Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Making her way out of the office she glanced around her soft forest green eyes flicking between each of the new campers that stood before her, why she had been the one chosen to welcome them to the camp she didn't know; maybe it was punishment for opening up the earth and threatening to condemn the souls of the Aphrodite kids again. Could she really be blamed for it though? They had touched her stuff and tried to give her one of their infamous makeovers claiming that she needed to brighten up her life or no guy would ever want to be with her. It hadn't gone down well in the eyes of the young Hades girl. She had been stuck in the camp for over a year and a half, living there full time with her one and only friend, Adam; the only one who really knew how she reacted to things that got thrown at her from others. Crossing her arms she leant to the side her hip jutting out slightly a bored sigh escaping through her soft pink lips as she began to speak out to the crowd before her, "Hey... Hey, you guys! The ones with the hope and wonder in their eyes, your all new right? Ha, you'll soon grow out of it; trust me, I know."

She reached out gesturing with her fingers for them all to follow her as she began to walk outside her speech never slowing or stopping, she wanted this over and done with quickly, "My name is Erin Chase, daughter of Hades. And I'm here to give you the ropes and the run down of this so called 'camp'." As she continued to talk and move about her hands came up pointing lazily at each place as she named them, obviously taking her job seriously... "Over there are the vineyards, Mr. D's kids work there... Then there's the infirmary run by the Apollo kids... The mess hall, the stables... Oh, the training arena is where you'll most likely find Ares kids... If you want weapons, go see our resident hot heads, and if you don't know who they are its the children of Hephaestus... Oh and over there are the cabins... You'll be sleeping in the one that belongs to your parent."

At that moment she stopped dead in her tracks quickly turning to stare at each and every single one of them her eyes narrowing slightly, "You guys do know who your godly parents are right? Or are you all the type who don't believe or was just dumped here..." Gritting her teeth she groaned turning her annoyed glare in the direction where the big house and the camps director was, "This was not part of the deal..." Sighing softly she lifted her hand up brushing back some of her long apple red hair, "Either way, here's the deal when it comes to family around here. My father is a deadbeat who never bothered to see me when I was young; I'm guessing one of your parents was the same... How else would you end up here in this damn place? Bla bla bla, your so special... Bla bla bla, it was against the rules... Oh and the biggest lie of all? You're better off, you'll be safe here. That's what they said back then and look what happened. Oh well, what can you do? Nothing now that your here."

Turning her back to them again she continued to move closer and closer to the cabins each looking so very different from the next due to the God or Goddess who had built it, "So while I have your attention; I guess I better welcome you to the camp. Watch your step though, it's not all fun and games around here. If you screw up, you'll get forced into doing the chores... Or you'll get turned into a minnow, what ever Mr.D's mood is usually determines the punishment of the day; oh and don't get offended, he gets every ones names wrong. Also watch out for the other cabins, you do not want to offend anyone here unless your willing to pay the price for it; besides, you want as many allies as you can get especially when it comes to capture the flag. And remember, alliances shift all the time." She made her way up the steps and onto the porch on one of the cabins the dark exterior not exactly the most inviting around, "Okay, so watch your back... Keep out of trouble, and before I forget; stay out of my way. Enjoy living here demigods, not many people do. If you need any questions answered, you can ask me I guess... Punishments around here suck..."

Rolling her eyes she turned back towards her own cabin pushing on the door before she slipped inside leaving the new people behind her as she made her way into the common room leaning over the back of the couch to grab hold of her jacket, turning her gaze up her eyes caught on those of her best friend Adam; standing up straight she looked at him slightly surprised, "What? I did my job, I gave them the run down... Oh don't look at me like that... Fine! I'm going, I'm going..." Turning around she slipped her jacket on bending down to give a quick scratch behind her beloved cat, Salem's ear before she made her way back outside and over to the new campers. "Alright so... What else do you all want from me..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar awoke in his cabin, the sun streaming in through the windows.He lazily rubbed an eye and wiped his face with a warm strong hand, in an attempt to wake himself up, he sat on the edge of his bed, his half-open eyes scanning the room,he saw nothing out of the ordinary suddenly a high pitched, almost whistling shriek filled the air of the somewhat messy cabin, Oscar covered his ears and looked at the source of the noise "WHAT DO YOU WANT, LUCKY?" the bird just stared at Oscar, his piercing eyes staring almost through him. "Oh I know what you want" Oscar said as he blinked himself awake a few times, gods he had trouble waking up, never trouble sleeping, but waking up was a problem. As he moved to the window, he could feel the birds stare on him get more intense, Oscar unlatched one of the larger windows, the only one that would fit Lucky's large wingspan, and stepped back as he more felt than saw the flash of red feathers jet through the window out into the open air. "Yah get outta here you spaz" Oscar said tenderly as he went to go clean himself up.

