People were moving cars with super human strength, levitating objects with there mind, flying around the skies like a bird. These are just some examples of what some people have managed to do. This of course, frightened the government and they did what they thought was best for national security. They defied these men and women's rights as people, sent men after them and locked them away in a secret facility.

They facilities location is only known to a select group people, it's existence was of course never disclosed to the public. They had their best engineers cook up a way to interrupt the abilities within these people. People labeled Homo Evoludas, but more commonly known as Evols. Several months into imprisonment and still, no one truly understands how they managed to inhibit their powers. Some speculate it has something to do with electrical signals and impulses to the brain, others think it's a radioactive element stored inside that mess with their powers. The only thing the prisoners know, that luckily the prison staff don't. Is that the devices around their wrist's are slowly weakening. In time, with their powers and combined efforts, they dream of escaping the hell hole the government named Purgatory.

The only man they've ever met, the only one to not wear tactical gear and a mask. The warden, Mr Todd. His first name was never given and the guards always address him the same way. He is supremely confident in everything he does, which makes him that much more pretentious.

Every day, they reside in their clear cells until the time comes for them to be allowed out for chow, brief time to mingle in a large open area. The entire area is covered by cat walks with roaming guards, their shift's change at random times. There's no window's or clocks so they lose all track of time. Purgatory does have a library but hardly any of the inmates are allowed in it, the recreation available to them appears to be meant for children. Board games, crappy plastic musical instruments, all junk really but when you have nothing else. It's a luxury to them.

Now everyone is coping with what they may have done in the past, dealing with the pressures of being locked away for something no one really understands. Trying to handle the harsh life of prison while retaining some sanity. The important thing to know is, that freedom may have been taken away from them, but escape is a real possibility if everyone works together. Escape Purgatory if you can.

Name: Joshua Stone
Alias: Stone
Age: 23
Josh has ripped the sleeves off of his top and occasionally wraps the pant legs up to be shorts.

Personality: Josh is a nice enough guy, he's not a bully, doesn't go out of his way to be a jerk. This of course isn't to be confused with weakness, he loves a challenge. He isn't afraid to take on the big guy. He has a thick skin from his up bringing, he takes a bit to trust others but once he does. He has their back until the end.

History: Josh grew up in a shady part of town, his parents were poor and his younger sister was very ill. He got picked on a lot because he came from such poverty and he always stuck up for his family, especially his sister which caused him to get into a lot of fights. This led to him learning how to protect himself, which naturally led to him wanting to really break people down. He started training in Mixed Martial Arts at a young age, around 10. Once he had stopped the bullying, he focused his efforts more to his schooling, his parents bright idea. He picked up the engineering side of his school work, anything that could relate to it, he caught on for some reason. It just stuck out to him and when he realized that he could make good money in that field, he worked really hard to learn everything he could and even earned a grant from the county to go to college.

At the age of 18, on the day of his graduation, his sister passed away. So enraged by this, he manifested his power for the first time and accidentally ripped a gaping whole in the earth that nearly sank their house. Josh worked from there to hone his skills in the privacy of their back yard. He had worked up a good level of control over the following years, keeping his power a secret from the world. Now ever since his sister's passing, he's been protective of women ever since. On this day, just a few months after his 22nd birthday, he saw several men trying to mug a woman that resembled his sister, close enough to have been a twin. He lost control, madly fought the men and let the woman escape, then caused an earthquake that buried the men and a 3 block radius. This was the event that couldn't go unnoticed, the government came for him the following day. They found him, shot him with tranquilizer darts and he awoke in a clear cell by himself.

