Places of note:
- is the human/elf kingdom that doesn't get a part of the dwarves' golden age. Boohoo. The current king is an human who doesn't always deal fairly with the elf population.
- is another human/elf kingdom, or rather princedom, but mostly human.
- Alberyn is the main realm ruled by the Council, and the races coexist in peace... at least in the capital, and probably the region around it too, which is governed by a council of its own. Although in Alberyn, "well-mixed" usually means there's a pretty big proportion of dwarves. Golden Age, yada yada.
- Ceris Capital of Alberyn, also the area directly around the capital.
- Leija is the larger region around Ceris and it has a multi-racial council.
- The Great Roral Plateau and the Charis Mountains are split between two regions, Rauren and Charen, for no good reason, and are mainly inhabited by dwarves. Yay, dwarves! Each region is governed by a "King" who, despite the title, is subject to the council.
- Northwards across from Lunae, the smaller region, Niren, is mostly human and the longer region, Ursanyl, is well-mixed. They're both governed by an elected Governor (human and half-dwarf/half-human)
- The western region, Palyis, with the big forest (it doesn't really have a name, it's just the big forest or whatever people feel like calling it) is mainly elves and humans, and is governed by a council.
- Elensa is covered in somewhat racist human squabblers. Boo.
- The southern part of the Suleim range, Imlar, mostly has dwarves and humans. Some of them don't take too keenly to their elven neighbors down in Valkan. A dwarf prince rules the region.
- The southern region of Alberyn, Tel Mysa, isn't very populated except for the coastal cities that have a pretty good mix of races. It's governed by two Sages that must be of two different races (right now: dwarf and elf)
- Lake Nevan's region, Nevanyl, is pretty independent from Ceris, ruled by a dwarvish Steward, and bustling with activity from all races.
- Niriod Strait is the channel between the Big island of Taeren and the smaller one.
- is an isolated country that's mainly a port city, Herel, but they also own a little bit of mountainous country. It's mostly human, and ruled by some sort of merchant prince.
- is an elven realm trapped inside Alberyn.
- Areal
- Vaneria
- Crescent Republic
- Elend Kingdom

- Red = Human
- Green = Elf
- Brown = Dwarf.
The Council of Alberyn:
Set in Ceris the council is comprised of dwarfs, elves and men. (3,2,2, respectively) The total number of members at any one time is seven. There is no official leader, but the eldest dwarf is considered the unofficial leader at this point. The council is the main ruling body for Alberyn. Although the council only directly rules over everyday occurances in the city of Ceris, they oversee the other ruling bodies of Alberyn, such as the other councils, sages, princes, stewardship, governors and lords (Even though the Lords of Elensa don't listen to the Council).
The White Shields:Created back in the glory days of the Kindgom of Ester. The order was started by the king to keep peace and uphold the law. After Ester fell the White Shields stayed together and tried their best to continue their charge. As the years went by they found this harder and harder to do especially as the times changed. Soon the White Shields passed into legend and were all but forgotten. The current White Shield order is still strong, but they have changed. They are more of a mercenary force of good. They only take on jobs they believe are good/honorable. The main tenant all White Shields follow is loyalty to their brothers/sisters in arms.
Dwarven Golden Age:The current age. Dwarves are the most populous and wealth flows for dwarven kind. More specifically, West to East.
Races in Taeren:- Elves
- Dragons (The dragons are the mortal enemies of the sea-dwellers. Dragons are perceived as somewhat evil since they're so big and dangerous. They are a legend that not many humans and dwarves believe in.)
- Dwarves
- Humans
- Nature Spirits (Dryads, Naiads, etc)- Worshiped as Gods by most humans.
- The pseudo-mermaid but not creatures (Inhabit the seas and sometimes eat sailors. Also concidered an old wives tale to explain away dissapearances at sea.)
The First Races:
The First races of the world were Elves and Dragons and the Nature Spirits. They tended the land and were at peace. When the other races started springing up, the Elves and Dragons and Spirits watched over them. In all the annuals it was never sure why the Elves never took upon them rule of Taeren. They were always more content with letting things be. The Dragons on the other hand, hid themselves away from the world and have scarcely been seen since. The Spirits have long been revered by Humans and sometimes dwarves as Gods.
The Human Golden Age:Before the reign of the Dwarves, the humans ruled from their great kingdom of Ester. Ester was under the rule of a human King. This man was fair and just and everyone loved him. However, as all with all things the time for Ester eventually passed. War broke out when an invading force landed on the shores of what is now Alberyn. These men from a far off country sought to overtake Ester. However the kingdom was strong. Ester repelled the invaders but at a cost. The once great civilization fractured and was unable to sustain itself. This event gave rise to the Dwarven golden age.
