This is just a list of things we had on old RPG that range from the super obvious to small things. Most of it is pretty low priority, but it's worth posting just so things don't get forgotten in the new site shuffle.
EDIT ADDITION: Better page controls - Now that we have pages, time to complain about them! You're welcome, Mahz. Anyway, basic functionality like first page and last page buttons would be great. There was also some other stuff going on with the old page controls that would be nice to have, like the nearby page numbers to be able to click and skip a few pages at once rather than just the first or last page button. I feel like I'm describing this poorly, so here's an image of the old page controls to show what I mean:

Exact replication is obviously unnecessary, but having first and last page buttons as well as some way to easily navigate to a specific page would be great.
Official Contests sub-forum - Artist of the Month kinda died a long while ago, but Writer of the Month was still going strong with Brovo, Kagamine, and myself managing it. There's already been some people asking about when it might be up and running again, so it'd be nice to be able to get it going some time in the near future. On old RPG it had the WOTM pseudo-mod account to make things work, but I'm sure we can get by without it until you get the whole moderation shenanigans in order.
Profile customization - Super obvious, just saying it because nobody else appears to have done so on new Guild yet. Avatars, info about yourself, blah blah blah, typical profile stuff. People also seemed to like having the ability to diddle with their profiles by changing colors and text and the background and whatnot, so I figure it'd probably be cool to MySpace it up again and bring that functionality back once you get the actually important parts of the forum up and running again.
Visitor messages/profile wall/whatever - Lots of people seemed to use the hell out of VMs, but I dunno if it'll be really necessary with the new PM system being smart and acting like threads. I'm sure there are people who will still want VMs or something like them even with a good PM system though, so yeah, do whatever with this suggestion.
Friends list and the stalker wall - Friends stuff is another "no shit, sherlock" level feature; could also add shenanigans like a foe list if you feel like it, as I'm sure some would like to use it. The stalker wall (thing that showed all the most recent posts from people on your friends list, was the first tab visible when you went to your own profile) is another thing that I don't know if there's actually any great demand for, but maybe people will want it back? I never used the thing and it annoyed the hell out of me that it was the first thing visible on people's profiles, but this list isn't just about what I want back, so I'll keep it on the list.
Searching - Super obvious like profile customization, listing it for the same reason as the profile customization stuff.
List of who's online - There was a thing at the bottom of the front page showing who's online, might be nice to have again. On a related note, if you do implement the who's online thing, invisible mode would be nice to have too.
List of people viewing a thread - Same as above, was at the bottom of the page. Also maybe a list of people viewing a subforum as I've seen on other sites, but meh, I never found that very useful personally.
User post count tracking - Used to be displayed under people's avatars, down with the join date and location (if people had one set), on old RPG. Also had a little stats section in your profile where you could see your average posts per day and probably some other stats that I forget.
Users list sorting - This kinda needs pagination implemented first to make sense, but since you're working on that I figure the groundwork is already being established. Anyway, the old RPG allowed you to sort the member list by join date and post count, and search by name or by first letter of a name, yadda yadda. It'd be nice to have that functionality again at some point, but this is probably super low priority so it's all good.
Various BBCode - Whenever BBCode fixing up happens, would be nice to have all the old functionality back. Some of the ones I remember using most were list coding, noparse tags, and video embedding. I'm sure there were others that are missing from what we have now, but I dunno what they were so whatever.
EDIT ADDITION: Better page controls - Now that we have pages, time to complain about them! You're welcome, Mahz. Anyway, basic functionality like first page and last page buttons would be great. There was also some other stuff going on with the old page controls that would be nice to have, like the nearby page numbers to be able to click and skip a few pages at once rather than just the first or last page button. I feel like I'm describing this poorly, so here's an image of the old page controls to show what I mean:

Exact replication is obviously unnecessary, but having first and last page buttons as well as some way to easily navigate to a specific page would be great.
Official Contests sub-forum - Artist of the Month kinda died a long while ago, but Writer of the Month was still going strong with Brovo, Kagamine, and myself managing it. There's already been some people asking about when it might be up and running again, so it'd be nice to be able to get it going some time in the near future. On old RPG it had the WOTM pseudo-mod account to make things work, but I'm sure we can get by without it until you get the whole moderation shenanigans in order.
Profile customization - Super obvious, just saying it because nobody else appears to have done so on new Guild yet. Avatars, info about yourself, blah blah blah, typical profile stuff. People also seemed to like having the ability to diddle with their profiles by changing colors and text and the background and whatnot, so I figure it'd probably be cool to MySpace it up again and bring that functionality back once you get the actually important parts of the forum up and running again.
Visitor messages/profile wall/whatever - Lots of people seemed to use the hell out of VMs, but I dunno if it'll be really necessary with the new PM system being smart and acting like threads. I'm sure there are people who will still want VMs or something like them even with a good PM system though, so yeah, do whatever with this suggestion.
Friends list and the stalker wall - Friends stuff is another "no shit, sherlock" level feature; could also add shenanigans like a foe list if you feel like it, as I'm sure some would like to use it. The stalker wall (thing that showed all the most recent posts from people on your friends list, was the first tab visible when you went to your own profile) is another thing that I don't know if there's actually any great demand for, but maybe people will want it back? I never used the thing and it annoyed the hell out of me that it was the first thing visible on people's profiles, but this list isn't just about what I want back, so I'll keep it on the list.

Searching - Super obvious like profile customization, listing it for the same reason as the profile customization stuff.
List of who's online - There was a thing at the bottom of the front page showing who's online, might be nice to have again. On a related note, if you do implement the who's online thing, invisible mode would be nice to have too.
List of people viewing a thread - Same as above, was at the bottom of the page. Also maybe a list of people viewing a subforum as I've seen on other sites, but meh, I never found that very useful personally.
User post count tracking - Used to be displayed under people's avatars, down with the join date and location (if people had one set), on old RPG. Also had a little stats section in your profile where you could see your average posts per day and probably some other stats that I forget.
Users list sorting - This kinda needs pagination implemented first to make sense, but since you're working on that I figure the groundwork is already being established. Anyway, the old RPG allowed you to sort the member list by join date and post count, and search by name or by first letter of a name, yadda yadda. It'd be nice to have that functionality again at some point, but this is probably super low priority so it's all good.
Various BBCode - Whenever BBCode fixing up happens, would be nice to have all the old functionality back. Some of the ones I remember using most were list coding, noparse tags, and video embedding. I'm sure there were others that are missing from what we have now, but I dunno what they were so whatever.