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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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@Lugia @Lmpkio @Holy Soldier

Doing the usual wednesday tagging. Let's get some posts in guys :P

Not tagging Kafka Komedy because he's still on a trip.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Jensoman I posted like before yours so I think I should wait for the others...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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@Jensoman I posted like before yours so I think I should wait for the others...

It doesn't really matter, honestly. You guys can post as much as you want.

The only thing we want to avoid is one person spam posting during social interactions specifically.

It's GM> everyone posts once > GM during battle oriented situations.

I guess you can wait if you want, but...you don't need too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Jensoman Ok. In that case I'll hopefully get something up soon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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@Jensoman Ok. In that case I'll hopefully get something up soon.


Not trying to rush ya, take your time.

As long as everyone posts once a week, we're in good shape :P
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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I'll see if I have time tonight. I should.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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@Holy Soldier @Kafka Komedy @Lugia @Lmpkio

Waiting for posts.

I'd like to see yall post either today or tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Jensoman Really just waiting on the others. Would prefer to have them post first before I move on, at least one more.

That being said, Idk about you, but perhaps the interest for this RP is... dying? Hate to say that, but I think its safe to say that this RP is on its last legs (this is coming from a prior & current GM of various RPs). Maybe that and some of the others either not being on for an extended period of time and vice versa have been leading this to said route.

Plus with the pace that the RP is going at this time, it pretty much grounded to a halt for the past 8 days. If people were more interested with the RP, they would've posted days ago. And if in the hands of a GM like me, it's pretty much safe to say, that its dead without a more "loyal" fanbase. So sorry to say this man, but I think this RP is on it's death bed, which was also a reason why I decided I should leave in the first place.

And who knows, maybe someone will post, but really... I heavily doubt this. Again, not trying to be mean, I'm just stating what's going on here.

(And we don't even know where Tex is so yeah)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Yes, it's true that people are hardly posting and that the plot's hardly advancing at all. A solution to this would be to execute the inactive people and get new roleplayers.

New roleplayers are hard to find though, and me and Tex don't want to execute people because it's bad and wrong. Well, that's how we feel about that, anyways.

It's a little frustrating when you make a new RP, and everyone is all excited about it, and a few days later people hardly post. Usually because they end up being "busy". Now, don't mis understand. Sometimes people really are busy and have a lot of stuff to deal with in real life. I'm not going to diss people about that. But sometimes it's simply an excuse because they lost interest/ are too lazy to post?

I find it quite disrespectful when people sign up to an RP, and sometimes end up losing interest immediately. It damages the RP the GM's are trying to run. When someone signs up, they should commit to said RP. That's my opinion on that, at least. Ideally, we wanted people to post at least once a day. But since people weren't able to keep up that pace, we tried once a week.

I'm not angry at you, by the way. Just explaining my reasoning man. I'm just doing my best to keep this RP alive. As is Tex. Hence why we're willing to listen to peeps in the RP. If there's something that they dislike about the RP or what's going on, they should speak up so we can keep this fun for everyone.

The reason Tex hasn't posted at all recently is just because it's not time yet for any of his characters to make their appearances.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Jensoman I completely understand your mode of thinking and reasoning. I've been through RPs like it as well and indeed I feel you and ask the very same questions that you ask in RPs like this.

Now why exactly do people do that? To be honest, I'm not sure other then maybe looking at those possible reasons as well. And as much as one wants to keep the RP up and going, sometimes it just won't be able to sustain. You gotta know when to quit and call it a loss. Around 90 - 95% of the RPs on this site tend to loose steam anyways, due to various reasons. It's not too often that one sees a long lasting RP like some of the others on this site. And maybe its not due to the fact that they don't like something. It could just very well be of interest in the subject at hand.

Here's what I do suggest. If you think that the RP will not last much longer, the best situation to do is basically make a reboot of it. Make sure to grab enough loyal people, make sure scenarios are interesting and easy to access for all/most players, and just start again from scratch. Hell, maybe make a whole new plot or flesh out the existing plot if needed.

Again, this is a suggestion. I'm not trying to discourage you to not make another RP again or keep this one going, but I'm just trying to figure out a solution to the problem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Sorry, I've been extensively busy, and I imagined Jenso could handle things, but the drop in interest in concerning.

If there are no posts by Monday, I'm shutting this down.

After Monday, assuming we're still kicking, I'll be executing players who don't post in the span of a week.

Honestly, I've lost a bit of interest in the premise of this RP, but the characters are all alive and fresh, so I was looking forward more to interactions rather than progression.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

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The main reason I'm not posting is because I'm kinda waiting for the others, too... of course, if you gave me a day, I'll probably post... so long as it's not Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday, as I tend to be busy on those days.
...looking at above posts... I WILL post by Monday, I'll give Holy another couple of days before I post again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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I'll also be taking control of NPCs again by Monday, and forcing the plot along into the next actual event.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

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@tex@Lmpkio@JensomanMy interest for this game is far from dead. I am a patient person, and I also have a life that apparently is busier than most of the people in this game. I don't post when the GM "demands" it. I post when I am able, and I have been able to post once a week, and I post pretty actively.

