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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Tricksters yes absolutely. But manipulative...ehhh...inability to lie is a pretty steadfast rule in prevention of manipulation haha.

The truth is a tricker's greatest weapon. Just because what they are saying is true does not mean they cannot mislead you. In fact because they cannot tell a lie the fae's ability to mislead and manipulate is substantially higher than that of humans because they have had to find ways to lie without actually lying.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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<Snipped quote by Musoka>

The truth is a tricker's greatest weapon. Just because what they are saying is true does not mean they cannot mislead you. In fact because they cannot tell a lie the fae's ability to mislead and manipulate is substantially higher than that of humans because they have had to find ways to lie without actually lying.

Fair point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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I don't know if I updated here or not
But I am on vacation currently from the 5-19
So sporadic posts
Apologies if I did not update here
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs <3 YOU READ THE LORE! *squees* You make my little writer's heart flutter, you do. First a story for a constellation became actually based on historical canon, and now my pixie/sprite feud?! *facecling*

I think Sini might have a taught wariness and perhaps a bias against Raven and her kind, but she wouldn't be rude. It'd be interesting to play with that.

Rereading the initial post, it doesn't seem that fey as a whole are unable to lie outright. In fact, it's implied they are, as otherwise the bit about "asked a question thrice, and a Fae must answer honestly" wouldn't make sense. Some fey with an inability to lie could be fun, though! And certainly if they have a reputation for being unable to lie people are more likely to believe what they appear to be saying without looking at it closer.

@LadyRunic Can you confirm on whether fey can lie or not? My take is that they can, though they may choose instead to use technical truths to deliberately mislead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@BlackPanther You did and I remember.

@Prince of Seraphs As for currency. They don't. They barter. Promises, services, goods. Its all bartering.

Asked a question thrice, and a Fae must answer honestly. However, this does not mean that they will not mislead someone. They may reveal only part, they may work around the technicalities.

It's like you said. They can but they prefer to use technicalities to mislead. It's more... amusing, and if you make a habit of lying do people trust you? If you make a habit of telling half truths and misleads then while they may not fully trust you, they do know you speak on somthing that IS true. But what? Falk-?

"Essentially it's better manners to mislead than to lie."

I changed it from the initial way due to this being much more... Open.

@Musoka Gancanagh Are absolutely fine. I actually got this idea from a comic with a Gancanagh in it!

@Belle Looks like the deal has been sweeten.

"Let it be noted my jewelry is ancient and tasteful. I don't tolerate hideous things in my horde."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic A slight clarification. I believe @Prince of Seraphs said that Falk's actions were only suited to wooing a desperate /lady/, not that Falk was desperate. The implication is that he's slightly insulting Arys. The counter that he hasn't seen reason to take a bride and that his choice is praise in some ways remains true.

Sini: Still not wooing her, though. Wooing is /before/ you propose marriage -- and generally with the intent for her to fall in love. *amused but also concerned*
Max: Did he just -- why would...O.o That's no way to treat a lady! T.T *clenches fists, and then does a double-take* Wait, there's concern that she'd /accept/?! ...You people are awful!
Sini: Not awful. Just different. You should try to be more /tolerant/, Max. Isn't that one of the things you preach, tolerance of those who are not the same as you?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I feel so sick right now someone kill me 😞
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@Belle Oh that sucks! *hugs*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Bad headache, fever, chills, nausea, sore throat ...
And I'm all alone cuz my mom had to stay with my grandmother at the hospital

*cries and wants hugs*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@Belle *HUGS*

Chicken soup, BED. No Rping! Sleep!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Belle Rping is acceptable only if you find it relaxing. If it stresses you, then GET OUTTA HERE. *makes you some nice tea* And I hope your grandma will be okay. *huggle*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Thank you both for caring. I can't keep anything down, the only thing that feels good is sleeping. My mom just called to say she's coming home to check on me. My grandmother is stable, but has to have constant oxygen or she can't breathe.
I'll keep you guys up to date. If I feel better later I will try and post. Thank you again for understanding and caring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs <3 YOU READ THE LORE! *squees* You make my little writer's heart flutter, you do. First a story for a constellation became actually based on historical canon, and now my pixie/sprite feud?! *facecling*


I think Sini might have a taught wariness and perhaps a bias against Raven and her kind, but she wouldn't be rude. It'd be interesting to play with that.

Pretty much everyone has a bias against the Tuatha, they are the Japanese people in America during WWII. Or the Muslims after the Twin Towers. No one wants them around and everyone suspects they are planning something. Though when you keep an entire species on the fringes of society, living on scraps and being immortal still usually not living past a thousand the idea that they would be planning some form of retribution isn't all that far fetched.

@Prince of Seraphs As for currency. They don't. They barter. Promises, services, goods. Its all bartering.

