Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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"Uhh I think that we should" Zeal started to say as the roof caught on fire. "Oh goat help me. I really think we should leave here, sense a Robot is about to shoot multiple goblins little heads off and the roof is on fire, stating the..." He said as the roof exploded with more fire. " wait where's that... Oh goat." He started to run. I got a G.O.A.T waiting at a pond, follow if you want to not burn."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Before Zeal could respond to Jeffrey's greeting the roof bursted into flames and Jeffrey squeaked and dropped the mouse, Bill, as a flaming piece of thatch landed on his tail and he flicked it violently from side to side until it stopped hurting. Not burning to death sounded pretty good to him so he chased after Zeal, easily keeping pace with the Goat as the burst out of the flaming tavern at a full sprint, or a light jog for Jeffrey. He followed Zeal even though he wasn't so sure how another goat would help. Well, they might be helpful if they had buckets since they're near a pond but they would need a lot of buckets to put out that fire. Maybe they did have a lot of buckets, Goats were very smart after all, Zeal must know what he's doing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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" I don't want to burn" said Percival from just outside the front door. "Can I come too?" He asked as a matter of habit--for some reason people didn't often appreciate goblins tagging along with them. That didn't stop Percival. No indeed. He just needed to know if he should hide from the speaker. He could be a stowaway. A stowaway on a G.O.A.T. Wouldn't that make the grand story to tell all the ladies. Maybe he would hide anyway.

He looked down at the flagon of beer in his hand and frowned. He couldn't remember why he had it do he did the natural thing and downed it in one gulp.

"BRAAAAP" he belched in the face of another goblin who was racing out the front door. Goblins were used to farts and belches and nasty smells of all sorts. Nevertheless Percival's belch floored the other goblin. Percival stared at the felled goblin, raided his pockets, then looked around. Where was that funny goat?

He spotted the goat weaving through the panicked masses and quickly ran to catch up, nimbly dodging bodies, weapons, rampaging goblins, and the occasional flying piece of banana bread. When he caught up to the goat he realized he had no place to hide. He needed to hide to be a stowaway.

Spotting the kobold he attempted to hide in the kobolds shadow. He creeped along silently as he could hoping the kobold or the goat would not turn around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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"Alright then everyone follow me" he shouted as they all ran for the pond on the edge of town. People were giving them weird looks as they ran away. Soon, the G.O.A.T was right next to them. " That was close! Although there were two spell born who looked like they could fight. We need to swoop in and save them, they seem to hard headed to run away. The G.O.A.T can hold you two and me, and maybe the others if we fly very low." He hops on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Oooh, it's a G.O.A.T. not another goat. Jeffrey thought to himself as he climbed onto the G.O.A.T. and tried to find a spot for his light stick. "Where can I put this?" He asked Zeal, holding the 6 foot long walking stick above his head, the jar of fireflies dangling next to his ear, all of them sleeping except for Phillip, the youngest one. He might have brain damage, or whatever fireflies get, since he's the only one who sleeps at night and is awake during the day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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"Uhh next to the controls. Make sure that that goblin gets on. And yes I did see you." He started up the machine and it flew of, over to the burning tavern. "Okay now I'm going to lower you with my winch." He floats a tether over to the lizard. "Go down though that hole in the roof and garb one of those spell born I was fighting alongside."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Jeffrey sat his light stick next to the controls and reached down, pulling the goblin up onto the G.O.A.T. "all right, aweso-- wait, what?" He looked at the tether hovering in front of his face and goes cross-eyed. "You want me to go into a burning building and grab people? No, nononononono." Jeffrey says while tying the tether around his waist without thinking about what he was doing. "I can't do something like that, I'm not even a good Kobold let alone a good hero." He said, arguing with Zeal even as he climbed over the side to go down into the building. "What the heck am I doing down here?" He asked out loud as he hung below the G.O.A.T.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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"Because this is your ticket out a here!" Zeal shouted back at the lizard. "Goblin go with him. You're small. Go with him, and help." As he said this, the local fire squad came, full of goats, spells and a single robot, leading the squad. "Hey! Watch out. There are a butt ton of angry goblins in there" Zeal shouted at the fire department.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

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There was a lot of yelling between everyone, probably making plans or something, but Theodore wasn't listening. He was too busy playing his favorite game: pin the hammer on the goblin's face. The name wasn't that good, in all honesty, as it was less of a "pin" and more of a "smash".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemon Est Deus Inversus

Daemon Est Deus Inversus

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Malfeas watched the chaos as the tavern roof exploded with fire and a whole group ran out, lead by a goat in a coat and goggles. He must have been the G.O.A.T. pilot. Indeed the G.O.A.T. soon came by picking up a few more people.

