Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Because you kill things and Vita speaks to the dead...you scratch my back kinda deal
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caits - Lost - welcome!! I'll check these tonight while I'm traveling. Glad to see you both here.

Y - I'm good with him being older. He's our magic guru. You'll love him. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I could see that, it very well could end up either way. He might not be very happy when you are bringing back things he killed, or be intrigued. Who knows, he has been a hermit for almost 2 decades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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I imagine he would have known of me, if only as a child, so it wont be all too surprising. I wonder if the would have some sort of magical connection because of the closeness of their powers?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If you wish feel free to PM me and we can discuss it further. Just don't want to clutter Kate's beautiful OOC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Oh I cluster her stuff all the time (giggidy)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And I have already decided I approve of you. Well done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Hunter CS:



Home Country: The White Kingdom. Arlese is from the elvish kingdom deep in the White Bark Woods which lies east of Aldin (two day to the edge of the forest and four more to the kingdom). It is said the kingdom glistens in the sun, its building made of pure white marble and stone, bright flowering trees and bushes litter the palace and every kind of animal is safe there. Of course that land has not been seen for centuries and so the elves are thought to be extinct or even simply a myth.

Background: Arlese was born and raised in the white kingdom, born to a family of high status and soon after dedicated to The Woad, the protection and worship of nature. It was with this future in mind that Arlese was raised to never eat meat, know another's touch, and prepare for the fight of dark creatures that would seek to destroy their land. As she grew Arlese became one of the best, a Woman of the Woad by her 80s and the youngest ever. As the elves felt the power of the shade and his children grow they strengthened their defenses and prepared, till a message from a human king arrived and Arlese was chosen to travel for the first time in a long time to travel outside the White Woods, the first time in centuries to do so with the human's awareness.

Increases fitness: As an elf Arlese is extremely physically capable. She can out run any human or witch, jump into a tall tree with little effort, and moves with the grace that can only come from inhuman flexibility and a light step.

Forest Affinity: Arlese was raised exclusively in the forest and so knows many of nature’s secretes and is close to those animals that inhabit it. She can move through them almost undetectable, never gets lost, and has increased damage when fighting inside woodlands.

Purity: Arlese is a Woman of the Woad and so has been raised to be extremely pure of heart and spirit. Because of this she has an increased resistance to dark magic as well as possessing weapons that have been passed down by generations of Woad warriors and have increased in power with every elf, giving it more lethality against dark creatures.

Weakness: PMed

Weapons: Long handled sword

Hunting bow

Additional Info: Arlese has a ‘stead’ of types that she calls “Boleo”

She is also a vegetarian
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Name: Jonathan Eclesius

Nickname, if applicable: Deathwalker

Age: 32

Human Appearance:

Home Country:
Baelor, a country covered in forests and low mountains, called the Copper Hills. The land is tough and cold, hard to grow anything on, and the people rely on hunting and whatever they can plant for food. The forest provides them with wood, and the Copper Hills are aptly named, although copper is not the only metal that they found there, simply the first. They export iron, coal, copper, tin, wood, and even gold, silver and precious gems in exchange for grain from other countries and for this reason, few want to wage war against them.

The people are skilled craftsmen, both with wood and metal, and are extremely superstitious. So much so that the Church is the ruling body and government.

Jonathan Eclesius was not his born name, although what that was faded long ago from his memory. Born in the cold northern country of Baelor, he discovered that he had magical potential at a young age, although old enough to know the curse that it was. He fled his parents house at seven years of age, running for his life as some of the village people discovered what he was, and wanted to burn him for it. They feared the forest, however, and there he found solace and sanctuary. Of a sort.

Darkness grew in his heart as he turned his magic into something terrible and awful. His power grew, and as did his legend in the area. So much so that the church deemed him a threat and charged a special unit to capture him and bring him back to a court to stand trial for his witchcraft. But the young warlock had no intention of going quietly. The battle that ensued was of legendary proportions, and at the end of it, Jonathan was left nearly dead.

Oddly enough, and elderly priest, the head of the troop came forward and used great light magic to heal him. But the event was traumtizing, leaving the young man without any magical power or much memory of his past before he came to the forest. He was brought back for judgement, but the elderly priest pleaded his case before the jury, telling them that he was no longer capable of practicing magic. However, he did owe a great debt to the church for what happened in the forest, so he vowed, from that moment forward, that he would fight for the church, bringing down their enemies, especially the witches and warlocks. His name was given: The Deathwalker, named so because he was living, as the Church saw it, on borrowed time. He owed the Gods for his life, and as thus, had to repay them in the blood of the dark ones.

His name took on a different, more lethal meaning for the ones that he was charged with hunting down and slaughtering in the name of the Church.

Strengths: Works best in the dark, able to see perfectly well even in a pitch black environment. Faster than a lightning bolt and agile as a cat, as well as moving as silent as one, hard to hit is the name of his game.

