Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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I can see summers

"Be good children or the summer King will take you away and burn you...or feed you to a salamander"

*a salamander gurgles in the background*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@BlackPanther Those poor children....

"I hate children."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic swearing by real people gets awkward when you know the people. ^.^ I think I'll tend to use concepts, though Falk may be used because ancient boogeyman yay!

Can you tell me a little more of the rivalry and ill will between Spring and Fall?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah Opposites on the Seelie and UnSeelie Courts. Summer and Winter are opposites, so are Spring and Fall. Plus Cernunnos, old king of Spring, and Falk were both OLD. And they did NOT get along.

"Spring and it's brightness, disgusts me."

And Cerid's flowery facade of Spring during her reign made Falk want to puke.

"Way to put it eloquently."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@LadyRunic So it was more a clash of personalities on the part of the rulers than any serious ill will between the citizens? If it's just Seelie/Unseelie, then Spring/Winter would be equally bad, and I'm sure there's at least a little tension.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Alright. Fae nursery stories... Generally Fae childern get told to behave else another Court's Ruler or terrifying figure will come and snatch them away. More often or not, it's Falk. ("I would resent it if it wasn't true." I see you trying to sneak @Belle into your caverns... No. "You think to control I?" I CREATED you. "I am law unto myself." Anyone want Falk?!) Lask was also another one of these figures. Fae oaths generally are sworn upon most loved or hated. Ie. Falk, your turn... "Darkness take you, May Shades strip your flesh from bone, Night's Bright ..." Alright! No more... You'll get explict. ("You asked.") That's just Falk though... A lot of the Fall Fae will swear by him. "Fall King take you." "May the King Bless you." "I swear upon The Fall King." "Be good of the Fall King's Hunt will come for you.". A lot of this, especially the Hunt threat has echoed into other Fae Realms, and Spring holds Falk as a boogeyman of sorts for their young. Most Fae though will swear by their Ruler, or by their season, and many will curse by Falk or the Tuatha.

And Puck? If he's regarded as possibly being based on a real fae there would be legends about him.

I can see summers

"Be good children or the summer King will take you away and burn you...or feed you to a salamander"

*a salamander gurgles in the background*

If I'm being honest Feoras doesn't really seem like the kind of guy that people would fear enough to make nightmare stories to tell there children about him. He just seems to upfront and maybe (in fae terms) a little naive. Though I suppose you didn't really get a chance to show off his dark side before the old thread collapsed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah Yes, plus there would be ill will between Citizens due to personality. The Seelie/Unseelie opposites REALLY don't like each other. Winter or Summer would be more alright with Spring but Winter would be a bit colder.

@Prince of Seraphs

Read what I say before you ask questions I've already answered you about.

Puck however they will admit that there is some truth there ans that could have been a fae

*There is (COULD BE)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Read what I say before you ask questions I've already answered you about.

Puck however they will admit that there is some truth there ans that could have been a fae

*There is (COULD BE)

And if we were fae historians that would mean something but we're talking about fairytales and stories and "could have been" is quite possibly the most accurate description of a legend or folktale that I've ever heard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Prince of Seraphs Allow me to Answer a Question, With a question.

Why does your Character Care?

Why would your Character know this?

Due to your background, where would he have learned this?

Stories are nice and all, and so is the truth, but consider that not all things would be IMPORTANT to your chars- due to MANY reasons! Falk being the scariest of them ("Hail to the king!" Quiet you , before I use your head as a soccer ball....)

And I Know, and i really HATE speaking for Runic- and sounding like "Mommy" or that annoying kid who thinks he knows everything...

Some things aren't being said or told so you HAVE MORE TO ROLE PLAY AND INTERACT WITH!!! Shes been trying to get you to understand this and your constant badgering her is just going to stress her out- which will only makes things run Slower.

Not to mention if you WANT stories Ill give you a few!

First off, The Sword of Shadow, The Bane of Winter and Fall. This was a Sword Wielded by Urkej' Lask as a Baron (and later Ruler) of Winter. IT was made of Iron and Magic- Something rare and incredibly powerful. Legend states it has more magic than any ruler and Falk trapped it away to protect himself from its blood lust. Some still hear it Whisper in anger and desire for bloodshed when they walk his halls, and rumor has it Falk releases it to Slaughter his foes!

