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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Welcome to the world(s) of Controlled Chaos, a very special game. The setting is simple, yet complex. Yes. That is the setting, “yes.” All of them. Every single one of all of everything. How is this possible? In the same way that a horse can be a sleeping cheese curd, or the same way that lightning rains from the desert aqueducts like an office building. Making sense yet? No? Good. Sit back and let me spin you a tale lost to all time, remembered by none but recognized by all, except for the few that don’t, but screw those guys, they’re jerks.

Eons ago, in a time before any can remember, older than the oldest living (and non-living!) thing, there existed a mad god. Not mad as in angry, though he can be quite emotional. No, mad as in insane, though he’d take exception to that remark. He’s less in-sane and more slightly eschew to the left of sane, but I digress. I speak of the one and only God of Chaos, Crocus. Why is he named after a flower? Only he knows for sure, and he’s not really that sure. That being said, his power is immeasurable. Mortals, immortals, other god-like beings, other full fledged gods, none of them come close to his power (except for one, but she’s not around right now). Well in the time of primordial-ness, before What Is Now, Crocus did whatever he liked on a whim for his enjoyment, but nothing was more enjoyable than messing around with others. Oh how much fun! The boundaries between worlds, space, universes, multiverses threatened to shatter before his playful, childlike glee. That is, until he went away. Why? Well, the “other one” got to him, put him in his place. But that was a long long time ago. And now… He’s free once again.

Crocus will begin his fun once more, starting with you. Who are you? Whoever you are, that’s who. Whoever you want to be. A Jedi knight. A Spartan soldier. A pony. A dragon. Demon. Robot. Magical girl. Super hero. Lazy nerd. Great wizard. Police officer. George Washington. Any and all of these could be you, but only you know for sure. Well… You and Crocus. For some reason, he’s begun his new vacation from the bonds of imprisonment by handpicking you and a few others to mess around with. Reality will warp to his whim, rules will exist in thought only, change will be the only constant. Will you enjoy Crocus’ games as much as the God of Chaos himself? Or will you be driven mad by the insanity of his ever-changing desires and games? Only time can tell. And cheese. But cheese not telling.


  • Standard no god-modding, power playing, general being a jerk, blah blah blah/
  • Respect the GM, who is Crocus. This RP is all about freedom, so I’m going to listen to the wants and desires of all players, but in the end my word is the law.
  • As Crocus, I reserve the right to change details all the time, which includes your power levels and abilities (for example, if some player takes a dragon but the next adventure takes you, oh, say, in a spaceship fight, they may get downsized or turned into a humanoid form or some such).
  • Feel free to draw inspiration from any existing canons, franchises, and source material, but I do not want actual canon characters. So no Son Goku, no Batman, no Master Chief, etc., but characters based on them or from the same worlds are perfectly acceptable. The exception is real-life historical figures (like the aforementioned George Washington), but only if they’re not being played super seriously close to historical depictions of their personalities. I don’t want too much seriousness in this game.
  • Post your character sheets in the OOC section first to be judged, then place them in the character section once approved. Standard fare.
  • Please try to post at least once a week. If this isn’t possible, or if anything comes up, communication is key. Hallelujah!
  • No spamming, no double posting. The edit button exists for a reason.
  • Player limit of 5. Maybe a little more if I see something I’m especially interested in.
  • Post this image into the bottom of your CS so I know you read the rules.

Character Sheet

[center][h2]Character Name[/h2][/center]
[center][img]If you have a picture, insert it here[/img][/center]
[b]Name:[/b] Name here. Yes, a second time.
[b]Alias:[/b] Any nicknames, epithets, or alias they go by.
[b]Race:[/b] Whatever they be, it be here.
[b]Gender:[/b] Look in their pants. Or don’t. That’s rude.
[b]Age:[/b] If it’s a woman, don’t ask. Just guess. Actually, best not to guess either.
[b]Appearance:[/b] A description of how they physically look, including any clothing they may commonly wear. No having a picture doesn’t mean you get out of this.
[b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] What makes them them? Other than protons, electrons, and neutrons.
[b]Gear:[/b] What sort of stuff do they have? Keep track of any items awarded or purchased here as well.
[b]Abilities:[/b] What can they do? What are they capable of?
[b]Flaws:[/b] Make them real flaws, please. Things that may actually [i]matter[/i]. Otherwise Crocus will bestow some for you, and he may be quite unkind.
[b]Favor:[/b] Start at 0. This will keep track of your Favor with Crocus. When you are in the god’s Favor, he’ll do you favors. Use it to purchase items, power ups, or any what-have-you.