A barter economy is notoriously unstable being better suited to smaller regions such as small populated areas without a large unified government where the using money would cause more of a hassle than any problems it might solve. In large organized centers a common form of currency is much more stable as it unifies prices and cuts down on civil unrest over exchanges, among other things. It makes sense for trades among the rulers as they are only four people with distinctive and often unique resources at their command so they'd likely be bartering with them even if there was a currency system but for the day to day stuff bartering isn't all that stable. Even in the early days of the New World before they had adopted a currency system everything was measured by the value of the Beaver pelt. A beaver pelt bought these many of this type of item, this many otter pelts were equal to one beaver pelt and so forth. With a barter system the value of things becomes worryingly subjective for Kingdoms that are trying to remain unified. But if that's the way you want to play it go for it I guess.

I believe earlier when we were bugging you too much about specifics you said you couldn't be bothered to tell us the prices for peas in the Winter Court. With this being the function of currency and all that might actually be something we need to know. Not peas specifically but a measurement of how much things are worth versus other items and what can buy what. In a barter system there would obviously be some wiggle room in there but a general guideline would be helpful as from a political standpoint running a Kingdom on a barter system without defined lines of value on items can cause much bigger problems for the rulers than simply creating a currency of some sort.

It's like you said. They can but they prefer to use technicalities to mislead. It's more... amusing, and if you make a habit of lying do people trust you? If you make a habit of telling half truths and misleads then while they may not fully trust you, they do know you speak on somthing that IS true. But what? Falk-?

I changed it from the initial way due to this being much more... Open.

So fae can lie now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@Prince of Seraphs

Once again. This is not a Mortal Realm. This is the Fae Realm. Bartering is very common to the Fae- No, It's a requirement. Fae may use a general staple to measure the worth of the more basic things. For example, stones weight of furs from Falk's Realm would equal a stone's worth of grain. While some would be happy to trade for that others may require something more to sweeten the deal and often would. Generally Trades are by amount and rarity/quality, generally.

Fact of the matter is, Fae don't generally Rule nations. Fae want something and they will scheme to get it. Only Four Fae rule nations and they do not barter so very often for their nation. Where humans would have problems Fae do not because they are not mortal. You're focusing too much upon the details and trying to figure how human they are. They aren't which leads the barter system to work. This is not a Mortal Realm with people needing payment for their work. Fae work and they get shelter, food, and protection. If working for another Fae generally they will get a small portion of the profit but this doesn't extend to the Ruler who Fae serve out of duty.

As for your second question, I answered that. Please what has been wrote prior.

Summary for those confused by large paragraphs:
I'm ending this debate. Here and now. Fae barter. Bartering is kept from going too extreme by the Rulers and their guards. Fae are not humans and thus certain problems do not extend to them. Fae can lie, but it is considered bad manners to do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs The constellation thing was for Adelon, not this rp. ^.^;; Just something else I did that got incorporated somewhere, to my immense pleasure.

For Sini's lack of significant dislike, I'm going off of her preference for prioritizing long-term benefit and her considering nature. Yes, she might have a knee-jerk reaction to Tuatha de Danann. If she suspects they are planning something, it is for the reasons you stated. But a little tolerance can go a long way to avoiding future trouble, and if you treat someone who is often an outcast with simple courtesy they are likely to regard you well. And as you yourself have mentioned, Raven wasn't around when her kind let the fey down. Not to mention that, historically, there was a war and the Tuatha de Danaan did win, if at a price. They were arrogant and foolish, but Sini herself has fallen into that trap. Especially with the Fir Bolg teaching humans how to fight fey, I believe she judges the scorned retreat the wise decision, even though it was an unpopular one.

So yeah, instinctive bias but tempered by deliberate consideration.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Heyy. I will be gone for the rest of the week to take some rest for my final exam. That being said I don't think I will be able to be much online during my final for i am in the middle of a castle forest and only the main castle I work not so near has wifi (sounds like a fairy tail, working in and around castles I know^^)
Anywa, my char had noting of importance to do anyway. Have fun. See ya'll in a week.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Ojo chan 42 *squeaking* A /castle/?! Coooool. I want pictures! ^.^ I wouldn't be able to do without internet, though. Hope your testing goes well!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

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@Ojo chan 42 *squeaking* A /castle/?! Coooool. I want pictures! ^.^ I wouldn't be able to do without internet, though. Hope your testing goes well!

I can't send you a licture right now but if you google. Castle Duivenvoorde, netherlands. I am sure you will find a picture
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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So whenever I try to eat my stomach cramps so badly I cry from the pain. Went to the clinic near my house and they won't see me cuz I don't have health insurance so I am basically up the you're fucked creek without a damn paddle

Sorry for swearing in front of any younglings in here but I am so frustrated and in pain and tired...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Belle *sends hugs and good wishes*
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