Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Camp is currently looking for members!

You. Yeah you. The one with the hope and wonder in their eyes, your new right? Ha, you'll soon grow out of it; trust me, I know. I'm here to give you the ropes and the run down of this so called "camp". Over there are the vineyards... Then there's the infirmary... The mess hall, the stables, the training arena... If you want weapons, go see our resident hot heads... Oh and over there are the cabins... You'll be sleeping in the one that belongs to your parent. You do know who your parent is right? Or are you one of those ones who doesn't believe or was just dumped here. Either way, here's the deal when it comes to family around here. My father is a deadbeat who never bothered to see me when I was young; I'm guessing one of your parents was the same... How else would you end up here in this damn place? Bla bla bla, your so special... Bla bla bla, it was against the rules... Oh and the biggest lie of all? You're better off, you'll be safe here. That's what they said back then and look what happened. Oh well, what can you do? Nothing now that your here. So while I have your attention; I guess I better welcome you to the camp. Watch your step though, it's not all fun and games around here. If you screw up, you'll get forced into doing the chores... Or you'll get turned into a minnow, what ever Mr.D mood is usually determines the punishment of the day; oh and don't get offended, he gets every ones names wrong. Also watch out for the other cabins, you do not want to offend anyone here unless your willing to pay the price for it. Okay, so watch your back... Keep out of trouble, and before I forget; stay out of my way. Enjoy living here demigod, not many people do.

Welcome to Camp Half Blood, where the son's and daughter's of the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece come to live a safe life away from the dangers that lurk outside the protective barrier. The time since Percy Jackson and his friends have passed and things have changed for the better; at least the parents who were once ordered away from their children's side are now able to descend down to spend time with their family. But nothing is ever really simple; with a new generation of demigods will there be a new evil? Or will the old dangers once again stir back to life? When the time comes, will you be able to put your differences aside and work together to save everything that matters to you...

Cabin Details
Cabin One - Zeus
Cabin Two - Hera
Cabin Three - Poseidon
Cabin Four - Demeter
Cabin Five - Ares
Cabin Six - Athena
Cabin Seven - Apollo
Cabin Eight - Artemis
Cabin Nine - Hephaestus
Cabin Ten - Aphrodite
Cabin Eleven - Hermes
Cabin Twelve - Dionysus
Cabin Thirteen - Hades
Cabin Fourteen - Iris
Cabin Fifteen - Hypnos
Cabin Sixteen - Nemesis
Cabin Seventeen - Nike
Cabin Eighteen - Hebe
Cabin Nineteen - Tyche
Cabin Twenty - Hecate

Available To Campers
Camp Activities - Everyday
~ Weapons/ Combat Training
~ Survival Skills Training

Camp Activities - Special
~ Capture The Flag
~ Obstacle Course
~ Chariot Racing

Campers are not forced to join in on camp activities though are encouraged to do so, camp activities are run everyday and at all times between breakfast and diner. Specialized activities will be run but only when the camp director and cabin counsellors see fit to run these sorts of events; eg. capture the flag, and the obstacle course. Chariot racing is held at the end of every summer and is a camp event involving each cabin, though not compulsory to participate in anyway; campers are encouraged to come along and support not only their own team but the other teams as well. Campers are free to do what they see fit to in their own free time, eg. swimming, sparring, ect.

Camp Rosters
Camp Half-Blood - God/ Goddess Roster
Aphrodite ~ Goddess of Love

Camp Half-Blood - Demigod Roster
Erin Chase ~ Daughter of Hades.
Adam McCoy ~ Son of Chione.
Oscar Rackham ~ Son of Nike.
Peter Thorn ~ Son of Boreas.
Michael Adrian Shinra ~ Son of Apollo.
Aurora White ~ Daughter of Athena.
Nikolai Luzchezke ~ Son of Hypnos.

Character Sheet
Please note: The below character sheet outline is targeted towards those demigods, however if you wish to play a God/ Goddess please PM me and I will work with you on a CS. Each person is permitted up to two characters. Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to PM me.

