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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang was confused. "Pillls?What if I just say bring on this final opponent?" She said looking at the red and blue pills before settling on the red one. The blue would only mean she would be defeated. She swallowed the red one as she was no quitter and she had Mia to fight for...and once she saved her she could get back to her sister and Weiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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John pulled Antipathy out of the way of the robots, they seemed ruthless and the two had to find Saint anyways. Flying off Antipathy kicked and growled though she didn't fight him, it was dangerous to face the giant mechs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: The Unversed

Gummi Bunnies said
The nearby Shadow Replicas sensed by Lyna's group was wildly rampaging through the forest, killing off the animals that were unfortunate to be in the monstrous horde's way.

"Listen girls, acording to Kaika, the Shadows can only be destroyed by magic and energy attacks, if you go to physical combat, they'll just come back at you." said Vita, with the girls nodding. "Master, charge an spell, we'll keep they busy." said Reinforce. "Got it!" Hayate nodded as she changed the height of the flight. "I'll go first! Laevatein! Cut them into two!" Signum screamed as her sword got enveloped in flames, slashing any Shadow Replicas nearby her. "My turn! Graf Eisen, Schwalbefliegen." Vita summoned four iron spheres, hitting them with her hammer, homing on four Shadow Replicas, they would explode once they hit their target. "Permit me, Photon Lancer - Genocide Shift" Reinforce summoned many yellow eletric projectiles, and lanched them at the Replicas, now it was Lyna's turn. "I would like to understand your motivations...but now, all i can do is oppose you, so sorry if i'm being selfish...A lone bolt of Light travels in the Shadows of the Night! Howl! Narukami!" Lyna held her Staff in a sword like manner, 'stabing' in front of her and sending a beam of light at her oponents. "Approach from beyond, mistletoe branches, become spears of the silver moon, shoot and pierce! Petrifying spears, Mistilteinn!" Hayate completed her spell, making a spell circle appear in the sky, accompanied with a black mist, six white dots appear around the circle, Hayate made a motion with her staff, and the dots turned into spears of energy, launching them at the remaining Replicas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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"Your choice has been made." Bob laughs, as he holds out one hand. There would many ways to create an illusion of Blake, or Ruby. However, that would be boring, and not at all what he had offered. No, he had offered for her to fight her friend. Bob's laugh echoes through the city of heroes, as the skyscrapers melt aside, forming into a massive arena for the coming battle. Then, he held up one hand, and Blake appeared in front of him. He had not used another Chaos Shard, no. He hadn't created a representative of her memory, even, nothing so complex. All he'd done was teleport Blake to this location. "As promised. If you defeat, and kill, your friend, I will allow you to keep Mia." Bob's grin was bright and wide, the smile of a demon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Entering the city again, Grimlock and his team looked around for the bugs. They started tearing buildings apart. searching for the entrance to the insecticon swarmer nest.

At about that time, Optimus and the Aerialbots arrived. They saw the remains of Megatron, and were amazed. They were both glad that Grimlock was on their side. However, Optimus seemed more saddened about Megatron's death. "It didn't have to end this way" Optimus said over Megatron, "You brought this on yourself" He then transformed and headed back to the Ark. The aerialbots did the same, there was nothing to say. They knew that the Dinobots would come if they wanted, but they seemed busy looking for something.
There were too many Autobots for Starscream to deal with. However, he soon saw Megatron. Still in his cloak, Starscream approached the carcass. "Oh how the mighty have fallen" he said, he was loving this. His chance to kill Megatron had been handed to him on a silver platter thanks to those giant brutes. Reaching into Megatron's spark chamber, Starscream tore out the chunk of Dark Energon. The Decepticon warlord finally perished, his final act was to curse Starscream before joining Unicron's anti-spark. Starscream jammed the Dark Energon inside his own spark chamber, and fused with it. "Oh the unlimited power!" he said, reveling in it's dark energy. A purple flame emitted from him for a bit, before dying down. Now, his spark was indestructible, nothing could stand in his way! Now, he could return to the Decepticons and reclaim the leadership that was rightfully his! Since he had decloaked, he transformed into his jet mode, and started flying towards where the Decepticon ship had been located. He could now detect the Dark Energon stored in the Nemesis, and it acted as a beacon. He flew past the lanterns, ignoring them. They were below him now, as he was soon to be king of the Decepticons ... again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kael Taiyou said
BGM: "Listen girls, acording to Kaika, the Shadows can only be destroyed by magic and energy attacks, if you go to physical combat, they'll just come back at you." said Vita, with the girls nodding. "Master, charge an spell, we'll keep they busy." said Reinforce. "Got it!" Hayate nodded as she changed the height of the flight. "I'll go first! Laevatein! Cut them into two!" Signum screamed as her sword got enveloped in flames, slashing any Shadow Replicas nearby her. "My turn! Graf Eisen, Schwalbefliegen." Vita summoned four iron spheres, hitting them with her hammer, homing on four Shadow Replicas, they would explode once they hit their target. "Permit me, - " Reinforce summoned many yellow eletric projectiles, and lanched them at the Replicas, now it was Lyna's turn. "I would like to understand your motivations...but now, all i can do is oppose you, so sorry if i'm being selfish..." Lyna held her Staff in a sword like manner, 'stabing' in front of her and sending a beam of light at her oponents. "Approach from beyond, mistletoe branches, become spears of the silver moon, shoot and pierce! Petrifying spears, Mistilteinn!" Hayate completed her spell, making a spell circle appear in the sky, accompanied with a black mist, six white dots appear around the circle, Hayate made a motion with her staff, and the dots turned into spears of energy, launching them at the remaining Replicas.


