Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Xavier Aretino

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Personality: Xavier is very childlike personality making other think that he dim and make no mind to him. He has a strong sense of justice and will defend people that he thinks need help, With this he will not mind killing criminal that break or try to hurt innocent people.
With his child like mind he is very gentle and kind to women, children and mostly innocent people who ae not causing trouble. Xavier likes to keep away form others and usually likes to work alone when needed. He is a mute since birth so he speaks with babbles and in sign language.

Bio: Xavier was born in the battlefield while his mother was fighting during a battle with Bravado with his mother fighting with the Meche. His mother was killed a few hours form giving birth to him leaving him a orphan. When he was one years old he was adopted by Bravado nobles who raised Xavier and train him to be a knight for the king of Bravado.

From ten to seventeen old he was trained to be a knight and quickly became known as one of the best swordman in the land. When he was seventeen he is made the second highest rank for a knight getting his own band of lower rank knights. A few days of gaining his own band of knights during a bloody battle with Meche and Silenzioso resulting in the whole group was killed. After this suffering form PTSD and nightmares of the battle.

Weapons: Wields a long two handed sword,He has a short dagger for close corner combat.

Equipment: Gold pouch, Rope.

Special Skills: Skilled with a two handed weapons, Skilled in tactics and the battlefield.

Other: None
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Madawc Trellnik

Human-demon hybrid


Madawc was born and raised in the outskirts of the capital city of Meche. His parents, just like himself, were perfectly ordinary humans working on a small private farm to make their own living and earn a bit of extra money by selling fruits and crops. That was until Madawc, being a very fit, exceptionally strong young boy, was drafted to serve the army of Meche. As the world is prone to descend into carnage, there was not enough time to give his unit a fully fledged training. They were pressed into battle long before its completion, the generals either being oblivious or, in a very malicious and ignorant way, very conscious about the fact that they were essentially using them as cannon fodder. It didn't take long for him to take an arrow's hit that normally would have been lethal.

However, a field covered with death sometimes does attract more than hungry scavengers. Some strange, incorporeal entity intruded his body as he was lying on the ground, the battle still going on around him. It was a demon, but it was not the way it is commonly told in horror stories: There was no hidden, epic and possibly eternal struggle between Madawc's mind and the demon's will, but they embraced each other as the demon had planned: You just have to offer the straw in the right moment. Not too soon, not too late. The demon did his best to temporarily seal his wounds and telling him what to do in order to get away.

After his recovery, Madawc soon found out how cunningly his new 'partner' had waited for the right moment, but it was too late for feeling angry. He was alive thanks to him. The demon also didn't make the mistake of being too fast too intrusive when it came to Madawc's thinking. They lived on together and merged slowly into one new entity, sharing the same, transformed body and both having their share out of the deal they made over time. Madawc did put considerable efforts into not allowing the information about his new true being getting public: He started hiding himself, becoming a kind of savage spending most of his time in the woods and only getting out when there was something to loot, be it food, alcohol or equipment.

Still, there are quite a few organizations that, via one way or the other, learned about his true being, and they would appreciate him getting caught: High commanders in the military of Escudo know about his existence and are eager to study him - perhaps there's something their magicians could learn from. The Red Dove would like to decapitate him outright for being what he is.

He's an introvert who doesn't like to tell much about himself, especially not the truth, as this could easily attract those who want to harm him. Yet he sees when it is futile to continue denying things and gives in without hesitation when he feels that this could be the better way to handle a situation. Despite halfway being a demon now, he rarely becomes really aggressive or malicious. He knows that he's strong in his own way and can make his stand, he doesn't need to tell that everybody by rampaging frequently as most people would initially judge him to do. He wants to enjoy live: over-eating, over-drinking, personal amusement.

Madawc is very tall, featuring a body height that is quite far above average. If he's not wearing a helmet, he covers the visible parts of his skin with white and gray warpaint, as this hides his true complexion that is a mixture of dark red and blurred violet stains. His fingernails are strikingly pointed, reminiscent of small claws, but he tends to cover that as well. His hair is thick, black and relatively long. The eyes are a mixture of gray and a striking green. One doesn't have to look closely to see that he lacks quite a bit of discipline, resulting in a belly bulging about three inches over his girdle. On the other hand, he seems to be very fit, or at least noone can deny that he has a huge lot of muscular bulk: All in all, he weighs approximately 350 pounds.

From a soldier's or even knight's standpoint, Madawc is not really adept in any kind of weapon as his time as a soldier lies quite in the past and training was never really completed. He isn't very agile either. However he is strong, capable of wielding weapons and lifting things people normally can't with ease. His demonic traits allow him to hurl blasts of very hot air at his enemies that can throw people out of balance if they're not prepared and will cause hypothermia. More prolonged exposure can be lethal. However using this magic repeatedly in a short period of time does put strain on himself, too. Aside from that, he's a survivalist. He knows what herbs and mushrooms can be eaten and which not and how to set traps and prepare a meal in the wilderness.

Basically everything in terms of armor and weapons is looted from fields of battle. He's using a two-handed hammer and wears a coat of mail with breast, back, shoulder and leg plates, completed by a helmet.
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