Personal Information
Alias/ Nickname (If Any):
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent:
Human Parent:

General Information
Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
Weapon Appearance:


Note: All profiles are to be accepted before they can be used; if any help is needed please do not hesitate to ask either myself or my Co-GM, ManoftheNorth, for help with creating your CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Personal Information
Name: Erin Chase.
Alias/ Nickname: Justice, Creepy girl, Skeleta, Freak.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Cabin: Counsellor at Cabin Thirteen - Hades.


Family & Friends
Godly Parent: Hades; King of the underworld, and Lord of the dead.
Human Parent: Sophia Chase.
Legacy: Nemesis; Goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune.
Friends: Adam McCoy.
Partner: None.

General Information
Personality: Hard and cold on the outside, Erin tends to keep her walls up putting distance between her and those who try to get to know her; a cold past causing her already cautious social awkwardness to become nothing but pure isolation brought on by years of abuse. Once comfortable enough to open up, her fierce loyalty shines through. Shy and sensitive, she tends to keep to herself keeping a close and caring eye on those she truly feels are close to her. With a short temper, an attitude that would shake Olympus, and passion for justice Erin tries her best though nothing really ever works out for her.
Likes: Reading, sketching, listening to music, and Halloween.
Dislikes: Being used, people who gain unfairly, large crowds, Christmas.
Talents: Drawing.

After her birth Erin's mother worked hard to provide her only daughter with everything that she never had when she was young, juggling several jobs just to be able to make ends meet. Growing up Erin found that she never really fit in with anyone, noticing that strange things always happened around her causing her classmates to pick on and tease her. With some encouragement from her mother though, Erin pushed forward eventually making a small group of friends who, despite what they had heard, welcomed her with open arms; quickly becoming close friends with one in particular, Adam McCoy.

As she continued to grow into a beautiful young lady Erin found that the strange occurrences that had happened around her as a child became more frequent; shadowy figures watching from a far, strange behaviour from other students. Her own nervousness and slight fear causing her to turn her interests into more indoor and isolated interests in life; a love of both reading and drawing consuming her time and soon she let herself become obsorbed in their worlds of wonder and awe. Wishing to pursue this path further she began to keep sketch books filling the pages with drawings of the things she had thought she had seen, keeping them to herself in the fear that she would get pushed aside and rejected by those she had grown close to. Her growing thirst for knowledge and her strange sense of artwork sending those who made her life hard to continue, the small jibes about her turning into bullying as the years passed by.

Hitting high school Erin found it easier to get through life hanging around with the guys in her year level rather than deal with the nasty bitching that came with the girls; her friendship with Adam growing closer and closer by the day, and soon the pair becoming almost inseparable. While working on a class project she found herself partnered with one of the newer students in the school, Jay Palmer, and as their time together increased she found herself beginning to feel things she never realised she had been capable of feeling; though his ever growing jealousy of her close bonds and relationships slowly caused her to put distance between her and those who had always been there for her and after many one sided conversations the two of them decided that it was time she took responsibility for her life.

Not wishing to be a burden on her mother any longer she took on a job eventually managing to earn enough money so that she and Jay could move in and start a life together, her determination something she was not willing to let be broken. Reluctant to let her go, her mother finally agreed making her promise that she would continue to put all her effort into her education; choosing subjects that would lead her down the path she wished for in life. With the encouragement and help of both her friends and family, Erin settled down working to increase her grades and intelligence; and feeling her relationship to be stronger than ever. After a few months into the relationship she found that Jay's jealousy began to grow even more extensive allowing her to see less and less of her friends, soon out of hand she found herself being handled roughly her integrity as a woman being torn down bit by bit with every little thing she did wrong; slap across the face, verbal abuse, threats, and all because she had done something as stupid as burning diner or not getting to the chores. Seen as nothing but a possession to be used in Jay's eyes, she found herself showing up to school with long sleeve jumpers and other clothing items that would allow her to hide the bruising she had received from the abuse being served to her at home; her long apple red hair hiding those that appeared from her shoulders to her face.

