Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: just Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Powers: Human: Telepathy Dinosaur: Can breathe ice
From: OC

Likes: The beach(either to watch the waves or meet Ayaka there), his girlfriend(loves her actually), anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: a certain necromancer he refuses to name(Hunter), anyone who purposely tries to anger him or hurt his girlfriend.
History: TBR
Other: If he is really angry, he will become a giant dinosaur. So if you're looking to be his friend, don't anger him.
Alignment: Good.
Where did you end up?: Seemingly Endless Maze.
Name: Vile
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Crush: "Pfft, why waste my time with that mushy stuff?"
Powers: Can transform any being/objects into monsters and Portal Creation.
From: OC
Likes: Turning objects and animals into mindless creatures. He has yet to try it on a person.
Dislikes: Everything and everyone else.
History: TBR
Other: none
Alignment: Evil
Where did you end up?: His own place.
Name: Price Rockstar
Nickname: none
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire with a hint of demon(he's not a hybrid)
Crush: Terra(if Ninkitty decides to bring her back)
Powers: Normal: Telepathy. Demon: Can become as tall as a skyscraper after overfeeding on human blood.
From: OC
Appearance(s): Normal:
(ignore the glasses)
Likes: Playing guitar(though he won't have it here), a certain girl that isn't here, anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: His demon, having to hurt humans, anyone who purposely tries to torture him.
History: Doesn't like to talk about it.
Other: There are three ways to trigger his demon: 1. A human sits or stands right next to him. 2. He is surrounded by humans. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood. Due to this, he tends to avoid humans in fear of hurting them.
Alignment: Neutral(due to his demon side)
Where did you end up?: A living forest
Name: Charade
Nickname: none
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Fragments of a sword. (That my best guess since the game doesn't really say)
Crush: none(would he even know what a crush is?)
Powers/skills(if any): Does this work?
From: Soul Caliber II
Likes: TBR
Dislikes: TBR
Other: According to the game, he has no voice.
Where did you end up?: Cave Mountains
Name: Joey Freeman
Nickname: none (Call him 'Wolfy' and you're toast)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf(cannot talk in this form)
Crush: none
Powers/skills(if any): Human: Enhanced senses. Werewolf: Super Strength
From: OC

Likes: Having/making friends, other werewolves and anyone he is loyal to.
Dislikes: being called 'Wolfy', Vampires(though he has made a few exceptions in the past), anyone who purposely hurts him or any friends he might make.
History(optional): He doesn't remember much of his childhood, but seems to recall being bitten by a werewolf at a young age(he was 12).
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only times you will see him in wolf form is if he's either angry or the full moon happens to be out.
Alignment: Good
Where did you end up?: A living forest
Name: Cilrag
Nickname: none
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Iksar/shadow knight
Crush: none
From: OC/Everquest(EQ for short)
Likes: Fighting enemies
Dislikes: Prone to dislike pretty much everyone/thing.
History: TBR
Other: Waves at you
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Where did you end up?: Human-filled city(so Sans won't have to be all alone over there)
Nickname: just Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Powers: Human: Telepathy Dinosaur: Can breathe ice
From: OC

Likes: The beach(either to watch the waves or meet Ayaka there), his girlfriend(loves her actually), anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: a certain necromancer he refuses to name(Hunter), anyone who purposely tries to anger him or hurt his girlfriend.
History: TBR
Other: If he is really angry, he will become a giant dinosaur. So if you're looking to be his friend, don't anger him.
Alignment: Good.
Where did you end up?: Seemingly Endless Maze.
Name: Vile
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Crush: "Pfft, why waste my time with that mushy stuff?"
Powers: Can transform any being/objects into monsters and Portal Creation.
From: OC

Likes: Turning objects and animals into mindless creatures. He has yet to try it on a person.
Dislikes: Everything and everyone else.
History: TBR
Other: none
Alignment: Evil
Where did you end up?: His own place.
Name: Price Rockstar
Nickname: none
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire with a hint of demon(he's not a hybrid)
Crush: Terra(if Ninkitty decides to bring her back)
Powers: Normal: Telepathy. Demon: Can become as tall as a skyscraper after overfeeding on human blood.
From: OC
Appearance(s): Normal:

Likes: Playing guitar(though he won't have it here), a certain girl that isn't here, anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: His demon, having to hurt humans, anyone who purposely tries to torture him.
History: Doesn't like to talk about it.
Other: There are three ways to trigger his demon: 1. A human sits or stands right next to him. 2. He is surrounded by humans. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood. Due to this, he tends to avoid humans in fear of hurting them.
Alignment: Neutral(due to his demon side)
Where did you end up?: A living forest
Name: Charade
Nickname: none
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Fragments of a sword. (That my best guess since the game doesn't really say)
Crush: none(would he even know what a crush is?)
Powers/skills(if any): Does this work?
From: Soul Caliber II

Likes: TBR
Dislikes: TBR
Other: According to the game, he has no voice.
Where did you end up?: Cave Mountains
Name: Joey Freeman
Nickname: none (Call him 'Wolfy' and you're toast)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf(cannot talk in this form)
Crush: none
Powers/skills(if any): Human: Enhanced senses. Werewolf: Super Strength
From: OC

Likes: Having/making friends, other werewolves and anyone he is loyal to.
Dislikes: being called 'Wolfy', Vampires(though he has made a few exceptions in the past), anyone who purposely hurts him or any friends he might make.
History(optional): He doesn't remember much of his childhood, but seems to recall being bitten by a werewolf at a young age(he was 12).
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only times you will see him in wolf form is if he's either angry or the full moon happens to be out.
Alignment: Good
Where did you end up?: A living forest
Name: Cilrag
Nickname: none
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Iksar/shadow knight
Crush: none
From: OC/Everquest(EQ for short)
Likes: Fighting enemies
Dislikes: Prone to dislike pretty much everyone/thing.
History: TBR
Other: Waves at you
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Where did you end up?: Human-filled city(so Sans won't have to be all alone over there)