Name: Nei Marly
Race: Human
Age: 29
Appearance: Nei is average height, of average build, with brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and a short beard. There's really nothing about him that would make him stand out in a crowd, except for one thing: he always carries a large weapon. Surprising really, since he doesn't have bulging muscles.
Personality: When a fight comes his way, Nei just dives headlong into the fight and shuts out the rest of the world. Needless to say strategy isn't his forte... He is known for making firm, swift decisions after having given them hardly any thought. The fact that he's lasted so long like this speaks volumes about his skills. Unless it's about his teammates who've managed to keep him in check...
History: Nei grew up in the city of Herel. He had a little brother whom he loved dearly and would have defended from anything. Unfortunately, Nei was off helping his father on a business trip when "it" happened. Nei was 17, just learning how to pull the strings in the wealthy merchant sphere his father belonged to. One day, Kyll was attacked in the streets by a mad dog while walking home from school. Nei usually walked him home but since he was out learning business this time he couldn't help his brother. Nei blamed himself for his brother's death, and the next day he ran away from home, taking only a small leather pouch and a battle axe as heavy as he could lift from one of the warehouses. From that day on he never went back to his former life, never even thought of it. He roamed the world for a few years, getting odd jobs, finding his way into Alberyn. One day about two years later, he heard some White Shields talking about recruiting. The White Shields suited his his desire for justice and his need for fighting. So he joined their ranks and as usual, never looked back.
Skills: Wields a battle axe or a mace. Or both. (Usually an axe, though.)
Race: Human
Age: 29
Appearance: Nei is average height, of average build, with brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and a short beard. There's really nothing about him that would make him stand out in a crowd, except for one thing: he always carries a large weapon. Surprising really, since he doesn't have bulging muscles.
Personality: When a fight comes his way, Nei just dives headlong into the fight and shuts out the rest of the world. Needless to say strategy isn't his forte... He is known for making firm, swift decisions after having given them hardly any thought. The fact that he's lasted so long like this speaks volumes about his skills. Unless it's about his teammates who've managed to keep him in check...
History: Nei grew up in the city of Herel. He had a little brother whom he loved dearly and would have defended from anything. Unfortunately, Nei was off helping his father on a business trip when "it" happened. Nei was 17, just learning how to pull the strings in the wealthy merchant sphere his father belonged to. One day, Kyll was attacked in the streets by a mad dog while walking home from school. Nei usually walked him home but since he was out learning business this time he couldn't help his brother. Nei blamed himself for his brother's death, and the next day he ran away from home, taking only a small leather pouch and a battle axe as heavy as he could lift from one of the warehouses. From that day on he never went back to his former life, never even thought of it. He roamed the world for a few years, getting odd jobs, finding his way into Alberyn. One day about two years later, he heard some White Shields talking about recruiting. The White Shields suited his his desire for justice and his need for fighting. So he joined their ranks and as usual, never looked back.
Skills: Wields a battle axe or a mace. Or both. (Usually an axe, though.)
Name: Nainë Kylór
Race: Human
Age: 23
Appearance: Nainë has very short, curly, dark brown hair, and big grey eyes rimmed with thick lashes. She looks somewhat fragile with her small stature, pale skin, and thin face, but under her cloak she hides well developed muscles.
Personality: quiet, loyal, bookish but a little restless (needs to travel)
History: Nainë grew up along the shores of the Misty River in a town just south of the great forest. She learned to worship the spirits of nature, and she still does. She learned magic from an Elf who was a friend of her parents. Near the end of her apprenticeship, her mentor decided Nainë needed to see more of the world than one small town in Palyis. This was the first time she had left home, and when the two women finally came back Nainë found she had caught wanderlust. She bid goodbye to her friends and family and left in search of some White Shields she had met on her previous trip. This was three years ago.
Skills: magic. woo. Very diverse skills, but that also means she's not extraordinarily proficient in any specific field. She likes to throw spectacular fireballs. She carries a large staff with a crescent on top surrounding a glowing light. The crescent helps focus her magic but can be removed so she can fight with her staff if need be.
Race: Human
Age: 23
Appearance: Nainë has very short, curly, dark brown hair, and big grey eyes rimmed with thick lashes. She looks somewhat fragile with her small stature, pale skin, and thin face, but under her cloak she hides well developed muscles.
Personality: quiet, loyal, bookish but a little restless (needs to travel)
History: Nainë grew up along the shores of the Misty River in a town just south of the great forest. She learned to worship the spirits of nature, and she still does. She learned magic from an Elf who was a friend of her parents. Near the end of her apprenticeship, her mentor decided Nainë needed to see more of the world than one small town in Palyis. This was the first time she had left home, and when the two women finally came back Nainë found she had caught wanderlust. She bid goodbye to her friends and family and left in search of some White Shields she had met on her previous trip. This was three years ago.