Secondly, The Son of the winters own long dead Dark Baron, Barr Lask, May contain the secrets to forging More Dark Fae Weaponry to the kin of the Blade of Shadow itself, and both Falk and the Winter Courts would do quite a bit to keep that from happening or letting such a juicy opportunity get away.

Some say Falks little Human Pet is also his Concubine and Bed Warmer, As he will not allow Any Other Fae to .... Fornicate or Flirt with her. He never explains his actions, though its said he once told Urkej' lask, before he killed the gremlin baron!

The last one is, Some Say Falk aided in making the Shadow Blade, by using some artifact that ended up Giving Lask Magic! Something most Iron Touched fae Lack!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs Allow me to Answer a Question, With a question.

Why does your Character Care?

Why would your Character know this?

Due to your background, where would he have learned this?

Stories are nice and all, and so is the truth, but consider that not all things would be IMPORTANT to your chars- due to MANY reasons! Falk being the scariest of them ("Hail to the king!" Quiet you , before I use your head as a soccer ball....)

And I Know, and i really HATE speaking for Runic- and sounding like "Mommy" or that annoying kid who thinks he knows everything...

Some things aren't being said or told so you HAVE MORE TO ROLE PLAY AND INTERACT WITH!!! Shes been trying to get you to understand this and your constant badgering her is just going to stress her out- which will only makes things run Slower.

It's not important to Nyx or Raven if at some point they did come across stories about Puck, they likely wouldn't stick cause it is of no real importance to them. It's important to Leaf and Pearl, two other characters I'm designing to serve in the Spring Court. They are the Court Fools so stories and legends are sort of their stock and trade. Depending on what fae generally believe about Puck and what stories may or may not exist he could play an important role in their development. I wouldn't be asking for this information if I didn't intend to use it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Zahrale Stories and history, whether accurate or just the accepted version, play a large role in the identity of people of all groups. They have political repercussions as well. I personally enjoy getting a good feel for the world I'm working in, simply so I play better. ^.^ Don't /gotta/ have 'em, but I love 'em.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Prince of Seraphs Well Sadly, Not knowing anything about Puck myself, i cannot help you there, give it some time, and Maybe runic and i can think of something you can use...

Also i may or may not have added some rumors for people to enjoy in my last post...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs Well Sadly, Not knowing anything about Puck myself, i cannot help you there, give it some time, and Maybe runic and i can think of something you can use...

I'm very familiar with Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream (Played Theseus in high school) and I've looked into the few scattered sources outside of that with regards to the type of mischief that Puck and a few various creatures Puck is generally considered to be based on get up to but that doesn't really help me all that much if I don't know what I'm able to use in this setting or if there would be more that LadyRunic herself invented.

Also i may or may not have added some rumors for people to enjoy in my last post...

Which part?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Not to mention if you WANT stories Ill give you a few!

First off, The Sword of Shadow, The Bane of Winter and Fall. This was a Sword Wielded by Urkej' Lask as a Baron (and later Ruler) of Winter. IT was made of Iron and Magic- Something rare and incredibly powerful. Legend states it has more magic than any ruler and Falk trapped it away to protect himself from its blood lust. Some still hear it Whisper in anger and desire for bloodshed when they walk his halls, and rumor has it Falk releases it to Slaughter his foes!

Secondly, The Son of the winters own long dead Dark Baron, Barr Lask, May contain the secrets to forging More Dark Fae Weaponry to the kin of the Blade of Shadow itself, and both Falk and the Winter Courts would do quite a bit to keep that from happening or letting such a juicy opportunity get away.

Some say Falks little Human Pet is also his Concubine and Bed Warmer, As he will not allow Any Other Fae to .... Fornicate or Flirt with her. He never explains his actions, though its said he once told Urkej' lask, before he killed the gremlin baron!

The last one is, Some Say Falk aided in making the Shadow Blade, by using some artifact that ended up Giving Lask Magic! Something most Iron Touched fae Lack!"

Re-posted them- for convenience
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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"Not to mention if you WANT stories Ill give you a few!

First off, The Sword of Shadow, The Bane of Winter and Fall. This was a Sword Wielded by Urkej' Lask as a Baron (and later Ruler) of Winter. IT was made of Iron and Magic- Something rare and incredibly powerful. Legend states it has more magic than any ruler and Falk trapped it away to protect himself from its blood lust. Some still hear it Whisper in anger and desire for bloodshed when they walk his halls, and rumor has it Falk releases it to Slaughter his foes!