The monk ran up to it and hollered to the pilot. "HEY, DO YOU HAVE ANYMORE ROOM IN THERE?" Curiousity had gotten to him, but he justified it with a sense of responsibility. Since they seemed like a bit of a motley crew from all backgrounds, it would probably be helpful to have another goat on board.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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"Huh? Oh yeah! Defiantly! But we need to get get these people out of the fire! Go ahead and get In I'll supply some water fro. A payload. Hey lizard! I'll be back" he shouted as he detracted the rope once the lizard was on the ground, safe. He turned the ship around and went to that pond to get water.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Katherin was walking towards town when she saw smoke. Where there is smoke there was usually fire. Fire wasn't an element that she was strong in, but she was strong in an element that was perfect for dealing with fire. Katherin rushed towards the smoke. She loved helping and this was the perfect way to do so. Seeing the building Katherin stopped a short distance away and prepared her spell. The good thing was that she knew most of her ice spells by heart so she didn't have to dig her spell up out to look up a spell to help. But it would still take time to prepare the spell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Baa was watching all the chaos as she was watching a piece of bread from out of nowhere rolled across the floor. Picking it up Baa heard a voice boom out yelling get out. “Yes.” She nodded she understood the command and went out the door she had just came in moments ago. She jumped up to the roof, letting her legs hang off, she swung her legs back an fourth. Baa looked at the bread giving it a little lick. “This taste sour.” Of course she had no taste buds so she was only guessing.

Once Baa was finished licking on the bread she tossed it to the side just in time to see goblins being tossed out a window. She jumped back down on top of the goblin. Baa found a stick and started to poke the thing over and over. As people started to rush out of the tavern Baa dropped the stick to watch the new game. She was about to follow them but her eyes caught the fire and she could not look away. She had never seen so much of it at one time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razbat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Things quickly went bad to worse for Drax. He was out of energy, and now the building had caught fire. Panting, he dived over the bar counter and resorted to throwing bottles at the angry goblins. Everything seemed to go by in slow motion. The Goat was flying to get water, there was a Kobold running around, and other spellborns had joined the fight. Drax didn't know what to think but he knew that the Goat was his ticket out of the burning bar. He sighed as he watched a bottle he threw connect to a goblins face. That Goat had better hurry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Rita was in her house in this small town, it was a nice place for her and she had plenty of room to use spells, in fact she was using her crystal right now in a desperate attempt to use both earth and water to heal this poor mans wound, or make a cast of sorts. She was tired and sweating as she spoke the incantation. It was weak but, it worked well. The ragged cloth around the man's leg was now covered in a white, muddy substance. It hardened and soothed at the same time. "Are you okay sir?" She asked as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

The man nodded and with a grunt, swung off of the table. This was really the first time she saw him clearly, he was a goblin man, almost as tall as he but still quite a bit shorter. As soon as he finished paying her though he left the building and left Rita to her own devices. What a snob, she thought as she looked at his money and nodded her approval, now realizing that the bowl of dirt she had brought in was empty. How much had she used? She didn't care, going to sit down instead of worrying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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" I'm back!" Zeal shouted as he came by with a lot of water in the tank on his G.O.A.T. "Okay lets get this over with, I owe people beers." He pressed a button, which opened to the tank full of water on the Tavern. Although it did put out the water, the water crushed the Tavern. "All part of the plan. The debris will not burn ever again! unfortunately, that means... " His G.O.A.T began to lose altitude. It landed with a thud, and a crash, but Zeal was not harmed. It was only a few feet off the ground. "Well, now that THAT's out of the way, lets get to know each other people!"


