Amelia “Mia” Mallory

Full Name: Amelia Martina Adelaide Mallory
Amy or Mia for short – don’t call her by her full name. You’ll regret it.
Code Name: Numbah 13
Age: 10
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Personality: A jokester at heart, Mia can find humour in pretty much anything. She attempts to act more serious around more important figures in the KND, but all it takes is one fart joke to get her giggling. This, on top of her naturally sweet looking and innocent stature, can often lead to people brushing her off or not taking her seriously. Nothing angers her more - and this is where her temper comes in. Notoriously violent and much akin to a volcano going off, those that know her well enough know not to try and break that seal of calm she has.
However, she doesn't often lose it among friends, unless they really test her - Mia generally seems quite compassionate, especially when it comes to patching up the rest of the group, or calming down younger operatives.
Another thing of note is her clumsiness - although very focused and steady-handed when it comes to the healing of team-mates, she's prone to trip over things, fall off chairs, walk into walls, and others things of the like. As such, she's usually seen with some form of band-aid or scrape about her body.
On top of this, she's a sucker for cats. Seriously, if you want to distract her from any task at any point, just show her a cat video or throw a kitten towards her. Mia would wrestle a full-grown tiger to the floor just to pet it.
Biography: Born to a Lawyer Dad and a Doctor Mom who's temper was just as bad as her own, Mia knew about the KND from a very young age due to her older brother, Leo. Five years older than her, he always told her stories about the exploits of the Kids Next Door, and how they helped children worldwide. To a young Mia, this sounded like the perfect life - especially with the amazing treehouses they got to stay in.
After several years of her badgering - and picking up some medical knowledge from her Mom, just to give her that extra edge when it came to recruiting - Leo finally gave in and recommended his sister to the Supreme Leader. As he himself was a model agent, one of the brightest individuals in the KND, Mia was accepted into the Cadets for training at the age of 7.
Her skill in medical care was obvious to begin with, and she graduated from the Arctic base with flying colours, taking the code name Numbuh 13, as suggested by her brother; she always had bad luck while walking into things and falling over, after all. However, things took a turn for the worse the summer after her graduation... Leo's thirteenth birthday.
He was supposed to be decommissioned, but he became sour at the thought of it. Why should he lose all of this when he had given so much to the KND? He couldn't lose everything just because he was turning into a stupid teenager...
It didn't take much for him to outsmart the guards and disappear, and Mia was distraught. Her ideal big brother, her role model... now one of the most wanted in the KND.
Although worried about her brother, she was still somewhat relieved that he hadn't lost all of those memories - they'd had so much fun together, after all.
Two years on, and Leo still remains missing. As far as her parent's are concerned, he's been spending time at some awesome, preppy boarding school in Europe - he was smart enough to get in one of them without lying anyway. Naturally, the KND the world over are keeping an eye out for him, but the second he's spotted in one place, he's gone before the other kid's show up. As for Mia, she's doing well in her own work. Her temper - which has flared up more than once since her graduation - has shown people that she's not quite as delicate as she seems, and is therefore good to use as a tank in fairly desperate situations. However, she's quite happy staying the comic relief and the medic of the group - no leadershipping for her, thank you very much.
Position: Team Medical Expert & Tank
Skills:Explosive temper - when brought forth, it brings with it a burst of speed and strength. She has no expert knowledge in fighting, but if you throw the little ball of anger at an enemy, she'll put em down quick enough. However, it won't work if she's only kinda irritated. You really gotta get her going for it to be effective.
Medical Knowledge - thanks to her Mom, she knows quite a bit when it comes to patching up the others. Sometimes, if she wants to play a prank, she'll pretend to go all evil scientist when an injured kid is her table, and offer them robotic arms or something.
Freakin’ loves cats (That’s a skill right?) - She has about 18 or something strays wandering about the treehouse, and she still knows which one is called what. She seems to have an affinity for felines - they always do as they're told, once she's tamed them. Still scratch the hell out of her arms though...
Weapon of Choice: K.L.A.W.S.S(Kitty Like Appendages Will Seriously Suck)
(Gloves with sharp barbs attached to them – just like a kitty-cat!)