Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Oskar smiled. It was not often that he felt satisfied. There were always more battles to fight, mead to drink, beds to warm. For Oskar, one victory was never enough. Be it in war, finance, or other such pursuits. No, Oskar needed to keep winning his whole life.

Which is why Oskar's smile was perplexing. The smile even grew as he worked. Especially the last two notes. The ones that were going to be delivered to Otto Dietrich and Arthur Avalon. The only two to ever defeat him in battle. Ah yes, he remembered clearly. 8th Century, Otto and his whore had driven back the force of Magyar bandits Oskar had been commanding. It had taken him awhile to find the former Holy Roman Emperor. He had taken many different names over the years, it was just Oskar's luck that he happened to name himself Otto again. Arthur had been significantly easier. The damn fool had never changed his name.

The other notes were being delivered to other Immortals. Ones that he thought would make excellent allies.

A good king, he thought is never without his court.


Otto was tired. He looked in the mirror at his haggard face and bloodshot eyes.

He sighed.

There were days when he wished that he weren't an Immortal, that he died like normal humans. The days were few and far between, yet today was one of them. He dressed haphazardly and sat on his couch, flippin on the television.

Otto wasn't exactly sure what to do with himself. His friend, Ozmond, was the only reason that he had been staying with one identity for so long. Of course, Oz had succumbed to old age, as humans were wont to do. Otto had moved to Germany the day after the funeral. He flipped through the channels while sifting through his many, many memories. He finally settled on one he liked.

The year was, 1996, he believed. He and his fourth wife, and Ozmond were celebrating Oz's birthday in a pub. Ozmond and Aileen both looked the same age as him back then, and they were happy. He preferred to remember them like this, as opposed to Aileen in her 70's, on the losing side of a battle with Alzheimer's. Or Ozmond, as an 86 year old man who could barely keep his eyes open when he came to visit. He fell asleep with the pub memory in his mind and a sad smile on his face.

He was awoken by a knock on the door. He quickly dug through the pockets of his hanging coat for the small revolver he kept. The chances of the visitor being an IBI officer were slim, but you could never be too careful. He wrenched open the door to find nothing but a small white envelope on the floor. He opened it and read it in a manner of seconds. He dropped it to the floor and began to laugh.

"Oskar the Undying, eh?" He chuckled once more. "To Seattle it is!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Evelyn had just stepped out of a shower, deciding to let her body dry naturally as she walked around her apartment. It was plain and simple, not much decoration to it. Admittedly, there were very few nights she actually slept here, as opposed to in the bed of some stranger. She sat down in an armchair, one of the few pieces of furniture in the building. She let out a sigh, rolling her neck a little. She hadn't managed to find a companion for last night, the club she usually picked people up from being closed, and the bar being dead quiet. It left her feeling... empty. In both a literal and metaphorical sense. A psychologist could probably pick apart her habits and label her with any number of conditions. That was why she had never visited one. She was happy with her life. And she was doing good in the world, or at least from her point of view. She gave pleasure to many, and in return she got pleasure herself. There was a knock at the door, rousing Evelyn from her thoughts. She walked over and opened it up, staring at the postman with eyes that revealed nothing. He gaped a little as he saw what she was wearing, or rather, what she wasn't, as he held out the small letter. She opened it and read it quickly, paying no attention to the drooling postman.
'Oskar the Undying? What a silly name. Well, I guess I'll have to take a business trip,' She mused, before turning away and walking inside, leaving the door open.
"Aren't you coming in?" She called over her shoulder, grinning when she heard the slam of the door and the sound of clothes being removed.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arcalept
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


It was the middle of the night. The streets were quiet and illuminated only at every street corner with flickering lamps. In a city like this, most would cower in their homes or set curfew for their kids with the hope of preventing muggings and other petty crimes. These were the hours in which a certain powerful immortal is most awake.

Lena was not afraid, not with a mace swinging at her side, guns strapped to her back and leg, and the ability to burn things with a flick of the wrist. The sight of her, wearing all black and staying in the shadows, could chill anyone to the bone. That is, if they didn't notice the bag of Chinese takeout dangling from her fist. That, and she was bobbing her head to some kind of upbeat music, loud enough to be heard by someone ten feet away, but indiscernible. She disappeared into the doorway of an apartment building, leaving the street empty and quiet again.

