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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Warehouse
Interacting With:
@unfallenangel Grace
@Royzooka Christi
@Mr_pink Johnny.

Raylan found exactly what he was looking for. A long hook with a chain attached. It was just about perfect for his homework. He could easily use it lift, rip or do whatever he could up with. He was just about to reach for it when her Wings let loose with her Rolodex of hate. G-d knows the girl has some pent up frustration and he had it coming. Raylan couldn't blame her for stepping up but damn girl, why you gotta hit so hard?
"What in the hell is with yall and the damn ditches!? Bars ain't got no ditches. Trust me I've tried to find em, kinda like you tryin to find a spine."Raylan shot back, his eyes locked on Wings. "Maybe you'd like me to be more like you, huh? Sit in the corner, only speak when spoken to? Naw I'm good Wings." He was a tad bit irritated but he couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. The girl was taken a stand, might be a pain right not but Raylan liked this  Wings more than the other one. "Ditches are more comfortable to wake up in." He muttered to himself.

Raylan looked back at the hook and chain. He raised his hand and pulled it to him. He looked it over for a moment, checking to see if it was up snuff for what he wanted to do. When he was satisfied, Raylan paced around for a second, he needed to calm down before he took things took far. He placed the hook and chain on one of the tables off to the side, his hands soon followed. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He needed another smoke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Sorry, @BlackPanther I had to get offline, so I just posted the collab. You okay with that?)

Taylor Garrick
Loki Cage

Taylor stepped in front of the X-Mansion, his eyes widened. They weren't kidding when they said it was a mansion, but it also looked like some sort of old castle. These X-Men guys were very first class when it came to their resources. Taylor had just packed up and left his parent's house, it was a tough goodbye. But it wasn't like he was not going to see his mom ever again, right? Taylor pulled the bookbag strap off his neck, and cleared his throat.

Was he going to have to greet everyone? He wasn't the best with the sort of thing, matter of fact it seemed very scary to him. Talking to different mutants, that can possibly be very hating. After all, he didn't know what to expect with the so-called Uncanny X-Men.

"Hi, I'm Taylor! No, too friendly."

"It's Taylor. No, too tough-sounding."

"Sup, call me Taylor. No, too charismatic."
What made it worse was his voice. It was young but had this semi-deep but serious tone, so everything he said sounded basically weird coming from his tongue.

He rubbed his temples and groaned. How was he going to greet himself? He's probably the only person in the world that cares so much about a first impression. But these guys were the X-Men, the elite hero squad that fights for good. He had to make a good first impression, especially towards the Professor.

Oh man, this was going to be awkward.

Loki was roaming the mansion, black tail flicking like a seperate living entity, until he met his greatest foe. The accursed....sun spot. He ended up a bit away from the entrance flopped on his side with the sun hitting his black fur. A soft spud was erupting from him. A sound that many would call purring. The downside to being mainly feline is that one starts to develop habits like a feline.

being snagged by a sunspot seemed to be part of it. The other possible downside would be that any one whom were to enter would be greeted by the view of the cat napping mutant. Probably not the best for one's health.

Taylor opened the door, and cleared his throat. "Uh, hi. I'm Taylor-" He was about to finish his sentence, when he saw a freaking tiger in the room. His eyes widened. "What the...!?" He didn't back up or run, he wasn't afraid. Considering he could pack a punch, but it was just odd.

Who the heck would bring a tiger in a mansion? He walked in slighty, trying not to mess with it. He didn't like wild animals, especially after watching a few suspense movies involving animals as the bad guy.

This was going to be really interesting, wasn't it?

Loki was fully content, until he heard someone enter. A grumble erupts from him as he slowly sat up and looked at the newcomer. Ears flicked as his eyes seemed to show irritation at his nap being interrupted. The guy was just standing there which was mildly boring, but the odd part was he just seemed...well normal.

Loki gave an eye roll before he stood on his hind legs and slowly turned back. The process sounded painful as bones were broken and re shaped in rapid succession Ending with Loki's jaw popping into place with an audible click. He rolled his shoulders.

"So furries are real, huh." Taylor said it out loud without thinking. He wasn't trying to get this.. Weretiger angry, but he just couldn't help it. The noise of those bones crackling almost made Taylor weak, and he gagged a little.

Taylor walked into the room, and looked at the guy in awe. He then raised his eyebrows, "Are you like..Beast Boy from DC Comics?" He asked the guy. Again, probably something offensive, but he couldn't really help it. He's never seen any Mutant with the ability to do..that.

"...Just..wow." He sputted, scratching his head. Was he on acid? Did somebody give him some hardcore crap?

The first words out of this guy's mouth had him rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses...which he had to put back on. He was still thrilled that he could shift with clothes, but every time he shifts it hurts like hell. "Super funny...and I don't read comics so I have literally no idea who that is. However I am guessing whoever that is had something similar ability wise" his arms crossed as he looked at the guy, really looked at him.

"Just to get something off your mind....I did just shift...and yes I can turn into more then that. No I won't do it again"

"Yeah, I kinda figured that out myself." Taylor replied, his surprised face quickly turned back to his regular serious look. "Also, I wasn't going to ask you to do it again. Because that sound you made nearly made me throw up, and it will haunt me in my dreams for the next few years." Taylor replied without a smile, or glare, but just rather a blank stare. His left eye squinted in a mildy disgusted manner.

He was a hard to read guy, he could feel emotions. He just never really showed them through his face, it's like he has the best poker face in existance. "I'm Taylor, Taylor Garrick. Nice to uh..meet you?"

Loki snorted and chuckled slightly. "That was all my bones breaking....can't shift back to human as easily as I wish." he shrugged then tilted his head. "Could be worse" He couldn't help the slight chuckle at the disgusted face.

"Loki cage" he strode past him to his duffel and tapped his own chin as if in thought. "So...I technically broke in....which means you probably will want to hide or something when the others show up. Maybe" he shrugged again and walked back to where he was.

"Uh-huh." He said, he raised his eyebrow in a suspicious manner. "So you shouldn't be in here." Taylor pulled his bookbag off of himself, and pulled out a chocolate bar. He bit it, and made a sigh, implying that it was delicious.

Welp, not the most awkwardish thing Taylor has walked into. And probably not even close to the last. Either way, this was really interesting. "I'm going to assume you're looking at me, assuming I'm normal?" He asked. That's what most people thought, considering his appearance was of a normal teenage guy.

Loki turned and sat on the ground. The look on his face implying that he highly disliked the noise being made from that bar. He tilted his head, golden eyes peering over sunglasses as he studied Taylor. "First impression...yes, but considering you are here...that would mean you are probably not normal. After all, looks can be decieving."

A look of curiosity passed his face, but he did not ask The question he was thinking. He was trying to be on his very best behavior...which means being social.

"I can jump to the roof of the Empire State Building, trust me I've done it. The view's amazing. I can also break glass by just tapping it with my knuckles." He tapped the door with two fingers, and a tiny little crack appeared. "That's just the minimum, I would jump, but I'd go through the roof."

