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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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"Of course. I have a slab of wood for such things"

....he really does...it's a bit excessive

"It's special"
You use it on everything that makes it not special
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther How long has he been ruler? It's more than 500, that much I know, but that seems like a rather short period of time for fey culture to change significantly, considering that's not very long to them. Though it might be less a cultural thing and more a "we do it for the king because common sense".

The taking of Lyra would only be of interest because she's adopted by the king. For that matter, how long has she been there? Only four years -- not even, because the human mother kept her child until it was weaned, so let's say two more years. Two years in the fey courts is hardly any time at all, certainly not enough for the stories to become general knowledge. Widespread, perhaps, but lasting? That would take much longer. As for the story itself, it's fairly standard. Fey tricks human, fey takes child. It is interesting that a modern woman -- one from our age of computers and technology -- would use an ancient ritual. She might be from a third-world country, perhaps, and have less access to technology, but it's still very intriguing. Then again, I'm having Maxwell use a word that's been in his family for generations and ends up backfiring, so. =P Perhaps it's of interest to the fey specifically because humans no longer call them so often, and suddenly there's two calls in the space of only a handful of years? It might be interesting to explore that, for sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Prince of Seraphs
No body really likes Winter, Fall you can count on to stab you in the back, Spring is known for mischief and "Playing" and Summer is strict and burns like the wrath of hell.

:P anyone can like anyone at any given time, it depends on the Fae', but in general the courts only have moral beef with their opposites.

<Snipped quote by Zahrale>

Ahhhhh... sweet sweet myths, I've found you at last.

I don't know if you actually read Raven's CS but would this Shadow Blade (according to legend) predate the creation of the Tuatha's four treasures: The Shining Sword, The Spear of Light, The Weeping Stone and The Cauldron of the Dagda?

No, not likely. it would be relatively New, but no less terrifying that someone had the ability to smith such a damnable thing.

mainly I'd say myths and rumors of powerful rulers, current rulers Etc. :P Anything from LAsk being the reason winter seems Weak, to how Feoras seems more like a Spring Pet than a Summer Ruler. ;3 Some Assembly and imagination required~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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Oh and Just for your entertainment,

The Legends of the Season Born!

Seasonborn are Humans who fell into Debt with the Fae, Were Adopted or made a bad deal... Some are even Kidnapped!!! these humans are then introduced to powerful Fae Magics rituals and artifacts and as the magic takes hold it Bends them to their masters will- to the point they become fae themselves- in the form of the SeasonBorn. All Season Born are bent to the Courts magic, Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring, and are typically Weaker than pure fae- there ARE however Exceptions- These are the Seasonborn made by Rulers, Elders and Artifacts. Now, the reason for turning the humans fae are 100%, Completely, Totally, Controversial. You COULD be an arse and say they were only turned to be a rulers or barons ... Bed warmer!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs I feel that not /all/ Spring and Fall hate each other. Yes, there's the Seelie/Unseelie rift, but I've not seen evidence of a serious conflict between the two, aside from the mutual dislike and distrust of their leaders.

Sini: And personal feelings are never a good reason to shun a potentially useful ally...I would be more concerned with the current Summer/Winter conflict, I think.

So really I think there might be dislike but the general opinion fluctuates depending on which side of the most recent conflict they fall. If they fall on opposite sides, it's worse; the same, it becomes a bit better.


@Zahrale There's not enough about Lask for me to speculate there yet, unfortunately. Nor about his son. Still wondering where the son was for however many years since the father fell -- certainly more than 600, but I guess we'll find out in time. ^.^

I'm not sure where Feoras being Spring comes in, but apparently there's good reason he's not seen as just a pet but is instead respected as a ruler of the fey despite his origins (there was a huge debate about this, actually). Still, I've been told that he is indeed so regarded, so only those who have problems with him as a ruler would likely bring it up. =P

Interesting that Fall is seen as traitorous.

Sini: I guess we must simply make sure that staying allied with us is in their best interests, hm?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Zahrale WHOA WHOA. Wait, so seasonborn aren't born as fey? Then having a half-fey seasonborn would be odd, as they'd have the dominant fey traits and so be that type. Also this adds a great deal, because Falk is thought to be seasonborn -- this would imply he was once human. Glad to hear my conjecture about the seasonborn turned by powerful fey being less powerful than that fey but comparatively stronger in regard to those turned by lesser fey is a solid one. ^.^

It does raise the issue of seasonborn, as a whole, being very rare as Runic said that the ritual is difficult, draining, and risky, often driving the human mad. I had the impression from the char sheet that they were the most common type (especially since they're listed as "classical humanoid fey"), but it would seem I'm mistaken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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The ritual and magic used often either drives the human Mad, or Kills them!
Those who pass the ritual Aren't any laughing matter- and it SHOULD be noted its normally done In Bulk- if its focused on just one or Two- like it would have been in Feoras case, you get something Pretty Damn Scary

And it was a joke about Feoras being spring- Fae are often petty and hostile enough to start such horrid and rude rumors.

