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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago





Additional Appearance:
Rin carries a metal wristband that was given to her by her mother. It has the symbol for Air engraved on the top. She also has her Airbending tattoos.

5’ 5”

115 lbs






Rin regularly participated in Airball when living at the Western Air Temple.
She takes pride in creating excellent vegetarian dishes.
She is an avid reader, mostly reading about historical events.


Rin's mother and father met at the Western Air Temple. Her mother was an Airbender, while her father was an Air Acolyte. Rin grew up with the traditional life of an Air Nomad. Throughout her training, she showed great promise as an Airbender. While she was nowhere near as impressive as Avatar Aang, or even Jinora, she had earned her mastery tattoos at 18. Once she earned her tattoos she set out, travelling the world. She visited the Fire Nation and its bordering colonies for a year before moving to Republic City. Rin found out that the city was on the brink of another revolution due to the development of this new drug. Rin kept watch, looking for any signs of danger that this revolution might bring.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago






Additional Appearance:
Anik has heterochromia, blue from his Waterbender father and Bronze from his fire nation mother.


123 Ibs


Water + Healing

A flask of Water for emergencies


Anik is people pleasing, detailed orientated and is rigid with his organizational habit, yet he has a good sense of humor and takes part in other's jokes and tomfoolery as long as it's harmless and within reason as he likes to think of himself as the voice of reason among any groups he is in. He is also protective and caring for his friends and allies if a little overbearing at times. At times he can get competitive when people challenge him or his ideas as he can be extremely adamant about being right in certain situations.

Traditional Hunter and fisher
Excellent non-bending swimmer
Practicing his Waterbending and healing
Cleaning and organizing rooms and places
Taking care of little potted plants
Doing tasks for people who asked him to do it

Anik was born to his Waterbender father and his Fire Nation mother in Republic City. Anik was a sickly child and often stayed at home for long stretches of times. Anik learned he was a Waterbender at a young age after he bended a glass a water to splash in his father's face. Once his waterbending was learned Anik's father brought him to his homeland of the southern water nation where he was taught the traditional ways of water bending and hunting and fishing and even healing though water bending, this seemed to cured Anik of his sicklyness for the most part. After a year at the southern water nation Anik and his father returned to Republic City to a shocking surprise. Anik had gotten a little Sister while he was gone for the year, Anik quickly grew to love his little sister and soon enough he started to worry greatly for the little girl's safety. It was like this for most of his Childhood him worrying about his little sister and after years of no signs any water bending abilities it seem like his little sister wasn't a bender like him or his father but Anik still loved her greatly. Now that he's reaching adulthood, Anik is looking for a higher calling in life and with the rising tension in Republic City he is starting to question the safety of his Family and it seems like the two things will soon go hand in hand.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by jumpadraw


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Chen
Gender: Male

Additional Appearance:
Height: 5'7"

Element: N/A

Additional Weapons:
Shock Stick, Two daggers, Crossbow, Throwing knives
Flash bombs, smoke bombs
Vial of poison (for coating his blades)

Chen is rather pessimistic and cynical. He never accepts that things 'just happen' or that others are driven by 'the right thing.' He himself states that he is driven by his desire to uncover the truth, regardless of the outcome. Because of this, whenever he talks to others, he is constantly mentally noting things and trying to uncover the truth of their actions. As the only non-bender in his family, Chen is rather sore towards benders and holds a certain disdain towards powerful benders like the Avatar, though he hides it well and is able to act quite nonchalant about his inabilities. As a reporter, Chen's mindset is that of what was known in the progressive era of the US as a muckraker, seeking to uncover the dirt or 'muck' of large corporations and governments.

Martial Arts (Hung Gar/mixed)
Coin Collecting


Chen was born to a family of Earthbenders. He was the youngest of four, making him the runt of the group, and to make matters worse, he was the only child to be born without bending powers. His siblings often teased him for this, which caused him to grow a thick shell to defend himself early on in his life. As life went on, his siblings went on to train to become Earthbenders and he grew envious of them, though he hid it well.

He began to look up to the eldest of his brothers, Bao, who treated him more kindly than the others. Bao even took pity on Chen and began to teach him the fighting style of Earth and Metal benders, helping him to utilize the form without any bending capabilities. Despite his skills, Chen still couldn't properly equal that of a bender. Because of this, he began to focus on utilizing weapons and tools into his fighting style. Chen created smoke and flash grenades to blind his opponents and was able to get a hold of an old equalist stun glove, developing it into something that suited his fighting style a little more. It was a slightly more powerful electrified baton he called a shock stick. His brother was a great mentor, and an even better friend. However, all of this soon changed when Bao was arrested for violent crimes against a group of Arties. Later in prison, he was brutally mauled, almost dying. Chen's view of the world was forever altered, and he became more pessimistic towards everything. To put it simply, he was crushed. He began to invest in more lethal weapons, such as throwing knives and a small crossbow. Chen even went as far as to obtain deadly poisons to coat his daggers in.
His cynical attitude led him to become a journalist in Republic City, seeking to unmask the dark dealings of the world. While reporting the violence caused by the newly formed equalists, he decided to devote a portion of his time to investigate the company that came out with the drug that started it all, that led his brother to jail, to becoming a cripple. He wanted to see how they benefited from the rioting and protests, from these Neo-Equalists as well as find a way to shut the production of the drug down, or at least limit its sale. He knew it might lead him to nothing more than a dead end, but he had nothing better to do with his free time and in order to appease the guilt he felt towards the harming of his brother, he had to look into it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

