-Basic Info-Name: Hope Thomas
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Alias: Wisp
-Stats-Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 109lbs
Hair Color: Bleach blonde
Eye Color: Emerald green
Skin Tone: Peach
Body Type: Petite, slender
Notable Features: Expressive eyes, fiery eyes. Well-defined eyebrows. Small, upturned nose. Thin lips. Inverted-triangular face. Well-aligned teeth with a lower left incisor missing, giving a gap-toothed smile. Medium-length hairstyle, kept silk thin and messy. Multiple ear piercings on both ears. Childish face, looks younger than she is. A rose tattoo that extends from upper right bicep to across the span of the right shoulder.
-Psychological Profile-Personality: Hope is an A-type personality, extroverted and gregarious. She's very plain-spoken and isn't shy of calling a spade a spade, which can rub some people the wrong way, as well as those that don't care for her foul mouth. She doesn't care much for rules or authority and acts on her own morals, consequences be damned. However, she's very open minded and believes that if she can fall outside of most people's acceptable standards than why should anyone else have to? Hope is a radical and a thrill-seeker, a strong-minded individual that will stand steadfast for what she believes to be irrefutably right no matter the odds. To her, doing nothing in the face of an injustice is equally wrong. She has a fondness for extreme sports and driving, but when she's feeling lazy she can normally be found watching movie marathons or on internet forums.
Strengths: Decisive, courageous, open-minded, action-oriented, strong-willed, take-charge attitude
Weaknesses: Stubborn, hot-headed, deviant in nature, impatient, impulsive, risk-taker
Fears: Powerlessness (i.e. being a helpless victim), the paranormal (ghosts, demons, etc.)
-Power Points-- Gravitational Control: 3Wisp holds the power to manipulate gravitational fields to achieve different effects. She can increase or decrease gravity's pull in one or several areas depending on their size, number, and how well she is able to focus, and can shift gravity's direction or suspend it at will. This can be as simple as standing on the ceiling or as complex as arcing gravity while increasing it to give a thrown punch some extra "oomf".
- Acrobatics: 3With her newfound control over gravity comes the innate skill to use it to master locomotion. Reflexively, the body will attempt to keep itself in control, and with a medium other than her own body to do that Wisp's balance and acrobatic ability far exceed human levels. Not only is she capable of always keeping herself upright by instinct, this now doesn't have to mean just the ground. She also doesn't have to play by the laws of physics when performing any kind of athletic feat.
- Flight: 2Not so much flight, more of a controlled form of free-fall. Wisp has certain advantages and disadvantages to most stereotypical fliers in this way. For one, she can move at a speed of around 160 miles per hour, just above terminal velocity, which is only the speed she feels comfortable with and not the fastest she can fly. She can hover in place with no effort and retains the movement much like a hummingbird, being able to fly in all directions with ease. However, it is much more difficult for her to maneuver or stop at high speeds because she must slow to a controllable speed first.
- Strength: 2With aid of her abilities, Wisp is able to simulate real super strength. By decreasing the weight of something and influencing gravity's pull, she is more than capable of throwing heavy objects such as trucks or dumpsters. There's just a single catch: if what she is trying to lift is attached to the ground or wall or similarly rooted to a solid surface, she won't be able to lift it. This ability can extend to her personal strength by arcing the swings of a melee weapon through a powerful gravity field to amplify speed and power, for example.
- Brawl: 1Wisp isn't a martial arts master, but she's no stranger to a fight. She knows how to throw and take a punch and is much more capable than a girl her size would lead anyone to believe. She mostly tends to copy MMA or wrestling moves she sees on TV, but the impracticality is lost on her because of her gravitational prowess. In other words, showy moves like drop kicks and power bombs are legitimate choices of action in a fist fight.
- Melee: 1But, of course, the body of a small young woman has its limits. So what does someone Wisp's size do to remedy this? Even the odds with a weapon, of course! Wisp is capable of armed combat with simple weapons using a unique fighting style that relies heavily on her gravitational mastery. Again, she copies what she sees on TV, but by focusing increased weight at the tip of her weapon and sending it through a "gravity arc" her simple swings can be made to feel like a hit-and-run driver.
- Hideout: 1She has an apartment, I guess? Better than living under a bridge. It's a pretty simple little place with one bedroom, a stand-only shower, and a kitchen opening up to the living room, but at least it has working internet.