Taylor was just waiting for Loki to try to call his bluff. Because everyone did that, even though people like Captain America and Spider-Man can pick up cars, and put dents in walls.

Loki watched the dents form and nodded. "Cool. Makes me think of the tick...weird cartoon but..." he trailed off and decomposed himself. "anyway that's pretty cool...I just shape shift. Only extra I'd say is occasionally I can shift parts of my body instead of a full shift he took his word on it, he figured Taylor had no real reason to lie and so why would he.

He flicked a forked snake tongue out at Taylor and then shrugged. "So...jumper...what exactly shall we do?" he stood and looked around himself. He seemed to almost be talking more to himself then Taylor. After all, he was not very good with any form of social interaction so he literally had no idea what to do.

"Don't compare me to that movie." He said, his eyebrow arched in a irritated fashion. He then rubbed his hands, and got on his knees. The boredom was real. He was waiting for the rest of the X-Men to show up so he could introduce himself and talk to the Professor.

"Do you like catnip?" He said.

A chuckle escaped him at the irritation from Taylor. "You did call me a furry so..." he shrugged. Then, Loki watched him sit down and started to pace. He had explored quite a bit already and pretty much had no idea what he could do to curb the boredom. Then catnip was mentioned. He stopped and looked over at Taylor. "Really..."

"Yeah, really really." He asked, he was just wondering. If he was half-any animal does that mean he likes the things that those animals like. This Mutant stuff was really weird. How did humanity even advance to it?

Anyways, now he waited with this 'animal' for the X-Men to show up. This was a very interesting meet up with a possible new ally..

And the wait has began.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuddenSardines
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SuddenSardines Sardine of Mystery

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Erikson

The Field
Interacting:Robert @KillBox, Astrid @Wintergrey, Lucian @LokiLeo789

James forced himself to calm down. He got where Robert had been coming from, though he seriously disagreed with the method. He was about to say something, when he heard Astrid starting to freak out about something. He looked over to see her hurling lighting again and again at a Lucian. Or at least, she was trying to. The lightning kept fizzling out just before it hit Lucian. James was about to comment on how this was probably one of the scariest things he had ever seen, when he saw her shirt catch fire. As the whole scene of Astrid's panic played out, James just sort of watched in indecision. He wasn't really sure WHAT he should do in this situation. It only got weirder when Astrid's shirt came off, and he considered for a moment just teleporting away until this was over.

As Astrid walked off in absolute fury, James considered following to make sure she was OK. He quickly decided that was a bad idea when he worked out she might just fry him if he did that. "OK then," he exclaimed. "I'm just going to pretend THAT didn't happen, and move on." Turning to Robert, he added, "If you don't mind, send the next orb off a bit slower. I want to try something."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Warehouse

Grace's temper flare and her eyes blazed. "I may be quiet but at least I remember what I do at night and don't get shit faced to help myself feel better." That was a low blow, even for her. She had no clue why Raylan made her crazy like this. She had no filter when he made retorts like that. He was pacing and messing with a metal chain and hook. He looked frustrated and she knew that she had gotten under his skin. Her cheeks heated with a slight blush as she watched him.

He was pulling out a cigarette and getting ready to light it. Grace flicked her wrist and held her palm up facing him, sending a strong gust of wind barreling toward him. The gust was so strong that it blew the cigarette right out from between his fingers. "As for my spine, I always had it, but maybe I just needed someone to remind me when to take a stand." She cocked her head to the side and smiled sweetly before turning around and walking away innocently.

Let it go dude. Let that shit go... Be that fucking Disney bitch and let go.Raylan thought to himself. He could do this, he could toss his hands up right now, apologize and everything would be okay. Hell Frank would do back flips! He could let this go and just move on. Then he saw that smile, that sweet 'oh it's not my fault' smile and innocent fucking walk. Was this bitch crazy? She's gonna start some shit and walk away? Raylan thought about all the good that was going to come of letting this go, then all once his Give A Shitter just stopped working. If she wanted to go low, that was something Raylan had no issue with.

Raylan was over the moon to see a steel chair in the corner. He didn't even raise his hand to summon it. Raylan focused on the chair, and watched as it unfolded mid air. He made sure it hit her in the knees. When she fell into the chair he was quick to raise his hand and jerk it back. Bringing the chair and her right to him. Three steps later he was right in front of her. Glaring a hole right through her. At least he could say he completed his homework.

He sqautted so he was at eye level. It was clear to see that he was ready, and almost begging for her to try some measure of violence. Anything at all, just to say he didn't start it. In all likelihood it wasn't going to matter, Frank was gonna lose his shit no matter what happened. Might as well try to enjoy it.
"Little Dove, you've seen beat wholesale ass for much less. How do you like your chances? Should I give you a minute to you think? Perhaps phone one your friends? The imaginary ones, like your spine." His voice low. Steady and calm. He took a step back as he stood up. What the hell was he doing.

Raylan had no clue why he hadn't hit her. If it had been anyone else he couldn't imagine what he had done. Every single thing inside of him told him attack her. Smack her, push her, do something! Why the hell are you backing up? What is wrong with you dumb ass. This is how you get beat. You know this. DO SOMETHING.The voice inside his head screamed louder and louder. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he attack?

The breath rushed out of Grace's lungs as the chair jerked her around. She had forgotten that he had power over metals. Stupid girl. Picking a fight in a warehouse full of metal. He could kill you. with one blow. She thought to herself and started at the hate in his eyes. It wasn't directed at her, was it? He had been smiled and chuckling a minute ago. Surely she hadn't over stepped her bounds? She had read his file though, and she knew that he almost never backed down from anything and he always got violent.

Grace was not backing down, not now. It would just humiliate her. You opened this can of worms. You either go fishing with them or throw them away, she thought. Her next move was calculated. She was small in stature but she was strong. If he reached out to grab or hit her she would take off, carrying him with her if he held on. Why hadn't he hit her? She took a deep breath.

Everything happened at once. She stood up very slowly and unfurled her wings, stretching them out to either side of her. Fully extended the wingspan was about 7 feet. stepping closer to him her chest and nose almost touched his. She was right there. If he was going to do it, he was going to do it now. Her eyes never left his, almost daring him.

"Do not mock me just because I am not like you," She said quietly. "I do not believe you will hurt me, and I believe that I have made it perfectly clear at this point that nothing about me is imaginary." She stood up straight and tall, squaring her shoulders. "Do not think for one minute that you know me. Because you know nothing about me." She stood her ground, standing perfectly still in front of him, wings still outstretched in all their glory, ready to take flight.

Raylan didn't know what hurt worse. She didn't think he'd hurt her, or was it her hypocrisy? Did he forget all those late night conversations where they talked about their feelings, the past, where was he when where braiding each other's hair? Was he drunk or asleep when they confessed undying loyalty or love or whatever stupid bullshit she had in her head. No he wasn't. Because it never happened. This was all going so well, when did it go south? When did the playful banter turn into this stand off. Raylan wasn't going to back down now but something inside him made it so hard to hit her.

She can fly and control wind, but what the area of effect? No, that didn't matter, she was dangerous up close. He needs to create distance and keep her in the warehouse. The others were going to help her. The Emo chick was an unknown, he knew nothing about he or what she could. Cowboy was also a problem, but a secondary one.

