Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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*Evil Grin*

I am the Punking.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Belle "Can I keep this one?"

No. You don't pay for your own keep.

"You won't accept..."

I know what deals you make!

@shylarah Don't worry it was a past Fae Courtis RP attempt. There is no define timeline other than the Fae history I have made. Rulers, and such may vary from it and that's fine by me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@shylarah Don't worry it was a past Fae Courtis RP attempt. There is no define timeline other than the Fae history I have made. Rulers, and such may vary from it and that's fine by me.

I've been meaning to ask. Fae Courtis. Is that last part a typo and its meant to be "Fae Courts". Or is it there to make it sound otherworldly or something. I tried looking the word up. The only definition it has has absolutely no bearing on what we're doing here.

Also I was curious, Puck or Robin Goodfellow, I realize you said the ancient fae like Titania and Oberon were to be only legends but I was wondering what impact Puck may have had on fae society. I want to create two court fools for the Spring Court and wished them to follow in Puck's footsteps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic Um. Well it's in the accepted char sheets, so I would think it's accurate? Unless it just needs to be changed, which is fine. But a general overview of what most fey know as their history and certain dates -- like the mentioned changes in rulers, and any major events that people would know about -- would be useful. Obviously not everything would be on there. But it helps me figure out what my character was doing when, if I know the Summer/Winter war started when the usurper Urkej Lask killed the previous king, or if it was when the current Summer King assumed power following the death of his father...y'know, stuff like that. Not every tiny thing.

@Prince of Seraphs Two fools? ooh~ Now I'm tempted to bring in Leilinlasia, my little terror of a prankster sprite. She's only a little malicious, really. <.< Actually, hm, if she's a sprite with healing power I could have her be the one working with Maxwell, as punishment for stepping over the line....*ideas go* I need to stop having ideas...>.<
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Prince of Seraphs If it was a type would I keep doing it every single time I spelled out the name?

As for Puck... No comment. Also, we need to get more people to get this started.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah I can't answer because I don't know. I'm trying to leave things open so people can insert their back story into Court Life if they wish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@LadyRunic There are people I could poke, to see if they are interested? Would you like me to approach them?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah That's up to you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Well if it helps
That lost love would be our very own Feoras

So summer and winter are kind of tense since winter hates summer and summer is....clueless as to what he did wrong
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther "Tense" and "at war" are two very different things. =P At least I know the war/ill will is a (relatively) recent thing, then. ^.^ Thanks!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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They are not at war currently
Winter and Summer have settled into a tense peace for the Gathering after a time of skirmishes
Means they are simply tense currently

Edit: also no problem
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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Still tweaking Mally- decided i wont work on anyone/anyThing else till he's done and 100% good.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs If it was a type would I keep doing it every single time I spelled out the name?

As for Puck... No comment. Also, we need to get more people to get this started.

Okay LadyRunic you keep doing this. I accept that there are a lot of plot related things that I don't need to know and my characters definitely shouldn't know but you keep saying things like "it's so old that no one knows the truth anymore" or "it was so long ago that it has faded into myth and legend".

That's fine, you keep the important things to yourself. I trust those plot related things will be revealed when the needs of the RP dictate but give me something to work with. If Titania, Oberon and Puck are so old that no one remembers what is true and the actual events have melded with stories so thoroughly that no one remembers which is fact then tell me the stories. Tell me what fae parents tell their children about Puck to scare them. Tell me what people speak of Titania because people will speak of them. The very old histories especially Falk's have been hushed up and buried. That is fine but in the absence of fact or truth people will tell rumor. Humans don't like to live with the unknown and as fae live longer and are far more controlling I'd say that desire would be stronger with them. To use a recent example if the Summer King and Queen died and Feoras assumed the throne without reporting how they died the people will make something up (using you as an example BlackPanther, I have no desire to start that conversation again).