After a shower and dawning his clothes, Oscar walked out of his mothers Cabin, as he stood in the doorway he looked out over the camp and smiled, another day, another adventure, that was almost how one had to look at it here at Camp Half-blood, otherwise one began to become resentful, and resentment never lead to anything constructive, or so Oscars dad, and Yoda, had told him. Looking over at the new campers Oscar saw one of the Hades girls, Erin, he thought her name was, leading a group of what was clearly new campers around, giving her the tour, knowing that there was no way she would have volunteered for that, he figured she must have been forced into it as a punishment.

Oscar sat down, underneath the shade of rather large tree, and began to munch on an apple he found in his pocket, enjoying the day, but not feeling like wasting such a great day on climbing ropes or practicing archery with Chiron. Hopefully he would find someone to spar with later, but for now he was quite content in watching the action from underneath his shady tree, an apple in his hand, and his trusty bird winging overhead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Peter sat calmly cross legged in deep in the forest. He came out here to practise, so no one else would get hurt. His head was down like he was in prayer and he was concentrating one keeping himself calm. Peter opened his eyes. The morning dew covering the grass for a meter around him was frozen solid. He didn't like anyone at camp to see this side of him. The angry and fearful side of him, the side that had killed Marcus. Mostly only the Satyrs and the tree nymphs knew of Peter's abilities and he tried to keep it that way. Of course all the campers had seen his claiming but for some reason not one of them had made the connection between the God of the North wind and ice power.

Frustrated Peter stood up and slammed his fist into the nearest tree. Pain shot up his arm but he wasn't focusing on that. From the spot that his fist touched on the tree ice spread over its surface still half the tree was covered in frost. The tree spirits would be furious. Peter backed away slowly. If only he could suppress this power of his. If only he could thaw the ice. Peter turned and ran from the tree. He knew that the satyrs would know it was him but he didn't care. He just needed a place to burn off some energy and some anger.

Peter was often up before the crack of dawn. The people in the Hermes cabin slept late and though Peter had been claimed he was still in the crossroads cabin because Boreas didn't rate high enough on the God's list of super powers to warrant a cabin. Even after that Percy Jackson had made his deal with the Olympians. Peter skidded to halt in the arena. It was deserted and Peter was happy. The only weapon that Peter carried on him was the sleek blade made of solid eternal ice that his father had made for him but since a dagger wouldn't be enough to hold him in the real world Peter had taken up the quarter staff. He picked one up from the armoury and set up a dummy in the arena with the orange camp half-blood t-shirt.

Then he started to hack and slash at it in good form pushing all his rage out through the stick. By the end there was nothing left of the dummy but straw and a torn shirt. Not finished, Peter drew his dagger and cleaved the dummy's helmet in half. Tired but no less anger or miserable Peter collapsed on a bench. He thought about when life was so much easier. When he could come and go as he pleased.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What? I did my job, I gave them the run down... Oh don't look at me like that... Fine! I'm going, I'm going..."
"Alright so... What else do you all want from me..."

Adam smiled with a slight chuckle as she stepped back out of the Cabin and he joined her while crossing his arms over his chest. He looked out over the new prospects of the camp and studied each one a moment while stepping up to her side, just one step to her left, and one step behind her figure. He curled his lips to drag a smile grin to the right side of his face and he let a small chuckle escape once more before speaking.

