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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@BlackPanther I thought it depended on the specific type -- and iron would mean low magic. Honestly, just the fact that one could use an iron blade and a wooden hilt makes the idea interesting. It's like using a blade coated with poison -- sure, it might hurt you, but if you know what you're doing it's probably gonig to hurt the other guy more. I did toy with the idea for Sini.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

From what I recall iron is bad and fae keep it either out of their area or locked up

There is a type that iron does not harm but I recall that being off limits

Again I'd say keep iron out of it in general
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

hey, I have a week of LARP coming up again ( Brace yasellfs, LARP season is here) So next week I will not be able to post ( if I can I can but since we have been defeated last even we kinda need to sneak attack during the nigth to regain our forces and such XD) I will be able to read so I won't stray behind with the IC post reading. See ya all Saturday!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@TemplarKnight07 Have to say, I'm loving the attention to detail and time period. As a point of interest, the Black Death generally referred is usually the pandemic in the mid 1300s. Your character would have been born around 1550, give or take, and while there were still outbreaks, none was quite so bad as the 1346-1353 (roughly) one. It could be anywhere from a couple years to a couple decades between outbreaks, and there are a couple that fit the time frame you're looking at, one in the mid-60s, one late 80s, and one near the turn of the century. However since many people or their parents had already survived one or more outbreaks, the death toll was far less -- one or two in ten died, on average, instead of only two or three out of every ten surviving. The thought of the end of days was long past -- in fact, this was considered a golden age by many among the wealthier members of the population. Peasants had it (comparatively) better as well. Plague had come and gone multiple times, and was merely a fact of life, along with many other types of illness. It's pretty unlikely that decimated villages were so common. It's not necessary to change anything -- it's a pretty minor detail, and likely won't come up. With the details of his past life forgotten, Dagon only needs a reason that he wanted to forget, and you have that done solidly. But since you clearly put in time researching, I kinda wanna discuss it. Granted, it's been a while and I had to look some stuff up. I just *flailing* someone who wanted that sort of historical accuracy! *tackle*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@TemplarKnight07 @BlackPanther @shylarah
Iron is bad. It hurts fae and cuts through their magic easily. Hurts as in burns, they cannot heal as fast or well from wounda made from iron. Fun stuff. There is a type of iron that doeant harm fae but it has to be infuses with black pearls found out in the sea of mists on the outer edge of the Fae Realms. So to get them, you have to send someone out, give me a heada up, and i have ro roll a dice to see id you live, die, find some, or something else. That sea is the only dice roll in the rp, the only one and for good reason.

Tk, i like your characters and if they get eaten alive... Theyre in no worse a situation than Aisling.

@Ojo chan 42 take me woth you. Plz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@LadyRunic We need an extra medic so come along :) ( plus to have a very evil and cunning fall lord at our side is Always a good thing)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Ojo chan 42 oh no, id play my drowish theif i love so much.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*dice roll*
Seems you found a squid
*rolls again*
It is now attached to your face

And I'm still working through how I want to lay out my post >.<
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@BlackPanther lol, and just go for eet!

Im regressing due to the fact my xomputer is working again yay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

But I love this interaction so much
It must be lovely

I'll go for it though. I think I've got it down
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@LadyRunic What's the point of having iron if it's not harmful? I mean, it's good for working with, but honestly, fey have other metals that are far easier to obtain and just as good, if not better. The benefit of iron is that it is lethal. I was under the impression that some fey could handle iron, like the...was it goblins? Also, both Nyx and Sini's mother had blades with flecks of iron, though I think Duska gave hers to the captain that followed her. I actually didn't catch the bit about the captain of the guard, or I would have gone with it already for Sini.

To be harmful, the iron must come into contact with the fey or the magic, right? Toxic, but minor injuries will heal eventually, just not as fast, and they get far worse far faster than other injuries, and do more damage. But this means having iron on the blade of a weapon is like coating it in poison. As long as you don't touch it directly, you're okay. Makes maintaining said blade interesting, because it's a contact poison as opposed to needing to reach the bloodstream to have any effect, but I imagine it can be done. Gloves, caution...maybe serious work is handed over to iron-resistant smiths.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@shylarah slow down there.

Iron flecked blades are less potent than full iron. They CANNOT cut through fae magic, but besides that. So long as you have no direct contact your fine and it is like a poison.