So, seeing Lmpkio write a dissertation about how he thinks this game is dying, sounds like HE has lost interest in this game, won't come to terms with it, and is trying to speak for the majority when he needs to speak for himself. I remember when there was a very long period when we were waiting on him to post for Bowser, and he came back here to complain about his lack of interest. Dude, if you're not happy, then just leave. Don't try to bring down morale when it is actually you who is not feeling this game.

I believe this game has had some dedicated players that no one should be worrying about the game dying. The GMs do have to keep recruiting though. There will always be players looking for RPs.

However, if you keep harassing your players to post all the time, then this game might go down that path. You really should have a time period set for when you will remind players to post such as 14 days is usually the magic number. It shouldn't be three times a week because I might just not post just to spite you because it's annoying.

I have made countless posts and had to wait several days for others to post because there needed to be a response. And then the GMs are like post, post, post - to what? You make it seem like I should RP with myself. Rps are all about character interaction. That is why I patiently wait for others to post, and I am in no hurry.

So that is my feedback.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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So, seeing Lmpkio write a dissertation about how he thinks this game is dying, sounds like HE has lost interest in this game, won't come to terms with it, and is trying to speak for the majority when he needs to speak for himself. I remember when there was a very long period when we were waiting on him to post for Bowser, and he came back here to complain about his lack of interest. Dude, if you're not happy, then just leave. Don't try to bring down morale when it is actually you who is not feeling this game.

Your not all wrong. Interest has been going down a little bit, however I mostly wonder where and what the others were doing. And why didn't I leave earlier? Because I play one of the most important characters to the entire RP, and one whom I like to RP. When it comes to leaving RPs, I'm usually very hesistant when it comes to doing so, feeling guilty that I am jeopardizing some plan or letting people down. This doesn't go for all RPs, but say when it comes deeper into it, then that's something else.

And I'm not trying to bring down moral, I'm just taking a look around at the situation at hand, and what I see, is what I see as dying, and it's specially coming from a previous/current GM who has experience with these RPs. If you think I'm seeing things incorrectly, please let me know. As long as someone posts another post, then I'll go ahead and post my thing for Bowser... even though the last post was 8 days/over a week ago. I'm also usually patient, but not THAT patient.

However, if you keep harassing your players to post all the time, then this game might go down that path. You really should have a time period set for when you will remind players to post such as 14 days is usually the magic number. It shouldn't be three times a week because I might just not post just to spite you because it's annoying.

...And then the GMs are like post, post, post - to what?

I'm going to also add in that THIS is very true. I'd be honest, back when I was early and fairly new to RPing, I was kinda like that tbh. Then I realized that if I continue to harass the players, that simply isn't going to get things done quicker. Or rather if that, it'll also make the player more irritated and forced to post. Now I already posted just before Jeno did, so I simply wait for a response coming from someone else before moving on. But to label me still after I recently posted is a little bothersome. Now if you guys were all waiting on me, then I would have to instantly get into playing. But in my case, this isn't that case.

But yeah, just my little response on the matter at hand. Hope it clears things a little up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

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@Lmpkio@tex@JensomanSo it seems like remaking the game for the sake of acquiring new players, may be a good idea, but I don't think you'll have to start over entirely. Just maybe start it from a different angle. But really Lmpkio, you may like Bowser, but if you're suffering, it's not worth it dude. It's not worth suffering through a game you have absolutely no muse or interest in continuing with. If the game isn't fun to you, then just forcing yourself to go on is just going to make you bitter over time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Holy Soldier Now don't get me wrong... I can (and have) gotten out of games before, like this one Superhero RP known as UNIVERSAL. It was kinda saddening, even though I left due to lack of activity, and I was a CO-GM at that time so it was even more heart-ripping. But I left kindly out of the way. Only RPs that have been utterly silent with no activity from the GM or other players, is it much easier to let myself out.

That being said... you are right about the whole "continue/not-continue" issue. So I guess now that it's been addressed, I say that I'll probably have to leave this RP. For real that is. But at least I can leave and know that people at least liked my interpretation of King Bowser and such. So until next time, and I hope to RP with you guys some other time. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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I think I will have to restart this RP, but if I do so, I'll be completely throwing the original premise out the window, which means it will not longer be a multiversal RP, and be restricted to Mushroom kingdom/Fan characters.

Anyone who is ok with this, please let me know before monday. Anyone who wants to continue from here on out, also let me know. Just basically tell me where you stand right now so that I can make an informed decision.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

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Whew, finally back. Let me just catch up, and I'll write out a post.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whew, finally back. Let me just catch up, and I'll write out a post.

Well, there's a chance that the RP will be restarted. Or we might still continue from here on out. But yeah, you can still post.

It's good to have ya back :P

What would you prefer? Restart or continue?

If you wanna know more about what's going on right now, ya should give the posts on this page a quick read.
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