Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

[5 months before the start of the term]

"Humans are such interesting creatures, aren't they?"

Miko Rodriguez, aged thirty-one, an army officer, trained to hold his ground and stand courageously against all that threaten the sovereignty of his country, threats that include terrorists, rivaling countries, and sometimes even, his own country men, resisted the urge to shudder. Fear was not an unknown concept to him -- he had felt it, and held steadfast in spite of it.

He liked to think that it was courage, and not insanity that held him, but the man before him made him feel afraid.

It was a primal, dark fear that held tightly to his neck, choking the air out of him, making it hard to breathe. It was the fear felt only when a living being was faced with inevitability of its death, knowing that it was coming, but unable to stop it, only able to look on as the scythe of the Reaper slowly bled its soul out. With every passing second, Death drew closer, it course unaltered, its pace undeterred, and the man facing him was without any doubts that fact personified.

Somehow, he found it in him to answer.

"H-how so?"

With a smile, the man looked away from him, and suddenly Miko could breathe again. The man directed his gaze towards the crowd of reporters and government officials waiting for him behind the curtain.

"Humanity is constantly on the move to create more destructive, brilliant weapons of war," he then chuckles, a hollow, echoing sound that Miko is sure will make an appearance in his nightmares tonight, "and then, they suddenly create all manner of excuses to keep them from ever being used again. Restriction upon restriction, putting up walls around these most precious weapons, acting as though others would never dream of using those weapons against them. Up until that final moment, when the life dies out of their eyes."

Miko swallowed.

"I, uh, I don't understand, sir. Are you perhaps referencing the Beijing Crisis?"

The Beijing Crisis, an incident that happened only a ten months ago. China had armed and detonated a nuclear missile near the coast of South Korea. It was only by chance that the winds were blowing away from the country, and consequently avoided the effects of a nuclear fallout. The reactions to this incident very, very nearly started World War 3, avoiding that outcome only by a hairsbreadth.

In response, the man simply smiled.

"Am I? Heh."

And then his name was called. The monster in a man's skin stood and met with his audience, who were unaware with just what was coming to speak to them this day. Miko stood and watched with relief as he was no longer the sole object of his attention.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he began, "I would first like to say that it is an honor, to have been selected as Trinidad's next Director. I promise you that, without a doubt, you shall be witness to monumental changes in my term of office."

Jose E. Bathla, 5th Director of Trinidad Noble Arms Academy, has come to power.

[Somewhere - Start of Semester]

It was too early. The bomb went off too early. This was not according to plan!

Amidst the smoke and flames, she ran away. She noticed that none of her compatriots were near her. Either they got caught by the blast radius and were dead, or got caught by the police and were as good as dead. In either case, she had to make her escape top priority.

Exhaling, she took a picture out from her pants pockets, and a long Kris appeared in her hands. The blade cut through the shadow of the building she was under, and she grit her teeth. Her head was spinning and her chest hurt. She could only get a few meters from this jump. She had to make it count.

[Trinidad - Early Morning (apprx. 6am)]

As you could expect from students returning from summer break, going to school early in the morning was a miserable and lethargic ordeal. It was almost impossible to muster the energy to plod through the gates, and most of the people who had that energy where either the ones that genuinely enjoyed going back to school - much to the bafflement of their peers - or had something jolt them awake.

Or, of course, you could be getting into a fight inside the classroom.


Two students, one male, one female, shouting over each other in the confines of the classroom, had more than enough energy for their entire class, who looked like they could care less about their argument. In fact, some of them had already nodded off to sleep.

There was nothing new about fights breaking out in Trinidad. There was nothing new about having injuries come out of it as well. Noble Arm Academy or not, the school was infamous for a reason. Seeing a scuffle or two break out was nothing special.

That was the mindset that most of the students in the class acted upon. A fight or two was nothing to be concerned about. Let them deal with it among themselves.