Pulling further and further away from them, her friends and family soon became worried questioning her about her sudden actions and drastic change in personality. Refusing to answer their questions she tried pushing them away terrified of what would happen if they found out what was truly going on behind the doors of her home. Not believing her denial Adam began pushing at her eventually catching sight of the bruising she had received, questioning her about it she brushed it off claiming that she had become clumsy before rushing off and once more out of his life. Afraid that if they didn't act things would soon take a turn for the worst, Adam and her other friends confronted the pair demanding answers for what had been seen; denying everything Jay took her the two returning to their home leaving the others behind and in the dark about what was really happening.

Furious about her slip up Jay became worse than ever forcing her to stay home while the beatings became more and more frequent, cuts big and small joining the ones she had already had covering her body. After a particularly bad night she slipped away fleeing into night as she tried to get away from the torment in her life, her battered and weak body unable to keep up with the stress that had befallen it collapsed in the street unable to go any further. Unable to contact her Adam grew worried setting out to find his friend in hopes that he could help her out of the terrible situation she had found herself in, eventually coming across her laying in the street he took her in turning to her mother for help. Deciding it was time Sophia sat him down revealing the truth about her daughters parentage before begging him to take her away to a place she had been told would be keep her safe from the dangers in the world, reluctant at first the two of them made their way to Camp Half-Blood leaving everything else behind in hopes of a better life. Now living full time in the camp, Erin sunk deep into isolation and depression throwing up walls and forcing a change in her attitude to keep people away; hiding the fear of being hurt again deep within her ever cold heart, though her short fuse and twisted sense of justice tend to get her more attention than she likes.

Theme Song: "Breaking and Entering" by Tonight Alive.

Weapon Information
Weapon/s Name: Ἔρεβος - Darkness, Shadow & φθορά, ᾶς, ἡ - Destruction, Corrupted.
Weapon/s Type: Twin Typhoon daggers & Throwing Needles.
Weapon/s Appearance:

Ἔρεβος - Darkness, Shadow

φθορά, ᾶς, ἡ - Destruction, Corrupted

Attributes: Earning their name "Shadow", her daggers emit a black mist/ aura around them and once leaving her hands, will return to her when called upon.

Other: Erin has a pet cat who she calls Salem.

Personal Information
Name: Αφροδιτη - Aphrodite, Venus; Goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation.
Alias: Jessica Bouvier.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Female.
Cabin: Head of Cabin Ten; Aphrodite.

Godly Appearance:

Human Appearance:


Father: Ζευς - Zeus, King of the Gods; God of the sky and weather, law, order and fate
Mother: Διωνη - Dione; Titan goddess of the oracle of Dodona.
Partner: Αρης - Ares; God of war, battle lust, civil order and manly courage. (Love Interest.)
Old Parter/s: Ἡφαιστος - Hephaestus; God of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and the art of sculpture. (Divorced.)
Children: None.

General Information
Personality: Graceful, regal and radiating beauty, Aphrodite is a sweet and kind-hearted woman who care for all she meets trying her hardest to help those in need. With an playful and flirtatious nature, she is unafraid of using her body and bubbly personality to woo and charm those around her. Naturally drawn to large crowds and parties she happily slips in under the radar quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with. Letting her pure natural beauty radiate from every fiber of her being she works hard to be not only desirable through her looks but also with her intelligence. Willing to play the game, she happily allows those lucky enough to catch her eye believe that they have tamed her, though with her heart spoken for or finding nothing special with the person courting for her affection she refuses to let her body be touched by those who are unworthy of her time. Ashamed of her old adulterous ways she hides her old self deep within her letting her good intentions and nature to show mercy and genuine helpfulness towards others show who she truly is. Though not to be underestimated, the woman has a mean streak not to be crossed.

Likes: Dancing, watching as people find their true love, animals, reading, water, children.
Dislikes: Abusive partners, being insulted, being caged up, her past.
Talents: Singing.

Biography: ((To be written))

Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: ἐπιθυμέω - Lust
Weapon Type: Heavy two-handed sword.