What was the smart move? Well the smart was to walk away but that shit wasn't gonna happen. Push her, get her off balance and distract her. Use the hook and chain to tie her down. That was the smart. The only problem was control, he was lucky enough that she could even stand. He didn't know he hadn't hurt either eh chair. If he misstepped at all he could kill her. No he had to come up something else. He needed time to come up with less violent, something that would break her... When the fuck did any of this matter? The whole point of fighting was to break them!

"So tell me when you became so intimate with me? How fucked up was I during all those slumber parties we had? You one the ones where we watched High School Musical and ate ice cream while trying to tell each other that everything was gonna be okay. Or did you read Frank's little note book on me? I hope didn't find the fake one in his office. The one that says I'm not dangerous. "

Grace flinched at the hostility in his voice. He stood before her, every muscle in his body ready to fight. She didn't want to fight him. She knew that she would walk away with far more than just the pain in her legs. Shit, Grace, what did you do? Why didn't I stop when he was still smiling? What did I have to prove? a hundred thoughts ran through her head as she stood before Raylan. His eyes seemed wild, almost like a wild animal.

CALM. stay calm. She took a small step back, favoring her right leg, the one that the chair had hit first. Do not push him. She caved slightly, but did not back away. She still stood within arms length of him. "I'm not afraid of you, Raylan," She said his name gently and held up her hands, palms up. She was panting, still looking him square in the eyes. "Don't do this." It was not a plea or an order.

Taking a breath to steady herself, she smiled at him. "You should know that I don't like high school musical. Musicals in themselves are more irritating than nails on a chalkboard," She whispered, trying to disengage the situation before a fight broke out. She stretched her wings, feathers out, sending a small gentle breeze out around her but still stood her ground. "Calm down, Raylan," She said again still not looking away from him. He looked ready to kill, if not her then something very close.

"Little Dove, you should be terrified." Raylan said in a voice that begged for violence. He wanted this to be over so badly but he didn't know how to wal.... Wait walk away. Now he knew something was very wrong. In less than ten minutes he as ready to rip her wings off and beat her with them. Now he wants to walk away? Why was he doing this? Did he have something prove? Oh yeah, big bad ass pushing and bullying the little dove... Yeah hard ass Raylan ready to beat on someone half his size and no where near as strong. What kind of horse shit was this?

He could feel his heart thump harder with each passing beat. Why? He'd been in this situation a hundred, maybe a thousand times. It's gotten so easy to be in this situation, it's just like breathing... Then it hit, she limped when she took a step back. Raylan couldn't remember a single time when felt bad about hurting someone.

Even still, Raylan didn't take his eyes off hers. He didn't know what to do. He had to do something, she gave him an out, why couldn't he just takes it and run? Oh fuck this shit. Raylan shoved Wings back and made sure she landed in the chair. His eyes moved off of her just a second. For a split second he cringed, for just one instance it showed how bad he felt about hurting her. As she landed in chair, he let his eyes find the chain and hook. Another second later it was in hand.

He walked right past the Little Dove. He mutter "sorry" under his breath. He didn't know if she had heard it but he damn sure wasn't repeating himself. Raylan didn't stop walking till he was outside of the warehouse. He needed to do something, anything. Raylan in stagnation was the worst thing in the world for him. He need a smoke and bottle of something strong in the worst way.

Grace stumbled back into the chair as he shoved past her. She watched his retreating figure until the door slammed behind him. "Dammit! that Friggin' hurt," She cursed under her breath and stood up. What the hell had just happened? It was like something had just come over both of them and they couldn't stop. And yet, he hadn't hit her? She cocked her head to the side and thought hard. Every fight that he had ever mentioned before ended with the other person in the hospital or unconscious somewhere. Why hadn't he lashed out?

She wasn't going to let it go that easy either. She wanted to know what the hell just happened. Waiting about 20 minutes, Raylan never came back inside. She got up and sheepishly put weight on her right leg. It hurt, but it wasn't unbearable. She pushed open the heavy steel door and stepped outside. Blinking furiously, her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness of the sun. She looked around, but seemed to be alone. The warehouse parking lot was empty, and there didn't seem to be anything for miles.

She pumped her wings twice and lifted off the ground to get a better look. She spotted him on the edge of the grounds, swinging the chain and hook, beating into the fence. Redirected aggression. At least it wasn't her face. She touched down about 10 feet back from him and stood watching him quietly for a moment. "Raylan," She said softly, not trying to startle him. "I am sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have pushed you like I did. I was having fun and it got carried away." She took a few steps closer to where he was still messing with the chains. "You kind of drive me crazy. Just a little," She whispered more to herself and rolled her eyes.

This was pointless. What was she doing? Why didn't she stay inside and just let the whole fucking thing go? Because she was stupid and didn't want him to be mad at her. Why? She had no idea. Maybe because she was a lunatic. She wanted to be able to joke with him without him flying off the handle and killing something. She turned her back to him and looked at the warehouse. "Feels like we could both use a tall glass of something strong after today," She muttered and kicked a few pebbles under her feet.

"Gone inside Little Dove." Raylan said trying not to get mad at her. Raylan couldn't help but wonder why she just didn't leave him alone. Things were going to be bad enough with Frank without another shit storm coming down. "I already walked away and apologized once. It's not going to happen again." Raylan said looping the chain in hands the hook was hanging even with the chains.

His eyes were focused on the fence in front of him. Chain link with barbed wire across the the top. It was an old one but it was still strong. For each throw of the hook and chain, it was repelled by his own magnetic powers. The objective was to stop the hook dead in its track and not repelled back to him.

When she didn't leave, he didn't know what to tell her. She wanted a drink, he knew just about ever place in town to get one. "If you want a drink, check out the Blind Elephant. Cover your wings and take someone with you. Ask the blonde barkeep for Raylan's guitar, she'll buy you a round two." Raylan said looking over his shoulder.

Her temper flared again but she bit her tongue. She felt like she could spit acid at this man. Grace balled her firsts at her side and just stared at the back of his head for a few moments. "You truly are an ass. Did you know that? A complete buffoon of an ass! Do you have your head shoved so far up the bottle that you can't see when someone is actually being nice to you and wanting to have fun with you?" She snapped and fought the urge to poke him in the chest with her finger. He still had his back to her, and she was blazing. She had tried to be nice and apologize for what had happened in the warehouse.

But he insisted on being a dick. Grace inhaled deeply through her nose and turned on her heels pumping her wings once. She turned back toward him, hovering in the air. "When you decide that you can actually act like a person and not like a beaten animal, come find me. I did enjoy the first part of our conversations at least, before you decided to go thermonuclear." Her tone was acidic as she pushed her wings downward, sending a strong gust of wind toward Raylan as she flew back to the entrance of the warehouse still fuming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Field - The Warehouse
Interacting With: Robert @KillBox, Raylan @AcerRo

A warm sensation grew up her arms. Flinching, having not been expecting that, Astrid's head whipped down to see water. Slowly it moved up her arms until it was covering her entire upper body. Her voice came out rough and scratchy almost like she was choking. "I said fuck off Robert. I meant it." Brushing angrily at her arms she tried to push off the water to no avail. Figuring it wouldn't move while Robert was controlling it, she channeled her electricity throughout her entire body. Sparking and shuddering, electricity corsed of her skin through the water. Where the water and electricity met the combined. The water was a great conductor so the energy transferred through all of the molecules rather fast, heating them up until they were steam. Within seconds of her words the water had disappeared leaving her standing shirtless, glaring at Robert. A glare with a warning too it, that if he tried something like that again he'd end up like the steam coming off her exposed skin.