A loud bang reverberated through the apartment as Lena kicked her way through the door, leaving an even deeper dent in the wall. It was nearly pitch black, forcing her to flip the light switch before proceeding into the kitchen. The aroma of Chinese food filled the air almost as soon as the box was opened, and Lena's mouth watered with hunger. Just as she was about to sit down, an envelope fell off the counter onto her lap. That was the only piece of mail she found in her mailbox that morning. It was from no one she recognized, which prompted her to abandon it as she went about her daily business. Now that she had time, Lena ripped the top open and pulled out the written note.

"What the fuck?" After scanning it through twice and fully reading it once, Lena tossed it in the shredder with a frown. "What kind of stupid ass name is 'Oskar the Undying'?"

Of course, she was packed and ready to go the next morning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alex sat on the plane, smacking the letter from Oskar on her palm absent-mindedly. It'd taken some work to convince her manager to let her leave New York, but she felt this was well worth it. Besides... her career was pretty much over with anyway. They would just call this an extended break that would soon turn into a permanent break. Simple, really.

Besides, if she didn't go on this, she wouldn't be an idol much longer regardless. Oskar's letter was essentially her career's death sentence, not that she minded.

She was dressed casually, as casually as a former star could. Her dress was the street style of South Korea, kahki skinny jeans, a loose fitting v-neck grey sweater, and red sneakers. She sighed as the woman near her seat stared at her. Because a female with a typical male style of dress was so odd. Alex rolled her eyes and decided it was in her best interest to stare out of the airplane's window. She'd requested the window seat and enjoyed watching the ground below them fly by. It wasn't often that she felt like a small insignificant thing.

She lifted her hand to run it through her short, thin brown hair. What did "Oskar The Undying" want with her anyway? And what was with the name? He still went with that?

Let's just tell the entire world that I'm an Immortal. No biggie.

Not to mention Mr. Obvious is the one threatening to reveal me.

Alex chuckled, a short huff of a laugh, more like a snort than anything. She let out a short breath and closed her eyes, wishing she had the ability to teleport rather than live a really really long time. She wasn't really the most patient of sorts even though she really should be. She also wasn't one for keeping herself armed besides the small knife hidden in her bag. She'd lived long enough to know how to get away with a few things, after all. Which made it all the harder to keep herself from punching the woman next to her's face in.

"Stop staring at me, lousy bitch." She barked at the woman, fed up with her glances and mumbling. "I'm right fucking next to you and can hear every damn word you say so you don't need to whisper."

The elder woman recoiled in fear before her expression turned into that of hatred. Without another word, the woman raised her hand and called one of the hostess over.

"I'd like to be moved to another seat. This young woman is incredibly rude." She explained, holding her nose out like Alex stank.

Alex snorted once again, bursting out into laughter. Everyone on the plane turned to look at the commotion and the hostess gave her a strange look.

"I think that's my line, lady." Alex began, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. She turned to look at the hostess, "Excuse me, miss..." Alex glanced at the name tag, "Colwell... My name is Alexandra Walters, grand-daughter of Gregory Walters. I'd like to request to be moved to first class. Preferably in a seat by myself. It seems I can't trust strangers to be respectful and kind anymore."

The hostess bowed and walked on to find a new seat for Alex and as she did, Alex turned to look at the woman, a smirk on her face. "Yeah, watch who you mess with, bitch. Have fun in 3rd class." She told her as the hostess came back to retrieve Alex who spent the rest of the ride in peace.

That is... until they touched down. While Alex was walking around, looking for Oskar who she could only assume would look horribly out of place in an airport, she was approached by a rather large man who stopped in front of her and stared down.

Alex stopped, staring at the man's chest before slowly looking up at his face, her brow raised at him. "Can I help you?" She asked, her brow still raised.

"Apologize." He grunted.

Obviously he's more brawn than brain...

"As I've just met you, I don't think I have anything to apologize for." Alex responded, stepping to the side. Behind the large man was the older woman from before who now had her arms crossed. Alex raised a brow yet again and glanced from man to woman. She pointed to the woman and looked up at the man. "She yours?" Alex asked, prompting a glare from the man.

"Apologize." He grunted again. Alex snorted once again and smiled at him.