Weapon Appearance:

Attributes: ((To be written))

She has always loved Ares, her heart belonging to him every since Eros caused them to fall for one another.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Personal Information
Name: Adam McCoy
Alias/ Nickname (If Any):
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Cabin: Hades Cabin.
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent: Chione
Human Parent: Daniel McCoy
Legacy: Demeter

General Information
Personality: Adam is often seen as somewhat quirky, when his interests conflict with others, or when his mind wanders the roads. He has a tendency to seclude himself from those who have obvious interest conflicts, as to protect himself from awkward situations.
Likes: Writing, dancing, training, and blacksmithing.
Dislikes: Unneccesary violence, show offs, and singing.
Talents: Adam is an avid Battle Staff trainer, and also likes to use his somewhat decent dancing skills.
Biography: Adam grew up under the guidance of his father, Danie, and the companionship of his friend Erin Chase. They spent a little time growing up, but they really connected in highschool. Adam though, was somewhat odd growing up. He always enjoyed different things then everyone else, he always seemed to be the odd one out, and this set him aside in the social game when it came to connecting to whole groups of peope, but his idividual experience with people was always good. He could always find at least one thing to connect with someone, whether he made them laughed, or found the same music interesting, or helped them with a school subject, it seemed like he was "that guy" in school that wasn't caste as a clique-type, but rather "that guy" who had one, single, thing in common with everyone he met and became friends with over the years.

His earlier years were interesting, to say the least, because he spent his time trying to have as much as he could, whenever he could, because he viewed life as a time when you must have all the fun you can, before your life comes to a close. This made his early years outgoing, cheerful, and most importantly joyful and friendly, but that began to subside as he gre older and entered middle school. He still had a cheery side, but he often avoiding making outgoing attempts to make friends, or outgoing attempts to connect to people, rather he just sort of went witht he flow and let the flow of life direct him, and when it directed him into meeting someone new, he would do what he could to be nice, and helpful, and even hopefully connect. This led his friendship with Erin to grow somewhat closer until the end of the Middle school years, then as they entered Highschool it grew very close, but she soon began to grow distant. Adam decided at first that perhaps her distancing was normal. They were both in highschool, both were growing up, and perhaps she was just getting use to meet new people. After a while it slowly began to worry him though, she grew further and further away from him, but not just him, all of her friends.

After some time, even while trying to push his way back in, he found it hard to get her to come back. It wasn't until he found some bruising that he realized something was up, and while she dismissed it as being clumsy, he knew it was something greater. He kept pushing and kept trying to get a hold of her, until it all came crumbling down, the truth was now apperant when Adam found her in the street, collapsed and abused by the one guy who she had once trusted. He was furious, but took her to her mother's and saught out help. Erin's mother directed them to a camp, and explained Erin's parentage to them both, and with this new found knowledge Adam saught nothing more then the safety of his friend and he took her to the camp. There he found her in a safe place, and that he, himself were a demi-god of Chione.
He was happy that she was away from Jay, and he was happy that she was safe now, but he was beside himself when he watched her throw up walls, and when he realized he didn't try hard enough to protect her, and that he could have done more, and that he should have done more, but that was the past and all he could do was look forward. He vowed to protect her, as a friend, as a person, and as the closest person he knew.
Theme Song: Stairway to Heaven - By Led Zeppelin.

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: Quarter Staff
Weapon Type: Quarter Staff
Weapon Appearance:
Attributes: It is a Quarter Staff, it does Quarter Staff stuff.

Personal Information
Name: Chris Levins
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): The Forge's Fire(this isn't an actual nickname, but it is an Alias he uses in "special" situations that will soon be revealed.)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Cabin: Hepheastus
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent: Hepheastus
Human Parent: Erica Levins
Legacy: None at the moment.