Skills: magic. woo. Very diverse skills, but that also means she's not extraordinarily proficient in any specific field. She likes to throw spectacular fireballs. She carries a large staff with a crescent on top surrounding a glowing light. The crescent helps focus her magic but can be removed so she can fight with her staff if need be.
Name: Kainen Elessth, goes by Kai. When he needs to give his full name, he says Kainen Elest because it sounds more human.
Age: lol. I dunno. How long do Elves live? When do they become adults? For that matter, how long do dwarves live, and nature spirits?
Race: Elf
Appearance: Looks in his twenties. Longish black hair, green eyes. The tips of his ears were snipped off by a spiteful enemy in his youth. He had them cut down and healed to a rounder shape (by a magician) so they'd look human. They still don't look quite human if you look very closely, but it's good enough so that most people don't notice he's an elf. He couldn't bring himself to go back home after his humiliation, and he thought being human would make life easier in human towns. The other reason he pretends to be human is that without his ears, he feels diminished in his elfhood.
Personality: very proud (pride is basically the reason he hides that he's an elf).
History: He was born in the Dennu Woods; right next to the border of Valkan, but at the same time very near to the Imlar region. (His mother is from Valkan and his father is from Tel Mysa.) He spent his first couple of decades near that area, mostly among Elves, but since then he's travelled Taeren far and wide. New to the White Shields.
Skills: He's an excellent swordsman, wielding a two-handed longsword. To human eyes he doesn't look strong enough to wield heavier weapons, so he's stayed away from them. His elf eyes also make him a good shot with a bow, but he'd rather get himself dirty.
Age: lol. I dunno. How long do Elves live? When do they become adults? For that matter, how long do dwarves live, and nature spirits?
Race: Elf
Appearance: Looks in his twenties. Longish black hair, green eyes. The tips of his ears were snipped off by a spiteful enemy in his youth. He had them cut down and healed to a rounder shape (by a magician) so they'd look human. They still don't look quite human if you look very closely, but it's good enough so that most people don't notice he's an elf. He couldn't bring himself to go back home after his humiliation, and he thought being human would make life easier in human towns. The other reason he pretends to be human is that without his ears, he feels diminished in his elfhood.
Personality: very proud (pride is basically the reason he hides that he's an elf).
History: He was born in the Dennu Woods; right next to the border of Valkan, but at the same time very near to the Imlar region. (His mother is from Valkan and his father is from Tel Mysa.) He spent his first couple of decades near that area, mostly among Elves, but since then he's travelled Taeren far and wide. New to the White Shields.
Skills: He's an excellent swordsman, wielding a two-handed longsword. To human eyes he doesn't look strong enough to wield heavier weapons, so he's stayed away from them. His elf eyes also make him a good shot with a bow, but he'd rather get himself dirty.
Name: Leon Renaud
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Leon is five eight. He has shoulder length brown hair. Most of the time he wears it down, unless he knows there's a fight, then he puts it up. Leon has brown eyes that kind of unremarkable. He has a full beard, trimmed, that hides a lot of his face and gives him a common looking face. Leon isn't the most attractive guy out there, but he isn't hideously scarred like a lot of mercs he knows. His one truly impressive scar runs across his upper chest which is usually hidden by his tunic.
Personality: Leon is someone who keeps to himself until he gets to know you. He really doesn't tolerate stupidity. In some ways Leon is an old man. He's always talking about how things used to be done and what's wrong with the kids nowadays.
History: White Shield Veteran.
Skills: Uses a long sword and shield
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Leon is five eight. He has shoulder length brown hair. Most of the time he wears it down, unless he knows there's a fight, then he puts it up. Leon has brown eyes that kind of unremarkable. He has a full beard, trimmed, that hides a lot of his face and gives him a common looking face. Leon isn't the most attractive guy out there, but he isn't hideously scarred like a lot of mercs he knows. His one truly impressive scar runs across his upper chest which is usually hidden by his tunic.
Personality: Leon is someone who keeps to himself until he gets to know you. He really doesn't tolerate stupidity. In some ways Leon is an old man. He's always talking about how things used to be done and what's wrong with the kids nowadays.
History: White Shield Veteran.
Skills: Uses a long sword and shield
Name: Thetrous Blazingguard
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Dwarf/Half-Human

Physical Description: Thetrous is shorter because of his dwarven heritage. He is barely five four. He has blue eyes and bright red, very bushy hair. He has an oddly shaped beard by human standards, but his dwarf kin appreciate it. Thetrous has multiple piercings. One in his lower lip. Two in each ear. (He doesn't have the hose ring) And a few else where. Thetrous has his fair share of scars and burns from his time in the White Shields, but none that impede his movement.