"Make me, Tiny." She told him, stepping up to him, her chest barely inches away from him, her glare staring daggers into his. "I know about 50 different ways I could paralysis you right now and then what would you be? A hunk of meat with no brain. You wouldn't want that would you, Tiny?" She whispered, smirking at him.

She hadn't expected the dumbass to actually hit her until she felt the slap and her body suddenly falling back as she flew across the large hall and into something soft. She blinked, looking up to see a rather large scandinavian man. "Oh... Hi Oskar." She greeted him, making quick waving motions. She looked down to see the woman's son (I mean, what else could he have been? Her boyfriend? Heh, fat chance... Literally... fat chance. Woman probably weighs like 300.) who was staring at Oskar who was more than likely staring back.

As usual, friends were nice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Just when Oskar thought his day couldn’t get better, he encountered an old friend. He roared with hearty laughter as he remembered her. Yes, the one now called Alex was the same girl who he once thought all those years ago. He had wondered where she had gone.

“Chae-Seon?” He threw his head back and laughed until he began to tear up. He suddenly noticed the large man glaring at him. The one who had slapped Alex into him. He picked Alex up and set her aside. He strode towards the man. “This man troubles you? I will deal with him.”

He launched his right arm forwards and grabbed the man by the arm. He yanked to the side once his forearm was tightly in his grasp, dislocating it with a pop. The man dropped to his knees and clamped a hand onto his useless shoulder, mouth open in a silent scream. Oskar spun and drove his heel into the man’s jaw. He dropped like a sack of flour.

He turned back to Alex with a broad smile, ignoring the older woman’s horrified stare.

”We have much to speak of, Seon. Or should I call you Alex now?”


Otto sighed. It seemed as though he had a better chance of being exposed by Oskar’s idiotic frivolity than whatever proof he may have Otto’s immortality. He strode through the crowd. The man who had slapped the younger immortal was struggling. He sighed once more and walked past the final line of people to face the wounded man.

”So, now you know not to hit women. He jerked his head behind him, gesturing to Oskar. ”Or else you’ll get beat up by a crazy Nordic Man-Bear.”

He stood and spun on his heel, coming face-to-face with Oskar.

”And you! You imbecile! Otto was seething. ”Oskar, I ask for once that you at least try to be subtle. Not all of us have the Bureau in our pocket.”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Evelyn walked through the airport, dressed in a simple set of black clothing, consisting of a sleeveless top that showed off her toned stomach, and a pair of skinny jeans that hugged ger long legs and butt firmly. She walkrd with the ease of someone who knee they were hot, evidenced by the men around her whose gazed followed her for a few seconds longer than normal. She walked over to the small group that had gathered, eyeing each of them up individually, not even hiding the fact that her stare seemed to strip off their clothing, and see what lay below.
"I'm assuming you're Oskar," she asked, nodding to the tall Scandinavian, "My name is Evelyn D'Amour. I received your letter."
She smirked a little at thr mention of the Bureau. Now that was something she didn't have to worry about. The good thing about her hobby was that many found it uncomfortable to talk about openly, so there were very few rumours about her. Just another reason she enjoyed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


As the sun rose, a body amongst the sheets tangled through two forms stirs. Slowly a woman sits up and inspects the man whom she managed to bed last night. As she gazes upon the sleeping form a pale grey eye slowly opens and looks at her. "good morning" The woman cracks a smile as the man known as Vladimir sits up, still groggy from sleep. "Morning Vlad." Vlad gets out of bed and starts pulling on clothes, to be specific a heather grey t shirt and tight dark jeans, as she watches. Once fully clothed he turns and looks at her. "Not that i am objecting to you being here...but why are you still here?' The woman tilts her head. "I wanted to be here when you awoke...a-" Before she could finish the sentence Vlad's dinosaur of a phone rings. He picks up. "Hello? What? oh...its not mine. How could I be so sure you ask? Because i am completely sterile. Nice try though, do try it on someone else who it is actually possible to produce a parasite with." A click is heard as he snaps the phone shut and watches as the woman dresses in a hurry and leaves. Vlad snorts, it would seem all the women he ends up with are similar.

Vladimir lightly makes coffee and starts about his day. However, this is soon interrupted by a doorbell ring. He sighs before getting up and seeing a postman with a letter. His eyes flick between the letter and the man as he grabs the letter, who even sends letters now a days. He nods to the postman as he closes his door. He opens and reads it.