Skills: -Josh grew up in a rough neighborhood so he learned how to fight which lead to an obsession with winning fights so he learned and still practices MMA.
-He also enjoys architecture, which means he has a good understanding of how places are built, and more importantly, their weakest points.
Power: Terrakinesis= The ability to manipulate earth.
Threat Level: 5

Active Personnel:
Garrison - Joshua Stone (GM) ((See CS Above))
PoisonLillies - Serenity Cross (Co-GM)
Little_ninja - Xerox Sync (Co-GM)
SillyGoy - Gerald H. Williamson
drewccap - Aeris Lafrond
Leviathan - Tempest
Radaguast - RayVen Holliday

Inactive Personnel:
KingLeo - Barry Lenard
FireHeartWolf - Ami Leigh Masne
questionmark693 - Rilyn Naor
WinterSunshine - Kat Wonder
Toaw - Victor Vazquez
DaDrummer676 - Cyrus Bane
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kingleo
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Kingleo And Steven!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Barry Lenard
Alias: Heater
Age: 24 (Jan 5th, 1990)

He wears his jumpsuit with the arms rolled up to the elbow, and the legs rolled up to the knees, complaining about being too hot, but being too self conscious to not wear the whole jumpsuit.

Personality: Introverted, preferring to think out his problems on his own. Very thoughtful and intelligent, though he has trouble working under pressure. He is often anxious, and stresses about minute details in his life. He has little ambition, and prefers not to invoke change in his life when he can avoid it.

History: Barry Lenard was a mediocre employee of a sub-standard IT company, working tech support, waiting for the day his job was outsourced to India. His life up to that point was just as mundane; From ages 0 to 19 he lived in a small suburban house with his mother and father, both government staff, and got average grades in school. He showed an interest in computers, and so he went to college in computer science, becoming proficient in many computer related fields; Programming, building, and even hacking computers. Soon he had a degree, and had joined the workforce.
His life was about as bland as could be, so imagine his surprise when he began exhibiting the ability to produce incredible temperatures from his finger tips. Very soon after, he was plucked, efficiently and forcefully, from his home, thrown into the back of a van, and knocked out.
That was six months ago, and Barry still hasn't gotten used to prison. Except that this wasn't a normal prison. It wasn't filled with hardened criminals or slick con-men, but average people. Every day for six months Barry tried to analyze, reason, and wrap his anxiety ridden mind around why and how these figures in pitch black armor were capturing and suppressing hundreds of people without consequence. Was the outside world so afraid of people different from them that they would lock them up at the merest sign of divergence? Did the government know about this? Was the government behind this?
For six months Barry tried to learn as much as he could, from other inmates and from the faceless guards, to little avail. So he sequestered in his cell, staring down at the bracelets keeping him from his new powers, barely used, like a ten foot thick concrete wall.

Skills: His technical skills will allow him to deal with any technical security, if he can get to a computer. He is also quite subtle and stealthy, able to recede into the background of any scene easily.

Power: Heat - Generating heat that isn't necessarily accompanied by flame or light, by accelerating molecular motion. Limited to touch, or short distances at reduced effectiveness.

Threat Level: 3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Serenity Cross


Age: 23

Prison Outfit: Her white and gray trimed prison jump suit is one size bigger than needed making it loose and baggy. Has a small v-cut at the neck with short-sleeves. She wears a body fitting white thermal long-sleeve shirt underneath, having the sleeves pushed up to her elbows all the time. If in her cell she likes being bare-footed but outside she wears plain white no slip gripping shoes.

Personality: She used to be a very optimistic girl. Always trusted people fallowed the rules, never shy to get to know a person. However, now Serenity is closed off from everyone. She trusts no one, she speaks little, and she keeps everything bottled up. Serenity’s moods are always between cold and angry. Even though she feels angry half the time she never lets it get the best of her. She hates people who feel sorry for themselves.

History:Serenity was born in the late winter months to John and Eva Cross. She was six pounds and eighteen inches long. As soon as she hit the age of five her parents took her to her first climb. It was to a small indoor rock climbing class. John and Eva were masters at mountain climbing, they even owned a shop for climbing equipment, and wanted their little girl to grow up with the passion for it. Serenity did not like climbing at first however she stared to feel the rush once she was nine and hit her first little mountain. After that Serenity would climb anything and everything. At the age of fifteen, after climbing Mount Everest, she did not want to have ropes tie her down when climbing anymore. This however was limited as her parents were in fear of her falling.

At the age of sixteen her parents had lost the shop as they were in so much debt over the constant mountain climbing. They had no other family to lean on about to lose their house John Cross did something out of character that no one could have predicted. Serenity was seventeen when she had the police knock on her recently foreclosed house. Her father had helped in a robbery with two other males. It seemed that her father got spooked by the sound of the bell of the door and shot a woman who walked into the bank killing her. Serenity found out that night it was her mother who her father shot.

