Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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The Maze

Laying on the ground was a white-haired man, he opened his eyes only to find himself in a strange place. He stood up before brushing himself off and taking in his surroundings. I don't know where this is, but at least it's not an island this time. He thought to himself as he continued to look around. Judging by the design, he came to a conclusion that he was in a maze.

A man walked in his own place as he thought about what his next move was gonna be. Let the chaos begin soon...very soon. An evil smile appeared on his face.

Living Forest

A vampire who appeared to be in his twenties found himself in a forest as soon as he woke up. He took in his surroundings before standing up and brushing himself off. Where did it take me this time? He wondered to himself, making sure to leave the word 'demon' out in case there were other telepaths around.

Joey found himself laying on the ground of a forest when he woke up. He then caught the scent of a vampire nearby. Perfect. He thought sarcastically as he got up and examined the place. He had been in many forests, but something was different about this one. He just wasn't sure what the difference was.

Cave Mountains
A brown creature with an eye in the middle found himself inside a cave and scratched his head in confusion. He looked at his surroundings as he tried to figure out where he was. He could not speak and he was known as Charade.

A female lizard-like creature found herself laying in a alleyway in a city. She stood up before taking in her surroundings. There were humans(npcs) everywhere and her species was prone to hate anything that wasn't an Iksar, but was able to keep herself from slaughtering every human(npcs) here. "Where am I anyway?" Since she was only thinking out loud to herself, she wasn't expecting an answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Hibiki Tachibana

Hibiki gasped as she woke up on a bench in a park. She sat up straight, and looked around confusedly. She asked out loud, "Huh...? Where...Where am I?" She placed a head on her head. Last she remembered...she was facing Carol with her friends, and they had just gone into X-Drive form. So...what happened? Where was she? This looked nothing like the city she was used to. She also noticed that she was in her school uniform, and she had her bag with her. She took out her cellphone and noticed that there was no reception. She wanted to call Miku or Tsubasa, but she highly doubted it wouldn't work without reception.

She then breathed deeply and told herself with a bright smile on her face "I'm fine...totally fine!" She then punched a fist into her other hand and she commented out loud "Maybe I'll have better reception from higher point. Hopefully I'll be able to figure this out in no time," She looked around and with the highest point in the city in sights, she headed for it, hoping to get to the top and call her friends from there. It may not be the best of plans, but it was a start! She just had to try it.

Homura Akemi

"If you wish it Madoka...I could turn you into a deity, like God,"
"Really? If that's true, could I possibly do what you couldn't?"
"What's that?"
"If I made a contract with you, could my wish bring Sayaka back to normal?"
"That would be a simple task for you...however, is that a wish really worth trading away your soul?"
"For Sayaka's sake, gladly! Kyubey please! Make me a Magi-"
"Ho-How could you?! Why did you have to kill him?!"
"Why are you...Why are you always trying to sacrifice yourself for others' sakes?!"
"You think you have no meaning, can't do anything? Just stop the foolish thoughts! Think about the people who care about you deeply! Just stop this! There are people who truly care about you now! If you were gone, then they would fall into despair! Why is it that you don't understand this?!"
"Homura....Homura, have we met before?"
"I'm sorry..."

Homura gasped as she woke up. She sat up and rubbed her head. Where was she? There were white walls everywhere, not unlike her home or the hospital. But the last thing she remembered was telling Madoka about her wish and what she had gone through, and asking her to believe in her. Homura widened her eyes at the thought of Madoka. That's right...Walpurgis Night! It was fast approaching! She needed to get back and make sure that she was back in Mitakihara City so she can fight it, and ensure that Madoka never makes a contract!

She studied her surroundings much more carefully with the goal in mind. This wasn't a witch's barrier, she was certain of that. Her soul gem wasn't reacting to it. With a narrowed and stern gaze, she transformed into her magical girl appearance, and she started walking through the area, finding it to be a maze.

Flowey the Flower

"Frisk....Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Please don't worry about me, someone has to take care of these flowers..."

