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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eruraina


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"Don't worry about them," Briella told him. "A fight in this situation is highly frowned upon. Guards would come and arrest both them and you for disturbing a court event. They may snicker, and make remarks, but that is the extent of what they would do. Glare daggers, but not throw any." She glanced at the ones that Troy was referring to. The glares were definitely unmistakable. Briella had to laugh at the thought of the noble nights being humiliated by Troy. Though to him it may have seemed like she suddenly for no reason out of the blue. "Oh, two of those men went through training with me before we were knighted. Though they were knighted before I was, actually. My uncle felt extra training was necessary for me so that I would be more than strong enough to hold my own. I'm glad of it." Then her face grew expressionless, almost staring off in sad thoughts at the mention of her uncle. But she shook her head, pulling her eyes back to the room, though the sad expression didn't leave.

"You look noble enough. If you look around there are scarce others that are not quite as dressed up. Not all nobles feel the need to dress up on every occasion, especially the more active duty knights," Briella explained to him. "But you look fine just as you are. You would be a clown had you gone any fancier. As for looking, can't say I'm keeping an eye out to look. Like I said before, romance is the last thing on my mind, which means I'm a bit too distracted to care to... what was the word you used? Ogling? Over a man."

"Let them look and talk? What would we do to make them not talk?" she asked him. A server passed with a tray covered in glasses of wine. Briella grabbed one of the glasses, swirling it in the cup for a moment before taking a sip. Though it would not be her last cup for the night. Many more would follow. "As for a good time, good luck with that. Mostly these events are meant for mingling, getting to know others of the higher class. Try to gain higher standings with the right people. As for what could be done for fun. Well, there's a long table full of delicacies to try. Not to mention soon the dancing music shall start and couples will make their way to the dance floor. The king might propose a toast later. Oh, and I had heard rumors that the king had highered some fire dancers for entertainment."

When Ethan spoke of getting his sword, Briella glared at him. "Yes, everyone would mind. I would mind. This is no place for a sword. As impressive as your skills are with a sword, that skill is useless here," she told him. "Though there are ways of being here without being completely unarmed. A hidden knife can be cause for some comfort. And if you mean when you were tested in the arena? I'm very much aware of how well you fought there, of what impressed the king so much. I was across the arena, watching from the other side. Though I had come to watch Dante at his request, you were, indeed, impressive."

As she finished speaking, a young man came up to them. He was only fourteen, with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore fine purples cloths embroidered in gold and gems. Upon his head was a circlet of silver, marking him as one of the princes of the country. He came up to her, and bowed.
"Sir Briella!" he said with a smile. Briella smiled back and gave him a curtsy.
"Your majesty, prince Aaron," Briella said.
"I'm glad to see you here! I heard about your uncle, and I thought you would not make it!" he said, then glanced up at Ethan. "You must be Sir Ethan! I've heard about you, but haven't had the chance to meet you. I'm always busy with my studies. I hear you're one of the greatest swords men. I would love to see you fight some day. I wish to be great with a sword myself." Then his attention quickly turned back to the lady knight. "Briella, I've come over to inquire something of you. I think I may have finally come up with a riddle to stump you."
"Oh? Let me hear it," Briella said, giving the boy a soft smile.
"Alright. I have skin harder than chain mail, wings that of a bat. A long slicing tail, and eyes of a cat. What am I?" he asked. Briella thought for a moment, then raised an eyebrow.
"You really thought that such a riddle would stump me, my prince? The answer is easy. A dragon," she said.
"Aw, you got it right off! One of these days I'll stump you."
"Alright, in the meantime, it's my turn to give a riddle. With thieves I consort, with the vilest, in short, I'm quite at ease in depravity; yet all divines use me, and servants can't loose me. For I am the center of gravity," Briella said to him.
"Um... Magic?" the prince guessed, but Briella shook her head. Then someone called the prince's name. "Oh, I must go now. Someone else to talk to. Always someone else. I shall see you, Sir Briella, Sir Ethan." With that, the prince ran off.

Briella sighed, and turned back to Ethan. "Such a hopeful and kind child. Much more like his mother. It may be wrong of me to say this out loud, but I more so wish he was the crown prince to inherit the kingdom. Not his elder brother Donovan."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Ethan didn't look to be too concerned over the other Knights, instead he seemed to look more ready than anything. It was painfully obvious that even in fine clothing, the Wayward Knight was still that, Wayward. The arrogance never left his hazel eyes, though they did waver when he heard her laugh. Looking back over his 'friend', he wondered why she laughed. It was so sudden that he couldn't quite place it. Then a thought came to his head, could she have been laughing at him? Pft! He thought he looked rather good for the evening, even if he hated this type of clothing. It would never occur to him that maybe she was actually picturing how Ethan made the Knights look like rookies. How could he? After everything that's happened, she rarely showed signs of liking him in any regard. In fact even now, her asking him to the dance could have been out of regret and sympathy for what she said the prior evening..
For once, Ethan's smile faded and he looked over at the woman next to him, about to say something along the lines of saying it was okay to not force herself to do anything with him, that is until his eyes saw the sadness in hers. Stashing his own insecure feelings away, he just smirked at her before retorting in a playful tone, hoping that the tone could hide his own expression.
"Hah lass, after seein' yah with me own eyes..The trainin' worked wonders. So much so that when we get a chance, I wanna spar wifcha when yer at yer best. Blades got a dull edge for a reason, na' that I wanna hurt ye or nothin."

