Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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I'm sorry to hear that Belle, get better soon though.

In other news, my Wi-Fi has been malfuctioning lately, so far I've been able to do things. Let's see if it lasts! I'll start writing my post right away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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If @BlackPanther can't post by tonight I will try and reply. I don't want this to to stall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@LadyRunic and Falk

Why must you be so stubborn?

Because you created me that way. If he thinks I am foolish enough to fall for ravishing good looks, a few promises and jewels then he is an arrogant moron not fit to be a King."

.... ravishing good looks.... *smiles dreamily*

*throws up hands* You never hear a word I say!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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had to edit IC post, I forgot something in Arys' little speech. A little compliment for Falk that I slipped in without Arys noticing-

Damn you woman!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Ojo chan 42 Np np. And that sounds awesome. Thanks for the heads up.

@Belle *hug* I know that pain. Just am getting out of that trench. Also. Go ahead because Panthe's gone till the 19th? I think? Something close to that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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Sini likes Arys, I think. Though she would never say as much carelessly, I think she has respect for the Winter Queen, though perhaps too some measure of scorn for one who harbors such consuming hatred for even an ex-lover (or whatever they were). I wish there was reason for them to interact. Perhaps Sini shall accompany the cargo of food and suchlike from Spring to Winter? @Prince of Seraphs, what think you?

Get better soon, sweetling.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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When she froze her heart the last emotion she felt was hatred. So she is kinda stuck on that emotion until someone figures out how to unfreeze her heart...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Your poor sweet Lyra? First of all, she's mine. Secondly, the king is going to have my head not yours. And third of all, those nymphs shouldn't have let her out of her room in the first place! Am I the only competent one?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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I love that Lyra's adorableness has gotten a baddass like Arethusa protective and loving towards her!! I foresee many cute bonding moments in the future!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Belle Maybe talking with Sini will do it. Or if I ever bring in Trill...except Trill is totally a heartbreaker, though he says up front he's going to leave. ^.^;; It'd take quite a while, no matter what.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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As do I. I think Arethusa is going to have a lot of fun caring for Lyra.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Once they found her, speaking to Raven, the one carrying Lyra spoke. "The child saw the executed hobgoblin in the great hall. Forgive us, we did not know to stop her from going there."

@SunsetRoses if you could clarify for me. I didn't think Are killed the Hobgoblin. I thought she constructed a cage something like this:

For him and he accidentally cut himself on one of the spikes. I don't think it would make sense to have him executed so suddenly. After all the jewels he stole from the Summer King weren't on his person and one would think Feoras would want them returned.

I love that Lyra's adorableness has gotten a baddass like Arethusa protective and loving towards her!! I foresee many cute bonding moments in the future!

Nyx is so going to kidnap her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs *kicks at you* No response to my suggestion for a reason to get Sini where she can interact with Arys?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs *kicks at you* No response to my suggestion for a reason to get Sini where she can interact with Arys?

I was under the impression that Arys wasn't accompanying the convoy personally and instead sending some goblins and trolls to pick up the goods. Sini could go with the convoy if she wanted but I suspect they would make there hand off at the Spring/Winter border and then return to their respective palaces. Sini likely wouldn't even get into the Winter Court let alone get to interact with Arys.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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@Prince of Seraphs@Belle

Yes, you are correct. And yes, that is what the cage would look like. The prisoner still needs to be questioned. So edits can be done where edits are due.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs I think Sini would accompany it back -- after all, Spring has a duty to see that it's delivered safely, and ensure that it actually reaches the Winter Queen, and return word to Nyx. I see no reason why a single guard or even a small squad -- such as Sini commands -- might not be permitted. @Belle would need to verify, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs I think Sini would accompany it back -- after all, Spring has a duty to see that it's delivered safely, and ensure that it actually reaches the Winter Queen, and return word to Nyx. I see no reason why a single guard or even a small squad -- such as Sini commands -- might not be permitted. @Belle would need to verify, though.

Yes he would send a small guard along with the convoy and if you wish Sini to accompany it I don't have a problem with that. Simply put though Sini wouldn't run across Arys by accompanying the convoy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Is there any reason to send a message for her with it? And I think it'd be up to Belle if she's around or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs Is there any reason to send a message for her with it? And I think it'd be up to Belle if she's around or not.

It's a simple delivery, an exchange of goods. One of those everyday Court kinds of things that a ruler doesn't need to attend to personally. I suppose if Belle wanted to Arys could accompany the convoy but really the only thing that would accomplish would be to put her in harms way for no apparent purpose. She has servants for a reason. Think of it this way. If the convoy was important enough for Arys to personally accompany it to ensure it reaches its destination why then would Nyx not be joining the Spring side of it as well?

It is possible for Nyx to send a message for Arys with the convoy but the most logical thing to do in that case as well would be for Sini to relay the message to the goblins who would then give it to Arys.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Not accompany. Receive. At her palace in winter. Someone has to go with through her lands, or how can they report that it reached her properly? I'm sure the fey might say that it never reached its destination -- and certainly that would be true if they had it deliberately diverted.
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