General Information
Personality: Austin is, to simply put it, rather quiet in an all-around manner. He rarely speaks, unless directed to with words, and will often only act. Whether it is his situation or not, if he can help, he wil do so, but he will more or less never shed a word more then "Hi", "Bye", "Thank you", or "You're Welcome."
Likes: The air of the Forges, the WIlderness, the heat of a flame, and music. His music tastes are mostly 80's music, Rat Pack, Big Band, and Swing. He also likes video-games, and computers.
Dislikes: Rap, ill-treated metal and forges, "gangstas", rappers, ideacritical dumbasses, "thugs", swagg-fags, people who say "YOLO", people who spell "YOLO", anyone who thinks "YOLO" or "SWAG" is cool, anyone who is essentially ideacritical of the modern chilidish, stupid teenagers fads, gags, and thrads.
Talents: He is good with a hammer, and the forge, as well as remembering random trivia and such.
Biography: This, for this character, is a bit short. It is mostly filled with important details I would rathr flesh out in-rp.
Theme Song: "Dream On" by Aerosmith

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: Silverlight
Weapon Type: Saber
Weapon Appearance:
Attributes: It is made of Silver, and thus is more deadly to apparitions and spectral beings.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Accepted, of course! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Muzakashi


Member Offline since relaunch


Personal Information
Name: Max [Last name to come]
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): Sarpedon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Cabin: One, Zeus
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent: Zeus, The god of The Sky and Thunder
Human Parent: Europa
Legacy: Eirene, The Godess of Peace

General Information
Personality: He likes to stay away from others as his childhood was rather rough and he ended up on the streets. He almost always listen to music and ignore most other people who tries to talk to him, more or less a lonely douchebag. He only wears dark clothes and stay in as much darkness as possible, trying to remain as invisible as possible...

Likes: Getting shocked, pain, beeing for himself
Dislikes: Huge groups of people, water, warm weather
Talents: Can manipulate electricity
Biography: Max is one of the sons of Zeus, the God of The Heaven and Thunder. Although it may seem cool to be in his current position, he hates it. He hates everything that has to do with his family or background. He just want to forget everything. He killed many people as a child while he was still unable to control his abilities which surely made an impact on the person Max is now. He doesn't care about others and he tries to distance himself from others as much as possible. He is now 18 and was sent to this camp by Zeus himself. Before he came here he had a special sword forged for him by the best smith in Japan. Max was interested in japanese culture so he wanted the sword to be a katana, thus the japanese smith. The sword has the ability to absorb Max' eletricity, making it easier for him to control his own powers.

Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: Raikiri [Thunder Cutter]
Weapon Type: Katana
Weapon Appearance:

Attributes: Mainly improves Max's own ability to manipulate electricity. Blade is able to absorb massive amounts of electricity and send it out as a wave in the direction which he swing the blade.

Other: No friends, what so ever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Accepted :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm in, working on a cs nao

I'm also a walking Greek Mythology Encyclopedia, so if anyone needs any info...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alright, and thanks for the offer, my Co-GM and myself have are really deep into Greek Mythology; but if we need help, I'll be sure to ask :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I made a 90 page Essay with a friend of mine in my last year of college (or something, don't really know how the school system works)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Awesome, I look forward to seeing your CS last night
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Oscar Alan Rackham
Alias/Nickname (If Any): Oz, Ozzy, Ace
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Cabin: Cabin Seventeen

Godly Parent: Nike, The Goddess of Victory, The Wreath-Giver.
Human Parent: Jason Isaac Rackham

General Information

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: Tenacity and Vigilence
Weapon Type: Caestus

Attributes: Wearing these gives Oscar an almost god-like will to win, and an almost unending pool of energy, they also hurt his opponents. A lot. Often in the face.
Step One: Apply Caestus to Hands
Step Two: Forcefully shove Caestus into face/gut/groin/etc of opponent.
Step Three: Repeat Step two as needed

Other: Oscar owns a bird, albeit a rather large one, That he calls Lucky (an ironic name seeing as when Oscar found him Lucky had somehow managed to have his wings clipped) Lucky is fiercely loyal to Oscar, and vice versa.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thedreadpirate said