As for what i said about the courts that's the General thought on them due to the courts history and archetype- that doesn't mean they are all 100% true to the saying. In fact, Fall is usually the most honorable, next to summer, Spring is usually the sneak one, and Winter... well.. That's one true, Winter is Cruel, beautiful, and elegance... but cruel all the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Zahrale WHOA WHOA. Wait, so seasonborn aren't born as fey? Then having a half-fey seasonborn would be odd, as they'd have the dominant fey traits and so be that type. Also this adds a great deal, because Falk is thought to be seasonborn -- this would imply he was once human. Glad to hear my conjecture about the seasonborn turned by powerful fey being less powerful than that fey but comparatively stronger in regard to those turned by lesser fey is a solid one. ^.^

It does raise the issue of seasonborn, as a whole, being very rare as Runic said that the ritual is difficult, draining, and risky, often driving the human mad. I had the impression from the char sheet that they were the most common type (especially since they're listed as "classical humanoid fey"), but it would seem I'm mistaken.

I think he meant that human turned fae in living memory is rare. From what I gather it used to be a fairly common practice so in the modern days of the fae there are many seasonborn who are descended from humans turned fae.

Though perhaps @LadyRunic for the sake of clarity we might come up with separate words to differentiate humans that have been turned into fae from those that are merely descended. In the Dark Artifices Series the classic humanoid fae are referred to as Gentry Fae. So perhaps we could use that for one of them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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"I am the fire that burns within beware my wrath or burn within"
..you can't burn real people you know this right

Anyway rude rumors are sure to pop up from different courts considering he has a four year old running around...he really shouldn't have any toddlers...yet he does

"Small one is fine...I feed her"
Point and case

Anyway he ascended to throne when he was fairly young so the people make eye contact automatically.....it's a safety thing. This can be creepy with some of the odd eyes fae...like salamanders. Their eyes will bore into you soul while they gum on your hand and get saliva all over the place.
More common with those that live in the castle then those who live outside it
Like the water salamanders whom live in the rivers
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Prince of Seraphs
You know, thats a valid point, however.

Upon becomeing a Fae, The Seasonborn- then becomeing Fallborn, Springborn, Summerborn, or Winterborn, is clear enough- as the Son of a human is a human, and the son of a fae is a Fae, its not like they change from seasonborn into pure blooded fae.

Though it should be noted 2 Seasonborn Do Not make a stronger season born offspring- its typically Weaker and is used as a Servant or slave.

A Seasonborn and a Fae will always result in the Fae's genes taking over, and the child would match the Fae parent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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I was actually listening to 'Dibs' by Kelsea Ballerini earlier (actually I was singing it in my car at the top of my lungs) and thinking of Falk lol I think I have fallen in love with a fictional character! lol I might put up a video of me singing it on my YT channel and dedicate it to Falk and people will be like "... dafuq is Falk?" and start searching the internet while I sit back laughing because they will never find him! He is MINE!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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I am looking forward to playing the adorable Lyra again. She provided a lot of humor and cuteness in the old thread. I was very sad to see the old thread die because it seemed Falk was starting to target the child in his quest to take out Summer. I really wanted to see what he was going to do to her, if he was going to be an evil prick and hurt/kill her or if he was going to go the other way and be super fake nice/loving to get her affections away from Feoras.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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"Cant I take the middle route? It worked for the other child I stole?"
And Aisling was with child. She wasn't a child.
"Humans are like darkened cursed rabbits."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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The question would be how angry would Feroas get if he lost her
....and how much would burn

It was adorable. The cute overload

...should either ruler really have a toddler...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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Oh and just in case Feoras feels left out, I've got a song for him too. It's how Winter sees him, just with more anger. "Peter Pan" by Kelsea Ballerini.

I enjoy using songs to convey emotions so I am currently looking for a song for Lyra and Feoras.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The question would be how angry would Feroas get if he lost her
....and how much would burn

*evil grin*
You know what? I would really like to see this... either Arys or Falk are gonna take his little one.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll look that up when I have better wifi

For a song for them hmmmm
One call away

Edit: why do I give people evil ideas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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*Is sneaking Belle into Fall Realm* "She's mine. Arys, get yourself another creator."
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@BlackPanther Can we get an idea of when, specifically, Feoras took the throne? How many years ago?

EDIT: depending on how old he was at the time, Sini may or may not think Feoras was a very lucky young fey/human/seasonborn/whatever. Since wisdom and ability to /keep/ a throne only comes with age, at least in her opinion.

@Zahrale Now we've got seasonborn not being full fey? @.@ I mean, yeah, the initial generation would be be weaker, but two seasonborn shouldn't be weaker still, especially if interbreeding with another fey race makes them automatically stronger -- for that matter, I could see a half-seasonborn being an intermediate powerlevel? Especially if all you're going to get is weak servants why would it even be worth the trouble?

If there's levels like this in fey society, it would be helpful if they were set out somewhere, for reference purposes. I don't remember there being anything about turning humans en masse, though again, if it's that long ago, I guess it just might not have been mentioned as not relevant. Then again, if it was that long ago, why was it mentioned as a class in the first place? @.@ Either they're a very weak serving class, born of generations of seasonborn and weaker with every generation since when the human ancestors were taken, or they're absorbed into fey society as whatever the seasonborn interbred with. And I'm just getting confused.

@Belle Child characters are so cute, and a ton of fun~ I initially thought about playing a child but decided against it when I saw Lyra. Don't wanna double up. Plus I'm running kids in a bunch of other places. Entirely too many other places right now. Won't deny it's tempting, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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*Is sneaking Belle into Fall Realm* "She's mine. Arys, get yourself another creator."

Rapunzel = Me
Flynn = Arys
1x Laugh Laugh
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