@BlackPanther Can we get an idea of when, specifically, Feoras took the throne? How many years ago?
EDIT: depending on how old he was at the time, Sini may or may not think Feoras was a very lucky young fey/human/seasonborn/whatever. Since wisdom and ability to /keep/ a throne only comes with age, at least in her opinion.
@Zahrale Now we've got seasonborn not being full fey? @.@ I mean, yeah, the initial generation would be be weaker, but two seasonborn shouldn't be weaker still, especially if interbreeding with another fey race makes them automatically stronger -- for that matter, I could see a half-seasonborn being an intermediate powerlevel? Especially if all you're going to get is weak servants why would it even be worth the trouble?
If there's levels like this in fey society, it would be helpful if they were set out somewhere, for reference purposes. I don't remember there being anything about turning humans en masse, though again, if it's that long ago, I guess it just might not have been mentioned as not relevant. Then again, if it was that long ago, why was it mentioned as a class in the first place? @.@ Either they're a very weak serving class, born of generations of seasonborn and weaker with every generation since when the human ancestors were taken, or they're absorbed into fey society as whatever the seasonborn interbred with. And I'm just getting confused.
@Belle Child characters are so cute, and a ton of fun~ I initially thought about playing a child but decided against it when I saw Lyra. Don't wanna double up. Plus I'm running kids in a bunch of other places. Entirely too many other places right now. Won't deny it's tempting, though.