Okay, unfortunately I hate to be the one to do this but I have listed a few things that will need to be changed before I can accept your Character Sheet:
~ Counsellor's of cabins get chosen by myself and my Co-GM, this will happen before the IC begins.
~ With being the son of Nike, there will be restrictions when it comes to "victory".
~ Unfortunately I have a problem with your biography for a few reasons:
1) Even though I know it could be done, having been proven by a dear friend of mine in the past, I would prefer that the parentage be a male/female; I would of had no issues if that was what it was to begin with and then the father having died leaving him with a step mother, ect.
2) Until the demigod reaches and begins to live within the camp, all contact between the child and their Godly parent is forbidden; this means that Nike would not have been able to save the woman nor steal away the child taking him to the refuge of the camp.
~ The creature would have only attacked the child, not the mother.
~ Steps to using the weapon? -plain curious about this one-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vicier said
Okay, unfortunately I hate to be the one to do this but I have listed a few things that will need to be changed before I can accept your Character Sheet:~ Counsellor's of cabins get chosen by myself and my Co-GM, this will happen before the IC begins.~ With being the son of Nike, there will be restrictions when it comes to "victory".~ Unfortunately I have a problem with your biography for a few reasons:1) Even though I know it could be done, having been proven by a dear friend of mine in the past, I would prefer that the parentage be a male/female; I would of had no issues if that was what it was to begin with and then the father having died leaving him with a step mother, ect.2) Until the demigod reaches and begins to live within the camp, all contact between the child and their Godly parent is forbidden; this means that Nike would not have been able to save the woman nor steal away the child taking him to the refuge of the camp.~ The creature would have only attacked the child, not the mother.~ Steps to using the weapon? -plain curious about this one-

These are all legitimate concerns, I apologize for making a sheet that had so many. Will get to editing it right away.

as to the steps to using it thing, I don't know what that is either, apparently my roommate thought it would be funny to add that while I was in the bathroom (he has a very weird sense of humor), I missed it the first time through, while editing it. My bad. won't happen again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thedreadpirate said
These are all legitimate concerns, I apologize for making a sheet that had so many. Will get to editing it right away. as to the steps to using it thing, I don't know what that is either, apparently my roommate thought it would be funny to add that while I was in the bathroom (he has a very weird sense of humor), I missed it the first time through, while editing it. My bad. won't happen again.

I thought it was quite funny, props to your roommate for getting that in without your knowledge x'D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vicier said
I thought it was quite funny, props to your roommate for getting that in without your knowledge x'D

he is a sneaky mo-fo that's for sure, I'm starting to become attached to them the more I read it, might keep them in, if that's okay with you I mean
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vantas
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Vantas the radical

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Work in progress

Personal Information
Kylee Una (Ki-Lee) (OO-Na)
Alias/ Nickname:
Ky, Lee,
Cabin Five

