Making her way out of the office she glanced around her soft forest green eyes flicking between each of the new campers that stood before her, why she had been the one chosen to welcome them to the camp she didn't know; maybe it was punishment for opening up the earth and threatening to condemn the souls of the Aphrodite kids again. Could she really be blamed for it though? They had touched her stuff and tried to give her one of their infamous makeovers claiming that she needed to brighten up her life or no guy would ever want to be with her. It hadn't gone down well in the eyes of the young Hades girl. She had been stuck in the camp for over a year and a half, living there full time with her one and only friend, Adam; the only one who really knew how she reacted to things that got thrown at her from others. Crossing her arms she leant to the side her hip jutting out slightly a bored sigh escaping through her soft pink lips as she began to speak out to the crowd before her, "Hey... Hey, you guys! The ones with the hope and wonder in their eyes, your all new right? Ha, you'll soon grow out of it; trust me, I know."
She reached out gesturing with her fingers for them all to follow her as she began to walk outside her speech never slowing or stopping, she wanted this over and done with quickly, "My name is Erin Chase, daughter of Hades. And I'm here to give you the ropes and the run down of this so called 'camp'." As she continued to talk and move about her hands came up pointing lazily at each place as she named them, obviously taking her job seriously... "Over there are the vineyards, Mr. D's kids work there... Then there's the infirmary run by the Apollo kids... The mess hall, the stables... Oh, the training arena is where you'll most likely find Ares kids... If you want weapons, go see our resident hot heads, and if you don't know who they are its the children of Hephaestus... Oh and over there are the cabins... You'll be sleeping in the one that belongs to your parent."
At that moment she stopped dead in her tracks quickly turning to stare at each and every single one of them her eyes narrowing slightly, "You guys do know who your godly parents are right? Or are you all the type who don't believe or was just dumped here..." Gritting her teeth she groaned turning her annoyed glare in the direction where the big house and the camps director was, "This was not part of the deal..." Sighing softly she lifted her hand up brushing back some of her long apple red hair, "Either way, here's the deal when it comes to family around here. My father is a deadbeat who never bothered to see me when I was young; I'm guessing one of your parents was the same... How else would you end up here in this damn place? Bla bla bla, your so special... Bla bla bla, it was against the rules... Oh and the biggest lie of all? You're better off, you'll be safe here. That's what they said back then and look what happened. Oh well, what can you do? Nothing now that your here."
Turning her back to them again she continued to move closer and closer to the cabins each looking so very different from the next due to the God or Goddess who had built it, "So while I have your attention; I guess I better welcome you to the camp. Watch your step though, it's not all fun and games around here. If you screw up, you'll get forced into doing the chores... Or you'll get turned into a minnow, what ever Mr.D's mood is usually determines the punishment of the day; oh and don't get offended, he gets every ones names wrong. Also watch out for the other cabins, you do not want to offend anyone here unless your willing to pay the price for it; besides, you want as many allies as you can get especially when it comes to capture the flag. And remember, alliances shift all the time." She made her way up the steps and onto the porch on one of the cabins the dark exterior not exactly the most inviting around, "Okay, so watch your back... Keep out of trouble, and before I forget; stay out of my way. Enjoy living here demigods, not many people do. If you need any questions answered, you can ask me I guess... Punishments around here suck..."
Rolling her eyes she turned back towards her own cabin pushing on the door before she slipped inside leaving the new people behind her as she made her way into the common room leaning over the back of the couch to grab hold of her jacket, turning her gaze up her eyes caught on those of her best friend Adam; standing up straight she looked at him slightly surprised, "What? I did my job, I gave them the run down... Oh don't look at me like that... Fine! I'm going, I'm going..." Turning around she slipped her jacket on bending down to give a quick scratch behind her beloved cat, Salem's ear before she made her way back outside and over to the new campers. "Alright so... What else do you all want from me..."