Continuing away from the group she started walking. She wanted to just take the van and drive home. Hop into bed with Netflix. Or hit something in the gym. The later sounded a lot better. 20 minutes later she was walking down the dirt road away from the field. Turns out when you are supercharged and you touch an electrical device it overloads. The engine didn't fair very well when she touched the metal door to the driver's seat. Leaving the smoking vehicle she started walking, just hoping that the fools wouldn't be able to get it running either. After a short period of walking she saw a warehouse in the distance. Curious to see if she could find a old car there she made her way along the road.

As Astrid neared the building the objects around it came into focus. Outside by the fence was a figure swinging a chain around his head like an idiot. Groaning she tossed her head back with a small smile on her face. First good thing today. Raylan. He was the only person she knew with a temper that could match hers. And he knew how to have a good time drunk. Walking up knowing that she wouldn't get hit she leaned on the fence he was beating up, well aware that in her current position she was quite exposed to Raylan, she looked at him silently for a minute. "Wanna a drink Magnet?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Warehouse to Institute
Interacting With:
@unfallenangel Grace
@Wintergrey Astrid
@Royzooka Christi

Raylan never looked at Astrid he just held his hand. Telling her to wait. "3...2...1" Raylan said launching his hook and chain across the lot and into the steel warehouse.

He didn't want to hit or hurt Grace. He wanted to scare her. He needed to make the point. He tried...  Tried to be nice, he tried to walk away. He even suggest a place for her and a friend to get a drink. But she couldn't just let it go. That was last damn time she was gonna talk down to him.

The moment he heard the faint sound of metal of metal. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but he just couldn't help it. She won this round, she got him to lose control and then got him to back down. That was never going to happen again. He didn't know how, but that was the last time she beat him in anything. Period.

Raylan took a deep breath before turning to Astrid. She... Had no shirt on apparently. Someone was looking for some booty. After looking at her for a few seconds, it wasn't gonna take long to find a volunteer.

"Do I wanna know?" Raylan said after taking off his own shirt and tossing it to her. There was a great many things that Raylan could get away. He didn't know, and didn't want to find out if running around around with a half necked girl from the Institute was one of them. There was no reason to find out right now. But that offer of a drink did sound good... Really good... And Frank did tell him he needed to be social with the others. This counted.

He was just about to accept that drink when for a brief moment he thought he heard a gun shot off in the distance. Raylan didn't think anything of it, more than likely some ass holes hunting something or some other harmless stupid thing. He barely had time to finish his thought when something hit him in the back. Before he could react there was his hook and chain tied to it was a cell phone and a note.

From the moment Raylan felt the hit, instinct took over. Without a word or any sign of what has about to do Raylan turned around swung at the air, fully expecting something or some one to be there. It took a moment for everything to register. Cowboy did it.

"That ass hat." Raylan said as he picked up everything. After reading the note, a lot of things started to make sense. Why Cowboy didn't stop Raylan and Wings and why they were still fucking around with the knot. Cowboy wasn't there.

Raylan shoved the phone in his pocket and ignore the hook and chain for the time being. He grabbed the chain link fence and ripped off a section. "Drinks gotta wait Sparkles. Run as fast you can the warehouse. I'll be right behind you. " Raylan said pulling the fence back.

When she was past the fence Raylan wasted no time in repairing what he ripped apart. Each and every link was twisted back together as best he could. He wanted to spend more time on but there was little reason for it.

Raylan stated to run back but remembered his hook. He summoned it and started to think for a moment. He pulled out his phone and made a call. He needed to get everyone out of there. It didn't take long for him to get someone to pick them up. The bad part of it, was the time. It wasn't gonna take at least a half hour.

Raylan ran into the warehouse. He took stock of who was in the warehouse. That Emo girl, Sparks, and Wings. Who could he use, what could they do?

The Emo girl was useless. Raylans didn't know a thing about her, what she could do, how she would respond or if she fight. She was in his eyes. Second was Wings, yeah she could fly and do some shit with the air, but she wasn't what was needed for this. She. Wasn't mean enough to take in what was coming and survive it.

Raylan turned his eyes to Astrid. She was mean enough, aggressive enough. She had a had the right power set for what was coming, but could she pull the trigger? Being mean and aggressive was one thing, pulling that trigger was anything entirely. No she shouldn't stay, she needed to go with the others. She'd do better making sure everyone got back safely.

Raylan stated tossing tables aside and tearing the warehouse apart. Sure he had the hook and chain but everything little thing helped. He was almost in a manic state trying to find anything he could use. He needed something sharp, nails, screws, screw drivers... Or.... Saw blades.

Raylan let a small victory shout and tossed what looked to be old, used saw blades on the ground. He dived on to the ground after them pushing them out and looking over each of them. It was going to be okay. He had what he needed survive this. It was gonna be messy, dirty and not for the faint of heart but he was gonna live.

He finally spoke as he picked up the five or six used up and warn out blades. "There's gonna be a car that'll come and get you three. Just get in the car and keep your head down." Raylan said as he walked to the front door and tossed the blades outside of the door. Where they landed didn't matter, he just needed them out there.

"The Equalists are coming and they ain't bringing us flowers. I don't need help and I don't want help. I just need you guys to get home." Raylan said as he typed out a message on his phone.

"Tats, front passenger side. Wings, rear driver side. Sparkles, get in on the back passenger side. Sparkles if anything happens, just start frying shit." Raylan said with a chilling calm. He was relaxed and in truth, he was looking forward to his visitors. He was ready to be home in the chaos of a fight.

The car came a stop and the sound of a horn blowing three times could be heard. Raylan jogged to the front door giddy as he could be. When saw it was just who he was hoping for shouted for the girls to get the car as he walked out.

The man stepped out for a brief moment and embraced Raylan. "Aye Tee Tee! What's happening Baby Boy." Raylan said with a gleeful smile. Their conversation only lasted till the girls got the car. As they took their seats. Raylan told his friend to make sure he got them home, and whatever he did, don't touch the girls.

Raylan waved as he saw them drive away. It was almost like clockwork that the Equalists showed up. Raylan wanted to buy to make sure everyone got away. Unfortunately that wasn't gonna as one of these dumb asses point something close to a gun at the car. Raylan acted quickly and used his powers to jerk the gun away. "Now now boys. Let's finish this before ya'll go looking for desert."Raylan said as he floated two the slaw blades toward him." Drop your weapons and gear, and you can all walk free. Don't and well..." Raylan pointed to the saw blades floating around him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Act like this wasn't here, you nurds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 19 days ago


Location: The Field -> The Institute
Interacting With: Eachother @Ace of flames01 Loki @BlackPanther, and Taylor @Chaotic Chao[/center]

Will was rubbing his ear as Sophie finished her shouting, and scoffed as she commented on how wonderful his life could've been. Oh how he hated to pull the, "my parents were murdered by a cult," card, but here it would have to do.