- Social Fame: 1A few circles are aware of Wisp, especially on the internet forums and poorer neighborhoods. Her name holds some sway in these areas, but not always respect. Other similarly enhanced individuals will have at least heard of her as well as anyone concerned of superhuman threats or activity. Even with her... shall we say "less than heroic" uniform she can easily be identified among other petty thugs. Wisp has accrued a small occult following on the message boards as a "real superhero" of sorts: someone who's using their powers to clear the streets of criminals the police can't or won't touch. With her internet fame, she has a handful of contacts over the DeepNet that perform certain services for her such as computer hacking or criminal tracking.
- Stealth: 1Accustomed to working at night, Wisp received her namesake from how she tends to show up: like a wisp on the winds. Gone as soon as she arrives. With her ability to lessen her own weight through gravity, her footsteps don't make nearly as much noise, and she doesn't even have to walk as she silently floats through space. The options for where she can hide is also more varied, as she can slink into the dark corners of ceilings and stick along walls.
- Wealth: 0Someone who has to make the critical choice between keeping the water or the electricity on probably doesn't have that much cash or resources to draw from.
- Transportation: 0See "Wealth". Public transportation such as walking or taking the city bus is much cheaper than owning a car. Luckily for her Hope's employers already have the jobsite set up by the time she gets there and supply the tools for her to use.
-Public Identity-Job: Contractor's apprentice, home building
Home: A small, run-down apartment on Saxton Boulevard, on the bad side of town just a stone's throw away from the industrial district.
Wealth/Lifestyle: Living paycheck to paycheck, splashing around just above the poverty line.
Clothing Style: A little bit of punk, a little bit of street, Hope dresses herself in graphic tees, ratty jeans, hoodies, jackets, converse, skate shoes, and anything she thinks will make her look like a badass. She's has an affinity for headgear, and is normally found wearing a knit cap or ball cap of some kind. You wouldn't find her dead in a skirt, or much worse, a dress. Hope's idea of "cleaning up" is jeans without holes in them and a polo shirt.
Friends/Relationships: s33D#r, a largely unknown hacker that frequents the DeepNet.
Rivalries: Black Jack (on and off)
Public/Professional Goals: Professionally, Hope Thomas wants to become an architect and design buildings, something she's taken steps toward with her apprenticeship. Hope happens to be in her "life-building" stage at the moment, and as such pursues the simple things that all young adults try to achieve: finding a job they enjoy, a decent house to live in, and making enough money to no longer worry about how much it is they earn rather than where they're sinking it.
History: Hope Thomas lived a fairly cushy lifestyle in her youth, being the daughter of a nurse and an Air Force Captain. She lived a life of upper-middle class and was spoiled in her early years. Although her parents were seldom around. As she grew she began to act out for attention and grew to resent her parents. She experimented with various drugs, skipped class, and hung out with the wrong crowd of people. However, she began to escape from that lifestyle soon after one of her friends died of a heroin overdose her junior year of high school. Fortunate to never have done anything harder than prescription painkillers, Hope made a heel-faced turn and straightened up her act. She still never did that well in school and graduated with average if not lower than average marks. Her lukewarm relationship with her parents ended up in Hope immediately moving out and refusing all college aid they offered.
Hope Thomas learned the hard way that the world was much less forgiving to those that relied on others as much as she had been sheltered from her actions by her parents. After a few months of bouncing around from couch to couch on the generosity of friends, she spent a few months living on the streets. This had humbled her quite a bit, although she had to do less than honest jobs to earn money at times, such as stealing from open lockers at the local gym. Eventually her luck improved and Hope earned an apprenticeship with the Builder's Union, to which she has been working with for over a year now. She began renting an apartment, nearly completely furnished with leftover wood from her job sites, with a few metal pieces thrown in for good measure.
It was when the comet showed up that she began to change. Another lucky break, her powers manifested to her while inside her home. Hope spent the next few days taking her vacation time and learning how to harness her new abilities, quickly becoming competent in their use. She knew exactly what she wanted to do with them. Always the movie buff, Hope decided to become a superhero of sorts, working out ways in which she would accomplish this. She was well aware of what happened in the streets the cops feared to drive down, the quality of life that crime had presented to her. Hope wanted to remedy that just like the movies would: street justice. She created a persona, Wisp, to use while patrolling the less reputable neighborhoods and quickly gained a following after some of her exploits hit the Web... filmed by herself, of course. Hope was contacted by a single entity, s33D#r, in regards to forming a sort of partnership where he could assist her in her crime-fighting hobby. Wisp agreed, and he opened her up to the DeepNet, supplying her with as much information and technology that she could ask for and her phone or laptop could support.