And before I forget, @Stern Algorithm @Stekkmen
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

i have a really simple character in mind.
he's just a "bad guy" from a video game so he really only has one objective in life. is that ok? or do we need more complex characters?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

They can be simple, complex, whatever. I'll still require a measure of quality on the CS, but it doesn't need to be super in depth. I mean, I didn't even include a history/biography section on that sheet. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Can we have historical characters, but then give them outlandish magical abilities that somehow pertain to their life story?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Go for it! If you want it can even be justified by Crocus imbuing them to give them a chance to stand up against their peers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Here is my CS. I'm a bit unsure about how much gear I'm allowed to have. Let me know if the ability and flaw are acceptable.

Handsome Youth Zhou Yu

Name: Zhou Yu (周瑜)
Style Name: GongJin (公瑾) (It's acceptable when talking about him to others in the third person to call him by his name, Zhou Yu, but it is proper etiquette and respectful when talking to him to call him by his style name, either Zhou GongJin, or simply GongJin.)
Alias: Handsome Youth, Zhou (美周郎)
Race: Human, Chinese
Gender: Fabulously and beautifully male.
Age: 25
Appearance: As his moniker implies, Zhou has a youthful, handsome appearance with piercing black eyes and regal, long-flowing black hair. His skin is clean and smooth like white jade. As a man if rank and status, he wears expensive embroidered linens such as silk and satin but does appreciate practicality, wearing more durable materials like cotton, or wool for warmth. He likes the colors crimson and white and his outfits reflect this. Though not extravagantly, he does wear various articles and accessories, expensive gold and silver jewelry encrusted with precious and semiprecious stones, mostly in headwear or in the form of tassels to signify rank. In battle, he will wear highly decorated crimson Chinese armor since after becoming chief tactician, he hasn't needed to go into battle directly anymore, though that isn't to say that his actual martial prowess has dulled.
Personality/Motivation: Zhou Yu is a strategic and tactical genius of his time, second only to Zhuge Liang. Confident to the point of arrogance, yet he is unwaveringly devoted to his lord. Though he doesn't have a traitorous bone in his body, he can be quite deceptive to his enemies, and is known for manipulating enemy spies to report incorrect information. He usually appears easygoing and friendly, knowing all the proper etiquttes and respects. He can be fairly easy to get along with and appreciates talent when he sees it. He would be a happy and self-content man if it were not for the existence of Zhuge Liang, a younger nobody from the hills who happens to be the greatest tactician and strategist of two generations. Zhuge Liang brings out and reveals Zhou Yu's unquenchable jealousy, a jealousy that leads him to lose objectivity in situations and to make mistakes in planning. This jealousy also leads to his untimely death.
Gear: A white and crimson Chinese robe with some light-medium armor underneath. He was a Chinese sword (jian) and a fighting staff (gun).
Abilities: Zhou Yu is a capable martial artist in his own right, skilled with the sword and staff. Due to his crowning victory, The Battle at Red Cliffs (Chi Bi), he was the ability of soul chain, in which he ties the souls of his enemies together such that any magical or energy damage that one sustains, the others also take in equal measure. To support this, Zhou Yu has the added ability to set a single opponent ablaze from a distance. Zhou Yu is also a master tactician and has the ability to analyze his allies' and opponents' strengths and weaknesses and is fairly good at creating advantageous matchups. He is also extremely perceptive and can not only detect spies easily, but is good at deceiving them into thinking that they have successfully tricked him, allowing him to unknowingly supply them with incorrect and detrimental information.
Flaws: While Zhou Yu's body is fairly young and healthy, it is easily affected by his mental state. Specifically, jealous rage reduces his constitution and causes him to cough up blood. The better he feels about himself, the healthier he is, the more frustrated and thwarted he becomes, the worse his health, and it is entirely possible for him to become bedridden for days.
Favor: 0