With a scoff, Ethan moved a hand down the outfit he wore, tilting his head with a smirk, staring into her eyes.
"Oi, yah been lookin' alrigh'. Dun' tell me yah aint been starin' just a wee bit. Course I wouldn't blame yah if you did, seven 'ells..You caught my attention too, even if romance aint entirely on yer mind. 'Tis still nice knowin' ye can 'ave someone turn an eye at ye..hah, did ye jus' say I aint a clown? That's the first time yah ever said somethin' like that. An' I try so hard bein' the fool yer king so loves eh?"
With a shrug, Ethan simply sighed. The 'Street Rat' didn't care what others thought or whether he looked too noble or not noble enough. He only tried so hard to look the part and to clean himself up so that Briella didn't have an awkward night..course that could still happen knowing him. He was probably going to make this a show of a time. Then again, maybe that was what she wanted?

"Guess ye got a point lass. Aint a damned thing we can do and we may as well let em do whatever it is they gun' do. 'Sides, I plan on 'aving a good time with ye tonight, Good times tend 'ta cause the wanderin' eyes of those around ya."
As she went on to explain how hard of a time it would be to have fun, the word 'dance floor' clearly struck a cord, making a grin appear on his face. The thought of causing some 'Mishap' or something in the like could very well start off a fantastic night. Though the line had to be drawn somewhere between his fun and amusement to actually breaking the gathering up in a horrible way. Ethan would try and keep away from that. So instead of thinking anything too crazy. he would try and make something happen. The woman at his side wasn't entirely happy with what happened lately and if he could help and make it better in some way, he was going to. Even if it meant spending the night in the stocks.

"Ohh! Fire dancers eh? Can I get on that? Wha' if somethin' were 'ta come up? I tend 'ta be quite on me feet when fire's about. Ever work the forge on a pitch black night? Sorta the same thing!"
It really wasn't the same thing and Ethan knew that, he only wanted to play the part of the fool that Briella seemed to think he was. In truth he had no idea how to comfort his partner, so being himself would just have to do for now.

"Ye would mind too eh? Pft fine lass, I aint needin' a blade 'ta defend myself if it comes 'ta that. 'sides..Despite everythin' yah said about not watchin' me back. I think ye would help if some one were 'ta come at me with the intent of puttin' me in the ground. Ye like me around, even if I aint entirely the best of company."
That is when he seemed floored by what she said. She didn't..she couldn't have just said she was [i]impressed[/] with him! Let alone the fact she was there when he was forced into the arena, he just stared at her with wide eyes, trying not to smile at the fact that he was able to get her to say something nice about him or his skill level with a blade. Clearly though he couldn't stop the smile, showing just how much he appreciated her comment on it, so much so that the arrogance in his eyes faded, replaced with the very appreciation he felt for her words.
"Hah, ye were impressed?..That's the first time yah ever really paid me a compliment on me fightin' talent lass. Hah, I always knew you were." He teased, smirking at her playfully before nudged her with his arm, knowing that a very minor nudge wouldn't budge her at all.

"You're quite good yerself. Beautiful and deadly all in one." Ethan exclaimed just as the prince came over.

For a Blacksmith that lived in the slums, Ethan didn't quite know what a silver circlet meant, but slowly began piecing it together over the conversation that the boy and Briella were having. As he continued to listen, he smiled at how kind he seemed and by then figured out who he was, his personality was strikingly different than the Kings; So much so that Ethan himself began thinking of how he would swear his blade to protect this child if he were to be crowned. Someone as good willed as this boy should be the one who had the throne. The people in the Slums may actually stand a chance at living a better life than what they were now. Perhaps more fresh food and less corrupted coin flow.
When Briella greeted him, Ethan also bowed his head in respect.
"Hello lad hah, the greatest hm?" With a sly smile, Ethan smiled up at Briella before turning his attention back at the young man. "Thank ye for sayin' so..but know that it aint about the blade. All ye gotta do is let those cares ye got slip away. In a fight it's important to jus' feel the moment and let it overtake ya. When ye truly do that? You may find that you can do things that some consider impossible." As he finished, he winked at the boy. "I betcha that you'll be amazing with a blade, my lord." That was the first time Ethan said 'My Lord' when not prompted.
With a smile, he let Briella take back over, not sure if he could stop himself from being rude or too preachy. He liked this young man and if he tried guiding him in any way, the prince may take offense to it.

As the prince carried on with his riddle, Ethan wouldn't to say he may know the answer, only to bite his tongue. The lad didn't deserve to be interrupted so he just let them go back and forth until he said his good byes.
"Farewell, prince Aaron." He stated, waving him off before looking over at Briella, smiling.

