Medium-Long light golden blonde hair paired with grey-blue stormy eyes, Tris stands at only 5' and is the shortest on her team and weighs only 95 lbs of pure muscle. Her body is an athletic build with the perfect amount of muscles that it is attractive
Name: Beatrice 'Tris' Evans
Age: 18
Personality: Tris is a devoted athlete and if she isn't practicing with her fast pitch softball team she is practicing by herself and if she isn't practicing by herself she is studying. SO obviously she doesn't get out very much. She also is not one to wear provocative clothing or anything other than athletic clothing like tee shirts, shorts, yoga leggings, and tennis shoes. People often need to basically force her to dress semi nice or in actual party clothing. Alongside that since she has always been playing sports she never has dated anyone so she is completely innocent and cannot tell if someone is flirting with her or if they like her. Along all that she is also very nice but very feisty and fierce on the field or if you are rude to her or her friends or dis girls who play sports and unlike the other jocks she isn't a jerk.
- Physical Therapy
- Sports Training
- Psychology
- Anatomy
(took a lot of AP classes in highschool because she was made to by her parents)
Social Group: Definitely a jock
Bio: Tris was born to two loving parents, Bud and Natalie Underwood. As she grew up she instantly fell in love with sports and became very athletic, she joined the little league baseball team and stayed on the team until high school where she joined softball and was a starter on short-stop ever since her freshman year, by her sophomore year she was promoted to one of the three captains with the others being Seniors.
One day when her brother, Reat, had just turned three Tris and him were in the park after getting ice cream and Reat went off chasing after some doves, he chased them and was running by the church next to the park that was being released at the time. A man pulled up and shot into the crowd of church goers three times and then began laughing like a maniac and was soon tackled to the ground. It turned out that three people were hit, two of them were adults and he had aimed badly and had only injured them, enough that it hurt but not a deadly wound. The third shot had hit someone straight in the chest. The third person was her little brother, he had died instantly. Tris looked at her brother laying on the grass in the pool of his own blood and anger mixed with sorrow filled her body. She ran to the man who had fired the shots and pushed the man the man holding him off. She began punching the guy letting her rage fuel her. It took three men to pull her off and eventually she began to sob. She sat by her dead little brother and held his little hand in hers and cried until she was pulled away by the police and taken to her parents where they all stood together, her parents being silent as she sobbed. Shortly she moved with her parents to a new town and she began a new as a Junior at Valley High. She still continued playing softball and was instantly put on the team and promoted to captain and graduated with a full-ride to Clearview Bay University as a short-stop fast pitch softball player. (Sorry I included this for my friend who passed recently). Tris was instantly a starter for the softball team as a short-stop. Recently Tris was contacted by the Olympic Softball Coach and told her that she was invited to tryout for the team come spring time, she has yet to tell anyone.
Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed? None
Other: She has three tattoos all have deep meanings to her and all have been kept hidden.

There are three doves that represent her brother's age and his favorite animal.

The flower of love, the rose. Three buds on her right side represent her love for her family.

On her left ankle on the outside this is tattooed. Represent her love for softball and it is low enough that her socks cover it or straps of shoes cover it.