The lesser Shadow Replicas were easily destroyed by those attacks. Yet, their essences weren't completely erased. Usually this was considered a rare feat, but their essences of the fallen Shadow Replicas began to fuse together, forming a much stronger Shadow Replica and it gave out a large monstrous screech. This was known to be a Shadow Prime, as these were much stronger and much more intelligent than other Shadow Replicas, and Kaika's only been barely strong enough at the time to defeat a similar Shadow Prime by herself. The Shadow Prime slammed it's arms into the ground, and out came many blobs of darkness that would come from under the group in an attempt to trap them and drown them in the darkness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang was confused as was Blake. "Yang? How did I get here?"Blake asked just moments ago she was in the forest. Yang looked at Bob. "This is a sick joke....you expect me to fight and kill my teammate?!" Yang looked to Mia and Blake but was conflicted. To save Mia she was going to have to kill Blake...but Blake was her teammate. "Dammit..."

Blake still was confused. "Will someone tell me what is going on..."

At the Ark Elsa was planning to head out to find her sister but she had no idea where Anna could be. She would ask a Autobot for help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sideswipe was busy moving weapons to the storage room as he passed Elsa. He was a bit confused, as Optimus had ordered Ironhide to move the humans to a safe location. But he continued on, knowing it was not his jurisdiction to take care of the humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Excuse...." Elsa began to say but noticed SideSwipe walk past her. "Nevermind.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
EMBR switched his headset back to its normal mode so CEE would be only audible for him as he put his headset back on. "Not sure when I woke up in the forest. Even CEE couldn't figure out where this is, so this is even beyond the knowledge of my AI," EMBR said with a shrug.

-"Well I have a theory that we might be in a different dimension, I mean think about it, you're in a place that you don't recognize and your AI can't process were you are, so the most obvious thing is that you're in a Different Dimension..." Rin said.

He sat down. He had said all of this in one breath. He needed water but didn't know where to find some.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Having heard Elsa, Sideswipe stopped. "Uhh, you sure you don't need anything? And weren't you supposed be with Ironhide?" He said, his curiosity getting the better of him.

((Gonna be gone for a while and can't post, cya for now))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Elsa looked at him now. "I need to go and find my sister. A robot who could turn into a jet attacked some of your robots and tried to hack into your database. Anna was kidnapped by him..." She said sadly tho she did not know the name of this robot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Amano__Yukiteru said
-"Well I have a theory that we might be in a different dimension, I mean think about it, you're in a place that you don't recognize and your AI can't process were you are, so the most obvious thing is that you're in a Different Dimension..." Rin said.He sat down. He had said all of this in one breath. He needed water but didn't know where to find some.

"Who knew I would be dealing with things that are literally out of my own world?" EMBR joked a bit, but then he got a warning from CEE that someone was approaching. Quietly, EMBR gave Rin a gesture that would be described as "quiet down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Grimlock hit a building, something quite odd happened. Instead of the usual reaction of the building breaking, it bent around the fist as if it were liquid. The material simply avoided getting hit by entering a liquid-like state, and no matter how much force Grimlock and the other Dinobots put into their punches or other physical attacks, the buildings could not be destroyed. The most reaction would be a ripple, soon halted. Gaia wasn't about to allow his City to be torn down by a group of angry dinosaurs, robotic or no, not when his task had been to protect it from harm.
"The City of Heroes is under my protection. Any who attempt to harm the city, or harm others within it's boundaries, will be eliminated." Gaia's voice spoke out throughout the entire city, save the area Bob, Blake and Yang were in. Even in the midst of a speech, Gaia made sure not to interrupt Bob and his games, fearing to set off a rampage, as was common with the fickle God. "If you value your own lives or those of your friends, cease your actions immediately." Gaia was prepared to fight even these massive opponents if he had to.
Bob simply laughed, as he looked at the two contestants in this Death Match. "Miss Blake! Your dear friend Yang wishes to kill you in order to save the girl that tortured your other friend, Weiss. Welcome to the City of Heroes." He chuckles, as suddenly health bars appeared above both contestants, representing their physical and mental health at any time compared to the norm. "Now, begin! If you don't start fighting in ten seconds, I'm going to start blowing things up!" Bob laughs crazily, as in the background battle music starts playing from no obvious source.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: ((Same one that Gummi posted.))