He turned to face Sophie dead on, his face contorting in rage. "Wow! I'm so sorry that you had to deal with all that bullying! It must have been so hard! Having kids beat up on you, and then running home to your parents to cry about it! But, I think I can beat it! You see, my story begins in a small town. Both my parents were mutants, emphasis on the word 'were'! Because, when I was seven years old, a group of anti-mutant cultists, came through, and sacrificed my parents to keep their vengeful god at bay! I had the luck to have been out trick-or-treating, so I missed the show, but I got to see everything when I got back home!"

His body was glowing now, thinking about his parents was taking it's toll. [color=springgreen][b]"But wait, there's more! Because the next seven years of my life were spent, jumping from home to home, until my powers became too hard to control, and I almost killed my foster brother! No one wants a mutant kid, so I ran away, which was not as fun as you may think! I only care about myself, because I'm the only person I've ever had to care about! When no shelter will take you in because you're a freak, and the local kids come to look at you like a zoo animal while you try and sleep in some cold alley, then we can talk!"[/color][b]

His body was shining brightly now, and he was struggling to contain the energy. Realizing he was about to give, he scrambled away, before falling onto his knees around twenty feet away and letting out a scream as the glow from his body burst out from around his chest. Panting, he placed one hand on the ground to support himself, his hair dripping with sweat.

Sophie bit her lip slightly, covered her ears, and closed her eyes tightly as she listened to Will, then she remembered something; she had heard about him multiple times on the news and online. She remembered that she actually used his story in a class assignment about mutant equality.

Sophie rose to her feet and walked up behind him and stood right behind him, just as he shot the beam of energy from his chest. When the blast had subsided, Sophie walked around and to face him, then kneeled in front of him. She then did something she thought she would never do. Sophie wrapped her arms around Will and hugged him as tightly as her small, thin body could allow. "I'm sorry.... I had heard about what you went through.... and... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..... " She said softly, her grip on him tightened yet still remained gentle, as a couple warm tears ran down her cheek and then fell onto his back; she didn't want him to see her cry, especially not cry for him.

Will sighed, but didn't resist the hug. "I don't like to be the sob story. I hate it, but it's all I've got," he sighed again and stood back up, shivering against a slight breeze. He really needed a new shirt. "So, you happy? Exercise complete?" he asked the professor. He'd respected that man so much, but now, all he could think about was how he was the one who had just made him lose control, for the first time in years.

"I know how it feels... better than anyone... trust me, nobody would want to be... If it were possible, I bet all mutants would rather be born a human. It would definitely cause a whole lot less heartache..." Sophie murmered to him then sniffed and wiped the remaining tears away, before she too stood back up. "Yeah we really should get back and get this golden beach babe a new shirt." She said pointing to Will.

Francis sighed then nodded to Will. "Yes that is enough for today. Let's head back to the institute." He called over to the two.

However, before the two could return to the Professor, a black van pulled up and a group of 5 large men came out, holding what looked to be assault rifles. "Are you the ones responsible for the green energy discs in the sky about a few minutes ago?" One of the men called.

Francis narrowed his eyes. "And what if we are? Do you plan on using those illegally obtained guns on us?" He replied, slowly reaching for the concealed pistol underneath his shirt.

"Are you the ones responsible for the green energy discs in the sky?" The man repeated in monotone.

Francis glanced back at Sophie and Will then back at the men. "GET DOWN!" He ordered then whipped out his pistol and fired once before ducking into the tall grass, hitting one of the men in the shoulder.

The man screamed in pain. "They're mutant scum! Leave none standing!" Another yelled, then the group retaliated in rapid gun fire.

Sophie instinctively tackled Will to the ground, yet unfortunately didn't make it out unscathed ; a bullet had managed to embed itself into her shoulder as she had tackled Will. She screamed out in pain and curled up on her side as she placed her hand on the bullet hole briefly then removed it. There was blood, lots of blood coming from both sides of her shoulder; a clean shot, yet the bullet still had somehow managed to not hit Will in the process. She reapplied as much pressure as she could on the wound and screamed and cried in pain again. Sophie looked over at Will, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat and tears, trying to focus on him and see if he was alright. "H-... hey.... Will... are... are you alright? Are you hurt?" She asked with a pained yet legitimately concerned expression.

Will's face was gave away his emotions easily enough. He was pissed off. He glanced at Sophie's wound and shook his head, letting her know that he was fine. But these fucks who'd shot at them sure weren't going to be.

Once more his body began to glow, and the light coiled around him. He didn't bother waiting to strengthen the energy, instead he jumped to his feet, right as it released from his arm. One disc took a man's gun from his hand, another sliced one of his friend's clean through at the torso. The other three didn't even have a chance to shoot their guns before two more discs took off their legs. The third man, the one Latour had shot had his hands up. Will aimed for him and fired off another disc, that finished him off.

There weren't any survivors, that was obvious. Will had used his powers for what they were always meant for. Destruction. He rushed to Sophie's side as the glow faded from his body, and looked over at the professor. "We need to go, like now."

Sophie heard the screams of the men and tried to block them out, but couldn't. She could hear them and she hated hearing it. Finally, the screams for faded away and Sophie slowly got to her feet, after the initial shock had subsided. She placed her good hand on Will's shoulder. "Are you ok? And don't lie and say that you are. You just killed 5 people. They aren't going to get back up again. " Sophie fell silent then sighed and hugged Will. "Thank you for saving us..." She then released Will and walked over to Francis.

Francis immediately looked over the injury then made eye contact with her and sighed. "A clean shot. Can you cauterized it?"

Sophie shrugged and placed her hand on her shoulder and winced as her shoulder was enveloped in flames for a moment. A sizzling sound could be heard as the blood evaporated and the bleeding stopped.

Francis looked over at Will then saw the blood and immediately rushed over to him. "Are you alright? You're covered in blood!" He asked worried, as he frantically looked Will over.

Will shook his head at their concern. His breathing had evened out and he was just noticing the blood on him. Speckled around his body like a Jackson Polluck. He gulped and nodded. "I'm fine. I'm good, I'm good." he said. He walked back to the van, a vacant look in his eye, and got into the passenger seat, tapping his fingers on the dashboard, his eyes looking off into some other dimension.