"I think you have a good bunch here." He said softly in a whisper to her. He then stepped up, now actually beside her. "Don't take all of her words poorly, she can be a bit tiring. It just comes with the job." He said jokingly to them while his smile stretched and he turned to her, his left side now facing the group, and his left arm across his chest. His right hand extended and lightly touched her left cheek, while int he form of a fist, to mockingly act like he was going to punch her. "Come Erin, I will help you walk them around. I won't make you do it all on your own. Gods know you might hurt one of them by the end." He placed his right hand on her back softly and gestured for her to continue on and he followed behind her as they stepped away from the Cabin and he turned to the crowd a moment, assessing them for any signs of interests. "So, Erin, where shall we lead them? The Arena? The Cafeteria? The Forges? The Chariot Stables? We can go anywhere." He said optimistically while turning to her with crossed arms. "You know what, no." He poked her right shoulder and then pointed his index finger at her. "You don't get to choose, not with that attitude you had a moment ago." He then turned to the crowd and smiled. "We will be going to the Stables!" He slung his right arm up and gestured for them all to follow as he began walking with Erin by his side and he wrapped his left arm over her shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I think you have a good bunch here. Don't take all of her words poorly, she can be a bit tiring. It just comes with the job. Come Erin, I will help you walk them around. I won't make you do it all on your own. Gods know you might hurt one of them by the end." She turned her head glancing up into the face of her best friend, the only one besides Chiron and Dionysus that could keep her in check, feeling his hand rest upon her lower back she knew it was of no use; she would have to go through with te torture that was welcome wagon duty.

Crossing her arms over her chest she glanced around her letting him take over as she let her own mind wander from the fresh bate they were guiding through the camp, her eyes coming to a stop as her gaze fell on one of her camp mates lounging under a tree munching on an apple with an amused look on his face. Oscar, typical. Always finding amusement in her torture and punishments which of late seemed more increasing. Not bothering to pay attention to the tour she was supposed to be giving she gave him a slight nod before gesturing to the apple her stomach growling as she did so, she was starving though she kept a straight face ignoring the fact she was summoned to the big house before breakfast and in turn missing out.

She kept her gaze strong as she stared at Oscar waiting for him to at least give up a bite of the fruit before her attention was torn away from him and back to the tour when her ever growing attitude was brought up bringing laughter from the group and a glare in return, You know what, no. You don't get to choose, not with that attitude you had a moment ago. We will be going to the Stables!" She heaved out a sigh rolling her eyes as she felt his arm drape over her shoulder like she was some kind of leaning post, "Yeah, yeah... Whatever..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar watched Erin watching him watching her, a slight smile played on his lips as he did, his short black lockes flowing in the wind, his dark tan complexion complimented by his plain, semi-stiff, clothes. The son of Nike saluted Erin as he took an especially large bite of his apple, the juice dripping down his slightly hairy chin, as it did he raised a bare arm again and wiped the wet apple-ness from his beard hair. He pondered how Erin seemed to be getting into trouble more and more these past few months, and how he could never find it within himself to not find some amusement in the cold, brooding teenager's tasks, which seemed to always be those generally reserved for the more.....cheery campers among them. He suddenly snapped back to reality and realized that while he had been staring off into space, completely out of nowhere, she was motioning of a bite of an apple. Oscar considered it, she probably hadn't had much to eat, what with him having seen her in the the Big house just as he was exiting it, and he barely made it to breakfast in time to catch the last piece of bacon out of some hulking satyr's grubby little hand, not to mention he always had more fruit in his stache back at his cabin. Oscar again faded into the land of wonderment, barely noticing the fierce and straight gaze that Erin gave him. In the background Erin's friend was distracting her group of new campers so that they could have this silent exchange.

So, finally coming to a decision Oscar tossed Erin an extra apple from the cache of them that had accumulated in his pocket........However he threw it too late, she was turning away as the crimson ball of deliciousness sailed through the air, like a tiny, fruity grenade, the doom that was impended by this was causing the aur around Oscar to become toxic and thick, he couldn't say it fast enough, or maybe he didn't realize, or maybe he was just secretly a sadist, maybe he enjoyed this.......or maybe he should stop being stupid and actually say something, too late, Oscar watched, almost in slow motion, as the force of the apple landed squarely where Oscar had intended it to land, where, only milliseconds ago, Erin's hand had been, but now resided her lower back, he watched, everything happening so slowly, as if gravity were suddenly equivalent both above and below water, as he held his hand up, he feared the worst.

He bent down and picked up the apple, polishing it off with his shirt as he handed it to Erin and said "Sorry about that, My bad"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adam turned as Oscar approached and spoke up to Erin. Adam personally hadn't been introduced or gotten to know Oscar, but there was no reason not to now. He smiled as Oscar handed over the apple and Adam nodded in acknowledgement to Oscar. "Howdy, pleasure to meet you. I am Adam, by the way." He said introducing himself while waving to the group of newcomers to just sort of bed down for a second and hang out. He extended a hand to Oscar for a handshake and placed his other hand on the belt of his ranch-fit, dark navy jeans.