-Secret Identity-
(Note: The insignia off to the right would be the emblem)Uniform: Hope Thomas is financially limited when it comes to a superheroine costume. She wears a black V-neck T-shirt underneath a paintball vest for some form of protection. The bottom of the outfit consists of whatever kind of trousers she wants, but the knees and ankles are bound with athletic tape to keep them from moving as she does with knee pads and shin guards. Skate shoes or running shoes adorn her feet, whichever happens to be easier or most practical at the moment. A utility belt fashioned from an old pistol belt found at a surplus store with added satchels is snug around her waist and lower torso. To protect her identity, Hope wears a bandanna or neck gaiter around her nose and mouth, or just her mouth if she needs to breathe. Reflective ski-goggles protect her eyes and keep others from seeing them while fingerless workout gloves rest around her hands.
la piece de resistance, Hope went above and beyond to modify a maroon zip-up hoodie. Stitched into the back is a custom
W logo in charcoal black, and the hood itself has hooks near the front designed to attach to clips in her hair to keep it from blowing off of her head with intense speed or activity... although it can tear her hair out if forcefully removed. Hope normally wears the sleeves pushed up past her elbows, although they can also be worn down to her wrists in wind or rain. In her costumed outfit Hope normally carries some sort of durable, simple melee weapon, such as an aluminum baseball bat, tire iron, or metal pipe in a double cinch-down sling worn affixed firmly over her shoulder.
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Chaotic Neutral/Evil with Paradigm Stone)
Combat Method: A combination of brawling, melee weaponry, and gravikinesis wrapped into a single, fluid style.
Hideout: Same as street address.
Mode of Transportation: Flight or on foot.
Allies/Relationships: Officer Collins (in the future)
Nemesis: TBD
Motivations/Goals: To test herself to the limits of her ability. To break the boundaries placed upon herself, the feats of man, and ultimately the very laws of nature itself. This is normally achieved through active vigilantism and high-flying stunts but the end result is the same: to realize just how powerful she is and just what she's capable of.
Inventory:- Smart phone with special apps (police scanner, traffic map, etc.)
- Pouch of ball bearings
- Pouch of sand
- Simple melee weapon, such as a baseball bat or metal pipe
- Zip ties
- Multi-tool
- Spray paint
- Flashlight
- Road flares
-Digital Camera
-Paradigm Stone-Paradigm Stone Appearance: A primitive sun, with seven curved rays emanating from the oval center in a circular fashion around its edge. The stone takes on a deep violet hue. When active, it embeds itself into her forehead.
Personal Appearance Changes: Not much changes, but Wisp's normally blonde hair will turn into more of a silver or white color, and her eyes will become consumed with nebulous black.
Power/Ability Progression: Wisp's control of her ability, the power she can put behind it, and even her intelligence all increase to a degree. New roads open up to her the longer she holds onto the Paradigm Stone through all three methods: the control for finer and more difficult maneuvers, the ability strength to perform previously impossible feats, and the understanding of how her own powers work with physics to discover these.
Power-Drunk Goals: The same as the goals of her secret identity... although a lot more dangerous. When in possession of a Paradigm Stone Wisp becomes a force of nature, not unlike a hurricane or tornado. There is no morality or constraints at this point, only herself, the world around her, and limitless power to play with. Wisp in hold of a Paradigm Stone will bring down buildings and demolish city blocks just to see if she is able and if anyone can stop her, only to rescue the civilians she's endangered to test her reflexes and control of the situation.
Weakness: Control. While Wisp may gain more control of her abilities, she loses herself to the power. Like a drug, she feels invincible and unstoppable, giving in to the adrenaline rush it gives her. She falls into a mindset that sees herself as a god among mortals and everyone and everthing else to be toys for her to play with. But toys can't hurt you, can they? The longer she spends in this state, the less she believes anything can actually threaten her, leaving her to let her guard down, dismiss very real threats, and bite off more than she can chew.
Withdrawl Symptoms: Migraines. Mind-busting, brain-splitting headaches. The kind that can bring someone to their knees. Not even the most effective of painkillers can completely numb the pain, only dull it. The longer she's exposed to a Paradigm Stone, the longer and more intense the migraine.