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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The commanding tone of Elizabeth Blake didn't give the breeder much of a choice but to oblige and carry on as told. He glanced down and dug into the pocket that was on the green apron tied around his waist, and was irritated to find nothing there. "You're a brave one, miss." He commented, surprised somebody her age would say something like she did. Looking to Rudy, he was ready to stop wasting time and get this done. "Alright. A Pokemon with such a small body won't last very long with such a wound, I need him out of his Pokeball so we can hurry this along before the poison worsens." As soon as he finished, he looked back towards the rest of the daycare and called out. "I need some Pecha Berries over here! Everyone search your pockets!"

Some of the breeders in the daycare stopped and began searching for the pink berries that were requested. Two of them ran over and offered what they had, the berries equaling out to six, which was more than enough. He placed three down on the ground, before offering the other three. Two to Elizabeth, and one to Rudy. "They taste bitter, but they'll slow down the poison in your bodies. Miss, I suggest you try and see if Misdreavus can manage to take a bite out of one. As even that will slow down the poison a fair amount.to buy us some more time to make sure we have no losses here."

Grumpig seemed to simply stand there, waiting patiently for everyone to be ready. He glanced up at the breeder beside him, grunting quietly. "Yes, Grumpig. We're about to begin, please remain ready. We have to work as quick as we can." The breeder's words rang in Grumpig's ears, and with a nod, he stood ready, staring ahead at Rudy and waiting for the Mime Jr. to be released.
On the opposite side of the daycare, Michael was having some issues finding antidotes. "Paralyze Heals, Ice Heals, Burn Heals... Do we not have any antidotes stored in here?" He grumbled, slamming the cabinet shut as he took a hasted moment to try and think of where he'd find more. Realizing that some might be in storage, he rushed out of the daycare as fast as he could. He wasn't in the best shape physically, but his feet managed to carry him down the hall rather quickly.. He skidded to a halt as he noticed smoke coming from the turn on his right. "What now?" He questioned, following the trail of smoke which led to a room not far down, the door seemingly forced to stay open. He put a hand over his mouth and coughed as he ducked into the room, observing what had happened.

Eyeing the room, the Professor's heart sank. His eyes were wide, as he stared at the Purification Chamber and the room around it. Wires were cut, monitors were smashed. The center chamber had been broken and it's remains cluttered the floor. "This is severe..." He managed to say, slowly walking farther into the room, examining smoke coming out of the smashed screens. "What am I going to do? The chamber has been completely and utterly destroyed! The costs to repair this... No, that doesn't even matter. The KNOWLEDGE to repair all of this!" He had many thoughts rushing through his mind, and none of them were good. If Cipher was truly back, then he needed the chamber to purify any Shadow Pokemon that may come with them! He had no method of aiding the Pokemon Cipher corrupted now, and that fact almost made Michael have a panic attack.

"N-No. I can't worry about this right now, there's more important things that need to be done. I need those antidotes before it's too late." He turned around, but couldn't help but look back at the mess that made him feel so discouraged and horrible. Sighing, he walked back out of the room and shook his head. There wasn't time to deal with the chamber, he knew it. After a moment of silent thought, he took off in a sprint, focusing back on his main objective, and the most important for, for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As Elizabeth took charge, Rudy kept silent, waiting patiently, wishing things would move a little quicker. Even as she suggested to be put for him, he didn’t object, having no reason too. Her logic was sound. Sure, Rudy wanted to be fixed up, but she’d been it first. First in, first out! As Rudy convinced himself to not argue and slow things down, Elizabeth’s legs finally gave way, and she sank to the ground. Rudy’s eyes widened in shock: he wanted her to be taken care of immediately, but she insisted the Pokémon be taken care of first. Rudy wasn’t quite sure: Pokémon got in battles all the time, right? They were tough, but...could they die from one? The though chilled Rudy, and he released his Mime Jr as instructed, the Pokémon appearing on the ground in front of him, lying on his back, unmoving.