Secondly, The Son of the winters own long dead Dark Baron, Barr Lask, May contain the secrets to forging More Dark Fae Weaponry to the kin of the Blade of Shadow itself, and both Falk and the Winter Courts would do quite a bit to keep that from happening or letting such a juicy opportunity get away.

Some say Falks little Human Pet is also his Concubine and Bed Warmer, As he will not allow Any Other Fae to .... Fornicate or Flirt with her. He never explains his actions, though its said he once told Urkej' lask, before he killed the gremlin baron!

The last one is, Some Say Falk aided in making the Shadow Blade, by using some artifact that ended up Giving Lask Magic! Something most Iron Touched fae Lack!"

Re-posted them- for convenience

Ahhhhh... sweet sweet myths, I've found you at last.

I don't know if you actually read Raven's CS but would this Shadow Blade (according to legend) predate the creation of the Tuatha's four treasures: The Shining Sword, The Spear of Light, The Weeping Stone and The Cauldron of the Dagda?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs@Zahrale We need stories about more than just Falk, though. What about some of Cerunnos? Are there any for Summer? What about some for humans? *bounces excitedly* Looks like Lask was quite some time ago, though I do wonder where Lask's son was hiding for the several hundred years between the death of his father and now, if he's only just now returning to the Autumn Court as Mally's adopted son. Man, the fey are fond of adopting odd people as kids, aren't they? First Feoras's dad, then Feoras himself with Lyra, now Mally and the Lask boy.

I think there's stories of back when humanity believed in fey still, for sure, and knew a bit about what hurt them and how to control them. They probably see modern humans as a bit more backward, since they've forgotten. Hm, what else? I'm sure Nyx overthrowing Ceridwen is a popular story for Spring, at least. And there's probably some about Winter's current queen, despite how she tries to keep them silent. Gotta love a love story turned tragic, yeah? =P Based on what I've seen of Feoras's sheet, there might be stories of his rage, perhaps, or his power. No doubt encouraged by himself. ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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"But of course"
Most prevalent would be the village incident along with how Lyra got there

The most widespread of his rage is how his eyes change. The summer fae have a tendency to make eye contact now...though if his eyes show more anger they will drop their gaze
Cultural norm now

They are also careful of what they say around him as one wrong word can result in becoming an ash pile
Especially of his favored little human
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Prince of Seraphs@Zahrale We need stories about more than just Falk, though. What about some of Cerunnos? Are there any for Summer? What about some for humans? *bounces excitedly* Looks like Lask was quite some time ago, though I do wonder where Lask's son was hiding for the several hundred years between the death of his father and now, if he's only just now returning to the Autumn Court as Mally's adopted son. Man, the fey are fond of adopting odd people as kids, aren't they? First Feoras's dad, then Feoras himself with Lyra, now Mally and the Lask boy.

I think there's stories of back when humanity believed in fey still, for sure, and knew a bit about what hurt them and how to control them. They probably see modern humans as a bit more backward, since they've forgotten. Hm, what else? I'm sure Nyx overthrowing Ceridwen is a popular story for Spring, at least. And there's probably some about Winter's current queen, despite how she tries to keep them silent. Gotta love a love story turned tragic, yeah? =P Based on what I've seen of Feoras's sheet, there might be stories of his rage, perhaps, or his power. No doubt encouraged by himself. ^.^

With LadyRunic's permission I'd be happy to write up some stories about Cerunnos. When I first created him he was essentially supposed to be Falk's Spring counterpart and one of the last of the fae old enough to remember the ancient histories. Still I can create some more recent stories about him that wouldn't touch on the old stuff Runic wants kept secret and I don't know about.

The tale of Nyx and Ceridwen is fairly popular in Spring though over 800 years there's about twelve thousand different versions, some paint Ceridwen as a nightmare creature who used her entrancing voice to make everyone forget how she looked. Others paint Nyx and Ceridwen as lovers turned sour. A couple bards report the true version but that's less popular than more extreme takes on the tale. Some parents tell their children horror stories about the Siren Queen to make them behave.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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"Care to toast some crumpets for me, Feoras?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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"Care to toast some crumpets for me, Feoras?"

Are Fall and Summer on good terms?

I know Spring and Summer get along relatively well, Spring and Winter aren't fond of each other but work together as needs dictate, Spring and Fall are bitter enemies, Summer and Winter are likewise against one another, Fall and Winter get along, but what about Fall and Summer?
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