Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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At the very least it would open up all sorts of possibilities. I wonder if tetanus can be contracted by other means than just rusty things...Well hm. It seems that rust itself is not the source of it, even though there's a strong association. So more than one reason not to use it. But I should find something that'd need very definitely human methods of a cure....

Like magic?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tetanus is not just rust it's also on plants
But in this case it would not work since the realm is not a human one

Tetanus is a very fascinating disease...one of the best section in microbiology
Lockjaw...can have the subject with muscle spasms so bad they snap their own spine

Anyway. For her to get a disease she would need to some into contact with someone from the human realm who is either a carrier or is sick

Or she somehow manages to wander into the human realm to contract an illness and have it incubate until she gets back then have it become fully into the illness stage
This would probably be bad for the fae realm either way
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tetanus is not just rust it's also on plants
But in this case it would not work since the realm is not a human one

Tetanus is a very fascinating disease...one of the best section in microbiology
Lockjaw...can have the subject with muscle spasms so bad they snap their own spine

Anyway. For her to get a disease she would need to some into contact with someone from the human realm who is either a carrier or is sick

Or she somehow manages to wander into the human realm to contract an illness and have it incubate until she gets back then have it become fully into the illness stage
This would probably be bad for the fae realm either way

I can't imagine that there is absolutely no crossover of viruses or illnesses between the two realms or that the fae wouldn't have antibodies to the majority of human illnesses. They have after all both magic, a very long lifespan in which to develop immunities and enough contact with the human realms for such things to happen.

Assuming of course that fae biology is in anyway effected adversely by human viruses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
It would be interesting to think about in detail

But tetanus in particular would not do well in the fae realm

The flu probably would be fine so would the common cold

So possibly she could come down with the flu
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs I think I was going with tetanus because if rust was involved, then magic wouldn't work to fix it. Iron and all that.

Even if they're not affected by human sicknesses, I doubt there's no fey diseases at all, even if they're rarely fatal.

MAx: I want to know how they handle disease so well when their tech is clearly rather primitive.

I'm quite certain there's bacteria that go back and forth -- and certainly with the Moot being held in the human realm there will be some microorganisms crossing over very shortly. Furthermore, I meant more along the lines of a disease that affected primarily humans, not fey, as I imagine some but not all diseases are shared. Though really, it's likely only small percentage are, as is the case with the various species of plants and animals irl.

Regardless of whether it's a disease /from/ the human realm or not, there are going to be diseases in the realm of faerie that affect humans. Just as there are animals that live there. Nor have we established that all flora and fauna is distinct from that of the human realm, so identical or at least practically similar microorganisms doubtless exist in both places as well. Think of it like Madagascar, at the very worst. Used to be very closely connected, now not so much, but they shared a great deal at one time despite evolutionary paths leading down different routes.

Actually, that is a thought. I wonder if fey heading to the mortal realm and mortals being taken to the fey realm need vaccinations to lessen the risk of becoming severely ill....

Max: I could find out. IF SOMEONE WOULD BOTHER USING THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND GIVE ME THE RIGHT TOOLS! T.T Well, actually that's not my field -- I was studying pediatrics, not research medicine. Still, I know the basics?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Well....this would be horrible and with how it's dealt with id say probably don't use it but there is the lovely subject of prions
Prions are basically defective proteins that when they 'hit' a normal protein they change it to a prion and create chains. These chains basically destroy the brain....it's what causes mad cow
There is no species barrier
There is no vaccine
Nothing can get rid of it

But it is a good example of a thing that can travel anywhere to any being.

Also my thing is that tetanus in particular requires specific environments. Plants and rust and when in a wound it tends to be deep. Requires a series of shots

Hence why I suggested the flu and the cold. Both are viruses and are human related....there is also other various diseases that can be bad like measles chicken pox and so on that are more human related that could be used. I'd say chicken pox would be very interesting to see in a fae realm....measles is too cruel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well....this would be horrible and with how it's dealt with id say probably don't use it but there is the lovely subject of prions
Prions are basically defective proteins that when they 'hit' a normal protein they change it to a prion and create chains. These chains basically destroy the brain....it's what causes mad cow
There is no species barrier
There is no vaccine
Nothing can get rid of it

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther I wasn't going to look too closely at the medical details, but all tetanus needs is an anaerobic environment -- thus, a place where metal is oxidizing and eating up all the oxygen molecules is an excellent spot. But there /are/ other ways, as you said. I looked at it only for the connection to iron, otherwise it's not a particularly good choice.

