Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Mtntopview said
Having discovered the food source, the swarmers would continue to follow the lanterns.The energy signatures form their rings would lead the swarmers right too them, and the insecticon clones would be relentless in their hunt. They would not cease until all of them were destroyed, or they brought back the food sources to the hive.

John sighed and started to fly down, just a little. Taking out the enemy was easier then being chased, so he created a giant flyswatter with the green energy. Lifting it and bring it down as hard as he could on the creatures chasing them.

Antipathy growled, flying down until she was almost face to face with one of the strange creatures. Covered in her red energy shield she taunted it, prepared to attack or fly out at any moment.

Bro'Dee had to keep the girl safe, so he started to shoot at the creatures from above them, hoping he could fend them off a little. Then he saw the man in front of them, flying away and trying to hit him with a giant blue bat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob held out one hand towards the weapon the lantern had turned against him. While certainly a powerful weapon, it's mere physical force couldn't overcome his capability to manipulate reality itself. As the energy construct touched him it shattered, the energy broken apart, blue splinters filling the air. "Do not tempt me, Lantern. I would be happy to wipe you out, but I have more important things to do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ten or so swarmers stopped crawling when under the swatter, but they were far from crushed. The bolts that came from above did a bit better on them, as they seemed to notice it. The ones that were hit were slightly damaged, but weren't down. The one that Antipathy merely roared and tried to bite her head off. Their single goal was to incapacitate these energy sources and bring them back to the nest for feeding. They started swarming on Antipathy, 40 or so truck sized insect robots all charging at once. They let out an alien roar, one that shook the ground and carried for miles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Before Antipathy could be fully surrounded she flew up, the strange acidic blood pouring out of her mouth and hopefully covering a creature or two in the burning liquid. Her smile grew wider as her rage started to be fueled.

Bro'Dee looked back down at the creatures, carrying on with his attacks, then he desperately flew to the city. Only to see Gaia and sigh, turning back he flew deep into the forest, trying to get away from the man that had approached the girl he carried and the beasts. He had to find a safe place for the girl. "Where is Elsa?"

John scowled, these guys were more powerful then he thought. So he now took the approach of Saint. Shooting them instead of making constructs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"My name is Anna and as you can see we are in a town. ..well you see I was captured by that robot and last I remember she was back at someplace called the Ark.." She said to Brodee feeling slightly better but shaking a bit. She was also confused about the ring he used.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"I do not know of the Ark, but we will find her." Bro'Dee's words would possibly make her feel better, they definitely made him feel good. With a new strength he carried on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Thank you...man it seems all me and Elsa do is get separated and in trouble." Anna said with a nervous chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Kael Taiyou said
"You're welcome, I'm Maeda Keiji, nice to meet you, and I don't think that gust of wind will be enough, they just blow things away, I prefer to get close and personal, so, let's take down this guy together?" Keiji asked in a friendly tone.

"Nice to meet you, Maeda Keiji." Jonathan smiled gently, nodding. Then his face grew serious. "IT'S TIME TO FINISH YOU OFF, you unholy abomination! Doooooooooooooooooooh......" Jonathan roared out at the metal giant, then started to concentrate his breathing. "METAL SILVER, OVERDRIVE!!!" Jonathan decided to go for it's head this time, and he started to run towards it. Jumping in the air, he slammed his fist into the metal giant's head.

BB said
The two Siesta Sisters threw off a salute towards Dio before starting to lead the way. It was clear that they needed to move quickly, and it seemed that Dio couldn't be in the sun. That didn't complicate things to much, but it was still interesting. One of the more famous fantasy creatures for "not allowing the sun to hit them" was the vampire of course, but in this place, could you really trust some old stories and use that to judge what something was? Regardless of that, the two of them were loyal guards, and had no time for wandering thoughts. They needed to focus on the task at hand and perform admirably.

Without a word, Dio followed the two Siesta Sisters. Dio wondered about the two of them. So, he decided to ask. Knowledge was power, after all. "So, what do you call yourselves exactly? you don't exactly seem to be human, with the ears of a hare. And you wear this clothing that indicates you have service in some type of military. Are you some type of..what was the pronunciation, "Yokai"? or was it "Youkai"? In any case of the correct spelling, I've read up on the Japanese and the folklore of the land. Quite fascinating. Come now, why don't you tell me about yourselves." Dio ushered for an answer, trying to figure out what it was they were exactly. He still couldn't believe he was being given that vessel. It was quite surprising, and he still couldn't wrap understand why. Did someone benefit in some way from this? if they did, he couldn't see how. Though, many things here he didn't understand, to be honest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Guardian's head exploded, and it's body lost all energy. Fist falling to it's knees, then it fell flat on where it's face should have been. It came extremely close to crushing the being that had felled it, but missed him by a few inches. Rocks and dust were thrown up by the giant collapsing, and it started to slowly turn grey as it's energy diminished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CallaLily180 said
Before Antipathy could be fully surrounded she flew up, the strange acidic blood pouring out of her mouth and hopefully covering a creature or two in the burning liquid. Her smile grew wider as her rage started to be fueled. Bro'Dee looked back down at the creatures, carrying on with his attacks, then he desperately flew to the city. Only to see Gaia and sigh, turning back he flew deep into the forest, trying to get away from the man that had approached the girl he carried and the beasts. He had to find a safe place for the girl. "Where is Elsa?"John scowled, these guys were more powerful then he thought. So he now took the approach of Saint. Shooting them instead of making constructs.