Personality: Thetrous is more of the quiet stern type. He likes hanging out with friends and drinking. He also like fighting. He enjoys his work in the White Shields because he feels like he is doing something worthwhile.
History: White Shield Veteran. He joined when he was a lad. His mother was a full blooded dwarf who was killed by bandits. His father never recovered from it. He always blamed himself, so he taught Thetrous how to fight and also taught him loyalty. This is what lead him to join the White Shields when his father eventually killed himself.
Skills: Uses a two handed bastard sword.
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Dwarf/Half-Human

Physical Description: Thetrous is shorter because of his dwarven heritage. He is barely five four. He has blue eyes and bright red, very bushy hair. He has an oddly shaped beard by human standards, but his dwarf kin appreciate it. Thetrous has multiple piercings. One in his lower lip. Two in each ear. (He doesn't have the hose ring) And a few else where. Thetrous has his fair share of scars and burns from his time in the White Shields, but none that impede his movement.
Personality: Thetrous is more of the quiet stern type. He likes hanging out with friends and drinking. He also like fighting. He enjoys his work in the White Shields because he feels like he is doing something worthwhile.
History: White Shield Veteran. He joined when he was a lad. His mother was a full blooded dwarf who was killed by bandits. His father never recovered from it. He always blamed himself, so he taught Thetrous how to fight and also taught him loyalty. This is what lead him to join the White Shields when his father eventually killed himself.
Skills: Uses a two handed bastard sword.
Name: Mordechai Moradi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Mordechai is tall and skinny. He is from the western side of Alberyn, the Great Rorat Plateau. So his skin is a light chocolate color compared to the "white". He wears the traditional garb of his people unless he absolutely cannot, AKA he will be killed for it.
Personality: Mordechai is kind of like an eager puppy. He loves to learn new things. He likes to be around people and he likes to travel. He doesn't dislike much other than mean people.
History: Mordechai came from a tribe of wanderers. He grew up on tales of adventure from the other men in the tribe. New to the White Shields.
Skills: He learned the bow from his mother. He also learned the light short sword from her before she died. Mordechai has excellent eye sight, so much so that he has been teased that maybe he has elfin blood running through his veins.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Mordechai is tall and skinny. He is from the western side of Alberyn, the Great Rorat Plateau. So his skin is a light chocolate color compared to the "white". He wears the traditional garb of his people unless he absolutely cannot, AKA he will be killed for it.
Personality: Mordechai is kind of like an eager puppy. He loves to learn new things. He likes to be around people and he likes to travel. He doesn't dislike much other than mean people.
History: Mordechai came from a tribe of wanderers. He grew up on tales of adventure from the other men in the tribe. New to the White Shields.
Skills: He learned the bow from his mother. He also learned the light short sword from her before she died. Mordechai has excellent eye sight, so much so that he has been teased that maybe he has elfin blood running through his veins.
Name: Caden Naylor
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Caden looks about as young as he is. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He isn't bulky like most swords men because he relies more on his agility and the ability to deflect blows rather than take them. Caden is almost six feet tall.
Personality: Looks can be deceiving. Caden has been fighting in real combat since the age of fourteen. That means he's been doing this for five years now, and he's good at it. Which means he cocky. He likes to boast about his skill and abilities.
History: New to the White Shields. His father served as a White Shield and now it's Caden's turn. The young lad had prepared to join since he could hold a sword. He grew up with his mother, a cold, stern woman. She expected him to be better all the time. He was never good enough for her. When his father retired to their manor, Caden was promptly kicked out to join the White Shields.
Skills: Caden wields dual swords, favoring offense over defense. Even though Caden is good at defending with two swords. He named his swords Deep and Dark respectively. Both swords were inherited from his father.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Caden looks about as young as he is. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He isn't bulky like most swords men because he relies more on his agility and the ability to deflect blows rather than take them. Caden is almost six feet tall.
Personality: Looks can be deceiving. Caden has been fighting in real combat since the age of fourteen. That means he's been doing this for five years now, and he's good at it. Which means he cocky. He likes to boast about his skill and abilities.
History: New to the White Shields. His father served as a White Shield and now it's Caden's turn. The young lad had prepared to join since he could hold a sword. He grew up with his mother, a cold, stern woman. She expected him to be better all the time. He was never good enough for her. When his father retired to their manor, Caden was promptly kicked out to join the White Shields.
Skills: Caden wields dual swords, favoring offense over defense. Even though Caden is good at defending with two swords. He named his swords Deep and Dark respectively. Both swords were inherited from his father.