Flowey shook his petalled head after he popped out from the ground. He looked around confusedly and wondered silently as to where he was. This most certainly wasn't the Underground. It was clear that he was in a forest, like in Snowdin, but it wasn't covered in snow. No...from what Flowey could tell from his roots, this forest was alive. How did he get here? Was it because of...? No, it couldn't have been them. They may have the power to reset and take away everyone's happy ending, but Flowey doubted that they would have enough influence to go beyond the world of the Underground and its surface to this extent.

Flowey looked ahead in front of them and narrowed his gaze. Someone was a short distance away in front of them, and they appeared to be human. He stayed silent, preparing himself for whether this person would be as foolish as Frisk, or if they would try to attack him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Isaac Clarke

Isaac looked around as he got up, frowning slightly as he noticed the white walls, before he activated the guidance system on his RIG. "No waypoint...damn..." He pulled out his Plasma Cutter as his helmet folded up, clicking into place covering his head as the lights in the front of the helmet lit up with a blue glow, and he started walking, soon realizing he was in a maze. "How do I always get myself into these messes..."

The Boss

He let out a groan as he got up off the ground. "Where the hell am I...?" he wondered as he looked around. "When I find the guy that put me in a fucking cave I'm blowing his damn head off." He then raised an eyebrow as he looked at the other person...eyeball...thing...in the cave. "And what the hell are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Charade only stared at him in response since it was the best he could do. He then made a motion to indicate he couldn't speak.

Arin looked around to see if his girlfriend made it here, but there was no sign of her at the moment. He looked at the maze. I hope I can manage without her for awhile then. He began to explore so see who else may have appeared here.

Joey usually didn't take too kindly to vampires, but he figured if they both wanted to get out of here then he would have to put his distrust in vampires aside. "I guess if we're gonna work together, might as well get to know each other." He spoke to the vampire, not noticing the flower yet. "I'm Joey and you are?"

Price looked at him with a friendly smile. "Price."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The Boss sighed. "Of course you can't fucking speak...you're just a giant eye attached to a bunch of metal." He looked at it. "Do you have any way to communicate with me at all? Because we're gonna need to get out of here, and I'm pretty sure we'll need to work together."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Living Forest

Marceline strummed a simple beat on her ax bass before opening her eyes, she found herself sitting on the forest ground leaning against a tree that protected her from the unforgiving sun. The vampire looked around trying to find her barrings but quickly realized she had no idea where she was, the last thing she remembered was floating around in Bonnie's lab waiting for the princess to be done with her latest experiment, they were gonna head to Finn and Jake's place for a jam session with Simon. She placed a hand on her forehead and let out a groan, "I must've fallen asleep...wait where the heck am I?" she asked herself puzzled. Marceline floated back into an upright position a foot from the ground and took a look around again, "this is definitely not the Candy Kingdom...Bonnie?!" she called out. After a minute with no response she grunted in frustration then gave out a laugh, "alright you got me, last time I fall asleep around you, you can come out now Bonnie..." Again their was no response. Marceline sighed, "fine then, I'll find you!" she announced becoming annoyed.

Bonnie floated through the forest making sure to stay out of any sun light not wanting to get burnt, the further she floated more she realized this forest was not like the one near the Candy Kingdom, "where the heck am I?" she asked herself out loud. She continued to walk until she could see two human like creatures in the distance, she felt a wave of relief come over her, maybe they knew where they were, she thought and began to float faster. However, the closer she got the more she could feel it, a vampire, she flew even faster now and pulled out her giant battle ax bass.

"Yo blood sucker, get away from the human before I dust you...well I'm still gonna dust you anyways but still!" she called out. Marcy thought she had wiped the vampires out but it looked like she missed one, she would not miss again. The vampire queen flew quickly toward the black haired vampire and her intent was to cut him in half with her ax.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Homura Akemi

Homura's heels clicked as she walked through the maze, she had pulled out a Beretta out of her shield, just in case she were to encounter any hostile enemies. She remained wary as she walked through silently. However, as she rounded the corner, she noticed movement, and she gasped raising her gun towards the person, ready to fire. It was someone in a helmet that shined blue lights. She couldn't be certain that they were human. She asked first, deciding it would be best to try and get some information before using her magic to destroy him, her voice cold, calm, and blunt as she got straight to the point, "Who are you? Where are we?"