He wish there were more to say at the present moment, but nothing came to mind, yeah he could add his parentage into the introduction but it was unneeded and generally seemed off-putting in the matter of pleasantries. It always struck Adam as a sort of title, or attempt at bragging when stating parentage in an introduction, but he closed off the thought for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar turned as he heard the kid introduce himself, taking his hand, Oscar said "Oscar, and the back at chya Adam" Oscar intoned as he sized Adam up, he had the look of someone who was strong, but had worked to get there. "I think i've seen you around, but we've never actually been introduced, you're the Snow Goddess's kid, right? The Staff Fighter?" Oscar asked, noting the lack of familial introduction, it's not that that was uncommon around camp, it was just something that Oscar tucked away for possible future reference. Oscar suddenly re-noticed the new campers just hanging out and chuckled inwardly as they all looked around totally awkward, totally afraid to tell the others about the weirdness that was going on in their lives, whatever it was.

After Sage confirmed his own identity Oscar nodded sagely, and his next question just kind of blurted itself out, not that he didn't have restraint, which was part of what perplexed him so much about it, it just presented itself, without any sort of warning or anything Oscar inquired "So what have we got here? All unclaimed thus far or a couple minor? maybe a few majors?" Oscar chuckled at the strange straightforwardness of the lingo of the camp even as he spoke, minors being sons or daughters of minor gods and goddesses, and majors being sons and daughters of one of the 13 big houses. Generally new campers were unclaimed, or so had been Oscar's experience thus far.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

The quick sharp pain from the apple hitting her lower back shot through her body causing her teeth to clench and the ground below them to shift slightly small cracks appearing in the dirt threatening to open up and swallow them all to the depths of the Underworld, turning around her gaze shot straight towards Oscar watching him with anger and annoyance as he moved closer and closer picking up the apple and polishing it before handing it to her as a sort of apology. Reaching out she snatched it from his hand lifting it to her lips so that she could take a chunk out of it the juice running down the skin of the fruit before dripping onto her hand, "Sorry about that, My bad" She narrowed her eyes taking her time to finish what was in her mouth before she spoke her eyes gliding off to the side as she mumbled her reply to him, "Whatever... You're just lucky I'm hungry enough to not kill you..."

She fell silent lifting the apple up to her mouth every so often as she took bite after bite slowly satisfying her hunger as she listened to what was being said between her best friend and one of the guys she had met during her time here, "Howdy, pleasure to meet you. I am Adam, by the way." "Oscar, and the back at chya Adam. I think I've seen you around, but we've never actually been introduced, you're the Snow Goddess's kid, right? The Staff Fighter? So what have we got here? All unclaimed thus far or a couple minor? maybe a few majors?" Finally getting down to the core she stared at it for a moment slightly disappointed that there was no more before she tossed it over her shoulder not bothering to watch as it quickly began to whither and disintegrate like the flowers did when she felt upset or angry, "Couple of majors, none of the big three. The rest are minors. You can take it from here, I'm still starving. Adam, cook me some food?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she turned back to the two of them her eyes lazily shifting to Adam as she addressed him, she knew that even though she was speaking it as more of a statement he would criticize her if she didn't at least make it sound as though she were asking a question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adam paused to listen to Oscar, and then Erin as she spoke up after Oscar concluded. Adam turned a moment after the trio got silent and then turned back to Erin with a slight smirk. "Of course I will cook, but not just for you. I am pretty darn hungry myself. let's drop by the kitchens, I will fix us up something there. Sound alright, Erin?" He asked her while thinking of something to eat for himself while turning to Oscar a moment.