Well, that was their mindset, up until clear, crisp "click" of a gun rang through.

And suddenly both students were armed. The girl with a pair of flintlocks, the boy with a single Luger. As if moving with one mind, the class suddenly moved far away from the both of them. Fights were one thing, but if Noble Arms were involved . . . well, this was one of the few times the students of Trinidad thought that the best thing to do first was call a teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King San Dao did not react to the impending murder at all, seemingly fully concentrating on upholding that incredibly delicate state of mind which was absolutely required for his current task at hand, which was drawing doodles with a big black felt pen. One by one the notebook's pristine pages were defaced by images of farts, guitars, smiling faces and incredibly perverted caricatures on the teachers and classmates - though, none of the pictures were created with ill intent or any amount of spite in mind, it's just that King's hands were forever restless and itching for an object to busy themselves with, be it a guitar, a pen or a knife, and his sense of humor, owing to a very interesting childhood, was incredibly crude - hence, the ass-faces and writings like "Broseph E.Bola" instead of the study notes.
"Oi, Takumi," He suddenly asked the pupil that he hoped he could call a friend sitting in front of him with a quiet whisper, still not ceasing his diligent painting effort, "Wanna break them up? Or competition should thin itself out, huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

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"Would you like me to? I don't really care much one way or another."

Takumi was perusing his previous day notes, paying not much heed to the impending murder or mutilation in the other part of the class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well i dunno, it seems... ki-i-inda cruel," King philosophized, "Aren't we like, the nice people? Methinks, it's a right thing to do. Also," The chinaman hesitated briefly, but immediately overcame himself. "You wouldn't mind if i copied your notes later, right? You know me, i'll study 'em real diligent like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pablo was walking to the campus, a smile on his face as the night's cold hadn't faded yet. The past five months had been hectic, academics, weapons training, and other forms of physical exercise. He loved it.

Not that he was blind to the academy's darker side now, though; the frequent fights, the attempts of the Director to restore order, and the sheer chaos that came from having so many students who were partly convinced that they were the dregs of the worldwide network of Noble Arms. It also didn't help that after this, after all this training is done, there was a high chance that Pablo would have to do a military career if he can't find a way to fund his' being a wandering hero.

His train of thought was interrupted by his' witnessing the fight; apparently, two of the students were manifesting Noble Arms during a classroom scuffle! Well, not on his watch. Fast-walking over to where the two were about to fight, Pablo drew his own Noble Arm and manifested, from seeds planted on his back, wings of leaves:

"No trying to kill each other!" And with that, two rainbow-colored wings manifested from the 16-year old's back alongside the shield.

"And don't tell me to buzz off, either, this campus doesn't need any dead bodies." If both combatants turned against him, he'd just block their attacks; he had hope today, they did not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh, nevermind now. I mean, about anything except notes." King giggled giddily upon seeing how Pablo stood up. "That guy is nicer than us - he didn't even thought once."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Put away those wings before we get in trouble." Yuri said opening one eye slightly, he hadn't gotten much rest and this kid wasn't going to help him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Sure. And yes, as to being the good guys... I guess two cool guys like us would prevail if we put our heads to the matter."

Takumi brushes his fingers over Vox Vulgaris' handle and a palpable, if invisible, wave of apathy and "calm the fuck down, son" emotion radiates outward.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by M127
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Reinhard's reaction was to keep out of the battle, his own well being was the most important thing to him after all. However, he also couldn't just let two students hurt, if not kill each other with noble arms involved, so he prepared himself to step in by encasing any wounded in a thin layer of pollen from his spear, which was leaning against the wall right next to the door of the classroom.
He slightly accelerated his breathing to prepare his circulatory system for the incoming load.