Sophie and Francis exchanged a worried glance before they too piled into the car. The car ride from then on was silent and eventually they arrived back. "Why don't you get yourselves cleaned up and take a nice long shower? You both need one after what just happened..." He told them as they pulled into the driveway and parked the van. However, something felt... off. It was only until he reached the front door and realized that it was unlocked that Francis assumed the worst. He pulled out his pistol and signaled the other two to stay behind him, then kicked down the door. Francis raised his pistol and aimed at the first thing he saw, while a small fire erupted from her shoulders and blanketed her arms. Francis then realized what was going on and signaled for Sophie and Will to back down, before he too, lowered his pistol. "Jesus, you mind not breaking the lock to get in? You both must be new students, so I will let you both off with a warning, but next time you break the lock to my front door, there will be serious consequences. Regardless, what can I do for you two? And pardon my appearance, a couple of my students and I had just came back from an unfortunate encounter with a group of Equalists, and I am afraid we did not expect visitors today." He asked the two young men before him. He turned to Sophie and Will. "It's alright, you two. Go ahead and hit the showers."

Sophie nodded and put out the flames and glanced at Will and gave him a small grin, before heading to the showers in the basement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@smarty0114@Chaotic Chao@Ace of flames01
Loki Cage

interacting with: people in the mansion
location: Mansion

Loki remained still when the door was kicked open. A raised eyebrow was the only response he gave to having a gun pointed at him until it was put away. He stood and began to walk forward, but stopped. His nose wrinkled and his breathing switched to through his mouth. "Wow...that....that is strong." He waited for the two covered in blood to leave before he could breathe normally again. He shook his head a bit as if clearing the scent, which he was.

He made his way up to the professor and held up the card he had received. He would never admit it, but sometimes...sometimes he could not read. His eyes being non human means that reading is harder for him then someone with dyslexia. He would also never admit that it had taken him an abnormal amount of time to actually manage to read the card to get the information on where exactly he was going. He tilted his head. "Im here to learn...better myself I guess...normalcy of some sort." He shrugged. Normalcy...something he longed for most.

He pocketed the card before looking at the professor."I am Loki Cage...and I will say...I got a bit bored so i ended up pick pocketing the lock. I also may have leaped the fence." He rubbed the back of his neck before chuckling a bit. "Sorry....Oh..I have no idea where my room is so I just kind of hung out in this general area" He pushed his sunglasses up his nose after they slipped slightly, not wanting to expose his eyes...or his teeth. The movement a subconscious one, along with never smiling or only hinting at smiles. He moved around Francis and grabbed his duffel before holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Anyway...nice to meet you." Ever so slightly his nostrils flared as he inhaled his scent and put it to memory. He couldn't get quite as good of an inhale in this human shape as he could any other...but he would make do since normalcy meant being human. He also seemed to be ignoring Taylor, which in his mind was polite...he was giving the guy the ability to make his own first impression. He had no idea that ignoring someone could actually be viewed as rude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting With: Everyone In The Mansion
Location: The X-Mansion

When talking to Loki, suddenly the door busted open. The Professor was holding a pistol, and as Taylor assumed, he had thought that bad people were in the Mansion. He and the two behind him looked horrible, like they just went into war and almost died. One of them was a boy, and he was covered blood. The girl who made flames out of her hands had a gunshot wound. What could have possibly happened to them?

Oh right, Equalists. Those punks.

Taylor bit his lip, so he wasn't going to make a first good impression. "I'm Taylor Garrick, the guy you recruited with the super jumping and super strength abilities." He said to the Professor. Taylor sniffed, and looked at the others that were behind the Professor. "So much for a good look on the first day." He said, smirking a little.

"Obviously, this is, uh my new pal here I guess, Loki." He said, Taylor then scratched his head."Uhh..I'll go if I'm causing any problems, Prof." He said. This was looking pretty bad for him and Loki. And it was looking even more bad considering the three that just ran in, ready to kill looked like they just went into World War 3.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: basement showers
Interacting with: nobody

Sophie entered the showering room in the basement and locked the door behind her, before stripping down and entering the showers. She winced slightly, at first, as the water stung at her injury and turned a pale pink before finally going down the drain. She sighed softly and closed her eyes as she squatted down and leaned against the nearest wall. God, she loved long, hot showers. She loved how a the gentle warmth from it relaxed and comforted her. It was the only thing that she knew of, that could make her obtain such feelings.

However, Sophie was troubled by what had happened earlier, which prevented her from enjoying herself, to say the least. What she had seen terrified her, true, but what had also bothered her was how close she had already gotten to her classmates. She was warming up to them too easily and that could be very dangerous. "I need to stay away from them... or else... I might loose control... I can't get attached... These people are dangerous... I need to stay away...." She whispered to herself.

Once she was done with her shower and dressed, Sophie returned to her solitary confinement of a room, first aid kit in hand, and sat down onto her bed, then treated her wound by tying it up tightly and neatly with bandages and gauze. She then collapsed onto her bed and soon fell asleep.

Location: front entrance
Interacting with: Loki @BlackPanther and Taylor @Chaotic Chao

Francis chuckled at Loki's comment on normalcy. " 'Normalcy'? No, no. I will teach you how to control your powers, not be normal. No, a mutant being a human is physically impossible. However, control is. Now, Mr. Cage, I will over look breaking and entering, however, I will NOT overlook dresscode; I'm afraid that the sunglasses will have to be put away while you are indoors as they will prevent you from learning properly and distract the other students." He replied then snatched Loki's glasses and smashed them underneath his foot. "Much better! Now I can see your face better! Mr. Cage I can assure you that you are not in fact, an odd case in this school and the color of your eyes, nor the size of your canines, are any exception. Your appearance is quite normal without the sunglasses, I assure you. Now I suppose we are even for breaking my lock, aren't we? There's a good chap." He then patted him on the back and turned to Taylor.

"Ah yes, Mr. Garrick! You are two and a half hours late. I'm glad to see you could finally join us. Yes I am glad that you are both present. I expect you both to be on time in the future, do I make myself clear? Good. I will show you both to your rooms now. Come along." Francis said, not even bothering to wait for them to answer.

That Night....

With what has happened with the Equalist attacks earlier in the day, the Professor has decided to call a meeting and address the matter before dismissing everyone to bed for the night. He has called everyone to the room the had met in earlier this morning, at 8:00 pm sharp.


Location: Basement
Interacting: Lucian @LokiLeo789, Grace @unfallenangel, Astrid @Wintergrey, Will @smarty0114, Loki @BlackPanther, Raylan @AcerRo, Christie @Royzooka, James @SuddenSardines, Taylor @Chaotic Chao, Robert @KillBox

Francis and Sophie were waiting it the meeting room for the others to arrive; Francis sitting in one of the chairs in his usual T-shirt and jeans, and Sophie leaning against the farthest wall from where everyone else would be, yet still relatively close enough to hear what was going on, wearing a camisole and runners shorts. She wore her hair down in a lame attempt to cover up the semi heavily blood stained bandages that was wrapped around a good majority of her left shoulder. She seemed more distant than before as she seemed to be staring off into some other world and was deep in thought about what felt like hundreds of different things.

Francis sighed as he knew what he was going to tell everyone, was certainly going to make them unhappy. However, he knew that he no longer had a choice in the matter and and now all he could think about was how he was going to go break the news to everyone. This caused the room to be enveloped in what felt like an unbreakable silence as the two waited for the others to arrive and for the meeting to start.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Loki Cage

Location: room-meeting
Interacting with: technically Sophie and the professor

Loki sat on his bed thinking of what the professor said. He would never be normal...yet he also wasn't the freakiest thing in here. He closed his eyes and inhaled. He probably didn't even have the saddest story. Just the feel that it was his fault and the feel that no one wanted him because of how he looked never left him. How could it when his eye sight was screwed up. He inhaled again.