Some of the insecticon swarmers were destroyed, their bodies exploding as sparks and fire emanated from their broken limbs. However, they just kept coming. Their skill was killing an opponent by swarming them and using numbers. They would probably have swarmed the lanterns, had Grimlock not arrived. The first thing the lanterns would spot is a large sword impaling the nearest swarmer, causing it to explode and reveal the wielder of the sword. The giant Autobot had spotted the insecticons from inside the city, and soon chased after them in a fit of rage. Having caught up, he and his team started massacring the insects. Emitting a red flame from his anger, he transformed. He then started to breath fire and destruction upon the insects. After a bit of fighting, the remaining insects were slaughtered, with only the Dinobots and Lanterns remaining. "I hate insects" Slug said, crushing the head of one of the last remaining bugs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy clapped and wiped a fake tear from her eye, the rage here was magnificent! Beautiful! "You would all make great red lanterns!" She exclaimed at last as she floated above one of the robot-like creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Blake finished burying Pyrrah and paying her last respects she took her friends weopons with her adding them to her Shroud sheath as she walked aimlessly in a random direction.

She wanted to ...no she did not want to break the news to Ruby and the others. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock ignored the lanterns, "Must, find ... nest" He said. However, suddenly he turned towards the red floating object, "Where did they come, from!" He shouted. He needed to find the nest, crush it, and destroy it.
((yes, you are being spoken to by a giant, mechanical T-rex that can breath fire))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy tilted her head and shrugged, this was going to be pretty funny. "Well, I believe they came somewhere from that large city. That is where the noise started but they just kept chasing us through the forest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Mtntopview said
The Guardian's head exploded, and it's body lost all energy. Fist falling to it's knees, then it fell flat on where it's face should have been. It came extremely close to crushing the being that had felled it, but missed him by a few inches. Rocks and dust were thrown up by the giant collapsing, and it started to slowly turn grey as it's energy diminished.

"Whoa, you finished him with one attack, those muscles really aren't for show huh? You're awesome Jojo." said Keiji complimenting Jonathan, suddenly, a sheath fell right on Keiji's Nodachi (basically sheathing it.), he rested the sword in his shoulder, behind his head while holding it with his arms, then, Keiji's pet monkey climbed to Keiji's right shoulder. "Hey Yumekichi, say hi to Jojo." Yumechikichi waved at Jonathan, making some cute monkey noises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Àgnes, Stella and Kaguya

"I see. Well, let us rest here then for now.", Stella said.

Magio VS Cruxis

BGM: Venari Strigas
Whenever Magio tried to slash, Cruxis shot at his sword. Magio was near of getting into Cruxis' closed room. "Wait... yes, that's it!", Magio said. He tried to slash again, waiting for Cruxis to shoot. As the "BANG!" was heard, Magio used his other power: a floating doll appeared and slashed the chain with her sword. As its pieces fell, the Discode space wore out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The hard heels of polished black shoes hit the marble pavement, a loud clacking that resounds through the ghost city, interspaced by the clack of the metal head of a cane. The sound echoes from skyscraper to skyscraper, filling the City of Heroes. Of course, the city was profoundly lacking in heroes, or anyone for that matter. However, there was one, huddled in the corner of one of the many buildings that filled this garden of marble, stroking the hair of a serial killer. The sight made Bob smile, as he approached the duo, already recovered from his earlier frustrations.
"Ah, miss Yang, what a pleasure." Bob took off his top hat and bowed, revealing slick black hair. However, this was only a brief, flourishing gesture, showing Bob's modicum of respect for any who would willingly remain near Mia. However, this situation would soon be amended. "I see you're rather busy. Don't worry. I'm here to take the girl off of your hands. While Stein may have left this location, I have no doubt he still wishes my head, and she would be a welcome hostage." He smiled brightly, expecting Yang to immediately hand over the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang looked up at Bob. "Mia is not going anywhere Bob. She is safe with me. And if you are worried about Stein ....I would love to do something about him....for everything he put her through but that armored guy took care of him for you I am sure. " Oddly Yang had taken a liking to Mia and was not about to hand her over to Bob just to be used as a bargain chip. She even looked at him eyebrows narrowed.

Ruby was wondering what was taking her sister so long to regroup. She was getting a bit worried even as she began to ask her question to the Witch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru kept on listening to the conversation. He looked at Yuno and smiled. He started to feel dizzy. His eyes began to close when they closed completely


Yukiteru fell down and hit the floor hard. He got knocked out again. He felt himself slowly dying but he wasn't going to let that stop him from being with Yuno.
[Rin, Forest]

Rin was walking around the Forest when he saw a small abandoned town. He walked towards the town and found a small inn. He stood in front of the Inn in hopes of finding his Friends. He entered the inn and it appeared as if no one had been there for Millions of Years. He found a room and sat on the bed. He put Kurikara in a corner and he layed on the bed he began to wonder about many things.
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