Godly Parent:
Father- Ares
Human Parent:
Mother- Emma

General Information
Ky often talking to herself and getting lost in speech, easily angry and she tends to talked too much, loud, over dramatic, violent, and rather over protective, but in a good way, she's just looking out for her friends.
She has a habit of turning to yelling to get things done instead of calmly talking about it, she's very opinionated but extremely open to others opinions, but her mind is not easily changed. Basically a "I'll listen to you, but I wont care about a word you say" judgment.
After her 'accident' she still retained a lot of his old personalty traits, while gaining a few new ones, she became very analytical where she used to be naive, she became judging and skeptical of people and things around her where she used to be very trusting and a 'couldn't care less' attitude.
Although she focus's only on her bad attributes people sometimes gets described her as someone who is funny, smart, good at cheering up people in need, reliable, and rather dorky although she tries and act 'cool'.
She can be kind of a asshole at first because she doesn't really like people, but show her that she can trust you and she will, it's hard to get into her inner layers but once you do she opens up a lot and becomes very enjoyable to be around, although she yells a lot she really isn't angry all the time and can usually be calmed down by a friendly hand on her shoulder.
Anything to do with technology
Social justice
Playing/Listening to music
Overly positive people
People who doesn't take her seriously
Fighting with close rang weapons (EI: Swords, daggers, ect)
She was born into a loving family. Her mother was a very well rounded woman and her older brother was very nice to her, very unlike the stereotypical Hate-Love brother sister relationship, she and her brother got along amazingly, hardly ever fighting, enjoying the same things, both had a sweet tooth and a love for music and playing pirates,
Her family was lower class and struggling to get by, but they always managed.
Teenage years:
When he was 13 she got her first girlfriend, her mother didn't care that her daughter was Bisexual, Ky had came out to her mom a week after getting with her girlfriend.
Her girlfriend with was very rebellious and snarky, a year older than her and a lot 'cooler', she was the one who started her to the path of anger, loudness and all things teenagery.
She was that kind of girl who turned heads, not because of her beauty but because of how much she stuck out like a sour thumb. Short cut flaming red hair, slutty punkish clothes, things you would not see a lady indulge in.
Along with her girlfriend she had two best friends. Two kids who had moved to the city around the same time and were the 'lost new kids' so Ky and her girlfriend invited them into their group.
With a girlfriend, average grades and a loving and supportive family her life was perfect for her.
Her and her girlfriend rarely fought, her girlfriend got along well with her family as did her two friends.
Jeanette, her girlfriend, Lucas, her best-best friend, Tony, her best friend, Richard, her brother, and her mother Emma.
Everything was good
The Accident:
Now, all stories have a downward spiral, nothing good can last, and Kylee's happiness ended when she was 16.
She and her family were going on a trip in the country, on the night of their arrival the cottage they were staying in caught on fire by a flame left unattended, left unattended by Ky herself.
She didn't know how it happened or how she did it, all she knew was darkness and heat, but she was the only one who survived and the trauma of the event made her loose her memory.
She was brought to a hospital for minor physical injuries and major physiological ones.
Life after:
Jeanette stayed the longest, Lucas gave up on her only months after her memory loss; not being able to take what his best friend had become; Someone who had to ask how to use a remote or do anything basic.
Tony stayed for a few months but soon he too couldn't take it and moved on like Lucas had, and Jeanette stayed with Ky for nearly a year but after a while the stress of looking after Ky all the time and she found someone new a moved on.
She lost everyone he loved within a year.
Ky was still underage so she lived with her aunt, she regained a lot of her basic memories, how to work things, math, reading, but she can't remember her family or friends.
She just knows that she wasn't alone, and now she is.
Soon, Ky's aunt couldn't take care of her for too long and was contacted by the camp, after a while she understood and sent Ky to the camp, knowing she would be safe there.
Theme Song:
Get out alive- Three Days Grace

Weapon Information
Weapon Name:
Micheal and Lucifer
Weapon Type:
Dual blade daggers
Weapon Appearance:

The daggers in portable form are two pins always clipped onto her shirts on her left and right breast. Pull them off her shirt and they turn full size once again.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sissio


Member Offline since relaunch

Personal Information
Name: Minoo Jones
Alias/ Nickname (If Any):
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Cabin: Iris

Godly Parent: Iris, the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
Human Parent: Dan Jones
Legacy: Hermes

General Information
Personality: Minoo is a happy and energetic young lady. She loves meeting new people and is very outgoing, and even though she usually comes off as a little bit crude because of that, she is quite kind. She is very stubborn and childish at times which makes having a civilized discussion with her quite the task and changing her mind almost impossible. She has a love for gossip and constantly tries to find out peoples secrets, most times successfully.
Likes: Rainbows, rumors and gossip
Dislikes: Coffee,
Talents: Manipulation
Biography: Minoo had lived most of her life in belief that her mother had died giving birth. Raised alone by her father, she had always tried to be as good as possible and stay out of trouble. As a child she was friendly and managed to get a lot of friend. But as she grew up, the friends started to disappear thanks to her love for knowledge about people’s secrets and rumors. As she began to know people, she also started spreading and leaking the information and starting new rumors. This gave her a horrible reputation and often landed in the principal’s office since someone usually reported her for slander and bullying. As a result of this happening one to many times, she was expelled from the school. That’s when her dad told her the truth about her mother and decided to send her off to the camp.
Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Whip
Weapon Appearance:
Attributes: It’s very easily handled

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thedreadpirate said

Your character has been accepted!

Vantas said

I love all the work you've put into it, however I would like to ask you to pull back slightly, if you could try and cut back a bi on both your "personality" and "biography" that would be great; we only new a brief summery. If you get stuck, I recomend looking over some of the other profiles to see how their payed out. Also if you could provide a last name for your character that would be awesome :3

Sissio said

After looking over your character sheet again, I'm glad to say your character had been accepted! :D
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