Slowly the time went by like every night and he was still awake when the time became 7:45. He stood and made his way to the meeting room, his steel toe boots not making any noise. His eyes remained downcast, as if to prevent anyone from seeing them. He slowly made his way to a seat and sat down, his head tilted downward. He could feel the tension, and that made him feel even more uncomfortable. His nostrils flared as he inhaled Sophie's scent. Focusing on it made him feel better. Part of him also focused on trying to see normally. He had worn sunglasses for so long he had gotten used to that layer of darkness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Various Places > Basement Training Facility
Interacting: No One

The thing at the warehouse sure went to shit when they were there, Grace became witty and sassy and Raylan had comments to combat that. However, both of them got why too into it which Christie stayed out of. "DAMN THOSE KNOTS" she yelled. She was in her room at this time so no one would have heard her, she was bored and during her boredom had moved the items in the room about. Her bed and an oak side table where in front of the window now, her oak desk, desk chair and everyone on the desk was now located to the left of the bed next to the private bathroom she begged for. The oak wardrobe and drawer were now on the right side of the room. Her posters were now placed all over the place with sticky white strips which would leave no marks upon removal. The posters were of various bands, movies, video games and alternative models. She even dared to hang some on the ceiling like the rebel she was.

"I'M BORED" she yelled like a little child. She began to walk around the room in a circle before stopping to look in her wardrobe. Inside was mostly alternative clothing, however, two dresses could be seen hidden to the right of the alternative clothing. Next to that were two cosplay outfits, a Japanese purple kimono she picked up during her trip there, and several other items which were also hidden. She had comic books and other stuff to watch, read or listen to but she was not feeling any of it. Though new she made sure to make her room as roomy and home-like as possible. She soon closed the wardrobe doors before trailing out of her room and into one of the many hallways. The hall was empty though the decor was not to her taste yet there it was, paintings hung on the wall of people who may or may not exist. A few vases with flowers were present too which were nice.

From that hallway, she made her way to the kitchen though as she got there she wondered how Grace was doing. Raylan had not said much to Christie and at this time did not think about him though since he, Grace and Christie were on the same team he did pop up. "I wonder how the team will do?" she said to herself. She did not see much in the kitchen and so moved on as she travelled yet another hallway. Eventually, she ended up at a library, this was the first time she set foot in here. It was quite in here though libraries usually were though the odd voice or cough/sneeze would be heard. The annoying taps from the computer keyboard could be heard as well unless one moved to the back of the library itself. "I wonder if anyone uses the back of the library for things they shouldn't?" she said quietly. Christie felt like a zombie as she moved place to place, she came across empty classrooms and she even ended up outside.

The grounds were massive and since it was getting dark seeing them out there would be a hard task to do if not impossible. She did meet a mutant who had a night vision type power though his eyes needed to hide by sunglasses or fancy lens to hide the deep green. Her mind wandered for a moment before she remembered she had to go to the basement for a meeting, it was a rather sudden one at that. Christie then looked at her right arm as if she had a watch on but she remembered she did not have one anymore. She lost it somewhere in Germany, she would have gone and grabbed it if she were not being chased by some anti-mutant humans. The Meg Griffin like mutant soon went back inside where she saw a clock which said 7:50pm. Time seemed have gone by quickly yet she was bored the whole time, she would of hang out ith Grace but she was on edge after her strange fallout with Raylan, was fallout the right word the newbie mutant wondered?

Like before she went from the ground floor to the basement floor, hopefully, her trip from this morning would prevent her from being lost. She navigated what seemed like a maze of cold steel and dim lighting, so far she found herself going the right way even if it was hard to tell. Eventually, she stumbled into the room she was in earlier and yet Francis and Sophie were already there. There was a new person as well, where were they coming from and how much more of them would turn up? Johnny disappeared and Bryson did also, she was hoping Johnny would have sprung out in the warehouse saying "Here's Johnny" but he didn't. Who would lead the team? Would they get split up and put into different teams? She did not know the answers to either of those questions, all she knew was she was needed here and now for something. Unlike this morning she sat down on one of the chairs, she did it slowly and carefully so she would not damage them which would work 80% of the time.

Though she said nothing she gave off her normal Christie smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting With: Sophie, the Professor @Ace of flames01, and Loki @BlackPanther
Location: The X-Mansion

Taylor was rather surprised when he witnessed the Professor take Loki's glasses and crush them under his shoe. Rather rude, but as he payed attention, the Professor was just being how he usually is, but if that is how he usually acts. Taylor was going to get annoyed rather quickly. It also seemed that the Professor was very... blunt with his words. Like telling Loki that he'll never be normal.

Taylor whistled at the sight of his new room, and dropped his book bag in the corner of it. He pulled off his leather jacket and left on his black T-shirt. He pulled off his sneakers and socks. And closed the door, then jumped on the bed.

He turned on the TV, looking for something to watch while jumping on the bed. He skipped through channels until he saw MTV. He left it on that, but then he realized how tired he was. As soon as he got in the bed, he didn't want move a single bit. He watched a few hours of the television.

The next thing he knew, it was 7:50. The meeting was at 8:00. So Taylor sat up, got his socks back on and walked to the basement. He cleared his throat, as he was in the room. "I'm here." He said, it looked like he wasn't the only one here who got early. It seemed that Loki and the girl got here before him.

And now, he waited just like they did.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Location: Institute Grounds and basement
Interastion: everyone

The sun was warm against Grace's face. She was sitting against the windowsill in her room with the glass pane open, allowing the warm summer breeze to flow through. She thought about the warehouse and how she had acted a fool. She didn't understand why she had let that man get to her so much. The argument had gotten far too heated and she had ended it with yelling and Raylan throwing a chain at her. She had just closed the door when it slammed hard into the metal.

Opening her eyes, she continued with the task she was trying to distract herself with. A sketch in a plain leather bound sketch book. She hadn't told many people that she could draw, because her work was intimate for her. She poured her soul into each sketch, charcoal etch, painting, and photo that she had tucked neatly into the book. Letting her pencil glide across the page, she traced line after line, not even thinking about what she was drawing.

Once she realized she was nearly finished, she brushed the remaining eraser shavings off the page and looked down at her work. On the page stood out two perfectly etched eyes. Strong and angry. She recognized them immediately because she had stood just inches from them a few hours ago. She groaned and ripped out the page, balling it up and shoving it in her pocket. Grace was worried because Raylan still wasn't back at the institute and she knew what the equalists could do. "Speaking of..." She looked down at her cell phone. "Shit!" It was nearly 7:45. She jumped up and slammed her window shut, heading out to the basement to meet the others, sketch in her pocket all but forgotten.

taking the steps two at a time, she rounded the corner and came to a bouncing stop when she saw that there were people in the room that she didn't recognize. Grace spotted Christie in the corner and trudged toward her. She hadn't spoken to Christie since she went thermonuclear in the warehouse. Leaning against the wall, she shoved her hands in her pockets and fiddled with the crumpled paper. Waiting patiently, she looked at Professor Latour for guidance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Warehouse to Institute
Everyone in the meeting room.