Her father was sentence to fifty years in prison. However he had hung himself the night of the sentencing he could not brae knowing he killed his beloved wife. Serenity had nowhere to go she felt betrayed by her father. He had left her alone not even seeming to care what would happen to his precious daughter. She went to the streets to live sometimes being able to find a homeless shelter to spend a few nights in. She tried to find any work but it was impossible. She had not finished high school and she looked horrible from living in the streets. Still she never gave up. After almost two years of living off the streets she had become a great pickpocket. Her climbing skills with her small body made it easy for her to get away if she did get caught taking something.

Serenity had started to develop her powers a few months before her twenty-third birthday. She was terrified she had no one to turn to she had no idea what was happening to her. It took her a long time to get used to her power and able to control it. However after she did Serenity how had the ability to brake easily into building helping her steal things she needed.

Skills: Serenity is very good at climbing. Her parents used to take her rock climbing all the time. She loves it: climbing trees and buildings for fun. She was good at it mostly because of her small size of five feet. Serenity started climbing without rope once she was fifteen.

Power: Serenity has the ability, Watchmaker, it enables her to disassemble and remake anything mechanical or metal.

Threat Level: 2
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Cyrus Bane

Alias: Bane

Age: 22

Personality: Cyrus is a quiet and calculating young adult. He is very intelligent and observant. Bane is a very calm kind of person, rarely raising his voice or becoming angry. Surprisingly, he fights as a last resort, and even then he may be a bit reluctant. Sure, he learned how to box as a kid, but that was just his hobby. Cyrus is a plan-maker, and his tactics and strategies rarely show flaws. Bane doesn't talk much, but when he does he makes sure that what he says is relevant. He has a hard exterior, strong enough to hide his true personality. He internalizes his feelings, and sometimes has a hard time expressing them. Cyrus is a really nice guy at heart, but I mean, no one is perfect right?

Biography: Cyrus Bane was born into a poor family who could barely afford to eat. Cyrus's mom contracted a deadly illness. This made his family poorer, because of the lack of another paycheck, and the need to pay for medication. Bane suffered greatly, practically starving because of his high metabolism. He never got enough food. His social life was a disaster. He had to deal with his personality issues and physical issues. Nobody wanted to be his friend because he practically looked like a skeleton. Cyrus could barely talk to people, let alone date women. Bane's love life was a disaster, he didn't have the looks nor personality to gain the attention of any girls he was attracted to. The only thing he excelled in was academics, he was a brilliant student. Unfortunately, soon his grades began to drop, much like his self-esteem. Then finally, he snapped. Bane was sick of being hungry, sick of being ignored, sick of everything.

Cyrus joined a gang soon after his epiphany. Soon he was on the fast track to becoming a drunk, addict, and fugitive. I forgot to mention that at that time Bane had realized that he wasn't human, and that he possessed an amazing power. Cyrus had been using his ability to steal, mostly food, but other luxuries. His father became suspicious of him, wondering where he was getting all his money from. He was arrested partly because he was a Supe, and partly because of his crime.

Cyrus was known around town as the most dangerous guy around, so most people were wary of him. To be honest, he was framed, and the police were onto him instantly. He saw that it was pointless to fight, it would just lead him into more trouble. But, I digress. So one day, Cyrus was casually walking down the street, around midnight. This wasn't uncommon for him, patrolling his territory. Up ahead he heard a commotion, and then two gunshots. Bane ran towards the sound, and got there just in time to see a dead body drop to the ground. A bullet had lodged itself in the poor man's skull and stomach. The attacker was no where to be seen. If only Cyrus hadn't taken the time to properly close the man's eyes, seeing as he had died with them wide open. Someone nearby had heard the shots, and called the police. They were on him in seconds. To them all the evidence was clear. A Supe had killed a man, the gun was even nearby. He was taken away immediately. Cyrus thrived in this prison though. He became stronger physically, without the help of his powers, and basically spent all his time studying. There was one guard who was kind enough to lend Bane some books whenever he got some, Cyrus never complained. Confidence was another thing that Cyrus gained. He's not cocky or big-headed, just sure of his abilities and weaknesses.