His whole being goes cold at the threat of being known to the IBI. "Not again...never again" The whisper is soft and he clenches the letter. He inhales and exhales before unclenching and finishing the reading of the letter. So Seattle it is.

His day found him in one of his least favorite forms of traveling. A plane. Something about being in the air with his feet off the ground was unnerving. With his jaw clenched, eyes closed, and knuckles white from clenching the arm rests he feels he might be okay if no one talks to him. Of course, that was not fate. "Oh are you afraid of flying?" The irritating voice of the blonde sitting next to him pierces his forced meditation. "Only as much as you are afraid of your natural hair color" That shocked her into silence...good. The rest of the flight was uneventful thankfully.

He walks off of the metal bird to see a rather large man dislocating another man's shoulder. With an eyebrow raise he makes his way to the group around the large bear of a man, knowing full well his silent nature might make him unnoticed until they actually look behind them. "Why be subtle when the other guy was not? Believe that man brought the bad karma upon himself" As another woman introduces herself he sighs. He probably should do the same. "Vladimir." He felt nothing else needed to be added so he simply does not. The pirate boots are enough to prove everything about himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


“Chae-Seon?” She grinned. A long since forgotten name. She was certainly glad he remembered her after all these years though her heart pinged at the sudden remembrance of the name. Still, as if by some force of nature her memories remained as hazy as they'd always been but now she could faintly remember a distorted voice calling her name.

“This man troubles you? I will deal with him.”

"Hmm?" Alex mumbled as Oskar offered her his help. Her heart warmed at the familiarity. Oskar had always been like a father to her for as long as she could remember, always taking care of her. As Oskar finished taking care of the brute, Alex looked over the horrified expression of the old woman as she rushed to what Alex assumed to be her son's side.

”We have much to speak of, Seon. Or should I call you Alex now?” Oskar asked her. She sat for a few seconds deliberating with herself.

"You know, I've been meaning to change my name. But for some reason hearing Seon causes my heart pain so Alex will do for now. You can help me choose a better name later." She told him, chuckling. She wanted desperately to rush up to him and wrap her arms around his neck in a familiar embrace but the addition of a rather loud fellow caused her to think twice. She'd just have to tackle Oskar later.

She laughed quietly to herself, remember how she first pronounced his name all those years ago.


The look on his face still made her laugh even now. Alex stifled a giggle at the 'nordic man-bear' comment. However, she felt a bit defensive when he berated Oskar for defending her. "Hey. He's my nordic man-bear and he did nothing wrong." She told him, her brows furrowing at the loud newcomer. "Though you do stick out like a sore thumb, bud..." she added quietly in Oskar's direction. "And you!" She shouted, pointing at the haggard looking man who'd just arrived, "You're just as loud and oblivious as he is! If you're going to mention the Bureau, at least do so quietly." She shook her head at him and then grinned up at Oskar, as if looking for approval.

Evelyn D'Amour

Alex had known a lot of very attractive females in her profession, but she did have to admit that Evelyn took the cake. She pursed her lips as she looked Evelyn up and down, eyeing her while trying to not appear as if she was doing so like the many other people in the airport. She coughed as another walked up and defended Oskar, apparently having heard the haggard man's comment. "I like this one." She told the group, pointing towards Vlad.

Realizing that all of them but Oskar didn't know her name, Alex grinned and held her hands behind her back, rocking back and forth on the balls of her heels as she introduced herself, "Alexandra Walters, grand-daughter of Gregory Walters, at your service." And she regretted it as soon as she said it.


She looked over at Oskar hoping very much so that he hadn't caught on to the meaning behind what she'd said. Since parting from him, she hadn't always been... well... good. She didn't want to disappoint Oskar and he probably knew about the old man's recent death even if he didn't know the details.

Besides... Oskar probably knew her parents and she didn't know how he'd feel about her basically denying them ever having existed in the first place. All they held for her were painful memories and so she had no need of them.

Maybe he won't care at all. Maybe I'm just over reacting.

Despite being nearly 200 years old, Alex still felt like a teenager who hadn't quite grown out of her insecurities, something she should probably find ways to fix and soon if she wanted to be as hard and cold as the lot of them.

Right? That was what she needed to do? Become hard and cold towards life.

HAH. As if.