As he was offered a berry, he took it, but did not eat it wholly, being far more worried for Elizabeth. After taking a single large bite of his Pecha Berry, he simply watched. He was feeling more secure now that more breeders were assisting, but he was still quite anxious at the events. Maybe if he weren’t such a novice, he’d have been able to fight the grunt off alone, without Elizabeth getting involved at all. But, considering his general opinions of Pokémon, the potential scary creatures, he didn't do too bad. Perhaps that was why his sister suggested he come here? Rudy had no intention of becoming an Ace trainer, but if he could get over his fear... He was momentarily distracted from his thoughts as he felt the Berry start taking effect, lightly alleviating some of the pain. He still needed most of his strength to keep from plopping down, and his vision was still a bit blurring, but it was working.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Velis continued watching her prisoner as he started to stir again. She smiled down at him. "Well, good morning!" She said in a fake cheery voice as she got down on one knee next to him and stared at him. "Are you going to tell us what your plan was for here?"

No answer.

She cracked her knuckles and than shook her head..."No...I don't think you'll talk to me." She said thoughtfully as she called Makuhita over to her. "Maybe...Just maybe you'll talk to him though."

She could see part of the goon's lips tremble for a moment in fear. "It's because of people like you that I don't have a real family anymore." She said quietly as she got in close to the Cipher member's face and began whispering. "I lost my real parents years ago during the second Shadow Pokemon crisis. They just vanished one day. So people like you put me in a very bad mood."

She slowly got to her feet. "You can either talk to me and Makuhita, or the professor and I can promise you right now the Professor is going to be much nicer than me." She said as she slowly began to walk away leaving her Makuhita with the goon.

"W-Wait!" The goon called out. "I'll talk! I'll talk!" He shouted as her Makuhita got closer to him with a large frown on it's face. "Thank you Makuhita." She said with a smile. "Why don't you go get yourself looked at and make sure your okay?" She said. She turned around and looked at the goon. "Me or the professor?" She asked simply.

"The Professor." The goon muttered in defeat.

"Nice choice." Velis responded as she turned and began looking for the Professor.

"Professor!" She called out as she looked around, not seeing him immediately. "My "friend" over here would like to talk to you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reaching the second breached wall on the opposite side of the lab from most of the chaos, The Professor slowed down and watched the few people in the area try to get their bearings. He frowned at the sight of his comrades seeming so discouraged and terrified, but didn't expect them to feel any other way after the attack. As he walked through the mess, multiple people looked his way. "It's the Professor!" One called out, and quite quickly, a small group gathered around him. Their questions rushed out, asking if everything was alright, their concern for the rest of the lab making him feel slightly better. Though he was getting a headache from so many voices.

"Enough, please!" He shouted, and the group became silent. Michael realized his small break-out and put a clenched fist over his mouth, before coughing awkwardly. "Sorry. Everything is going to be fine, but I need to get to the storage room and find some antidotes." He stopped for a moment, turning and addressing the group. "I need all of you to try and stay calm. We'll get through this, alright?" He got a number of positive responses from the group of people, as he turned back around and continued towards the fast approaching storage room. Meanwhile, the group began to spread out over the area, trying to clean the area up the best they could. Though moving the chunks of wall was a bit of a task, as most of the people weren't the most physical folk.

Shaking off the moment, Michael was glad to see the storage room door seemed perfectly fine. As it opened, he walked into room and looked around, smiling. "At least they didn't destroy everything here." He said in relief, beginning his search for antidotes once more. Hopefully this time with more success.
As Mime Jr was released from his Pokeball, the breeder's Grumpig quickly got to work. It approached Mime Jr and put it's three-fingered hands onto the poison barb carefully. Quickly, it's eyes began to glow blue, along with the two small black bulbs on it's head. It growled lowly as it focused, and only in what seemed like seconds, the barb disappeared in a flash, before reappearing impaled in the floor a few feet away. "Nicely done, Grumpig!" The breeder complimented, before focusing back on Mime Jr. The wound probably seemed worse than most considering the small size of the Pokemon. Thankfully he wouldn't have to worry about anymore poison, except for what was already in his body. That'd be easy to fix soon enough.