Skills: Cyrus is skilled with computers and hacking, his intelligence is off the charts, and he can basically become a tank. He also boxed as a teenager.

Uniform: Cyrus doesn't wear the top of his jumpsuit, he ties it around his waist and goes shirtless. He also cut off parts of the pants to make them into shorts. He has scribbled writing on his suit, just thoughts and ideas that he jotted down. (He also writes on the walls of his cell.)

Power: Cyrus' body creates a source of energy from his own cells. They act much like ATP except the energy that they create is destructive. Just like ATP, his cells, needs to consume nutrients in order to create this energy which he calls "Surge." He can use Surge in two ways. He can enhance his physical attributes, and he can also expel Surge from his body with concussive and destructive force. He has to be able to eat in order for his power to work. When he enhanced his physical attributes he grows to be 8 feet tall, 20 inches taller than he normally is, and he becomes insanely muscular. When he blasts Surge, it is showed as red energy. Sometimes Surge can be concentrated into a beam that is very destructive and sometimes it can be manifested as an orb of sorts that explodes on impact. Surge is very unstable when outside of Curus' body, this is why it is so destructive and volatile. When he "Surges Up," not only does his muscles become insanely strong, he becomes fast, agile, and his skin also becomes dense like steel. He can not blast Surge in this form though, he can only do that once he has "Surged Down."

Threat Level: 4
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Ami Leigh Masne (Pronounced Amy Lee Mas-nay)

Alias: Mystral* or Ami

Age: 20


Prison clothing: Her top is normal, but she asked for trousers that were a size too small, so they looked like skinny jeans.
Personality and History: Although Ami's power might seem dark, she tries not to be.

When she was born, Ami was an innocent, sweet and loving girl, despite the death of her mother. Because she didn't understand her powers, she never used them, except when she argued with her friends. even then, it was only "You have pins and needles" or other useless things like that.

As Ami got to grips with her power, she started to experiment with it. Her personality was altered, and she became more spiteful, malicious and power-hungry. She was just playing around when her father told her to go to bed. She convinced him that he was on fire. It didn't do much harm, only startled him. She decided to use it more often.

Because Ami was discovering the secrets of her powers more often, she became stronger, along with her power. When Ami was 13, she and her dad took a leisurely walk through the woods. They had a small argument, and Ami was losing. She said, "Dad, you've just been shot!" and her father felt the unbearable pain of Ami's powers. Her powers were so strong that he died, leaving Ami with the deepest feeling of guilt.

She learned to control her powers and became the loyal, caring person she was before, obviously left with scars of her past. She knows the powers is gaining strength and she knows she can't fight it any longer. Day by day she is becoming more arrogant and darker. She almost fears for the day that evil overcomes her.

Skills: Ami is good at lying (obviously) and can mask her emotions really well *(Mystral=Mistral which is a cold wind. Because she can be cold and emotionless, she was given the nickname. she also thinks it sounds cool)

Power: Ami can manipulate people's thoughts into inflicting mental pain as real pain. (So basically, he would make the person believe they are on fire, they feel like they're on fire, but they're really not.) THREAT LEVEL 5
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Xerox Sync

Alias: The Psyche

Age: 21


(I do not own this image)
Xerox has ripped off the sleeves of his uniform to make it into a singlet. He has left the pants unaltered.

Personality:A confident leader who never loses his composure.
Tries to keep morality and optimism amongst his peers. He would rather not use his ability, however, commonly, to settle disputes, he would read their minds and settle the dispute with words.

History: Xerox was part of an orphanage. He lived happily among his 15 'siblings'. He was the third eldest, and in the orphanage, their elder sister Yuki lead them. Although it was an orphanage, it was out in the country, with lots of land, so the children learned to farm and cultivate. Living earnestly amongst themselves. This orphanage was simply a place of abandonment, the land was abandoned, the children, even the orphanage itself. But these children did not care about such things.