And gremlins were iron working fae. Noc only.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@TemplarKnight07 Have to say, I'm loving the attention to detail and time period. As a point of interest, the Black Death generally referred is usually the pandemic in the mid 1300s. Your character would have been born around 1550, give or take, and while there were still outbreaks, none was quite so bad as the 1346-1353 (roughly) one. It could be anywhere from a couple years to a couple decades between outbreaks, and there are a couple that fit the time frame you're looking at, one in the mid-60s, one late 80s, and one near the turn of the century. However since many people or their parents had already survived one or more outbreaks, the death toll was far less -- one or two in ten died, on average, instead of only two or three out of every ten surviving. The thought of the end of days was long past -- in fact, this was considered a golden age by many among the wealthier members of the population. Peasants had it (comparatively) better as well. Plague had come and gone multiple times, and was merely a fact of life, along with many other types of illness. It's pretty unlikely that decimated villages were so common. It's not necessary to change anything -- it's a pretty minor detail, and likely won't come up. With the details of his past life forgotten, Dagon only needs a reason that he wanted to forget, and you have that done solidly. But since you clearly put in time researching, I kinda wanna discuss it. Granted, it's been a while and I had to look some stuff up. I just *flailing* someone who wanted that sort of historical accuracy! *tackle*

Lol, I appreciate it. I actually spent quite a bit of time in a class researching The Black Death (my university actually was the one to be able to obtain and trace its entire genetic history and identify its origins), among a bunch of other plagues and their relation to people. I do know that I'm fudging the times a bit in terms of authenticity, though northern Europe did lag behind the rest of Europe a bit in terms of how they were hit by the plague, and therefore I'm translating that a bit into its effects, and the fact that it was still incredibly random in how it effected places even on a local scale. I'm arguably already doing so with the Knight-Errant idea to begin with (though I haven't actually done much research on the subject, I know they were far more common in the high middle ages than the Renaissance). Plus, even between bouts of increasingly less severe plague, this was still a time period of near the end of a major European war (not that it has too many effects on Dagon's story), Robber Barons were infamous, and its a little bit after Robin Hood became famous as a folk legend as a good bandit among the mess of bad bandits preying on people.

I also could technically bump roughly 50 years to Dagon's birth date and still put his age at around the time when Arys became Winter Queen, ultimately resolving this issue while not having to change too much, and also having a reasonable explanation of why the Winter Queen herself would be looking for a Knight.

Mostly I needed more believable reasons for why Dagon's human life was shit and why he'd want to forget and be a natural candidate to appeal to Winter over the other Courts. The fact that plague and banditry were still the major issues in England in roughly this time period were the first things that popped into my head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@TemplarKnight07 Have to say, I'm loving the attention to detail and time period. As a point of interest, the Black Death generally referred is usually the pandemic in the mid 1300s. Your character would have been born around 1550, give or take, and while there were still outbreaks, none was quite so bad as the 1346-1353 (roughly) one. It could be anywhere from a couple years to a couple decades between outbreaks, and there are a couple that fit the time frame you're looking at, one in the mid-60s, one late 80s, and one near the turn of the century. However since many people or their parents had already survived one or more outbreaks, the death toll was far less -- one or two in ten died, on average, instead of only two or three out of every ten surviving. The thought of the end of days was long past -- in fact, this was considered a golden age by many among the wealthier members of the population. Peasants had it (comparatively) better as well. Plague had come and gone multiple times, and was merely a fact of life, along with many other types of illness. It's pretty unlikely that decimated villages were so common. It's not necessary to change anything -- it's a pretty minor detail, and likely won't come up. With the details of his past life forgotten, Dagon only needs a reason that he wanted to forget, and you have that done solidly. But since you clearly put in time researching, I kinda wanna discuss it. Granted, it's been a while and I had to look some stuff up. I just *flailing* someone who wanted that sort of historical accuracy! *tackle*

Why is it when I bring up points like this people call it nitpicking but when someone else does it it sparks interesting debate?

@LadyRunic What's the point of having iron if it's not harmful? I mean, it's good for working with, but honestly, fey have other metals that are far easier to obtain and just as good, if not better. The benefit of iron is that it is lethal. I was under the impression that some fey could handle iron, like the...was it goblins? Also, both Nyx and Sini's mother had blades with flecks of iron, though I think Duska gave hers to the captain that followed her. I actually didn't catch the bit about the captain of the guard, or I would have gone with it already for Sini.