"I would gladly be apart of his royal guard if it meant he were to be crowned..he is quite a lad an' I hope fate is kind enough to lead us down such a road." Though he said that, he made sure to whisper it into the ear of the lady knight.
"I met em..I agree wifcha."
He stated, turning to the table of fine assortments and foods. Motioning toward them, Ethan sighed at how there was a ton of different foods that could feed a family for months, maybe longer down in the slums. He still didn't like the fact that he couldn't bring his family to the court, but instead he figured he would look out for them with his own coin, making sure to be discreet and also to tell his father to watch out when it came to the coin flow in the lower part of the city. He still didn't catch the group of cut-throats that 'enforced' banditry in the Slums. When he got some time, he would though..

"Hah, wonder how many will eat tonight eh?" Said the Wayward Knight, slowly gathering a bit of fruit, tasting it as his eyes fell on a few girls that seemed to be looking at him. With a tilt of his head, his hazel eyes lingered for a moment before he just shrugged, moving back to be closer to Briella.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eruraina


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Still with a solemn expression, Briella regarded Ethan as he mentioned wanting to spar. She pursed her lips a moment, then shook her head.
"If you feel the need to spar again. But my style more so includes my magic, of which I doubt you would stand a chance against. Unless, of course, you have an enchanted blade in your possession," she told him plainly. She would never fully admit it, but if it came to brute strength, he easily had the upper hand. But then, she had never relied too heavily on brute strength, relying more on keeping light on her feet, and more importantly on her magic and stratagem.

Troy made comment about how she did indeed look, and avoided rolling her eyes by taking a sip of her wine that she had grabbed from a passing platter. Before lowering the cup, she took another sip, letting the flavor linger on her tongue a moment before swallowing. "Me, staring? You have the wrong impression. Just because you're not a clown, doesn't mean you're that attractive. Not my definition of handsome, though other courtesans might say otherwise. But then, I don't have a definition of handsome, because I don't care to compare people in that way. Ability and heart is more important than looks. You can meet someone more beautiful than the rising sun, but once you get to know them, and find the blackness in their heart, they become ugly. But on the contrary, you may find someone of average or bellow in looks, and they are the most gentle of creatures, they suddenly grow in beauty more radiant than the dawn," she said, glancing around at all the different attendees. It was like the room radiated beauty, with grand dresses and bright colors, and hair set perfectly upon their heads. But Briella knew the hearts of many of them, having grown up among them, and she knew the darkness there, which dulled the scene to her. "And going by your words of my appearance, and I knowing my own heart, I am the first of those two kinds of people."

A moment she watched those who had begun dancing, before turning away, and looking up at Ethan and his grin at her words of his fight. She suddenly had the urge to wipe that grin off his face with a good punch to the teeth, but resisted the urge by taking another sip of her wine. She glanced down at the cup and found it nearly empty, so finished it off in a few more gulps, placing it in the hands of a passing servant and asking for another.
"What, did you not hear me the first time? I'm not repeating myself," she told him, glaring back at him as he went to nudge her. But she didn't move, choosing to stand stubbornly. "And don't be so sure of yourself. I might help, if only to finally be able to wipe the smug looks of some of the faces here."

When the prince had come, his majesty listened to Ethan with obvious interest, nodding to his words, before continuing the exchange. Though the blond haired boy was quickly lost in the crowd when he departed from their company. He was quick to mingle and give a smiling face to anyone, and it was a genuine smile. Unlike his brother Donovan and his father Breadon. They stood on their dais at the end of the great room, watching the crowd with almost disinterested looks. They spoke to those who approached them, but only curtly. Briella took a moment to watch them now, as cold gazes fanned over the room. When the king's gaze landed on her and Ethan, a strange feeling overcame Briella. But she nodded to the king, and his eyes passed them, moving on. Though she said nothing, Briella wondered what that had been about, that strange feeling, but instead of worrying out it, she turned away and back to Ethan, who she suddenly realized was again speaking to her.

"Ah, sorry, I missed that. Something about being Prince Aaron's royal guard? Well, that would be a step down from your current position, but would almost seem more fitting for you. On second thought, no, you would be bored to tears. Being a royal guards means mostly standing at attention nearby him at all times. I can't see you doing that. You're better in the field of battle," she told him, going over to the table of foods with him. Without thinking, she picked up a small pastry, and bit into it, able to eat it in a few small bites, and licking her fingers clean. A servant came with her second glass of wine, which she accepted graciously, and took a sip.

"It is likely everyone will eat eventually. Though there is some left over from these events, it is common for the servants to finish off any left. Either eating it themselves or taking it to family. Servants of nobles are better off than others. More of a middle class than the lower class most people of the court consider them," Briella told Ethan at his question. "But eat, or at least taste some. Even if you have qualms against this way of living, you're here so you might as well," with that she picked up another pastry and ate. The music changed to a light song that had many going to the dance floor in quick steps of a familiar pattern of movements that had everyone moving the same, and switching partners at change of pitch in the music.

Briella watched the dancers again, but turned away.
"I think I shall step to the balcony for a bit of fresh air. It has suddenly become close in here to me. Perhaps you might join me," she said, turning to make her way out.
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