Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zherdee


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You have been one of the Emperor´s finest. You were his armed fists, his anvil and hammer. Some of you were mighty space marines, fighting your traitorous brethren, or devoted daughters of Emperor, purging heretics with their righteous zeal. Some of you came from countless ranks of Imperial Guard, veterans of countless battles, elite stromtroopers or dreaded commisars. Maybe you have even never stood on field of battle, but hunted heretics and criminals in peaceful times as one of the Adeptus Arbites, enforcing sacred lex imperialis. None of this matters now.
You have failed your duty to your saint liege. Maybe it was fate, an unfortunate accident or you were just lacking zeal and skill to fulfill your sacred duty. But it´s not an end. They say, that only in dead your duty ends and you are not dead, are you? You have been stripped by all of your badges of honor. All your achievement were shadowed by bitterness of your failure, but you are still alive and your holy duty calls. You have been given second chance. Second chance so you can make your wrongs right, so when time comes, you will be able to look Emperor into eyes and tell him you have done your best.
You may call this chance a merciful, but chance itself means nothing. It´s only up to you if you can redeem yourself, if you can find salvation trough your duty.

Plot: You were group of dishonored or convicted servants of Imperium waiting on your upcoming execution, but your sentence was change from dead to eternal servitude for inquisitor Haribal of Ordo Herticus (self-proclaimed expert on divination and tarot, there were some rumors in past, that he was radical, but his zeal and religious fury silenced most of them). Now you are aboard rough trader´s vessel Vecordia Fidelium where your new life is about to start.
Character sheet:

Background: (what was character´s former position in Imperium, psyker in service of Imperial guard, Ultramarine apocethary, magos of Priesthood of Mars...)
Appearance: (can be picture or text, I am fine with both)
Personality: (what character likes and dislikes, motivations, temper...)
History: (From where character is, remarkable things he done and how he fall from grace)
Equipment: (armor, weapons, bionics, and other non-standard stuff)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Excellent, disgraced guardsmen ahoy!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zherdee


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Great! Just one or two guys more and we can start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Maarical
Background: She was only technically a part of the Imperium for a short time as a field medic for the Variatus Corps... Their corp was disbanded when their Regiment was taken over by a zealous Lord Commissar who didn't want filthy Abhumans in his militarum.

(Essentially this, only with a Beastwoman)
History: She had a pretty standard childhood and was inducted into the Variatus Corps as a field medic. After they were exiled to another planet where they were found by a cult called "The Cult of the Hated" that was a sect of the Cult of the Emperor founded for Beastmen. They were told that Beastmen were created by the Emperor to be hated by others, so that every achievement they gained, every battle they won, was theirs, nothing would be handed to them, every single one of them would have to fight with all of their might for every inch they took in the universe. That, when the time came for the final battle to assure Mankinds dominance, that it was they that the Emperor would choose to stand by him, they, his greatest warriors. She believed them... What choice did she have? The Cult of the Hated became its own rogue battleforce, fighting in the Emperor's name. It was when she was in this cult that her latent Psyker powers surfaced, their leader, who was also a Psyker taught her how to use her powers.

Whilst in the Cult, she met her future husband. A Minotaur... They fell in love on the battlefield and married atop a mountain of their slain enemies, their leader saying that it was the perfect tribute to their lord and savior. However, during their last battle, they attempted to assist a Deathwatch Campaign against the Eldar. During the battle, their Inquisitor was cut off from the rest of the army by a squad of Wraithguard, he only made it out alive due to Maarical's intervention. The day was won, but the Deathwatch took few prisoners from their supposed allies. The only ones that survived were her, her husband, a few of the others and their leader. The Inquisitor leading them saw her actions in the battle, he agreed to let her allies be returned to their exile if she agreed to become a servant of the Inquisition. Seeing very little choice in the matter, she agreed. She was gifted a set of Power Armour that had been specially refitted for her. Her master didn't want to see his new pets brains splattered across the battlefield... At least, not in her first mission. The Power Armour was similar to that warn by the Sororitas, but was refitted for a Beastwomans body.
Equipment: Power Armour, Force Staff, Bolt Pistol ("For close encounters")
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zherdee


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From sign, it looks like Mattmanganon is out. Do you want to make this Rp even so?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dhis


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I found this a little late, is this still going to happen?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I certainly hope so.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Welp, I'm still here and with it if things are able to be a go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dhis


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Name: Vann Marlon

Background: Elysian Drop Troop Sharpshooter, served with 111th Elysian Drop Troops

(Credit goes to CrisM1A1
Personality: Vann Marlon is a look on the sunny side sort of trooper. He looked up to his father, who also served with the Elysian Drop troops, and as such they were always glorified to him. He aspired to be the greatest and took his responsibilities and training very seriously. Quick to trust and very optimistic, Vann tends to see the positive side of everything. His only issue is with authority figures. After being scapegoated by his CO, he doesn’t trust officers, but will easily trust anyone he sees as a peer. He also hates Greenskins.

History: His father died in the line of service at a young age. He was eager to take his father’s place in the Imperial Guard and fill his father’s shoes. He signed up for the PDF on his homeworld of Elysia as soon as he could to begin training. He excelled at his marksmanship tests and his grav-chute training. His first deployment was on a pirate hunting mission for two years, and he learned how to function in ship to ship combat and in zero-g and vacuum environments. After his first two year term was completed he reenlisted in the Imperial Guard as a Drop Trooper. His first out of system deployment saw him dropping in behind enemy lines, facing the vile Greenskins.
His unit was dropped in to the Death World the orcs were on. Their mission: disrupt enemy lines and support the guard that were already on the world. For 15 months Vann was stuck on that hellhole, fighting the orcs with almost no support, getting airdropped supplies when it was safe. The night that he was on guard duty, his squad was ambushed by a pack of greenskin commandos. He escaped with only his commanding officer and another enlisted man. Immediately following their escape there was a call to arms to assault the main body of the orks, with Vann’s unit to be flanking the main force. His commanding officer reported that they were too low on men to be effective but the request to withdraw was denied. His commanding officer ordered them to not assist in the assault, and when they were court martialed for cowardice, the CO blamed the lack of action on the two enlisted men, who were sentenced to death for cowardice and disobeying a superior officer.

Carapace Armor, Grav-Chute, Mark IVe Pattern Modified Sniper Lasgun with two power packs, Laspistol with a bonus power pack, and a Power Sword acquired in his service on the PDF for ship-to-ship combat, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, Type 5 Pressure Helmet

Close combat (from boarding ships), zero-g environment maneuvering (generally with the grav-chute), expert marksman, grav-chuting into places, being happy in the face of misery
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dhis


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I'd be down for it! I haven't done this before, so I thought it would be exciting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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I'm still interested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dhis


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