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Looks good. Go ahead and slap him in the character section. I can't wait for this tactical genius to meet the unpredictable Crocus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bruno the Undead Axeman

Name: Bruno the Undead Axeman
Alias: Bruno the Undead Axeman
Race: Undead Axeman
Gender: Undead Axeman
Age: Five hundred and seventy-one years young.
Appearance: Bruno the Undead Axeman has seen better days, to see the least. His skin is...not there, at some parts. Particularly around his jaw area, which sort of swings lamely around when he speaks or does something with his mouth. His face is gaunt to say the least, with sunken in cheeks and small, beady, yellow and red eyes that have nestled themselves deep into Bruno's skull. Speaking of skulls, Bruno's head is home to only a few spotty patches of gray hair. He's basically bald.

His body isn't much better. He is thin and bony, with little to no muscle to speak of. He wears gambeson and leggings, ancient basic battle armor that has long since lost it's protective ability. Underneath his "armor" is layers of peasant clothing from a village that's been long forgotten by time. Everything except is head is essentially covered up though, with leather gauntlets and tattered boots masking the rest of his ghoulish appendages.

Personality/Motivation: Despite his physical demeanor, Bruno's got his un-life all figured out.

Bruno...is an Undead Axeman. So he axes people. Lot's of people. Axing people is his pasttime, it's also his job, his hobby, and his vacations. Want somebody axed? Come to Bruno. But watch out. He might axe you. And yes, to Bruno, axe is a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. It's necessary because it's one of the few words he knows.

That being said, Bruno has a deep respect for his fellow Undead, and will rally to their side if needed. He'll never axe one of his own. Anyone can earn Bruno's trust, and if you have he won't axe you. THAT being said, Bruno decides who to axe on a complicated pro-con system of conclusions and logic trains that only Bruno understands. There's many variables, factors, and equations involved. Axing takes up most of his brain power. Just know that if you ever find Bruno staring at you for seemingly no reason, he's deciding whether or not to axe you.

Gear: Hm, I wonder.
It's an axe. He has an axe. It's a two handed one-sided battle axe.

Abilities: Bruno operates on an ancient form of necromancy. He's undead, he basically can't be killed. There will always be a way for him to come back and start axing people. So when it comes to fighting, it takes a lot to keep Bruno down. He can't contract diseases, as well. If, say, an arm is ever disconnected, his inner necromancy will eventually find a way to have an arm again.

Flaws: While he is virtually immortal, he can still: Be decapitated, gored, frozen, dismembered, exploded, shot, fall a long distance, be knocked around and generally battered. Just because he can't be killed, doesn't mean he can't be pummeled into oblivion or cut into pieces. He's also dumb as bricks when it comes to anything other than axing.

Favor: 0

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I am going to have so much fun with Bruno. He's good to throw up in the character section.

Looking to get 1 more before we can start. If you know anyone, get the word out. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hooray! I knew the sacrifices to the Girafro would pay off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The girafro is actually highly important... Paying tribute/prayer/sacrifice to it is actually very good. ;D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Still needing at least 1 more before we can kick this off. Come on, folks! You can be just about anything you want! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You can even be Jesus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alright, well I don't want to make you guys wait any longer. Perhaps seeing things in action will grab the attention of new players. So here's how this is going to go down. I'm not making the first post. You two are. :D Get yourselves setup by introducing them in their own natural environment, doing whatever you want them to be doing. Fighting a big battle, about to accomplish some great task/life dream, just having a conversation, whatever. You guys get first post... Then their lives will be changed forever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

sounds good!

edit: not even a little introductory post?
like a little one

like a sentence

"and so our story begins..."

'cause i'm freaking out about getting the first post on an RP that isn't mine, it's freaking me out man i can't handle this
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

WWBTUAD? What would Bruno the undead axeman do?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

you're right

i must axe
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Posted. My interpretation is that Zhou Yu now reincarnates as himself at 25, with his memories of his entire life thanks to the meddling of Crocus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Good intros. I'll get our first introduction to the Prince of Pandemonium by the end of this evening, if all goes well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

this really needs more characters.
come on people pls
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