Whatever you are hiding about old fae history I don't need to know but there will be a fae history that is commonly known even if it is completely inaccurate. So instead of giving me "no comment" give me rumor, give me legend, give me stories to work with or at the very least give me lease to use what I know of folklore to invent my own stories and myths. RPing characters that can live as long as fae do won't work if you insist on having a completely black period in fae history. We don't need the truth but we need something, please.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Prince of Seraphs

She'll get to you soon- shes a bit stressed out though so it might not be Right away.

If i thought i could answer those questions clearly and to a point Runic would agree with me, I would...

Sorry I cant be more helpful than to be a messenger.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs is saying basically the same as me. I don't need the truth, just what would be considered general knowledge, however faulty it might be. People thinking things that are mistaken is an excellent source of drama when the truth is found, or even when you get two people with differing but equally incorrect versions of events. A more extreme example would be a murder mystery or something. Nobody knows whodunit, at least not at the beginning, but there's often one or even a few "accepted" theories. The public blames the son with the grudge, the servants finger the recently dismissed coachman who made nasty comments on his way out, but it really was the business partner that stood to lose a lot of money if the split the dead man had been planning went through. ^.^

@Zahrale Thanks for letting us know.

@LadyRunic if you're under a lot of pressure, certainly there's no need to rush. *sends good wishes*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Prince of Seraphs The fae history known is that there have been 4 Courts, Fall has been led by Falk for longer than any Fae can remember, and Titania, Oberon, and Puck ARE human fantasy. The fae laugh at those names, they're a joke. Puck however they will admit that there is some truth there ans that could have been a fae. I'm having a lot of problem posting ANYTHING. So if you want something give me TIME, because it takes me a half hour to post even something short.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs The fae history known is that there have been 4 Courts, Fall has been led by Falk for longer than any Fae can remember, and Titania, Oberon, and Puck ARE human fantasy. The fae laugh at those names, they're a joke. Puck however they will admit that there is some truth there ans that could have been a fae. I'm having a lot of problem posting ANYTHING. So if you want something give me TIME, because it takes me a half hour to post even something short.

That would have been useful information earlier as in my CS I had Nyx use Titania's name in a manor similar to how an Ancient Greek might have used Zeus' because before you said they were legendary figures.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs TIME TO FIND A NEW OATH! ^.^ I'm in favor of "spirits", myself. Do the fey even have deities or any sort of religion/spirituality?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah No they don't.

Alright. Fae nursery stories... Generally Fae childern get told to behave else another Court's Ruler or terrifying figure will come and snatch them away. More often or not, it's Falk. ("I would resent it if it wasn't true." I see you trying to sneak @Belle into your caverns... No. "You think to control I?" I CREATED you. "I am law unto myself." Anyone want Falk?!) Lask was also another one of these figures. Fae oaths generally are sworn upon most loved or hated. Ie. Falk, your turn... "Darkness take you, May Shades strip your flesh from bone, Night's Bright ..." Alright! No more... You'll get explict. ("You asked.") That's just Falk though... A lot of the Fall Fae will swear by him. "Fall King take you." "May the King Bless you." "I swear upon The Fall King." "Be good of the Fall King's Hunt will come for you.". A lot of this, especially the Hunt threat has echoed into other Fae Realms, and Spring holds Falk as a boogeyman of sorts for their young. Most Fae though will swear by their Ruler, or by their season, and many will curse by Falk or the Tuatha.

@Prince of Seraphs

And you could have just had a brief description in your Bio, surprised you write a biography novel. Could you send me a summary in PM, because it's hard for me to read it and I noted a few possible problems. Such as the song that put the WHOLE kingdom to sleep and such. One things for sure. The Horned God is worshiped all year round and for longer than 10 thousand years. It could just be my view point on it but my God inspires Summer and Fall to me, My Goddess rules the winter and spring.

Yes, I do worship the Horned God, Lol.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Prince of Seraphs Nevermind. I read through it again and I see what you're doing. Fine by me! Just you may want to put that all in a hide and put a shorter summary at the top!
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