Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro was alerted to Yuki and went over . "Hey are you alright? " She had stopped following Kurama for a second to tell Yuki and Yuno they were moving on when she heard his weak voice calling for Yuno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob chuckles. He looks down at Yang. Then, he waves his hand sideways. The mere gesture encases him in a pillar of flame, the earth trembling as he begins revealing his true power, the ground under his feet reduced to magma as he hovers. A wind of unknown origin blows through the streets, caused by the massive change in pressure, hot air shooting upwards as a tornado begins to form around Bob's pillar of flames. His eyes glow bright red, his grin filled with sharp teeth. "You would stand against one such as me, girl? Hand over the killer. She's mine. She once made an attempt on my life, and this will be justice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang smirked at Bob. "So you play with fire....well you really want to play?" Setting Mia down she stood to face Bob with no fear. She activated her Semblance as her eyes shifted to red and her hair looked like it was in flames as did her body. "You are not the only one who can play with fire.." She then looked at him.

"You do not decide who she belongs to...no one deserves to die just because of a misguided attempt on one's life but now I see why...." Yang also deployed her Celica s. "I cannot let you kill her!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob chuckles, as he looks down at the girl. Her bravery was nearly intoxicating. "You would stand before me, a God, and declare that I do not have the right?" Bob laughs, drinking in the fear she suppressed, the sheer willpower of this girl. It was absolutely beautiful. "Truly, your resolve astounds me. Very well then. Let us see how long it can last!" Bob laughs as he reaches into his chest, carving a piece off of the Chaos Gem that made up his existence. It was a shard of Fear, drinking in all the fear Yang herself felt, a shard that glowed up brightly, a body of shadows forming around it.
The wraith flowed up, it's body pure black. It could sense fear in the air, and it's instructions were imprented into it's mind. It instantly chose a more appropriate form, stealing one from Yang's memories, as it took the appearance of Weiss, filled with the Black Blood. "Heheheheehe. This is going to be FUN!" Weiss extended her hands, claws of Black Blood extending from her fingertips in a method similar to what Mia uses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Oh hello fake Ice Princess.." Yang said casually. "I am not amused.." She charged at the copy Weiss letting out a shout of a battle cry and began to launch a assault on Copy Weiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Y-Yukki!" Yuno snapped out of her quiet trance and quickly got to his side. As if she only wanted Yukki with her, Yuno subtlely pushed Hiro to the side.
"There is someone within this building," CEE said as EMBR headed towards an inn.

"So, how can you tell? Heat measures in your scans or something?" He said to the AI in his headset.

"Affirmative. Unknown if individual is hostile or not. Please enter with caution," CEE confirmed this for him as he opened the door to the inn.

"Gotcha..." EMBR said as he went to search the rooms of the inn first, and would soon find Rin inside one of the rooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Hey...." Hiro said as she was pushed aside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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((By the power of extensive research))
Weiss smiles, before the Black Blood disappears completely. Instead, as she holds out her hand, Myrtenaster appears to appear from nothing. She smiles faintly, moving into stance, holding her sword out in front of her in what looks like a fencing position. "Hello." With her astounding speed, Weiss shoots forward, executing multiple slices at you by jumping off of sigils that appear in midair, shooting back and forth to execute a powerful blow each time she shoots past you. Her form and skill, as well as her abilities, are exactly that of Weiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang moved her Celica s to block the blows as best she could. The faker did replicate her teammates moves well but it was not anything new to her. She also took some gauntlet shots when she could letting off some flames from her body. "Woah I did not see this coming..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kurama heard Yuki fall over and turned to see Yuno push Hiro away from them. He ran over to the scene kneeling down by when Yuki landed. "This isn't good we won't be able to move with him in this state." Kurama said before looking at Yuno.. "Does he have any open wounds? I can cover them with nearby plants and at least stop any possible bleeding but beyond that I can't do much for the boy." Kurama said to Yuno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Inn]

Rin saw as someone walked into the room. He quickly grabbed Kurikara and unscathed it. His Blue Satanic Flames came out. He held Kurikara out up high.

-"Who are you?! and what Are you doing here? Did you bring me here?! Are you one o Satan's Minions?! Did my Father send you here?!" Rin asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The moment that Rin unsheathed the Kurikara and also revealing those blue flames, EMBR activated his special briefcase, the said briefcase shifting into a shield form and he held the transformed shield in front of him.

"...call me by my codename, EMBR. As for what I know...it's as much as you know. I'm not really sure what you're talking about with the whole...Satan talk, I usually don't believe that stuff. Don't think I'm here to bring any harm...that is, this is all self defense. I don't have much reason to attack you, unless you decide to attack me, then I'll have a reason," EMBR said, and in case he does attack, his finger was on the switch to transform the shield into the hybrid form of a sword and rocket launcher.