To be harmful, the iron must come into contact with the fey or the magic, right? Toxic, but minor injuries will heal eventually, just not as fast, and they get far worse far faster than other injuries, and do more damage. But this means having iron on the blade of a weapon is like coating it in poison. As long as you don't touch it directly, you're okay. Makes maintaining said blade interesting, because it's a contact poison as opposed to needing to reach the bloodstream to have any effect, but I imagine it can be done. Gloves, caution...maybe serious work is handed over to iron-resistant smiths.

Correct me if I'm wrong Runic but I believe that iron infused blades, ones made of another metal with a quantity of iron mixed in to give the wielder an edge are not exactly common but they are not unusual either. I think they are mainly reserved for high ranking knights, and like Nyx, Court Assassins. They prevent healing magic from being very effective making the likelihood of a target or opponent recovering from a deep wound unlikely.

Full Iron blades on the other hand, again Runic correct me if I'm wrong, are about a hundred times more potent. They cut through enchantments and kill fae very easily. I'm not sure about this part but in a lot of lore close proximity to iron makes fae feel seriously ill, sort of like radiation poisoning so having a full iron blade is basically illegal plus being debilitating to both the wielder and anyone else in the area simply by existing.

Did I get all of that right @LadyRunic?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@TemplarKnight07 Well, I suppose having a knight that's utterly loyal is good, but as a seasonborn he's less powerful than many other fey -- and OH! CRUD. We forgot -- it takes quite some time to change a person from a human to a seasonborn. I forget just what @LadyRunic said, but I know it was years if not decades. Then again, a few years is not long to the fey, but it might be rather long to be without /any/ knights. *considering*

That's some really cool stuff about the Black Death! When it comes to knights, I'm not entirely sure but I think 1550 is around or shortly after the high point of jousting and jousting armor, which indicates (I would think?) knights still were around and doing various things. I initially thought you were a couple centuries off with knights, but after some research I found that while they started being phased out as early as 1300s with the introduction of gunpowder, they were still around in the 1500s and as I said, jousting was very popular at that point, though it seriously declined not long after, if I remember correctly.

Runic, just to make sure I have this straight, iron-flecked blades lose only the power to cut through magic, and are otherwise just as potent as a full-iron (or steel) sword? If so, yeah, Sini probably uses blades with a layer of iron in them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Prince of Seraphs

Full Iron blades on the other hand, again Runic correct me if I'm wrong, are about a hundred times more potent. They cut through enchantments and kill fae very easily. I'm not sure about this part but in a lot of lore close proximity to iron makes fae feel seriously ill, sort of like radiation poisoning so having a full iron blade is basically illegal plus being debilitating to both the wielder and anyone else in the area simply by existing.


Correct me if I'm wrong Runic but I believe that iron infused blades, ones made of another metal with a quantity of iron mixed in to give the wielder an edge are not exactly common but they are not unusual either. I think they are mainly reserved for high ranking knights, and like Nyx, Court Assassins. They prevent healing magic from being very effective making the likelihood of a target or opponent recovering from a deep wound unlikely.

Iron infused blads are given a iron edge, but they are reserved for knights and such as you said, they are RARE. Blades with iron flecks are uncommon but not unheard of, though they are outlawed in Fall Court and Falk has a bounty out on them. Bring him one and you get a nice reward. They are weaker than iron edged blades. And only the most powerful have a chance to fully recover.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Considering the scar on feoras' neck

I'd say summer court will be the same

(Perhaps we should add which courts think like this and which don't on the court description?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@BlackPanther Might not be a bad idea. Just toss me a offical statement.

@Belle @Prince of Seraphs YOu two as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay I'm thinking:

The summer court has banned the use of iron blades unless it is excused for certain members of the court. This is due to Feoras having first hand experience with the damaging affects of iron and not wanting a weapon that dangerous in his court.

To gain permission to have such a weapon, the individual must be of either knight, assassin, or guard status in the court. In addition the individual must be of excellent standing with the king.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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OOC Post 1000

In the Spring Court full iron blades are illegal with prejudice. The punishments for having such a weapon, are extreme and protracted.

Iron edged blades are permitted only for the Archon and his close inner circle, Sini, the Captain of the Guard and the highest ranking knights. Owning such a blade is a symbol of status as much as it is a deadly weapon.

Iron flecked blades (those being the ones where a portion of the alloy the blade is made from is composed of iron) are legal but only by permission of the Archon. They require special dispensation to use much like a gun license only the process is more rigorous. Lower ranking members of the guard often have such weapons.
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