Raylan limped in the front door. He was caked in blood, mud and who knows what else. His jeans went from a lovely faded blue to a horrid mix of white sand and dark blood as did his boots. His body is heavily covered it was hard to make out his tattoos. His head was still bleeding from a gash... Somewhere on his dead. He wasn't sure where it was, all that he was, was wet and in pain. He quite frankly looked his worst and given his habits, that was saying a lot.

He ached with every step, each more painful the last. He wondered how he made it, he made it home when... Hell he didn't know if the men he disagreed with were even alive. Right now he didn't care, but he knew that when he left, there some moans and groans. Somebody had to be alive right?

Raylan dragged himself to the kitchen. He wanted water, in the worst way possible. He didn't even bother with the glass as he held his under the water faucet. As the water rushed over his head he couldn't help but rub his face. It was more painful than he thought it could be, the amount of grit rubbing against his was horrible.

He chuckled when he saw the blood runs down the drain. He couldn't help but wonder if it was his or not. When he had his fill of that heaven sent liquid that some call water, he thought about what he needed to do next. A stiff swallow of bourbon and a meeting with Frank was in order. A pull from the bottle was the first order of business.

When he got to one of his hiding places and tool that drink, he couldn't help but feel utterly relaxed. He needed this one. Not in the he normally wanted to. He was shocked at what happened, he was always up for a fight, he loved fighting. He felt at home fighting, it's what he was used to, what he knew the best. Even still, this was the worst fights he had ever been in. It was the screams that hurt the most. Those blood crudling screams.

He looked at the bottle for a second. Wanting nothing

than to drain it, but this wasn't the time for it. He had much more important things to do. As he placed the bottle back into its hiding spot. He couldn't remember the last time he didn't finish a bottle he stated. Maybe he was changing.

Raylan's first stop was the basement. It was the best place to look for Frank, or the best place to look for Frank and pass out when he couldn't find him.

It was luck that Raylan stumbled into the meeting room. He was hoping he was going to be able to pass out somewhere and get some rest before having to deal with this shit. He had to deal with this now, there was going. Why didn't he just finish that damn bottle? If there was any saving grace to any of this, he only had one drink.

As he looked around the room, Raylan wonder what was going on. Something was off about this meeting but Raylan couldn't put his finger it. There's new people, was this an introduction meeting or something? It was an odd moment for Raylan, he didn't really know what to say about how he looked or what happened. If the truth were known, he was too tired and hurt to give a damn. "... Uh... Frank, I had a little accident."Raylan said trying to stand up straight. He wished it was the one pull from the bottle that caused his stagger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 19 days ago

Location:The Field
Interacting With:Professor Latour @Ace of flames01

Numbness. That's all that Will could feel as he sat in the room, others filing in. Complete and utter numbness. He'd killed those men. And it had been so easy too. He'd washed their blood from his face but he couldn't wash their screams from his mind. But the scariest thing was, that he didn't feel bad. Those men had been no better than the ones who'd killed his parents, and he didn't feel any regret. He just felt shock. He tried to focus in as people began coming in, and he waited for Francis to start talking. He figured the meeting would be about what had happened earlier, at the field. He took a deep breath, and pushed those thoughts as far back as he good, though they still lingered on the edge of his brain, whispering to him. God, what had he done?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: basement
Interacting with: everybody present

"Jesus Christ, Raylan! What happened to you? I know you get into fights often but you never come out like this!" Francis replied rushing over to him and searching him over, then sighed. "It was the Equalists, wasn't it? So we weren't the only ones.... Damnit I was afraid this might happen..." His voice lowered to a murmered. He sighed again and turned to everyone else. "I guess there's no longer any reason to stay silent. The reason why I called you all here is for a few reasons. To put it simply, some of the students that have disappeared over the last few hours have returned home as they couldn't handle the pressure of becoming an x man, one of which was one of our leaders, Johnny. From now on, Robert will be in charge of what was Johnny's team... It has come to my attention that the Equalists are now on the move. Earlier today, my group was attacked by 5 men wielding illegally obtained weapon, and Sophie was shot in the process. However, I can assure you that I had dealt with them accordingly and they will not be bothering us anymore. " He said lying about the last part slightly, glancing at Will and Sophie. Which Sophie responded with an uncomfortable look and held her shoulder tightly.

"Which brings me to the other reason why I called you all here, we are going to have to speed up training. Also you are all forbidden to leave campus unless given permission by me, and if you are given permission you must go with at least one other person, is that understood?" Francis said simply, then turned to Taylor and Loki. "On a happier note, we have 2 new students! They will be training with us from now on! Why don't you both introduce yourselves?"

With that said, Sophie looked over at the newcomers with curiosity and an eyebrow raised, yet still tightly held onto her shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting With: Everyone. (Mostly Sophie, technically @Ace of flames01)
Location: The X-Mansion

So, they had killed those Equalists. At least that is what Taylor assumed. And considering that the Professor had glanced at the guy and the girl that came in the mansion with him, they must have murdered as well. They were also apparently not allowed to leave the premises of the Mansion.

There was also a bloody mess of a guy, who was apparently Raylan. Taylor assumed he was also in a fight. Then all of a sudden, the Professor calls out for Taylor and Loki to introduce themselves. Taylor cleared his throat and gulped. "I'm .. Taylor Jason Garrick. I can jump higher than any human, and I have super strength." Taylor said.

He had his hands in his pockets, and frowned. He didn't like being the one who was getting all the attention, unlike anyone else alive. Taylor sniffed and briefly looked up around the room. The girl had an eyebrow raised at him and Loki.

He briefly smiled at her, then went back to looking around the rest of the room. She seemed nice, he guess. So he decided to smile, was that a bad idea? Is she creeped out by him now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Loki Cage

interacting with: everyone gathered

Loki heard footsteps as each person entered the room. He kept his head down. He started to feel a bit claustrophobic as the room seemed to have less and less space. His inner animal hated it. He inhaled lightly and took in each scent as the passed. If he was going to work with these people, he would make damn sure he knew their scents.

Then he smelled blood. A lot of blood mixed with mud and other scents. It was crowding up his nose and he felt himself freak a bit at the scent of that much blood. His breathing increased until he forced himself to calm down. It was in the middle of him working on breathing through his mouth that the professor talked about what happened and then proceeded to ask Taylor and himself to introduce themselves.

He gave himself a few more moments before he looked up. Panther eyes scanning the room with pupils down to pin pricks. He seemed more like a caged animal then when he first got here. He inhaled through his mouth again before he cleared his throat. "I'm Loki Cage" his hands gripped the edge of his chair and where fingernails were are now retractable black claws. The scents on Raylan were making his animal side hard to control. This became more evident as a popping sound from his jaw was heard. He winced and the pop was heard again as he focused on feeling...human. His breathing was hard and strictly through his mouth.
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