"Individual scanned. The unknown blue flames hold a strong property of luminosity and heat, equivalent to a blue star. I am not sure on what is the cause for these flames, EMBR, but I suspect the blade he holds is the catalyst for said blue flames," CEE said after scanning Rin without the latter noticing.

"Oh...well that's interesting," EMBR said as he put his hand on his headset to hear CEE. Of course, CEE was only an AI that spoke to EMBR through his headset, and it would seem from Rin's point of view that EMBR was talking to himself as CEE couldn't be heard by anyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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BGM: Flos

"Hey...um...Are you alright?" a certain white haired Light was trying to wake up a sleeping Hayate Yagami, who moments ago, was frantically searching for her dear friends Vita and Signum, and now was peacefully sleeping on her wheelchair, with a tall woman dressed in black, had long white hair, sleeping besides her, laying close to said chair. "Guess she won't wake up any soon...i wonder, what kind of world i am." she said looking around her, nothing more than a thick forest, with a tranquil and refreshing breeze blowing in their faces, Lyna took out the Amber Amulet that belonged to her teacher of Time Magic. "Brother...it seems we got separated again." she said pressing firmly the amulet, she heard some mumbling noise, Hayate was waking up. "Huh? I don't remember falling asleep...maybe i worked too much...i'll going to drink some hot milk." a little groggy, Hayate pushed the lever that moved her wheelchair, bumbing on a distracted Lyna. "Ah sorry, didn't see you there miss!" said the girl apologetic. "Oh, it was nothing, say, do you know where we are?" Lyna asked, Hayate gave her a puzzled look. "Well, of course, we are in the Asu-" suddenly she was interrupted by Reinforce, who woke up after the wheelchair moved, making her fall on the ground. "My master, it seems we are in a diferent world." she said, which made Hayate properly wake up and have her first overeaction. "WHAT? W-we are where?" Hayate asked wide-eyed. "So i was right..." said a saddened Lyna. "H-how could this happen?" Hayate said also sad with the news, Reinforce tried to find words to cheer up the girls, but couldn't manage. "Ah! I know, this must be the place Vita and Signum must be here!" Hayate said, surprising Lyna and Reinforce. "But my Master, we are not sure if this is the case." said Reinforce. "There's one way to know!" Hayate said as she joined her hands in prayer, a bright white light covering her, and then.

BGM: Supposed to be an epic music

"We are the guardians that reunite themselfes in front of our master, of the Night Sky." Signum said.
Moment of Silence
Another Moment of Silence.
"We'll always exist close to our master, the Queen of the Night Sky, Hayate Yagami....HEY! Where's Zafira and Shamal? They were supposed to recite the remaining lines, now this got alkward, stupid and nonsencial!" said Vita in her usual angry mood, wich made Hayate, Lyna and Reinforce giggle.

BGM: The Price of Freedom

"Wait a minute...Hayate? HAYATE!" Vita happily screamed as she hugged Hayate, happy to be reunited with her master again. "I missed you too Vita." said Hayate in a serene tone. "I'm happy for you all! Seeing friends being together really makes happy." said Lyna smiling. "We are more than just friends, we are a family." said Signum smiling back. "Oh, by the way, why don't you introduce yourself? I am Hayate Yagami, these are Vita, Signum and Reinforce, my family!" said Hayate. "I am Lyna Celest." said Lyna, making the people in front of her minus Hayate stare in surprise. "Y-you mean that legendary magician that is responsable to zeal for the balance of Light and Darkness? I never expected to be such a beautiful girl!" said Vita. "Err..." Lyna was a little embarassed by the remark, and also puzzled, they knew what a Light Charmer is and its role in the Multiverse. "W-well, nice to meet you all!" she said with the brightest smile she could make.