Then, as if suddenly remembering what she'd wanted to do previously, Alex ran around Oskar and hopped up onto his back, wrapping her thin arms around his neck. "I missed you Oskar! How have you been?" She asked, grinning as she squeezed his neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

-Double Post of Doom-

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arcalept
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


By the end of the flight, Lena was ready to tear her ears off. The last time she had been around this many people was over twenty years ago, and the change was quite a shock. Not only was everyone talking, but there were babies crying, children yelling, and music blaring from somewhere at the back of the plane.

What a bunch of ass holes.

Her headphones were not doing much to block the noise out, either. As soon as they touched down, she was out of her seat with her bags before the other passengers could even stand up.

She made her way through the airport with her head down and a single earbud in, hoping to avoid the larger crowds. It didn't take long for that plan to go south. They were probably among the loudest at the airport, and there were only five of them there. One of them was huge, both in height and brawn. The rest were a bit more average-looking, depending on your definition of average. If Lena had to take a guess, she would suppose that this is the group she was there to meet.

It took all of her willpower not to completely avoid them. After observing for a while, Lena begrudgingly joined the gathering without speaking. She arrived just in time to watch one of them, a girl, jump on the brawny one, with some sort of exclamation. Lena heard the name 'Oskar' and concluded that the big one was he.

"Should have known someone who would go by the name of 'Undying' would look like that." She mumbled, almost to herself.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Vladimir chuckles at the comment of being liked. This group seemed strange that much is for certain. As the small one introduces herself an eyebrow raises. "Am i supposed to know whom this Gregory is? because I do not....so Ill stick with calling you Alex" It seems as if the group is having a casual free for all and something about that bothers him somewhat. Maybe the fact that he was blackmailed into being here...that little tidbit.

His arms cross as he is just about to speak when he hears a mumble coming from another newcomer. A smile spreads across his face exposing perfect white teeth. "Well, it does fit no?" He lightly turns to study her more. "Vladimir" The one word being his way of introduce himself. His one visible grey eye sweeps over her in a quick manner as if taking her in weighing and not finding really any result. As with most here he settles for being neutral.

As for Oskar the undying he turns back, his arms crossing once more. "Shall we go or are we to discuss the nature of the blackmailing here? Because I truly do not enjoy being blackmailed into anything" Straight to the point with a hint of his russian accent peeking out. By his tone it is clear that he is a tad bit irritated with being blackmailed and is perfectly fine with figuring out why he was brought here right now. His crossed arms furthering the point and tightening the sleeves on his shirt in the process.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spoiledmilk
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Acadia walked home from work, at the exact same time as every other day. The exact same route. Holding a white bag containing todays dinner; Chow mein with a side of shimp dumplings. The same dishes he's been eating every day the past 6 years. She was close to her front door when she had this feeling someone was watching her. She never felt like she stood out, not since she washed ashore in Brazil.

She finally reached the steps of her apartment where she leaned to the side to look into the narrow window next to her door, making sure no one was inside her pretty much minimalistic grey apartment. There wasn't much room to hide unless you knew the apartment. She unlocked the door and opened it slowly, not making a sound. She jumped as a letter fell down over her feet, reflecting in her shiny black pumps. A letter with her "Acadia" written on. This gave her chills through her spine. Why would anyone address her Acadia, a name she hadn't used in at least a century. Why would she get a letter at all? Living a very A4 life she knew exactly what letters to expect at exact dates and today was not one of those days. Neither did she talk to anyone except her co-workers(at work, only) and Miss Meixiu from the Chinese place. She picked the letter up with quivering hands, took a second look around the block before going inside. The main room was dim, grey with some black and white accents. Very modern, straight lines, minimal decoration. She wasn't gonna read the letter, not yet.

Shortly after she had a big glass of high quality red wine. Over the past centuries she had acquired a taste for expensive wine. She brought the letter with her to the artistic/minimalistic (quite uncomfortable) couch where she opened the letter with 18th century knife. The shock of the letters struck her like a lightning, and both the glass of red and the letter shortly fell to the floor. The letter soaked in wine within seconds.
Who is this Oscar, how does he know? Is there more people like me? Why is this happening? These were few of many thoughts haunting Acadias space. She'd been so good at hiding her tracks, disappearing. Being anonymous. That was her skill. She hadn't let anyone close since late 1600's and they were.. Well.. Dead. So really, she had thousands of questions.