"You don't have to lead the group around, you can drop them off with a Hermes kid, they are born for this sort of thing." Adam then let out a small chuckle as he made crack at the heritage of the Hermes kids. It wasn't a shot, or a downing comment, but just a friendly joke. "You shouldn't get any problem from them, or anyone else leaving the group for them." He added while turning back to Erin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar's face was one of confusion as the two almost skipped off to the kitchens, "how had this happened, I mean it had all happened so fast, I just didn't know..." Oscar thought, hopefully to himself, after recovering from his sudden lack of composure, and composing himself, Oscar called all the new campers together, they all probably had figured out that nobody really wanted to show them around, they also probably had figured out that weird stuff was going on, especially to them, so Oscar decided to play it straight with the new campers

Oscar turned to the new campers as he thought these things "Hi, I'm Oscar, currently I'm the only son of Nike, the goddess of victory, at the camp, and I don't wanna be here, on this tour, any more than you do, but you see these beads" Oscar pointed to his necklace, and the many beads that were on it, "they indicate how many years I've been here, several. and one of the things that has lead to my survival is knowing where things are and where things are not, now If you'll Just follow me..." he lead the campers, thoroughly terrified by the looks on their faces, on a merry dance, searching both high and low, while trying not to show it, for a child of Hermes, finally finding one, he called her over, looked at her, and said "You know what to do" Then walked off, leaving the fate of the new campers to the nameless Hermes-born.

Oscar thought he'd make his way to the arena, figuring there was always something to do there, but not before going to the Cafeteria to replenish his supply of Apples, he had only had two in his bag and they were both gone now, maybe he'd pick up a fig or a pomegranate or something while he was there. Bursting into the cafeteria, perhaps with a little less subtlety than he had intended, he closed his eyes and began to whistle, taking the fruit from the bowl on the counter by the kitchens in the cafeteria, and putting it into his bag, the one that hung from his shoulder at his waist, not even noticing that the entire place was almost enpty except for a couple of people in the kitchens.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Of course I will cook, but not just for you. I am pretty darn hungry myself. let's drop by the kitchens, I will fix us up something there. Sound alright, Erin?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she listened to Adam lead her on with food the amusement on his face evident causing her own annoyed expression to deepen as she stared at him, "Whatever, just make sure its tasty and not nasty like last time... And don't say that it was my fault! You left me alone in the kitchen and you know I don't cook anymore..." She turned on her heel giving one last look to the freshmen before she began walking back towards her cabin, "I need to grab something, I'll meet you two both in the kitchens. DON'T leave me waiting..."

Crossing her arms over her chest she let her feet carry her away while she listened to what was going on behind her, "You don't have to lead the group around, you can drop them off with a Hermes kid, they are born for this sort of thing. You shouldn't get any problem from them, or anyone else leaving the group for them." Adam's voice hit her ears causing her to smirk slightly as he passed the newbies onto Oscar before leaving and making his way towards the designated area, though what she heard next caused her smirk to grow even more, "Hi, I'm Oscar, currently I'm the only son of Nike, the Goddess of victory, at the camp, and I don't wanna be here, on this tour, any more than you do, but you see these beads, they indicate how many years I've been here, several. And one of the things that has lead to my survival is knowing where things are and where things are not. Now, if you'll just follow me... You know what to do."

And there they go again. Shaking her head with the smile still plastered over her face she slipped back into her cabin moving over to the table to grab the bag that she had placed there a few days before when summer had begun, making her way back out the door she headed towards the mess hall bursting through the doors and scaring a few birds as she did so, "Adam! I'm hungry, what's for eats?" Flinging the bag over her shoulder she let her feet carry her into the kitchen leaning against the doorframe as she watched him move about doing whatever it was that he did. Hearing a clatter behind her she glanced over her shoulder at Oscar as he forced his way through the door and straight over to the fruit on the bench, "Oscar, come here. Got something you might be interested in..." Smirking she lifted her shoulder before dropping it down indicating she was talking about what she held in the bag.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar jumped, he had let his guard down earlier with the new campers, and apparently he hadn't quite put it back up yet, the sound of Erin's voice resonating throughout his brain, setting off buzzzers and alarms and guards that he had up, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, allowing himself to come back tot he present and reality, he made his way over the bench with the fruit, subtly grabbing some pomegranates and apples and throwing them into his bag as he did, he made his way to a place where he could better see the pair of friends.

"Oh really?" He asked as he saw her raise and lower her shoulder, indicating the bag, his curiosity getting the better of him, Oscar raised an eyebrow in wonder at what it could be, and while doing so moved over to where Erin was standing. Gracefully dodging out of the way of Adam as the latter attempted to do cooking things, or so Oscar assumed, he didn't really know a lot about cooking, but he knew enough to get by, and he liked to think that that was enough to notice and know when someone was going about the aforementioned activity. Dodging this way and that, the two almost seemed entwined in a dance for a moment, Adam doing whatever it was that he was doing, his seemingly irrational movements taken into account and then accounted for in Oscars calculating mind and transferred to his graceful, lithe body.