BGM: Enemy Attack

After some time walking the forest and knowing each other better, Lyna felt numb, the usual reaction when she feels darkness, she would get used to it in a few seconds. "Shadow Replicas, so they are around, girls, be careful, they proably felt us and is coming at our direction." said Vita holding Graf Eisen tighter. "I see, then..." Hayate got up from the wheelchair, now brandishing a staff. "Blessed Winds, Reinforce, SET UP!" saying the line, Hayate's clothing changed ((to the one seen in the CS)), and Reinforce now had wings and a diferent clothing as well. "Hey, Light Charmer, just watch, we'll make mincemeat of those Shadow Replicas!" said Vita as she took flight to the direction she felt the Shadow Replicas, Reinforce and Signum following behind her, Lyna also took flight, brandshing her staff as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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Gummi Bunnies said
The moment that Rin unsheathed the Kurikara and also revealing those blue flames, EMBR activated his special briefcase, the said briefcase shifting into a shield form and he held the transformed shield in front of him."...call me by my codename, EMBR. As for what I know...it's as much as you know. I'm not really sure what you're talking about with the whole...Satan talk, I usually don't believe that stuff. Don't think I'm here to bring any harm...that is, this is all self defense. I don't have much reason to attack you, unless you decide to attack me, then I'll have a reason," EMBR said, and in case he does attack, his finger was on the switch to transform the shield into the hybrid form of a sword and rocket launcher. CEE said after scanning Rin without the latter noticing."Oh...well that's interesting," EMBR said as he put his hand on his headset to hear CEE. Of course, CEE was only an AI that spoke to EMBR through his headset, and it would seem from Rin's point of view that EMBR was talking to himself as CEE couldn't be heard by anyone else.

-"Okay.. My name is Rin Okumura, Son of Satan , and this sword holds my Satanic Powers as Satan's son, The Name of the sword is Kurikara. So EMBR sorry for almost attacking you."

Rin sheathed Kurikara back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"It's fine, happens to me a lot apparently," EMBR said as he had the shield form back into its suitcase form. Thinking he should, he removed his headset, and put it on speaker mode.

"Oh, this is CEE, an AI I progammed into my headset," EMBR said to introduce the AI.

"Hello Rin. I recorded your information into my memory storage. I will not forget your information," CEE could be heard by both EMBR and Rin as she was on speaker mode, her voice was somewhat smooth for an feminine AI.
The nearby Shadow Replicas sensed by Lynn's group was wildly rampaging through the forest, killing off the animals that were unfortunate to be in the monstrous horde's way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"It's fine, happens to me a lot apparently," EMBR said as he had the shield form back into its suitcase form. Thinking he should, he removed his headset, and put it on speaker mode."Oh, this is CEE, an AI I progammed into my headset," EMBR said to introduce the AI. CEE could be heard by both EMBR and Rin as she was on speaker mode, her voice was somewhat smooth for an feminine AI.

[Rin, Inn]

Rin saw as he morphed his Shield back into a suitcase. He still had is school uniform on from Cram School. He was tired. He wondered what Shiemi and Yukio were doing. Rin thought that they might be doing something because he wasn't around.

-'Damm, Yukio! You got the upper hand!! Rin thought.

-"Nice to meet you CEE. So how did you get here?" Rin asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Weiss stops long enough to show off an arrogant smirk. "You never were one for foresight, were you?" Weiss holds up Myrtenaster. She brings it smashing down, a long trail of ice exploding from the ground and freezing around Yang. "I'm going to kill you. Just submit and run away, you worthless bitch." With this, Weiss sets Myrtenaster to Violet, dashing forward as the blade glowed with a violet light. She would finish this, as she had been created to do, fueled by the fear Yang held. Fear permeated all beings, no matter how brave, and it would be her weapon in this battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

EMBR switched his headset back to its normal mode so CEE would be only audible for him as he put his headset back on. "Not sure when I woke up in the forest. Even CEE couldn't figure out where this is, so this is even beyond the knowledge of my AI," EMBR said with a shrug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"I never run.." Yang said but her resolve was faltering as she saw what this fake Weiss planned. She cranked up her semblance aura engulfing the ice in her flames as a resort to get away from the incoming attack..
She also did it with the intent to burn this bitch...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Weiss jumped, landing on a sigil, shooting forward with incredible speed. Her blade was aimed to kill before Yang could get there. However, before she could do this, she screeched, tumbling to the ground, her skin cracking, black smoke leaking from it. The copy of Weiss seemed to go through a seizur, as black smoke came from it's eyes, ears and mouth, before it's skind completely exploded, revealing the black shade from before. The blackness seems to be leaking away, however, and soon all that's left is a brightly gleaming black gem.
Bob chuckles. "Well done. Fear is easily defeated through a demonstration of bravery." He smiles at this most amusing game, the girl who had not broken when faced with her own friend. "You certainly do have the right to face me. However, I'm not letting you off that easily." Bob narrows his eyes, as he holds out two hands. In each hand is a pil, one blue, and one red. "Take the red pill, and I will set you up in another of your friends in combat. If you win, I will admit I have been bested, and I will allow you to keep Mia. But I can guarantee this fight will be far harder. Take the blue pill, however, and you can avoid all that hustle. Instead, you will owe me a single favor, and I shall take my leave. Of course, who knows when I might pull in that favor?" Bob chuckles. Regardless of what she chose, this would be most amusing. Even if he were to lose Mia, this was just too beautiful an opportunity to miss.
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