Meanwhile, in the Biggest zeppelin ever devised by goat...
an alarm sounded. many Ancient Goats and Spell Born were running up and down the long hallways they had come to know, into the large mess hall, where a Goat, who was sporting a large beard was sitting in a chair. "Now... you all know why I called you all here, right?" One Spell Born raised his hand. "No John. Not because of Cookies." The Spell Born's hand slowly fell. "I brought you here today to announce that... The Goblin King is Missing. The first case of violence was radioed in by a S.I.T member in Dry Hook." The S.I.T stands for Spell-Born Intelligence Team, they act like spies for the G.O.O.P, Global OperatiOn Police. "There was... A Sentinel at the scene. Word has it 50 of them are deploying themselves on the main land, working to find the Goblin King. Their main function was to protect the People. They cant ever break that code, even though they left." He turned in his seat, looking a monitor he had. He began reading off what it said. "Along with the Sentinel was Two Goats, One piloting a G.O.A.T, Two... No wait Three now Spell born, two focusing on Weapon Magic. A Kolbold and surprisingly a Goblin was helping, although his record shows multiple Thefts and Drunken Rage. we need to get this Small army on our side, to find the Goblin King before someone else does. You all have your mission. Set coarse for Dry Hook!" The Soldiers ran to their stations, as the Ship began to fly off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The problem with being spellborn is that sometime by the time you get the spell ready you miss the action. With the fire taken care of Katherin decided to look around town and see what else might attract her attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemon Est Deus Inversus

Daemon Est Deus Inversus

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The younger goat came floating out of the temporary pond where the tavern had been, soaking wet and standing on a peice of wood. He had gone into the building to try and help people, but the goblins inside had tried to fight him instead. Even as the place was burning down around them.

He responded to Zeal's suggestion with a rather embarrased tone of voice. "Brother Malfeas... er, unsuccessful rescuer of tavern goers, at your service."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Jeffrey landed on the ground and heard Zeal yell that he would be back, he was going to the pond. Probably for the buckets. Jeffrey thought to himself as he looked up at the burning building. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't just run into the fire after people, his belt would explode if it caught fire, he had boom-powder in one of those pouches. Plus if his scroll caught fire he wouldn't be able make his potions any more. He hopped from foot to foot trying to decide what to do.

Jeffrey finally decided what to do. He took off his belt and put down his scroll, sticking his light stick in the dirt next to them and started toward the burning tavern at a run. As he approached the door he was thrown onto his back and when he stood up he was soaking wet and not only was the fire gone, but the tavern was too and all that was there was some rubble and soaking thatch. Jeffrey slowly backed away from the tavern and turned to run back to his things, strapping on his belt and scroll. The goat probably did it, they're the only ones who could possibly move that much water like that. Must have been a pretty big bucket. he thought to himself as he watched the G.O.A.T. come crashing down from the sky and he ran over to it, his clothes soaking wet. Zeal said they should get to know each other so he took the chance to introduce himself. "My name is Jeffrey, I make potions using the instructions on my scroll and can make things explode with this neat black powder stuff I can make." He says, proudly puffing out his chest as if he were the greatest alchemist in the world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gaylord DeFlorez

Gaylord DeFlorez

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As the others left, Foror let all safety measures for external life. he shot twice more before the roof suddenly caved in. as he regained external motors and sense's he saw that the tavern was flooded, for what he did not know. "Lethal force shutdown code 3DB13F." he said to stop unneeded casualty's. looking around he saw a downed G.O.A.T. and started sprinting towards it to check for survivors. seeing a kobold from the bar talking to someone, he slowed to a walk to conserve ethanol, which was running quite low."must find enough ethanol to recover after that, or risk shutdown." Foror thought to himself.

when he reached the G.O.A.T. he noticed Zeal and the kobold talking. "sorry for the upset sir goat and kobold, I thought the goblins already knew about there king. For the First's sake, it reached our Island and we managed to mobilize a small task force to ensure his return, logic dictates that they knew. Either way you handled yourself quite well, could you help the SS S.I.R.S. and I with this political mater mister..."
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