As Oscar finally made his way to where Erin was standing by the door to the semi-expansive kitchen. He suddenly heard a thud and a squawk of complaint coming from the roof of the Cafeteria/kitchen, Lucky wasn't a fan of Oscar entering anyplace that didn't fit Lucky's wingspan, which pretty much meant any building that wasn't the Nike Cabin, not that the Cafeteria wasn't big enough, there were just too many pillars, and the doorways too narrow for Lucky to fit through. Finally reaching Erin, Oscar asked the question that was burning in his mind

"What's up?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Oh really?" She turned to face him her back to Adam as she watched him approach weaving his way in and out of the obstacles that were between them the look on his face pure curiosity as moved closer and closer his eyes on the bag she had with her, "Really... You curious? Or scared? Either way it's keeping me amused." She chuckled her arms wrapping tighter around her chest as she waited her eyes gliding back to watch Adam as he moved around doing who knew what, the sound of clanging on the roof causing her attention to turn up towards the roof before lowering back to Oscar as he finally came to a stop in front of her, "What's up?"

Taking the bag from where it was slung she dropped it down on the counter nodding towards the fruit he had taken, "Put them back, their pathetic compared to the stuff I have." Opening the zipper she turned the bag upside-down letting the contents spill out over the counter the different fruits rolling around before she gathered them up in a large pile, her hand reaching out to grab hold of a pomegranate, "Let's just say my step-mother is trying to gain my love and affection... She grew the fruit and gave it to me before I left my father's place at the beginning of summer... I don't eat there things, least not that I know of..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar's mouth watered as he saw the delicious fruit, his salivary glands in total protest, he shook his head a couple times, he had a weakness for fruit, and he knew it, and the food in front of him looked so good, but he reminded himself that looks could be deceiving, and that one of the first things he had learned in his experience with this place was to beware of greeks bearing gifts, and that it generally wasn't worth it, so, in true suspicious fashion, Oscar crossed his large arms and fixed Erin with a gaze, one eyebrow raised, one end of his mouth turned inward, unable to suppress the clear suspicion he had for the fruit.

His mind thought of the last person he knew to eat the fruit, Persephone, and he voiced as much "Alright, what's the catch? When I eat it am I gunna have to spend like 3 or four days out of every week with your dad and his wannabe runaway bride? or do I lose my soul or owe you allegiance? maybe I become a zombie" he raised his other eyebrow as he stared down at Erin, not derisively, not meanly, just warily, eager to see what she would do, and he hoped she answered soon, he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back, she had mentioned pomegranates, and he noticed a Plum, the two fruits that he sometimes dreamed of.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Alright, what's the catch? When I eat it am I gunna have to spend like 3 or four days out of every week with your dad and his wannabe runaway bride? or do I lose my soul or owe you allegiance? maybe I become a zombie" She raised an eyebrow at his reaction to the fruit she was offering him, there was no catch. Persephone may have been a sneaky little pain in the ass when she ate the pomegranate but then she could understand why she did it, she was in love with her cold hearted father and with the threats of being ripped away from him looming over the two of them she had made her choice, now she was just trying to get along with the one thing she could never have; a child. Unfortunately it meant that the Goddess had taken a shine to her that she didn't really like.

Rolling her eyes she lifted the pomegranate to her lips taking a large bite out of it taking her time to chew it before she swallowed letting it slide down her throat and into her stomach to join the apple that she ate earlier, reaching out to grab hold of a napkin she wiped the juice from her mouth before turning her gaze back to his, "No catch. Just a step-mother who really wants to make me into the daughter I'm never going to be... Not again anyway..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oscar didn't need to be told twice. He quickly snatched a plum from the pile of fruits and brought it to his mouth, taking a deep bite, he closed his eyes and let the flavor wash over him, the juices of the fruit cascading down his chin as he savored the rare delicacy that was this plum. Reaching his arm up he wiped the juice away from his mouth, the rest of the plum quickly disappearing into his belly as he let out a sigh of happiness after finishing the magnificent orb of deliciousness. he managed to get out a small "thank you" between bites, attempting to remember his manners.