Although they were lead by Yuki, Yuki often discussed the plans with Xerox, since he had devised plans on how to expand the land, the time frame it would take, the ways it can grow into a community. Their life was simple, and honest. However, one day, they were attacked, by wolves. Over the 17 years Xerox had lived, and 22 for Yuki, they had never known wolves lived in the area. Even when they had left the orphanage on occasion to scout the area, and also check on any urban developments in the area, there were no signs of anything entering their area, excluding some people who would abandon their children. Xerox thought quickly, and devised a plan which involved abandoning the orphanage, and making a new home.

However, there were some who disagreed, a few of the younger children and the second eldest child, their brother Justin. Yuki agreed with the plan, first they needed to survive, and then they can build a new home. This caused an argument, one that was fatal to their situation. Justin sought to protect their home, disrupting the plan entirely, running into the pack of wolves with a knife in hand. Xerox, ordered the 4th eldest, Sarah, to run according to Xerox's map of the area and to reach a cave which he and Yuki had set up to be a safe place and lead the other children. Sarah nodded and led them. Yuki and Xerox both went to try to stop Justin. He was a big, and strong man. But there was no hope against the number of wolves in front of him. As Justin took down one wolf, two wolves, three wolves, there came a wolf from behind him, ready to bite his head off from the neck. Then, Yuki jumped in to save him. Justin and Xerox both bewildered, Justin killed the wolf that had bitten Yuki. Xerox ordered Justin, "Quickly, we need to run now, or she will die. Bring her to the cave". With tears on his face, Justin finally agreed. As Justin ran, Xerox took the knife, and attempted to stall the wolves for time. He wasn't very adapted for fighting wolves, he could take down another person, since he knew all the vital points, but this was different. He had little time to spare, since himself and Yuki were the only ones with medical knowledge. He decided, he needed to take a do or die chance.

He ran into the pack of wolves. Why? He wanted to reach one of the trees behind them. One that had some rocks he could use to stone the wolves, and a swinging rope to get him away. The knife served him as a means to deflect the wolves, ever so slightly. The blade, barely, guiding the wolves from their mouths, their trajectory reaching behind him. As he reached the tree, he climbed, as fast as he could. Xerox was safe. After stoning some of the wolves that decided they would go after Justin and Yuki, he swung over from tree to tree to reach the cave. As he arrived, he could hear Yuki, "Where is Xerox?".

Yuki was lying down, bleeding profusely from her shoulder and neck. Justin attempted to apply pressure, but the wound was fatal, and was close to her wind pipe. There was nothing that could be done. Everyone was crying.

"I am right here Yuki," Xerox cried.
"Everyone, I loved you all. Please continue to live. Xerox, please make the village we dreamed of. Lead our brothers and sisters. I know you can do it." Yuki softly spoke
"We love you too, please don't leave us" all the children cried.
"Xerox, I leave things to you. I love ..." Yuki's last breath called out.
They all cried, They could not do a thing, Xerox cried in his heart, "I loved you Yuki"

A couple of years had passed since that day, and they were living happily in the new house they built. Xerox took many precautions in laying down precautionary traps and bells for the new house for protection. They had since gained 3 new siblings. One day, Xerox's ability manifested. He could hear their thoughts, he was happy, they were happy. Except for Justin, he blamed himself for everything. Xerox did not yet fully understand his ability was not simply mind reading. Xerox accidentally wiped Justin of his memories of Yuki. Bewildered, Xerox also undid the wipe. When he lead his siblings, some seemed to stop thinking. Xerox realised, he could control, and manipulate the mind in any sort of manner. Frightened he would harm his family, he left. He wiped their memories of himself and gave Justin knowledge in planning and thinking. He also gave Sarah some of this knowledge. He was sure this was enough.

During his next year of life before imprisonment, he wondered around, helping people out of comatose and vegetable states. This lead to people believing in a mysterious healer, but got himself on the list for the new species of Homo Evoludus. Now imprisoned, he has nights where he still remembers Yuki.

Skills: - Tactician, creating plans for any situation
- Artist, drawing images to the detail (Good for map layout, architectural designs, and faces of important people in facility)
- Tracking

Power: Mental Take Over. A variation of telepathy/mind reading, where he can also control the mind and alter it in any way he likes. Making new personalities, new memories, removal of old ones, changing the way the thought process needs to work to move their body as well as even leaving nothing there, making the person a vegetable that is free to control whenever he pleases.

