Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could you post the goblins initiative roll? If it ends being lower I could post my attack roll and rp that with my post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Thats not how it works Lore. It all has to come together at once, then who goes first, goes first. Besides, what if someone else goes before you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

But wouldn't that only affects if they somehow kill my target then? Suppose all the goblins go after me but a player goes before I post my action, the player later posts his, he kills the goblin. Can't I just edit my to target someone else them?


"Roan attacks gobling 1" to "Roan was going to attack goblin 1, but he was slain by X so instead he quickly changed his attack to goblin 2."

I can understand how this wouldn't work if one of the goblins go first.

Edit: And shooting at meele could be an issue but then can't I just add the -4 to the roll if that happens?

Edit2: Seems like initiative tends to be an issue on play by post roleplays, if we all roll for it and wait for all the numbers won't that drag down combat?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Lore. Just please Roll your Initiative.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- ignore this post for the IC one -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

Member Offline since relaunch

Just for reference, I would appreciate ALL in-game rolls to be made in the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

...Yobi would not be wearing armor in the current situation. -_-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Ameiko would smack you upside the head for beign unprepared! XD She still wears her sword even when shehelps served food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As you can see, she's prepared with a bow. Just not armor. ^~^ Too uncomfortable for all the acrobatics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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You're saying she never wore it today?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Apparently. Seems like a bad idea, but...I'd think wearing armor all day would be uncomfortable.
If you'd prefer, totally could be wearing armor. Was just saying that it would be in character for her not to wear armor. >.>
(Still has it, just...at the inn. She had been making food before, remember?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Its your choice ;)

*Insert evil laugh*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Crappy initiative roll, either way. ^//^ +4 to initiative, still gets 10.

(Amusingly, the person with the highest initiative so far has the lowest bonus to initiative)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Basic dnd dogma: you are always wearing your armor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Technically the armor wouldn't be a problem for acrobatics with 0 ACP. Probably that 2 AC will not matter much…

(I was surprised by the irony of that too, just hope the dice won’t screw me over when I attack)

Sleeping in armor can be a pretty bad choice, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Looks like I lucked out on the initiative roll.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Yeah you do actually, Cause you get to go first!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wraithblade6 said Basic dnd dogma: you are always wearing your armor.

But even less realistic (than the game itself), given the situation. She lives here.
Loremaster said Technically the armor wouldn't be a problem for acrobatics with 0 ACP.
Probably that 2 AC will not matter much…(I was surprised by the irony of that too, just hope the dice won’t screw me over when I attack)
Sleeping in armor can be a pretty bad choice, though.

I didn't say anything about the ACP. Just said it would be uncomfortable. Specifically given how warm it would be inside it after all that hopping and cartwheeling. And definitely a bad choice to sleep in it.

She's probably pretty used to goblin attacks. Not necessarily this scale.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet: Ravaonna
Name: Ravaonna Lithren
Gender: Female
Race: Changeling
Class: Synthesist Summoner
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: The first thing one may notice about Ravaonna is her blue tinted skin. It is slightly darker than most samsarans, on the order of only two shades. Before seeing her blood and eyes, some have mistaken her for a very tall drow. Her body is slim and relatively lithe. Her muscles have little definition, hinting at her focus upon mental training. Her dark, almost black, blue hair, when in its braid, reaches her knees. When free, it brushes her ankles. The second most striking feature that one will notice is her eyes. One is silver and the other purple. Neither has pupils. She towers over her elven family, standing at six and a half feet tall. She even beats many half-orcs in height. Her skin is utterly flawless and has no scars or blemishes. She takes great care to keep it that way. Her fingernails are always long and sharp, forming claws. Her claws and eyes mark her as not just a samsaran but as truly a changeling. When she bleeds, her blood may be mistaken for water or sweat at first. She bleeds clear liquid, like pure water.

Personality: Ravaonna, despite being raised by elves, holds all non-evil races in equal regard. Like elves, however, she gauges individuals on a different scale than races. She may become close friends with an orc or a goblin, but she will still have a dislike of the race. In general, she acts politely and tends to be helpful if possible. She almost seems to have infinite patience, but this is a result of years of mental exercise. Her ire can be sparked should one attack her, her eidolon, or her friends. Once she seeks blood and revenge, she will pursue it relentlessly, even taking years or decades. This grudge may even transcend the person in question and fall upon the shoulders of their children to make amends.

Religiously, she has two deities that she considers her patrons. Desna and Shelyn drew her to their faiths and the relationship of the two goddesses created relatively little friction whenever she mentioned being devoted to two deities.

Biography: Ravaonna's life began as any changeling's. She was unceremoniously left upon a doorstep to be raised among another race. Luckily, the elven family inside found her and took her in due to the man and woman lacking the means to produce their own natural child. Her new parents gave her the name Ravaonna. The wife was well-versed in arcane lore and recognized the signs that Ravaonna was a changeling. Her husband found out soon enough and both vowed to never let their daughter become a hag. Years passed by without incident. Ravaonna was different since she resembled a samsaran, but she grew up in a relatively normal elven childhood. Her peers saw her develop far more rapidly than they, reaching full maturity at the age of 60. At that point, she created her personal name and private name. A year later, she was in the market to get some items for her mother. A cutpurse tried to steal the goods. Unable to help it, Ravaonna's rage bubbled up and she dashed after him. She couldn't catch him and she started to become desperate, more enraged and tenacious. At this moment, her latent arcane potential manifested in her summoning her eidolon around her. She instinctively lashed out with lengthened arms, rending the thief's calves with claws, causing him to fall and cower as she snatched her purse back. Her rage began to subside and the eidolon faded from view. The elves around her stared, awestruck.

At home, she had to relate the tale to her parents. When she finished, her mother actually gave a little laugh, telling her that her powers manifested in her entire house being compressed into a hyperdense pebble, so summoning an eidolon to stop a thief wasn't as bad as it could have been. Her mother did notice that the magic Ravaonna was predisposed towards was very unlike her own. The eidolon was essentially fused to Ravaonna's own form. Her mother was simply a polymorphing sorcerer. She sought out the academies in the area to find out just what her daughter was. One mage, after almost choking on his drink, said she wanted to come and meet Ravaonna immediately. This elven summoner was bubbling with excitement upon knocking on the door to the home. Ravaonna answered and the summoner practically mauled her with questions. Trying to be polite, Ravaonna led the summoner in and answered all she could. Upon mentioning the fact that the eidolon was fused to her form, the guest jumped a little. Ravaonna was called a synthesist and the guest offered to stop by and check up on progress if Ravaonna promised to study the tomes she left behind. Knowing she needed to learn to control the magic, as well as enjoying the feeling of the eidolon when she summoned it, Ravaonna happily agreed.

The next four years amounted to her studying tomes of summoning magic while also studying other subjects she loved. She happened upon and old tome in her father's library and studied it as well. Her father also found his old notes and let her use them for more research. From this dual study, Ravaonna became highly versed with her summoning abilities, eventually going entire days where she could summon her eidolon, while also developing a heavy knowledge of Thessalonian lore and language. Once she mastered the base level of her craft, she gathered some supplies and left her family to go to Sandport and study the Thessalonian artifacts more closely. Little did she know that she would soon be embroiled in violence that she would be partaking in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Just for the record, the people who wish to go for the remaining spot have until the end of this combat before the cutoff point. Then I will let the person I have chosen join in the RP right afterwards.
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