Flowey the Flower

Flowey watched the exchange between the vampire and the werewolf (he was aware that the guy was a werewolf thanks to the dog monster sentries from the Underground's town of Snowdin. He had that same stupid mutt air around him), mulling over a plan in his head. He had learned from the last time, from encountering Frisk for the first time, that it wasn't really such a good idea to attack right from the get go, no matter how much this world was kill or be killed.

Before Flowey could even think of going up and introducing himself, another vampire appeared, wielding a...guitar battle ax? Oh come on! Only that stupid tall skeleton, Papyrus, would come up with such a thing! He couldn't help but smirk to himself, keeping himself from laughing, at her terms for killing the monster. The monsters he knew would turn into dust if they died, so that was somewhat hilarious.

He ducked underground and popped up a little closer to the group, eager to watch the fight. He wondered...what would this vampire girl do if she knew that the 'human' was a werewolf? He spoke up to the vampire girl, keeping to a friendly facade "Howdy! Um...As much as I hate to, um, interrupt, but...you do realize that the human you're referring to is a werewolf, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


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Bjolfwyr Fergusson

Bjolfwyr had awoken from his deep slumber, buried in the desert sand. Upon awakening, the lumbering colossus emerged from the ground, sand cascading down the creature's back as it arose. The great dragon stretched his wide wings, shaking of the remaining sand.

Bjolfwyr thought it strange, however, that he did not awaken to the darkness of his underground lair. The land he found himself in was unfamiliar, barren has was to his taste, but subtlety different. Though this change of scenery implied the loss of his golden treasure hoard, he did not lament, for he knew that the gold could be replaced, with the involuntary assistance of some poor passerby's. Quickly Bjolfwyr's confusion turned to curiosity. He wanted to know what was within the borders of what would soon to be his new domain. The chance of a fresh start exited him; after all the old lair was a bit dusty anyway.

"So, fate has gifted me a new land to possess." He thought to himself. "First I must see what is yet hidden to me." With his muscles poised and tensed, he thrusted his massive wings downward, generating a hurricane of force, enough to propel the titan of scales airborne. Bjolfwyr soared into the open desert sky then looked down, beholding the shifting sands that stretched before him.

He knew that he had to find signs of life first, then to see the desert's end. Bjolfwyr used his illusion magic to turn invisible to mortal eyes least someone ruins his element of surprise, then glided through the air, eyeing the ground for anything conspicuous or shiny.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Charade tapped where his chin would be if he had one, thinking. He lifted one hand and with the other, he pointed to his hand and made a scribbling motion(Translation: write?). He then looked at him questioningly. He thought he could either try that or just hope the Boss would understand any gestures he would try to make.

Living Forest
Joey was about correct the woman that walked up to him and called him a human, but someone, or rather 'something' beat him to it. He looked down to a see flower with a face. He then looked to the woman. "Well, he's not wrong."

"Also, I wasn't even doing anything to him." Price said, trying to be friendly. He was a nice vampire for the most part. However, he did have a secret that he refused to tell anyone unless he knew them well enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The Boss sighed. "No, I don't have anything to write with. I never have a need for paper." He shrugged. "After all, what I can't get out with words, I usually say through violence." He then looked towards the only opening in the area they were in, though it was just a tunnel that led to more caves. "Well, I guess we should be heading that way," he said.

Isaac took a step back in surprise. "Woah! The name's Isaac." His helmet lowered, clicking as it shifted until it was retracted fully into his suit. "And I don't know where we're are either. Just some kind of maze. So if you'd lower your weapon so we can talk about getting out of here..." He put away his plasma cutter to show he didn't want a fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Living Forest

Marceline put her feet in front of her to slow her speed, even if it were a bit useless since she was flying, she came to a stop taking in the new information. She glanced at the party and wasn't even a little thrown off by the talking flower. Marcy sniffed the air in the white haired boys direction and blushed, however, she rose her ax at the vampire. "That guy is differently a vampire though..." she accused. She glared but then remember why she came to them in the first place, "Oh yeah, do y'all know where in Ooo we are?" she questioned. She didn't seem like she was going to attack the vampire but her eyes were still on him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Price looked to the side, showing he had no interest in fighting her. "I do not wish to fight anyone." He said before walking away from her. In reponse to her question, he just shook his head.