Threat level: 5
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by questionmark693
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Characeter Sheet:

Name: Rilyn Naor
Alias: Copycat
Age: 23
Rilyn wears his prison clothing in the style they were intended to be worn in, in addition to his glasses.

Personality: Rilyn is a slow to anger person, though when his anger is roused, he can completely lose control. In general though, he has a tendency to be extremely contemplative, letting his thoughts wander, oftentimes giving the impression to others that he doesn't care about what is happening around him. In truth though, he is paying attention and he notes everything he sees for later reference, only in part to augment his power.

History: Rilyn grew up as an average kid in the U.S., playing video games, enjoying time with his friends, graduating from high school, and getting a job in fast food, eventually becoming a part-time manager. During high school, he developed a passion for music, and spent nearly all of his time playing various instruments, focusing on mostly the piano, guitar, and the violin. After graduation, he spent about a year working his dead end job before going to college.
Right before he graduated from college (majoring in musical performance), he was watching somebody play a song on the piano that he had eventually hoped to learn how to play. Five minutes later, he played that same song almost perfectly-making only the exact same mistake that had been made by the classmate he had seen play it moments ago.
Over the next few weeks, he experimented with this phenomenon, trying to learn various songs on various instruments. He found that after watching somebody play a song on an instrument, he could play it exactly as they had, and, after some experimentation, he was able to modify the way he played it more to his liking, not just a perfect copycat.
However, a few weeks later, he was no longer able to recreate the effect. After graduation, he found himself with more free time, and spent the next few months experimenting even more with his power. Not only could he recreate somebody playing a song, but any physical activity. He would watch a pro fighter, and become a pro fighter of that same style of fighting. He could watch a rock climber and gain their technical skill. Unlike music however, he was only able to maintain the skill for a couple days at best, but both experienced a steady decline over the period of time that he was able to use them.
It was at this point that he was kidnapped, and taken to prison, though he does not remember the details, having been apparently drugged for his capture.

Skills: Musical performance, and of course, his power.

Power: Adoptive Muscle Memory. He is able to copy the physical skill of anybody he watched using that skill, for a small period of time. If he had any skill in it to begin with, he maintains the skill for a longer period of time.
Threat Level: 1
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Kat Wonder
Age: 22
MyCharacter [+]

Her prison suit is the shirt rolled up to be like a tank top and the pants just long enough to cover her legs and not touch the ground to show her burn scars.
Personality: quiet girl, nice, caring, and when angry burns people and doesn't like people touching her, does things on her own, doesn't ask for help
History: She was five years old when her parents abandon her. She was born in England and lived in London above a bakery. Thenshe was raised by her grams in California but kept the British accent and had lots of friends despite her being quiet, around her friends she isn't and love talking with them. She grew up independent and learned how to fight by her grams friend who is a sensei. When she found out her gift her grams sent her to go live in the forest with a friend who is also gifted and they hid their for months waiting to hear if it safe to come back home.

Then one day as they were out a few hunters saw them using their gifts, her fire and her friend levitation. The hunters told the government and she an her friend ran for safety. They were to close and her friend and her fought them off then they held a gun to her friend head and said she come with them or her friend dies. She agrees and goes with them and get in the truck and watched as they killed her friend cause she started fighting them. Now at the prison she sit in her cell and doesn't speak just think of her friend and how she lost the one person she trusted.

Skills:knife throwing, picking locks, and is a black belt in Karate
Power: pyrokinesis: manipulation of fire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, we have everyone's CS in the OOC. I will now administer the Threat Level's. If you feel that your threat level is incorrect, I'm sorry. I don't. I have put a lot of thought into the levels and how they will impact the RP. I took a lot of information into considering these and I feel that they are distributed properly. Just consider the perk of having less security on you at all times.
Please add your Threat Level at the bottom of your CS as a new bullet under Power:

Joshua Stone= 5
Barry Lenard= 3
Serenity Cross= 2
Cyrus Bane= 4
Ami Leigh Masne= 5
Xerox Sync= 5
Rilyn Naor= 1
Kat Wonder= 5
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I've notified Soul that a Co-GM position is available, as he deserves it most. If he turns it down, I have two other candidates that I may choose from. We shall see.