If you want another example of cross-species disease, try rabies. That's a pretty common one. Various forms of flu jump species, or at least mix it up with their other counterparts before jumping back worse than ever. There's also the matter of parasites, though that can get a bit squicky. *shiver* The human body itself can create issues -- there are microbes in our gut and various other places that can cause problems if out of whack. Appendicitis and tonsillitis are two alternative possibilities.

Colds are rarely serious. Flu, whether you speak strictly of influenza or colloquially of something like pneumonia, is more serious. Come to think of it, if Lyra is from a hundred years ago, and a young child, she wouldn't have any immunizations that most children nowadays do. ...Very few fey-caught mortals would.

Curse it, now I want to start an epidemic.
Max: Please don't.
Hush you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Using "magic" as justification for miracle fixes is in poor taste if there's not a good reason. =P The idea here is that, for some reason, magic isn't a suitable option, or is perhaps ineffective. Maybe because the healer mages are treating the symptoms instead of the actual illness? *shrugs*

Besides, I'm pretty sure Panther meant IRL. *shoves Prince*

EDIT: Oh, and getting someone sick by magic is silly, unless it's an attack of some sort. In which case it's less disease and more either poisoning or germ warfare -- and I really don't think fey have ventured into germ warfare much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@BlackPanther Or she could just talk to someone who lived back in Victorian times and goes into the Mortal world regularly.

"I never agreed to that. HE made me."

But still, you do get ill now and again, AIsling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs Using "magic" as justification for miracle fixes is in poor taste if there's not a good reason. =P The idea here is that, for some reason, magic isn't a suitable option, or is perhaps ineffective. Maybe because the healer mages are treating the symptoms instead of the actual illness? *shrugs*

Besides, I'm pretty sure Panther meant IRL. *shoves Prince*

EDIT: Oh, and getting someone sick by magic is silly, unless it's an attack of some sort. In which case it's less disease and more either poisoning or germ warfare -- and I really don't think fey have ventured into germ warfare much.

I'm not saying that you just drop the word "magic" as a cure all but in many cases there is no reason why specially medically oriented spellcasters couldn't treat diseases.

Also if we're looking for a fae disease that transitioned into the human world how about European Sweating Sickness? Appeared almost overnight, killed something like a third of the European population and vanished just as quickly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Ooh, fun. And I'm not saying generally that's not the case -- I'm sure it is, considering that medical advances from the human realm aren't really present in the fey one. I need a case where it's not so much an option. That was the whole point. Also part of why Max is seen as even remotely useful is connected to my idea that there are instances where magic just doesn't cut it. Oh and he might be sorta good-looking, if you go for that cute bleeding-heart and quite-possibly-gay appeal.

Max: I'M NOT GAY! T.T *huff*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tonsillitis would be good. Since it's caused purely by the body

Or something like an eye infection....

Pink eye or the likeness


Do one of those....if you do go for it
Eyes or tonsales are my vote.

Oh my god how did I miss that the kelpie was in the summer realm oh my goodness

*face desk*

I can edit so that someone finds our lovely kelpie
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh my god how did I miss that the kelpie was in the summer realm oh my goodness

*face desk*

I can edit so that someone finds our lovely kelpie

@Ojo chan 42 This is of course purely up to you but all of the fae currently played by actual RPers in the Summer realm are currently tied up with one another and while they'll get out of that sooner or later I wouldn't want you to have to wait for long stretches of time or rely on a third party NPC. It might be a better idea to just change it so she wakes in Spring since @shylarah has been waiting for someone to interact with for awhile. Or even Fall as @LadyRunic has Aisling who could find your kelpie. Not that you have to change anything. Just thought I'd point it out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Tonsillitis would be good. Since it's caused purely by the body

Or something like an eye infection....

