@shylarah@Ojo chan 42 Laria would not. Her parent was Fae, yes. But died before hand. Cylde would be under no obligation to give her name to Tegvan, though there would be reward if he did give it to Tegvan.
There's the answer you were looking for- If memory serves, runic correct me if im wrong, but i do believe it was agreed that One Fae cannot Steal the name of Another fae unless it was Willing Or Unknown- In such instance as; A servant Willingly telling you the name of their son/Daughter, Or you figuring out someones name Through means of Books, Pages, Riddles or the Like. This is because the Naming Rule would function more like a Oath of Fealty than say the (very retarded, Glad-it-was-forgotten,) Dragons Naming Rule, where the dragon, no matter how you gain its name would be forced to serve you mind body and soul no matter your demand...
But yes if the Fae knows your full name, and uses it, you are bound to answer to them, hear their 'Request'/'Demand', and fulfill said Request or demand, Or suffer consequences, due to the ancient Fae Magic that Binds said Rule.
This rule is only altered in Two Instances, 1: When a Promise or Deal is Involved, or 2: When a Trade Is Involved.
1; Promises are like law to the fae. You Cannot Break a Promise. It is Impossible. till the promise is fulfilled, or one of the parties of the promise has Perished. Promises can carry even more power if a name is used.
2; Trades are made more Valid and Solid if names are used, this also makes it impossible for you to Trade Back. In the case of a Deal, Such as "Your Name for My Protection" Yes, the ruler would be bound to Protect you, assuming the ruler made such a deal.
You Could threaten someone into giving you their name, I.e, "Give me your name or Die" As this is more of Trade or Deal.