{"Do not take my kindness and good heart for a weakness."}

| Name |

| Age |

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Appearance |
Zakia stands about five foot seven and weighs about one-hundred and twenty pounds. She is very lean and fit from her training and the muscles she has shows it. Zakia has that Fire Nation complexion onto her skin, which is an olive tint but it has tanned a little from her time in the sun. She has short, brown colored locks of hair that cascades down to the bottom of her neck. She use to have long hair but cut it because she felt that long hair wasn't the right appearance for her. Zakia wears the traditional clothing wear of the Fire Nation but she loves dressing in all of the other nations clothing, as well. Zakia also has a tattoo on her wrist of the Fire Nation symbol with Honor written underneath it.

| Primary Element |

| Secondary Element |
Trying to conjure up lightening.

| Weapons |
Even though she is sort of trained in the arts of weaponry, she likes to use her bending more than anything though she can fight hand to hand combat and with weapons, too.

| Personality |
Zakia is the Avatar and precedes herself as such. She has a demeanor that let's people know that she is in charge and to let people also know, not to get in her way. She does have a side that is sweet and caring, even has a nurturing side, as well. Zakia only displays her tough demeanor when she goes to other nations or when there is fixing to be an attack. Overall, Zakia is a great Avatar or so people have told her. She was chosen for a reason and she has yet to see her own destiny so maybe others can help her see that.

| Skills |
She is exceptional Fire bender, of course and she is also a decent cook. Zakia can bend other elements, as well with the exception of Water but she can bend it, a little. Zakia has great flexibility and is a gymnast, too.

| Hobbies |
Zakia doesn't really have many too many hobbies because she has other obligations to fulfilled but on the boat, she likes to read, write and draw. That's about it.

| Background |
Zakia's father always stood by her side when she was young and said that one day she was going to change the world. Her mother unfortunately died about a few days after her birth but she was the only child. Her father was kind of disappointed that he didn't get a son so that he could raise him to be a warrior but he trained Zakia instead. As time went on, a knock came upon their door one day and it was Elders from their nation and they wanted to see Zakia for a moment. They took her to a secret location and told her to pick out some toys and of course, she chose the toys that the previous Avatars did.

From that moment, she was shipped off to train with high ranking members of each nation. It was when she got to the both respective Water Tribes but couldn't bend water to save her life, or the world. She was a bit disappointed within herself as she came back to the Fire Nation with her father and he saw how grown up and mature she had gotten. He was so excited for her and couldn't be happier. But now, a new threat has risen up and she must leave him once again, which saddens her but it's her job and duty to protect others so she must do what needs to be done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kazuki Ryuu



Kazuki has a fair complexion, slightly paler than the average citizen of the Fire Nation. He is noted to have some 'good looks' stemming from his fathers side. He dressed his clothes lazily, his robes usually draping over his hands as he doesn't fasten them and buttons are usually left unbuttoned. His hair is also usually messy and disorganized and is left to hang freely.





Weapon(s): (Optional)


At first glance you would never actually guess Kazuki is the avatar, his pose is usually lax and slouching, a shiftless expression always seeming to rest on his face. Many are actually surprised whent hey find out he is the 'famous' avatar, but Kazuki doesn't mind nor care at their exasperated reactions and apologetic tones. He never really was one for notoriety and being well known, honestly he didn't think that the spirit would choose him to be the avatar, nor did many others expect to.

His indolent nature comes from the fact that after Korra's time, everything has been quiet and peaceful. Despite this, he still tries to take the duties of the Avatar seriously, even when there's a lack of it.

However, Kazuki at his very core is selfless, humble and hardworking, he goes out of his way to help out individuals in need, despite how mundane or small the issue is. And he also prefers to help people, in such a way that they don't notice they were being helped in the first place. He believes that people should be self-reliant, as he wouldn't always be there. He is also humble in a way that he actually doesn't believe he deserves to be the Avatar, and is still doubting why the spirit actually chose him. He can usually be found pensively thinking about himself and his role as the Avatar, usually having thoughts in the back of his head about many people who could actually become the Avatar better than him.

Despite his laziness, Kazuki has untapped potential. He was easily able to grasp the three other elements, Air, Earth and Water, albeit taking a little more time to understand the workings of the element of Water, and with the help of the greatest tutors at the time. He can easily understand the intricacies of things, despite the difficulty of said thing.

Kazuki was simply, and lazily 'practicing' his fire arts. Fists thudding against a training dummy filled up the silent air, until elders of the nation entered the training room. They all were silently whispering amongst one another until his father stepped into the room, hs clothes draping all over the red bricked flooring, much like the elders.

It didn't take a genius to know that he had been chosen to become the Avatar. His father's countenance mirrored Kazuki's, one of confusion and perplexity. He had many siblings who were more diligent than him, siblings who would better fit the role of Avatar. The people around him wore masks of congratulations and praise, however they hid contempt and jealousy. Mostly because Kazuki has never actually made an effort to do anything that would grant him such.

The role of Avatar being handed over to him forced him to become more studious, more suited to actually being the Avatar. He has traveled all over to practice under notable names. They found it surprisingly easy to train Kazuki, him grasping the foundations easily. He was in the middle of advanced training to bend Lava, but was called off and had to leave to give assistance to a new uprising threat.

Likes Gardening.

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