β"The glorious, beautiful city of Cape Freedom is an amazingly well-known stop for tourists, immigrants, and the well-to-do of society. Home to amazing sights such as the very original Sweetheart-Cola bottling plant, the Canaveral Cars manufacturing factory, the beautiful Nichols' Island immigration office, and the scenic Freedom beachfront. Local districts include our own Little Italy, Chinatown, and the aptly-named New Slavia, housing fine cuisine and stores sporting Eastern European style. Our newly-built Liberty Airport brings in people from all over the world, and Newton Railway connects us with the entire Eastern seaboard of the United States. So take the time to plan a trip, and visit the amazing city of Cape Freedom!" - Cape Freedom Department of Tourism Advertisement, found on radio stations across the US, and occasionally on the new Television service.
β"The organized crime in Cape Freedom is mainly divided among three crime organizations known as 'families'. Each is run by a boss known as a 'Don'. The city is mainly divided up between the three, who hold an annual meeting between the three Dons and their most trusted advisors, known as the Committee. The three bosses are Don Petrosino, Don Savarino, and Don Laudano. Petrosino is known as a true man of honor, respecting the old ways, and not one to betray those he likes. Savarino is the new blood, having just arrived with his entire crew from Sicily, he has a lot of connections with the old country, and his family is particularly well-known for getting hard to find international goods. Laudano is...hard to pin down. He's had connections in Cape Freedom the longest, but he himself only recently arrived after the end of the war. He and his family are not above any crime..hell the last three mayors of Cape Freedom were all taken out by his people. He's the main reason the Feds are busting down our door more frequently, and the other two hate him for it. As far as crime groups outside us, there's the usual gangs of greasers, some of those Irish micks have a small-time setup, and then the Slavs, but most of them don't bother us too much. So, now that you know the situation, you in?" - Vito Francesco, the man who brought you into your new life.
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without police protection is both. It is as cowardly to betray an offender to justice, even though his offences be against yourself, as it is not to avenge an injury by violence. It is dastardly and contemptible in a wounded man to betray the name of his assailant, because if he recovers, he must naturally expect to take vengeance himself." - The Code of OmertΓ , main rule of the American Mafia.
This campaign is set in the year 1951, in the fictional East Coast US city of Cape Freedom, an industrial port city with a deep-rooted infestation of Italian-American-run organized crime, modeled after that of the Sicilian Mob. You, the players, will be characters who are new to the life of organized crime, and are working on being inducted into the Savarino crime family.
RP Rules:
1. My word is law, subservient only to that of a Guild Moderator or Administrator, and the rules of the site.
2. Any disputes or disagreements should be taken to PMs as soon as requested. If an agreement can not be reached, inform me and I will make a final decision.
3. Do not control other players' characters or GM-created characters without express consent. Feel free to create and take control of hostile or bit-part NPCs as needed.
4. One character per player for now. Exceptions can be made based on significant circumstances as presented.
Please post your character sheets here in the OOC, then once I have approved them, feel free to transfer them over to the Characters tab. Although not particularly historically accurate, female characters will be permitted for the sake of player choice.
[b]Appearance:[/b](Pictures are accepted, alongside some form of written description)
[b]Current Wealth:[/b]
Well, that's that. Feel free to post here or PM me with any comments/questions, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
β"The organized crime in Cape Freedom is mainly divided among three crime organizations known as 'families'. Each is run by a boss known as a 'Don'. The city is mainly divided up between the three, who hold an annual meeting between the three Dons and their most trusted advisors, known as the Committee. The three bosses are Don Petrosino, Don Savarino, and Don Laudano. Petrosino is known as a true man of honor, respecting the old ways, and not one to betray those he likes. Savarino is the new blood, having just arrived with his entire crew from Sicily, he has a lot of connections with the old country, and his family is particularly well-known for getting hard to find international goods. Laudano is...hard to pin down. He's had connections in Cape Freedom the longest, but he himself only recently arrived after the end of the war. He and his family are not above any crime..hell the last three mayors of Cape Freedom were all taken out by his people. He's the main reason the Feds are busting down our door more frequently, and the other two hate him for it. As far as crime groups outside us, there's the usual gangs of greasers, some of those Irish micks have a small-time setup, and then the Slavs, but most of them don't bother us too much. So, now that you know the situation, you in?" - Vito Francesco, the man who brought you into your new life.
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without police protection is both. It is as cowardly to betray an offender to justice, even though his offences be against yourself, as it is not to avenge an injury by violence. It is dastardly and contemptible in a wounded man to betray the name of his assailant, because if he recovers, he must naturally expect to take vengeance himself." - The Code of OmertΓ , main rule of the American Mafia.
This campaign is set in the year 1951, in the fictional East Coast US city of Cape Freedom, an industrial port city with a deep-rooted infestation of Italian-American-run organized crime, modeled after that of the Sicilian Mob. You, the players, will be characters who are new to the life of organized crime, and are working on being inducted into the Savarino crime family.
RP Rules:
1. My word is law, subservient only to that of a Guild Moderator or Administrator, and the rules of the site.
2. Any disputes or disagreements should be taken to PMs as soon as requested. If an agreement can not be reached, inform me and I will make a final decision.
3. Do not control other players' characters or GM-created characters without express consent. Feel free to create and take control of hostile or bit-part NPCs as needed.
4. One character per player for now. Exceptions can be made based on significant circumstances as presented.
Please post your character sheets here in the OOC, then once I have approved them, feel free to transfer them over to the Characters tab. Although not particularly historically accurate, female characters will be permitted for the sake of player choice.
[b]Appearance:[/b](Pictures are accepted, alongside some form of written description)
[b]Current Wealth:[/b]
Well, that's that. Feel free to post here or PM me with any comments/questions, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.