"We need to spray this wound with an antidote. Though we don't have any on hand right this second..." He glanced over at Elizabeth's Misdreavus, then at his Grumpig. "The Professor should be back any minute now with some antidotes, though. So let's hurry and work on little Misdreavus here." He hoped the Professor would be back, at least. He knew the lab was rather disorganized most of the time, and finding things could be irritating at times. He decided to leave that detail out of conversation though, it really wasn't something anybody was proud of.

The Professor dug through crate after crate in search of antidotes, before finally finding them off in the corner. "You figure something so useful would be more out towards the front." He grumbled, picking up five antidotes, figuring taking an extra one would be useful just in case anything else happened. Though he soon began making his trip back, he had a lot on his mind. He had to wonder if Cipher planned to try and do the same as last time? Perdey had been a strong opponent, and it made him wonder if they had others that were even stronger?

"Just when I thought I'd catch a small break with this tour..." He sighed, noting all the damages and work to be done. "How can I leave the lab in this state, though? Everyone needs me here. Yet somebody has to stop Cipher as well. Just sitting around will only make the situation worse." He kept his eyes focused on the path in front of him, feeling very troubled. "Plus I have to find a way to fix the Purification Chamber. Though... Maybe He can help me with that. Even though he's a bit on the crazy side... I suppose I can only look into it after I make sure the children are okay." Feeling rather burdened after giving the situation some thought, the Professor sighed deeply, simply wanting to get back to the Daycare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As the Grumpig went to work, Rudy was torn between looking away and watching, his worry and fear conflicting. He managed to keep his eyes on the procedure, but when the barb was finally removed, he could help but to shudder, turning away. He had yet to even consider that he was to be fixed up later down the line. As the Grumpig went to work on the Misdreavus, Rudy’s head was turned away to the others. Desmond, Velis, and Jason were all on the other side of the room, close to a captured grunt. Velis and Jason had taken out their opponents alone, hadn’t they? He had to admire them for a moment: there was a difference between normal Pokémon battles and this sort of conflict.

All these random thoughts were not meaningless: their true purpose was to help distract himself from his pain. The Berry had curbed it somewhat, and he was starting to feel faint. It was certainly unlike anything he’d experienced before. In fact, Rudy could not remember suffering any kind of injury.

As his thoughts began to drift back to his wound, he began to feel it more, and attempted to quell it by munching down the rest of his berry, before going over multiplication tables in his head, straining himself further. Every second seemed to last ages, but he was still standing...or well, figuratively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Elizabeth watched with an intensity shown by very few. There was a fire in her eyes that was showing, quite clearly, that she cared a lot for her Pokémon and even though Grumpig was clearly a skilled medical Pokémon, Elizabeth had tensed, getting ready to pounce on him if he so much as grazed Misdreavus by accident. Misdreavus lay in her lap, out cold and unmoving, as each barb was methodically removed. Elizabeth's hand wrapped around the end of her short, stubby arm, as if she was holding Misdreavus' hand to comfort the little thing.

It seemed that Elizabeth wouldn't even eat the Pecha berry, which was borderline stupid, but as soon as the last barb from Misdreavus was removed she took small, polite nibbles. Elizabeth pulled a face - even though she was in pain, sprawled on the floor, slowly slipping into unconsciousness from a poison...she still had time to be fussy about her food. At least she didn't have the gall to complain about the taste.

She too felt the odd, infinite stretch of time in her head. Whilst Rudy could busy himself with his own thoughts - at least, that's what Elizabeth assumed, since he certainly wasn't focusing much on the task at hand - Elizabeth had nothing to think about. Her mind was just as blank as her features, and all she could focus on was the pain, and the worry for Misdreavus - but even now, after worrying for so long, the tightening of her chest and the urge to hyperventilate and fall into hysterics became almost second-hand. As was said before; each second did stretch out forever whilst wounded.

Another thought probed the inside of her mind. She started to wonder where the Professor was and why she wasn't being treated with an antidote yet. Idly, Elizabeth shifted her weight; it was a good thing she was wounded since she really, really felt like telling her father about this situation...but unfortunately, she couldn't move her limbs a lot to do so. "Besides," thought Elizabeth glumly, "He's probably in a meeting."
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