"I don't know where we are besides some strange forest." Joey answered.

Nodding, Charade began walking in the direction the Boss indicated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The Boss followed, pulling out a pistol and cocking it as he walked. He grinned before he suddenly dashed ahead, hoping there was something in here for him to fuck up. Being away from his crew made him a bit antsy, and he wanted to kill something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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Sans woke up in a burger shop in a town. "ugg where am I again ?" He soon realized that he was above ground in the human city.
After getting somewhere out of sight he did a scan to see if any other monsters got to the surface. He didn't like what he found. There was only one the smiley flower.@Guardian Angel Haruki he teleported to it but made sure to stay out of sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Korra's eyes burst open to be met with a sea of sand surrounding her, she sat cross legged with her fist touching each other in her meditating position. Korra looked up to see the burning sun coming down on her and quickly shielded her eyes with a hand, "What the...?" she said out load, "is this the spirit world?" she questioned herself. She stood up and dusted the sand off her with a quick swoop of her hand, "Well I still have my bending and I don't remember going through the portal." She talks to herself trying to make sense of things. Korra thought back to the last thing she remembered before waking up here, she was waiting for Asami they had plans to hike though the spirit woods in Republic City. Korra whips the bag she just remembered was strapped to her back, it had some supplies for a picnic including her air staff. The young woman decided it was best to try and fly out of this desert as soon as possible, she reached behind her and pulled out her staff and released the glider's blue wings, and with a swoosh of air she began to glide through the sky bending the air around her to keep her in flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Charade thought about someone from his own world and chose to imitate Voldo as he walked beside the Boss.

The Maze
Arin sighed as he continued to explore the maze on his own for a bit. He felt like he should've run into someone or something by now. He continued walking.

Cilrag was now walking on the streets, wondering if there was anyone else here just as confused as she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


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Bjolfwyr Fergusson

As Bjolfwyr was gliding cloaked through the open skies, he noticed something blue @Lightning in the distance flying above the ground. It appeared to be a human of some sort, using some sort of mechanical contraption to glide through the air as if supported by some wind, yet Bjolfwyr felt not a breeze. "Mmmm." He pondered in his mind. "They must be a magic user of some kind in order to defy the laws of gravity in such a fashion, but what kind of magic?" Curious but not wanting to be discovered, Bjolfwyr cloaked himself, his shadow below him and negated the sounds he was making with his illusion magic and kept his distance to just within eye-sight (Which for a dragon is very far). He decided to tail and follow the strange human in hopes that they could lead him to civilization.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The Boss kept walking beside Charade, pulling out a second pistol, just because double the guns is double the fun for him if they meet anything that's a threat.

Ryu blinked as he sat up, looking around. He furrowed his brows in confusion before standing up, picking up his sword in the process, before he frowned slightly. He had no idea where he was, and it wasn't like he could call out for anyone. He couldn't speak, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Hibiki Tachibana

Hibiki walked through the streets, occasionally checking on her phone to see if her reception improved. However, while she looked at her phone, she bumped into someone and dropped her phone, and she said to them as she picked up her phone, "Oh! I'm so sorry about that, I-" She then looked at the person she bumped into and noticed that they didn't seem human. They seemed to be more like a lizard person.

Homura Akemi

Homura watched the man carefully as he spoke and removed his helmet, revealing himself to be an older man. She lowered her gun after he put away his weapon, her eyes still keeping a steady and wary gaze on him, and she answered his introduction, "I am Homura Akemi," She then realized something and she asked "Have you run into anyone, or anything, else here?" She wondered if Kyubey was the cause of all of this, and if Madoka was here as well.

Flowey the Flower

Flowey watched the reactions, and he noted how the vampire girl seemed to be the least fazed by his appearance than the other two. He mentally rolled his eyes at the two men, and when the girl asked her question, he couldn't help but wonder if he should laugh or be angry. Was this girl making fun of him? He asked her, instead going for confused, "Where in what?"