Weapons: Right Vambrace with retractable claws.
Two daggers, carried around his waist.
All weapons are blessed against breaking and working as poison against dark ones, including himself. If the blades puncture the skin, without magical help, the target would be dead within minutes even from the smallest wound.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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Don't start without me, I've got my CS nearly done but I have other stuff to do so it'll be up within a couple hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Name: Reynault de Lyons

Nickname, if applicable: Rey to his friends

Age: 25

(I can try and find a non-armor picture if need be)

Home Country: The kingdom of Stahlberg. A small nation hidden in the mountains just north of Adin. This land is famous for it's steel and the quality of it's weapons and the men who use them are famous. The men and women of Stahlberg also have strong feudal traditions and ideas of chivalry, honor and courage. It's a harsh land and cowardice and dishonor are tantamount to sin.

Background: Reynault is a noble from a minor family from Stahlberg. Trained from birth as a knight, Reynault was raised on tales of heroic knights and glorious battles. He wishes to make his mark on the world as a knight of legend.

The youngest of a family of knights, he has a serious rivalry with all three of his older brothers. They have all gone off do to great things, while Reynault is struggling to make a name for himself. This leads him to be somewhat headstrong and needlessly daring, but ultimately he prevails due to his stubborn nature. He sees this quest as a way to become famous and he wants to be able to show his family, especially his brothers that he has done something worth noting.

Strengths: Trained Fighter: Reynault is trained in the use of both sword and lance.

Talented Rider: Ajax is Reynault's trusty warhorse, and the two share a bond like no other.

Strategist: Reynault has a good grasp of military strategy and is capable of thinking outside the box.

Weakness: Pm-ing this.

Weapons: Stahlberg Longsword

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Insomnia said
Don't start without me, I've got my CS nearly done but I have other stuff to do so it'll be up within a couple hours.

No worries.

I'm reading CSs now and will let you know if you need to make any chances. Once I do let you know, please add your CS to my CS thread that will be in the OP of this OOC thread shortly. Thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nice Y - post up your witch to our CS thread. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lady - Marcus is great. Accepted. Please add him to the Hunters CS thread as referenced in the OP in here. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caits - very nice on Lily. Add in the [ img](leave your website reference here[ /img] (no spaces in there) for your picture so we can see it and you're good to post up in the hunters cs thread referenced at the top of the OOC. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lost - creepy as well and very nice. Accepted - add him to the CS thread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Y - lovely start on your elf. Let me know when she's completed and I'll return to her.

Bane - Great job on your guy too. You owe me strengths, weapons, additional info and his weakness via PM I believe. :)

Nobody - Good job. The armor is perfectly fine. Give me a little more on his background, tell me of his raising and a little more of a look inside who he is and why. Also - show me a little more of the country/city that he is from so I can see it and visualize that's around us. Other than that - looks great. Let me know when it's updated and I'll re-read and give you a thumbs up. Glad you joined. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ThePhantomM


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Would the great mountain spoke of in the first post have snow at its peak? I'm thinking about having my character born there, a decedent of some of the first witches and warlocks. I'll probably have it be his village's custom to throw young children into the cold to fend for themselves and become strong, so you don't have to worry about my character's lineage trumping other player's, since he wouldn't have known his parents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ThePhantomM


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Magic Users CS
Name: Khelek Istar

Nickname, if applicable: Blizzard

Age: 47


Khelek Istar was born in a village on the frozen peak of the Great Mountain, where some of the first Witches and Warlocks reside. He never new his mother because of the village's tradition of forcing the children to fend for themselves at an extremely young age. Kkelek was fortunate enough to develop an affinity to the very element that killed many of the other children: ice. Before he had come of age, Khelek had used his powers to construct a home made entirely of ice. Instead of rejoining the village, he decided to remain in his icy abode. Though far from being a hermit, Khelek mostly kept to himself, causing him to be introverted and a bit of a lone wolf. Khelek fights almost entirely with weapons and projectiles made of ice.Though these weapons tend to brake after a few hits, they can be replaced with little effort.

Now that Khelek has sharpened his powers at the mountain, he wishes to use his abilities against any foolish hunters who would dare stand against the Shade's rule of this weak human world. Despite his loner nature, Khelek is willing to join with others to accomplish this task, as long as they don't slow him down.

Magical Element: Water/Ice

Magical Ability:
Cryokinesis: The ability to conjure and shape ice with his mind. Ice created with this ability is more durable than normal ice, but still not as strong as metal or stone. This ability can be used to create anything from a dagger to a house, taking more effort for larger objects. Creating a moderately sized structure would cause him to fall unconscious.
Cryophilia: Is completely immune to even the coldest temperatures. In fact, the colder the temperature, the easier it is for him to cast magic.
Cryoform: Temporarily transforms into ice or snow, allowing him to be blown by the wind or to be completely invisible in a snow drift or ice pillar. While transformed, he can not move of his own volition. If part of him is separated, it will be drawn to whatever location has the most of him upon returning to human form.

Weakness: PMed.

Additional Info: Khelek wears a set of ice plate-armor that he crafted himself. This armor is used both for protection and keeping his temperature cool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

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Okay okay, I saw this late, but I'm working on a CS lol. It'll be up really soon either in this post edited or in a new post should someone(more than likely) post after this.
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