Oscar then replayed the scene in his mind, and found something interesting about it, something she had mentioned "Not again?" He asked, knowing it was probably a sore subject but, by the way she had approached it, it sounded like she wanted to talk about it, so he asked, exploring somewhat she could answer however she wanted, it would make no difference to him, this he was pondering as he picked up a pomegranate and began to enjoy it's juicy deliciousness. It had occured to him that he still hadn't visited the arena yet today, perhaps he would invite these new acquaintances of his to join him, It would be interesting to say the very least, but he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind, he would worry about that later, currently he was enveloped in the strange deliciousness of the pomegranate, the conversation, and Adams hypnotic movements around the kitchen floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Not Again." Adam reiterated once more, as he began to move the finished food over to the table. He laid out plate after plate of good'ole'fashioned home cooked food. The first few plates contained fried chicken, seasoned to hold a warm, but not overly-spicy heat, while the second and third plates held biscuits and mashed potatoes. The biscuits had been cooked with diced bits of bacon inside and the mashed potatoes had chives, garlic, and of course butter already mixed in, with a gravy bowl filled with the brown-est of gravies. Then a few other plates were moved in, carrying baked potatoes, a half of a loaf of fresh baked bread, and then the last plate held broccoli, steamed vegetables, and an assortment of condiments and additives for individual tastes. "Not again, is a long story. It is also a bad one, to some degrees. It is certainly something better left mentioned after we eat. No need to ruin a good meal with ill words, am I right?" He gestured as he took a seat with them and smiled once again gesturing for them to took some fo the food and put it on the plates he set out for them. "Dig in, home cooked, redneck meals beat that frutiy-putootie crap any day of the week."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Not Again." She frowned her eyes trailing away as Adam began to speak answering the questions that she had raised with her comment about her past. Great, so much for opening my big mouth... her attention however was caught by the aroma of good home style cooking filling the air around her, turning her eyes over to him she watched as Adam began to move dish after dish to the table laying them out so all could see while still speaking as wise as ever; the smell of baked potatoes and all the trimmings causing her stomach to growl, "Not again, is a long story. It is also a bad one, to some degrees. It is certainly something better left mentioned after we eat. No need to ruin a good meal with ill words, am I right?" she chuckled taking a seat beside him, "Doom and gloom is kind of my thing. I know I won't lose my appetite hearing that sort of thing."

Her smile faded as she saw the look on Adam's face her eyes averting to the food in front of them as they began to dig in her hands working to fill her plate happily, "His right... If you want to know we will talk about it after we eat... And by we, I mean Adam will tell you what you want to know. Besides... His cooking is better than the crap the cooks give us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ice started to spread from Peter's fingertips onto the wood that made up the bench in the arena. Peter jumped up immediately. The tree spirits would already want his hide for what he'd done to one of there sycamores and he didn't need Chiron talking to him about ruining the camp's equipment too. If he really wanted to burn some of his energy he should be doing it in a place where his powers couldn't physically harm anyone, the rock climbing wall in full lava mode.

With no one at camp that he was on friendly terms with Peter had taken to throwing himself into training and learning of the ways of the Greek Gods and tracing them through civilizations till the present day. Now though he just wanted to feel the wind in his hair and searing lava at his feet. There was no one at the climbing wall, the group of new kids had been taken somewhere else which was a mercy. Though he supposed if they were there he could take part in a demonstration. Strictly speaking it wasn't safe to operate the wall without a spotter watching just in case something went wrong but at camp the management mostly put it up the campers to look after themselves. Mostly cause Mr. D would probably be thrilled if a camper killed themselves on the lave wall.

Peter scaled to the top dodging falling pieces of rock and squirts of fire as well as steam cause by his powers interacting with the lava. When he finally jumped down from the wall his shirt had several different burn marks in it and he was covered in sweet. He really needed a shower but first Peter wanted something to eat. He hiked up the hill to the kitchen, it was always deserted at this time of day and he could probably find a better selection of food than what the satyrs gave at meal times.

Peter pushed in the door thinking about cinnamon toast and froze. The table had been set up and an intoxicating smell permeated the air but more than that there were three people eating what looked like part of a turkey dinner. Frost crept from his hand to the door that he was holding and he fought to supress it. He shouldn't be here but at the same time he was incredibly hungry. "Um, hi." He said shyly. "Mind if I join you?"
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