In the moment in which Pablo stepped in, there were only three way the situation could go, one of which Reinhard deemed very unlikely.
Most likely the combatants would ignore Pablo or start attacking him; considering Reinhard's past experiences here, it was unlikely the two would just stop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ye-e-e-ah." King yawned. "You're... at it again, aren't you? I guess i'm not bad, you're just... making me lazy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Progenitus
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Gloria sat with Takumi - not even intending to steal his notes, since she usually didn't bothered with that, it was just plopping near him was an obvious thing to do considering they was some sort of a team now - and watched the situation unfold with slightly amused expression. Which first changed to the one of frustration and annoyance when Pablo stepped in - it was usually her place to do so after all, but then again, usually she genuinely tried to get people to attack her instead, which seemed to not be the case with this guy - and then resignation when she felt Takumi using his sword powers on people around.
Oh well, perhaps she'd have to present those guys with even more pressing arument to calm down.
Gloria carefully(since the table was rather too small for her height) stood up and walked to the front of the class, right between the two people drawing their guns and stood there, completely calm and at ease(as much as her usually hard posture allowed her):
- Nov, nov. Ve von't vant to do anyting stupid, are ve? - she smiled at both of them - If you start firing 'ere, people might fire back, y'knov.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack walked towards class, humming London bridge as he walked past students, occasionally doing a bit of fishing if only to keep his skills sharp. He put back what he took of course it was the simple thrill of theft that excited him, of course here they expected strength and skill rather than brains. Of course he was never fond of the idea but he needed away from his sister plus it would be good to make some friends, at least he hoped he would make friends. Finding out you're a master thief generally made people want to know your bounty and money could drive people to do a lot of crazy things.

Being the new student here might help some, of course he wondered what his classmates would be like. At that moment he walked into something akin to an America western with two kids sporting guns and a large, intimidating, yet still rather attractive blonde woman standing between the two. He didn't take a seat instead he watched leaning against the wall. "You know I'd do as the lady says, after all I get the feeling shooting her would only piss her off." The Brit smiled taking off his hat revealing his white hair as he spun the hat on his finger. "Now be good and have a seat or take your toys away." He warned them throwing his hat off his finger waving at them as the hat landed back on his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Yuri stopped leaning on a table and decided to sit down next to Takumi, "Man Takumi you always stop all the fun." Yuri said with a laugh as he put his arms behind his head. He didn't quite know Takumi's opinion of him since they only conversed occasionally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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Luis strode down the hallway, making his way to the classroom after a morning meeting with a teacher. As he approached, a cloud of fuzziness slightly blurred his thoughts, triggering a yawn and lessening his usual morning irritation. That guy Takumi's work, no doubt. He opened the classroom door to see three classmates standing between a potential Noble Arms fight and a few others jeering from the sidelines. 6am was way too early for this shit. He let out a heavy sigh before stepping in, himself. Hopefully his stature would intimidate the hostile ones.

"Gloria's right, at least try to be diplomatic about this. If you really want to fight it out with your Noble Arms then get your asses to the Sparring Centre 'cos I don't want to be the one cleaning up the mess."

He sent an appreciative nod in the general direction of Takumi and the people who stepped in, then glared at Yuri.

"And you. If you really want to see a fight in here then you better be prepared to mop up the blood and shit afterwards."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"I was asked. Besides, do you want to have to heal one of them so that they won't lose their guts all over the floor?"

Takumi was chewing on a surplus military energy bar he pilfered off Gloria a couple of days ago. They were pretty basic cereal-and-raisins slightly sweet deals, but he took an inexplicable liking to the taste; he always got a bit hungry after using Vox Vulgaris after a bit of a pause, and there was no spot to train for the last several days.

He noted that Yuri sat near him, but said nothing about it. Fun was hard to come by these days.

