For a song for them hmmmm
One call away
*listens with wide eyes* This is PERFECT for them!! I found a new song to put on my playlist!!
For a song for them hmmmm
One call away
Now we've got seasonborn not being full fey? @.@ I mean, yeah, the initial generation would be be weaker, but two seasonborn shouldn't be weaker still, especially if interbreeding with another fey race makes them automatically stronger -- for that matter, I could see a half-seasonborn being an intermediate powerlevel? Especially if all you're going to get is weak servants why would it even be worth the trouble?
Season-born are created, when all is said and done that is how they started. They can be born, they can be bred. But over all they are pieces of a ancient power play. The Rulers would make them for their own goals. Powerful soldiers, and forced to obey by their name. But the down side to this powerful being (Made one at a time, if you make them enmasse the effect is VERY diluted), is that they cannot continue that power through blood lineage, though there are other ways these ways are costly. Season-born lines are ideal servants, enough power to be useful but not so much that they will rebel against their maker.
@Prince of Seraphs
You know, thats a valid point, however.
Upon becomeing a Fae, The Seasonborn- then becomeing Fallborn, Springborn, Summerborn, or Winterborn, is clear enough- as the Son of a human is a human, and the son of a fae is a Fae, its not like they change from seasonborn into pure blooded fae.
Though it should be noted 2 Seasonborn Do Not make a stronger season born offspring- its typically Weaker and is used as a Servant or slave.
A Seasonborn and a Fae will always result in the Fae's genes taking over, and the child would match the Fae parent.
@Prince of Seraphs
Upon becoming a Fae, The Seasonborn- then becoming Fallborn, Springborn, Summerborn, or Winterborn, is clear enough- as the Son of a human is a human, and the son of a fae is a Fae, its not like they change from seasonborn into pure blooded fae.
Though it should be noted 2 Seasonborn Do Not make a stronger season born offspring- its typically Weaker and is used as a Servant or slave.
A Seasonborn and a Fae will always result in the Fae's genes taking over, and the child would match the Fae parent.
@Prince of Seraphs
"Though it should be noted 2 Seasonborn Do Not make a stronger season born offspring- its typically Weaker and is used as a Servant or slave."
@BlackPanther Salamanders are what, exactly? Just fire, and they look more or less like Feoras?