This went waaaay way way out of her comfort zone. She was even uncomfortable taking a new route to work, or when Miss Meichiu was out of Chow Mein. But if she didn't go to Seattle she wouldn't get peace. Not only would she be reported but she'd have all these questions left unanswered. She packed her briefcase. All her clothes were different variants of office clothing. Semi-sexy but yet modest. Mostly grey, black and white.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zordon


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Steadily, she pushed one foot forward after another, the pedals readily responding to her efforts and thrusting her closer to her destination. "YOUR DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE RIGHT." 'Thank you Google,' Orianna thought to herself, pushing a little more enthusiastically up the massive hill that was the curved driveway. A strong breeze whipped past her, lifting the mass of yellow curls from around her face and wobbling her balance ever so slightly.


Somehow, she managed to finish her ascent up the monstrous climb and dismounted her old school bicycle, pulling her tan knapsack from the basket on the front and unceremoniously tossed it onto her back. She reached her hand into the pocket of her loose fitted shorts and unfolded the letter that had arrived to her home a few days prior. Yup. This was definitely the address and somehow it fit the mystery tied to the name of 'Oskar the Undying'.

The house was nestled behind carefully trimmed hedges and colorful flowers that brought a smile to Oriannas lips. Bending at her waist, she nestled the tip of her nose between some of the delicate petals and inhaled softly. A soft hum vibrated her lips as the floral scent brought her a warmth of happiness through her chest. Resting her fingers on the hedges, she approached the door of the brick building, reveling in the feel of the leaves under her finger tips. Reluctantly, she pulled her hand up from the bushes and formed a fist, raising it to knock on the door. Before her knuckles could rap on the door, it swung open and a blonde woman greeted her gaze. She looked down to the letter in Oriannas hands and a grin of realization split across her face.

"You must be one of Oskars guest. Please, come in. The meal is nearly ready."

Her hair was curly like Oris but much shorter. She wore a clean black chefs coat on her torso and a warm smile. Orianna nodded with a smile of her own and crossed the threshold into the home. The house decor was a balance of rustic and modern, making Orianna both relax and cringe depending on what part she focused on at any given time.

"There is also some seating on the outdoor terrace ma'am."

'Geez. Is my face really that expressive?' She nodded in agreement, walking through the home to the rear doors. The touches of exposed wood throughout the home she thought were definitely her favorite, running her fingers a little longer on the handle of the knob before resting next to the stone fire pit surrounded by seating. Orianna lowered herself into a seated position, folding her legs into a meditation pose. She inhaled slowly and simply waited, wondering silently who she would meet once they arrived.

All pictures provided are for an actual house in Seattle listed for sale.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


He was asleep when the knock came at the door, which was hardly surprising. He spent most of his time asleep, the sounds of clashing swords echoing throughout his mind. The sounds of heavy feet, weighed down by weapons and armor, sloshing through dirt-become-mud from the blood spilled on the battlefield, the cries of men fighting and dying all around him, horses screaming, cannons and guns firing, all of histories battles blending together in one cacophonous roar. He ignored the knock.
Half a minute later the knock rang out again, louder and harder, but still he ignored it and tried to drift back to sleep. The knock came again. They weren't going away. Sighing, Reed sat up, swinging he feet over the edge of the mattress and rubbing his eyes. In the back of his mind, amidst the sounds of battle, an irritation was forming but he consciously ignored it. Walking to the door and swinging it open, something fell to the ground. There was no one there. Stooping down to pick up the item, he found himself holding a letter, his name written on the envelope.

It couldn't of been his landlady, he was paid up for rent for the rest of the year just so he could avoid these kinds of interactions. Tearing open the envelope he read the letter and sighed, turning around to walk back to his bed before collapsing onto the mattress once more. He tried to fall back asleep, but the irritation was there again. Louder this time. He sat back up.
So someone was knew what he was and was summoning him under threat of exposure. He didn't really care, but if he was exposed that would mean dealing with people. Lots of people for a very long time. He was better off going there, telling this person to fuck off and going home, it'd take less time and effort.

He made a few calls to a few pawn shops and made a few trips. By the end of the day he had a single long term storage shed payed up for the next year, $20,000 in cash and a small private plane taking him to Seattle. The last thing he wanted to deal with was a passenger plane full of people. He slept the whole way there.