"(Oh no.) EVERYONE, TAKE FLIGHT NOW!" Lyna screamed, Vita,Signum and Reinforce complied as they took flight, they looked below seeing what was about to take them, if wasn't for Lyna, they would be caught by now, however. "Hey Idiot, why didn't you took flight?" Vita screamed. "Don't worry about me, i go through this all the time!" said Lyna, with a blob capturing her, wich made Vita call her Idiot again. "I understand Lyna, don't worry, we'll aid you from here, Signum, Vita, Reinforce, can you give me more time?" Hayate asked. "Yes Master." the three girls said in unison. "If this was a plan to get us serious, then it worked, GRAF EISEN, LOAD! CARTRIDGE!" Vita commanded, a reloading sound was heard, increasing the destructive power of the magic device, Graf Eisen changed to a rocket powered hammer. "RAKETEN!" she screamed, as she flew at high speeds with the help of the hammer. "HAMMEEEEEEEER!!!!" she spinned in the air, aiming to hit the Shadow Primes head, meanwhile, Signum also commanded for Laevatein to also load a cartidge, a magic circle appearing below her as she lifted the sword a above her. "Flying Dragon..." she made a motion with her sword, quickly changing into the whip blace. "FLASH!" she screamed as she directed the attack at the Shadow Prime, changing the trajectory to not hinder Vita on her attack, Reinforce was going to attack, but Hayate commanded her through telephaty not to until her signal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Yang is this true. .."Blake sighed. She drew Shroud knowing if she wanted to avoid the death of innocents she and Yang would have to fight it out. "What possessed you to save her life after all she did..but I understand. I'm sorry...."

"Blake..." Yang looked saddened but took a stance as well.."Sorry for whatever happens.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock and his team stopped their rampage. "Where are Insecticons!?" The dinobot leader said. He would fight this protector if he stopped them from finding the nest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The hit got the Shadow Prime right on the head, but it recovered right away and smacked Vita away with a sudden manifestation of shadowy spikes from it's head. Yet, it couldn't do much from Signum's attack, yet it was still strong to battle it out. Ready to attack, the Shadow Prime slammed its arms at the ground many times, creating many dark shockwaves to spread around as a wide-spread attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
The hit got the Shadow Prime right on the head, but it recovered right away and smacked Vita away with a sudden manifestation of shadowy spikes from it's head. Yet, it couldn't do much from Signum's attack, yet it was still strong to battle it out. Ready to attack, the Shadow Prime slammed its arms at the ground many times, creating many dark shockwaves to spread around as a wide-spread attack.

BGM: Confrontator

"Damn! A Cartidge loaded attack wasn't enough..." Vita cursed, checking if she didn't have any major injuries from the spikes, taking distance to not get hit by the shockwaves, Lyna, still on the ground thanks to the blob, was being punished by the shockwaves. "Please Lyna, endure a little more, Reinforce, you can attack now." Hayate commanded. "Yes, My master, Schwarze Wirkung!" Reinforce infuse her fists with a dark aura and flies at the Shadow Prime direction, aiming to punch it continuosly. "(I envy you Testarossa, able to get behind enemies so easily.)" loading another cartridge, Signum flew above Reinforce and the Shadow Replica getting behind it, at this time, Reinforce would have finished her punches. "Here's my new attack, Soaring Dragon Flash!" Signum screamed as she waved her whip sword quickly, doing a series of quick, magic enhanced slashes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"Who knew I would be dealing with things that are literally out of my own world?" EMBR joked a bit, but then he got a warning from CEE that someone was approaching. Quietly, EMBR gave Rin a gesture that would be described as "quiet down."

Rin nodded. He grabbed Kurikara ready to unscathed the Sword. He remembered that the light emanating frim his Blue Flames might cause unwanted visitors. Instead he got ready to do some hand-to-hand combat. He layed down near a wall, watching for any sudden movements

-"There seems that someone followed me or you? We need to know who and now." Rin said quietly.
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