Me and another member of this RP have been discussing some matters of the RP in greater detail, as it will affect that character's performance. Nothing OP of course, no favoritism, just making sure the character does things right. This is relevant because some details of the RP were hazy and I realize that now so I want to take a second to get everyone's opinion. Most of us never specified how long each of us were in prison, nor if we were good friends with any of the RPer's yet, or even acquaintances yet. More importantly, we never specified how long have the bracelets been weakening.

This is a big detail that I've over looked so I'm saying sorry now. So, for the sake of making the RP last longer than a page before we try to break out. I personally would like the bracelets to be at 100% operating capacity. Then as we progress, dealing with the hazing and terrors of being in prison, we notice that we can feel our power from out of no where. For those of those of us who have powers that may go unnoticed, this means things will be easy for you, for us that have more drastic powers, we'll have to be creative in exercising our abilities. By doing this, we will slowly but surely, be weakening them further. Similar to how once someone develops a cold weather injury, they are more susceptible to it again. This is my idea for making the RP last and allow us time for character/relationship development.

If you guys want to chime in with your ideas for this, please do so as I am interested to see what you guys want to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would like to ask about how long some of us have been in there, and if we could decide some friendly or enemy relationships between the characters now, or will we just start as no-one knows anyone?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I think that sound good. Being in the prison for awhile instead of just jumping to the escape.

About the knowing people. I don't see why some of us wouldn't know at lest one person. I don't think we should start off knowing everyone. I am going to say my character has been in there for about three months. I am down with having got to know someone. (If anyone wants to just PM me and we can talk a little.)

Also as I said my character is going to work for 'The go to guy' I was going to have his name be T.K. (Just thought I share his name.)

OH can everyone please Subscribe to this thread that why it wont die so fast. I have not really got to RP at all because everything keeps dieing. T.T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

I am guessing that, for the threat level 5 powers, the bracelets would be stronger? To make it fair for those with a weaker power and to make sure it isn't too OP / we don't just go around killing everyone?

Or are they all the same strength?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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I should go to bed soon :( but I wanted to check on here first.
As for how long we've been locked up. No need to make a huge deal about it, it doesn't have to be on your CS. Just at some point, mention it in a post and we're good. For the length of time, well, it can't exceed a year because the prison has only been around for a year. As I say that, I literally just implied they built in like a couple weeks to accommodate all of us so we're going to say that it was an anti zombie apocalypse facility that they turned into a prison on short notice. Also, no zombies, just the government being paranoid lol. So it's up to you if you've been there 5 months, or 5 weeks, or 5 days.

I'll be friends with someone as I will say I've been there....2 months. Plenty enough time to make some friends, make some enemies, and be settled in.

Lastly, about the bracelets. I never really considered the threat levels to determine the strength of the bracelet. I planned on them all having the ability to neutralize our powers evenly and the level determines how many guards are always watching, if we're allowed to go to the library or play with the Tickle-Me-Elmo in the rec area lol. Now one thing we do need to decide on for sure. Is the matter of the weakening bracelets. I would rather have them still be at 100% for a bit, but if you all agree having them already degraded a little, I suppose I can't fight the applause of the crowd. Gladiator joke. A poor one. I know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Considering the amount of ((bad )) jokes you make, you really should have a more cheerful-looking avatar. Lol I'm kidding! Or am I?!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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I want Cyrus to have been there for lets say, 6 months. Longer than most, he should know how things work in there and how to get the best stuff, food, etc. Garrison would you be cool with Cyrus and Joshua knowing each other? I'd want the bracelets to be in perfect condition. So that any prison fights in the beginning don't blow up the whole place, and it's an actual fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by questionmark693
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Rilyn has been there for probably....just a few weeks. Still not totally sure how things work, or who he needs to stay away from, etc. That in mind, he probably will have to meet somebody in one of our social times we get.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kingleo
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I actually specified in my CS that Barry has been there for six months...
Maybe he could have gotten to know Cyrus, Drummer? It seems the two of them have been there the longest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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I am cool with that Kingleo. What level is he, are they close?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kingleo
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Barry is 3, while Cyrus is 4, so while we're not on the same level we'd still probably have met a few times, at least.
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