Pink eye or the likeness


Do one of those....if you do go for it
Eyes or tonsales are my vote.

Oh my god how did I miss that the kelpie was in the summer realm oh my goodness

*face desk*

I can edit so that someone finds our lovely kelpie

*unhuman high pitched sound* finally senpai noticed me :)

so I have been reading your posts and maybe Laira could have brought something into the fae realm, qua human sicknesses, virusses.

and tetanus can also be brought over by the bite of an animal such as a dog or a bat ( bats are freaky as f*ck, do not want to get bitten by those frickers)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by BlackPanther>

@Ojo chan 42 This is of course purely up to you but all of the fae currently played by actual RPers in the Summer realm are currently tied up with one another and while they'll get out of that sooner or later I wouldn't want you to have to wait for long stretches of time or rely on a third party NPC. It might be a better idea to just change it so she wakes in Spring since @shylarah has been waiting for someone to interact with for awhile. Or even Fall as @LadyRunic has Aisling who could find your kelpie. Not that you have to change anything. Just thought I'd point it out.

I kinda want to wander around. I do intend to journey towards another season but I have no idea how many days it would take to cross from one season to another. I think I will go to fall soo....@LadyRunic lets say I am near the border of summer and fall could I journey over in the spawn of one day?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42
I'm soooo sorry *never ending sadness*
*bad llama*

If you would like I could send some fae your way
Probably a salamander
....highly likely it'll be a salamander

...I like the buggers too much...

She totally could
Lots of diseases can be carried (during incubation) or she could be a carrier for something
Possibilities there are nearly endless
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Prince of Seraphs Max wouldn't be anywhere near a portal, though. He's likely in the palace, or some more central location. =/

@Ojo chan 42 Just remember that crossing the border right now is going to be seen with a lot of suspicion, even more than just showing up as an unrecognized visitor. And depending on how @LadyRunic feels about my suggestion of border/buffer/ungoverned zones, the distance may be a full day's travel, by foot, between where a barrier could be raised between Summer and neutral and the line for neutral and Fall. Though I imagine a kelpie's swimming speed would be faster.

As for diseases being brought, I really don't think we need to go into where it came from. There's diseases everywhere, including the Fey Realm. The relevant part is really Lyra getting sick, not what causes it, although I will agree having an idea of what did it is wise. Leaning towards appendicitis or something requiring antibiotics, probably the latter. Max wouldn't have the best skill with surgery, though I'm sure he knows the general idea. Then again, antibiotics would need to be fetched from the human realm....and there's not a good reason magic couldn't substitute. *waffles* I think pneumonia might work. When I got a severe case as a child, I had to keep going for xrays of my chest. *smiles* This means that there'd be a need for repeated visits to make sure Lyra isn't getting worse and to track the course of the disease. @Belle, you want to weigh in here?

Still have a desire to have some iron-tolerant fey banished from the realm and craft an illness with iron or something woven into it, then set it loose to wreak havoc on the fey...or something....

EDIT: I /think/ pneumonia is caused by liquid in the lungs making an ideal home for organisms already present within human bodies. I think.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Ojo chan 42
I'm soooo sorry *never ending sadness*
*bad llama*

If you would like I could send some fae your way
Probably a salamander
....highly likely it'll be a salamander

...I like the buggers too much...

She totally could
Lots of diseases can be carried (during incubation) or she could be a carrier for something
Possibilities there are nearly endless

If you would like to send one I will accept your offer. Now my human disease filled girl can wipe out the entire summer fae with just walking around ( kidding kidding) I think it will be most interesting for my girl to stay in summer for a bit before she goes to fall, for Clyde is a fall Kelpie ( oh old lovers...) maybe later I will have her sneak into he fall court to steal a map or something... dunno, she loves to get into trouble :) ( At least I love to see her get into trouble )

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42
Gonna freak her out with a giant salamander

I'll get to editing

Okay I edited in a bit for you.
For reference the messenger would be slightly larger then a cat
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