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kids next door mission
kids next door mission
revival of
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attack the
Welcome to the Kid's Next Door.

"Now that Numbah Zero has been decommissioned, evil adults are trying to seize the opportunity to regain their power over us. We need all the operatives we can get to fight back! We will be dividing you up and sending you into different sectors around the world. You will become a team that will complete missions of varying levels of danger. Do not be afraid and do not go crying to your mommy. Seriously don't. That would be really lame. Ahem.. Anyways, it is our duty to protect every child from any unfairness an adult may... uh... IT's OUR DUTY TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM ADULTS. Now go check your assignments. Your team leader has already been chosen for you. I wish you all the best of luck. Numbah 1 point 500, Supreme Leader, out."
Hello everyone and welcome to the KND roleplay! I hope my cheesy opening didn't scare anyone off. So in case you weren't clued in on preposition of the roleplay, I'll put it simply: Numbah Zero has recently been decommissioned and the adults are now trying to take over/ end the Kid's Next Door.
Our characters will be assigned to the same sector (unless there is way too many of us and I'll have to make a sister-sector). Our characters will be a new team so no one will really know how to work together, though you may have some type of relationship with other characters if you would like as long as the two of you have discussed it already. The position of Team Leader is up for grabs. I will take it if no one else wants to do it. I will be selecting the Team Leader based on whether or not the character seems suitable of being leader or not.
The way this roleplay will work is it will have missions and brief periods of rest. Most of the story will move along because of the missions but they are still kids so there will be some time for more character interaction and character growth through some sort of "side plot". If you have any story/mission you would like the rest of the team to explore because it will add to your character, PM me privately so we can work out the details and see if it's possible.
Alright, I think I have gone over what I needed RP-wise. Now to get to the rules.
1. As a GM, I won't be too picky on every little detail but if I point something out, please change it. What I say, goes.
2. No fighting in the OOC. If someone is being rude to you, take it to PM. You can even include me in the PM to be a judge of sorts. I don't want the OOC to be spammed with some argument though.
3. No one-liners. For a roleplay like this, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with at least a paragraph. I would prefer at least 2-3 paragraphs per post but the occasional one paragraph post is fine if it has enough for other people to work with.
4. Keep it PG. They are kids for goodness sake! Violence should not be gory but cartoonish! And romance should be limited to giggly crushes!
5. No over-powering characters, no metagaming, no god-moding.
6. To make sure that you have read the rules, chant "KND" to yourself ten times. Just kidding, add "Rainbow Monkeys" to end of your character sheet in your favorite color.
7. Try to post at least once a week. If you can't post, explain why in the OOC. I will give two warnings before kicking you out of the RP.
8. Wait to have your character approved before you post them in the character tab. Only one character per person. Permission to make NPCs will be granted later on.
9. Have fun!
Yay! Now that we got the rules out of the way! Here's the character sheet:
I look forward to roleplaying with you all! Oh and feel free to ask me any questions!
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