"Any idea when the teacher arrives?" -- he asked, eyeing Gloria and the almost-combatants.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I think they sit back and watch, I mean we'll have to do combat eventually so might as well start sooner than later." Yuri said with a slight snicker watcher the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksis walked into classroom with her face buried in her tablet and stopped for a second when she looked up and looked to her like some students had decided to start a fight in the classroom. Her first reaction was to reach for her right side which was where she usually spawns Draecion, but just before Aleksis's hand reached her hip she stopped she just shook her head with a sigh. She walked past the group of rowdy students and took a seat to the right of the whole thing just to get a veiw of what would happen next. Aleksis set her bag on the back of her seat and yawned, If what was happening now was any indication of what was to come for the rest of the school year then she felt as though this was gonna be a great year. She smiled at the group which was quite a rare sight to see in the presence of so many other people, "This is going to be an interesting class" she said under her breath before pulling out a portable gaming system to pass the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Niskha yawned, somewhat irritated by the whole affair. They either needed to shoot each other or stop pretending they were going to. A small rock bounced up and down in her hand as she viewed the confrontation somewhat skeptically. Maybe if she threw it just right, she could hit pink boy and the two cowboys. That'd be funny, but she didn't want to get into trouble either. As always someone had to try to be a spoil sport, it wasn't like blood was that hard to clean if you got to it fast. Certainly worth watching a good fight. Still, they were either going to fight or they weren't so Nishka leaned back against the wall and waited eagerly, though fully expecting a teacher to intervene and ruin the whole thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The two of them paused their tirade against each other, the both of them glancing around at the sudden intrusion of several people. It was one thing if they were taking a side, but everyone one of the new arrivals was calling for them to stop the fight. With grit teeth, the two of them grudgingly put away their weapons, suddenly losing the urge to fight. Still, the look in their eyes promised murder for this later.

Silently, they returned to their seats, though the girl made point to shove Gloria on her way there.

"Bitch," she muttered under her breath.

Meanwhile, a student next to Takumi muttered, "Maybe if we're lucky, he got caught in the bombing. Save us the trouble of attending classes." The student was looking at his phone with a feigned look of disinterest.

Twenty minutes passed and still no sign of the teacher. The lack of an authority figure at the right time caused general order to deteriorate. Soon, the class, once lethargic, was filled with noise. Students frequently entered and exited the class -- sometimes bringing students from other classes with them. Some did not return.

One disgruntled student voiced an unpopular opinion, "We should probably go to the faculty room by now, to check with our teacher . . ." and was promptly booed silent. The girl retreated back to her corner of the class, lips pressed into a thin line and looking frustrated.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pablo shot the girl a dark look as she insulted Gloria, he quite liked the slightly older woman, and yes, that way, especially as Takumi was incompatible, orientation-wise. Of course, while Takumi was the most attractive of the group, Reinhard, though unnaturally thin, had his charms, mostly intellectual ones. King was a bit lazy, but not that bad, although he can only think of him as a casual acquaintance as he's not a friend yet. The others...varying degrees of apathy and slight - very slight - amorality, almost as though they've given up on the school and submitted to its reputation. He can understand that, but not approve.

The boy was tempted to use this time for developing his character and relationships, but quite frankly, he believed in the Academy and he believed in his class; they had potential. They were more than just the dregs of Noble Arms society, and he was going to prove that; he was going to do the right thing. He stood up from his table, and walked right up to the door, before saying:

"I'm going to the faculty room; I actually believe in this place and cast aside opportunities for 'better'," he made airquotes, "schools because I trusted the director and I trusted my country, and I'm not going to let popular opinion stop me. If you want to try, use your Noble Arms." Pablo activated his' and cast a faint aura of luminous algae for showboating purposes. Then, he opened the door and turned around one last time:

"If any of you want to escort me, they're welcome." And with that, he went out.

Once he was someways off to the corridors, Pablo would deactivate his Noble Arm, and walk straight up to the faculty room. He would occassionally glance to see if someone had taken up his offer...

@TheHangedMan@Eklispe@The ghost in black@KindledBeast@Altasaire@banjoanjo@Apollosarcher@Progenitus@Keksalot@M127
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