Before he could even answer her question though, he felt a familiar presence....belonging to none other than Smiley Trashbag. He was about to grimace, but then a thought came to mind. What if he got these idiots to kill Smiley Trashbag? That monster caused him to reset more than anyone! What's a better payback than this? Instead of letting out his wicked smile, he cringed and shuddered, a look of fear crawling onto his face. He whimpered in fear, and he told the group "Someone....Someone really really evil is here! I can sense him! He-He's after me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Korra started to feel the effects from the heat and begun to dip out of the sky, she had been at it for a few hours now and only found more sand. She was about to set down when she began to see a small village coming up in the distance, she gritted her teeth and continued until she was close to the entrance of the small village to walk. Korra set down and her glider's wings pulled back into the staff then slid it back into her back pack. The woman then took a water skin from her pack and took a big drink before putting it back, then began to make her way.

The village houses were made from earth, however, it was too crude to have been made by an earth bender, Korra found it odd but then rid it off. Their were a hand full of people going about their business, the people were draped with cloth and some even had their heads covered to protect from the sun. In the middle of the village was a well, they must've been able to tap into an under ground water supply, she thought. When Korra was finally notice the village folk all turned to her and back away from her, some began to talk, she could make out hushed words and thankfully she could understand them. "Hey everyone..." she said nervously. She cleared her voice and spoke again, "uh I'm Korra...Avatar Korra..." She hated to drop her title but in some cases it was best to open with it.

The town folk looked at her confused. Korra could hear some hushed whispers, "what in the world is an Avatar," most of the people were saying. Korra gave a nervous smile, how have they not heard of her or the avatar, she was sure everyone in the world would now about the avatar even if they didn't know she was the current one. Just then a woman with two men on either sides of her met walked closer, the woman was draped in cloth like the others, however, she had a purple sash around her chest and a gold circlet on her head. The two men were dressed the same as the people but they had red sashes around their chest. Korra figured these people were most likely peace keepers and the woman was some like a chef or something.

The woman Spoke first, "You must excuse my people, we do not have many visitors this far into the Desert, traveler." The woman's voice seem smooth yet held authority. Korra couldn't help but notice the woman's beauty, with her black hair, and tan skin as if she had been bathed in the suns radiant glow. the avatar shook her head in just slightly to focus, "I can understand, I must look strange to have this on in the blazing heat," she said with a smile and tugging at the pelt that was wrapped around her hips. The woman met Korra's smile with her own then nodded to her guard and they seem to relax just slightly. "Well greeting Korra, the Avatar, my name is Anshi what brings you to our humble village?" Anshi questions. Korra thought for a second, the heat was starting to get to her, "I'm just passing through, I could use some directions and a place to rest though." she said. Anshi nodded to Korra, "well then my new friend, let us get out of the sun, you seem like you will faint at any time," she says with a more friendly tone.

Anshi leads Korra further into the small town until they came to a large tent that was open on all side except for the top and the side the sun was on. Korra took in all the colors in the tent cloth draped all around and their was a large seat cushion in the middle and smaller cushions on either side. "come sit with me and tell me your story Korra, like I said it is rare to have visitors so I like to listen to their adventures, my men will bring us something cold to drink and something to snack on as well." Anshi clapped her hands and men with with drinks and food came. Korra gave her thanks and took a big drink of cool water and bit into a fresh bread roll, she was too tired to worry about poisons.

Living Forest

Marceline gave the vampire a final scowl, "alright but I'm keeping an eye on you..." she says pointing to her eye then to the vampire. She then rubbed her head and looked up, she couldn't even see passed the trees. "Yeah this forest is giving me bad vibes," she says agreeing with Joey.

The vampire then looks down at the flower, "Oh sorry little guy, I forgot you were here..." she apologizes. "Why what did you do?" she asked clearly not take the flowers warning as serious as she should. Marcy had met some pretty evil guys, heck her demon father is the ruler of the Nightosphere, as long he wasn't another vampire.
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