"Fuck." Reed muttered as he stood in the room. He'd been referred to the airport upon arrival and found himself staring at a crowd of several other people, and that's what bothered him. People, and people who drew attention no less. He thought this was going to be some one-on-one "I want you to do a job for me" thing that he usually got when people found out he couldn't die, but apparently this was a heist crew or something stupid. The last thing he needed was more people making more noise. Reed found a wall and leaned back against it, closing his eyes and trying to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Oskar turned to the thin woman that addressed him, Evelyn she said and nodded. "I am Oskar, the Undying. It is nice to make your acquaintance, Ms. D'Amour." He greeted her. And then another arrived and he turned to see Vladimir and a hearty chuckle erupted from his throat. "It is good to meet you, Vladimir. I hope the plane ride suited you well." The bear-like man's voice boomed over the crowd, not really inviting subtly. Then again, it never did.

He turned when Alex finally responded to him, grinning at her response. "I doubt I would be very much help picking out a good name, Alex. Though, I do think Anna sounds rather lovely." He told her, chuckling.

Oskar faked a surprised expression at Alex's comment on his appearance. He knew he stuck out and that was just the way he liked it. The more intimidating he looked, the less likely it was that people would test him.

Alex's comment about her grandfather went right over Oskar's head as he was much too hung up on other matters. Other... much more important matters. He didn't have to mock surprise later though as Alex suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck. A soft smile grew on his face as a rough hand lifted to touch her thin arms.

"I have missed you as well, old friend." He responded. He'd liked to have asked her where she'd been this whole time but he felt it wasn't the right time. He'd have plenty of time to ask her all his questions later at the estate.

Oskar noticed another one arrive and grinned down at her. "And who do we have here?" He asked, looking down at her[Lena]. However, before she could respond, Vladimir asked him a question.

Oska turned to look at him, a stern look suddenly on his face. He stared at Vladimir for a few moments before a hearty smile grew over his face. "Why, how rude of me! Of course, I have a few limos outside just for us. If you'll follow me, I'll lead the way." He explained, motioning for the group, even Reed in the back, to follow him.


Otto huffed at Alex and the rest defending the brute. They were all loud and obnoxious... But mostly he was just worried they'd draw too much attention and the Bureau would be after them... Like usual.

Otto stayed silent as the others talked and when Oskar motioned for the group to move, he breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they'd be out of the open and out of... well... maybe harm's way. The Bureau always had a way of knowing when something big was happening in the Immortal World and when Oskar planned something, it was never small...

He followed the crowd to the limos and chuckled when he step inside the first of the two long limos. Oskar climbed in beside him but it looked as though his little monkey girl didn't follow.


Alex smiled as she waited for Oskar to respond to her. Chuckling when he finally did. She grinned as she rode Oskar to the limos, jumping off in time to hop in the second limo. She'd have plenty of time to talk to Oskar. She wanted some time to get to know the other Immortals. She was probably the most social-able of the Immortals, being one of the youngest of them.

She sat quietly humming as she waited for others to join her in the limo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Reeds ears pricked up at the mention of the name "Undying." In his long life he had never encountered another like him, unable to die, and the name elicited a response from him, he just wasn't sure what. Excitement? Longing? Probably both, but they both sank back into grim resignation when he realized it was likely some egotistical moniker. He'd experienced it throughout history, people adding "the Great" or other such titles to their name. He'd earned a few himself over the ages and hated them all, but it was surprising to hear such a moniker used in this day and age.
Either way it seemed like some of those present knew each other and were busy making noise that rivaled the noise of the airport crowd until "the Undying" mentioned leaving limousines. Reed sighed. He didn't want flashy, extravagant, luxurious or rich. He'd spent centuries avoiding such things and such people, with the exception of some bodyguard work over the millennia, but the last he'd worked such a job was decades ago. He couldn't really remember the mans name, they all blended together after a while, but he remembered people calling him "the Enforcer" and helping someone who was making money selling alcohol. If he remembered things right, it had all fallen apart and he couldn't have bothered going to jail, so he shot himself on some train tracks and started over.

Regardless, he followed the group outside, standing by a humming oriental-looking girl as he waited on the rest.

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