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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Terran Imperium, 210 Years ago
Sol System, Earth High Orbit
HIMS Elegance, the Emperor's Yacht

For over a week, Emperor Marcus Nazarius, his wife and a few of their grandchildren were enjoying a private cruise around the Sol System for the Empress' birthday, a relatively peaceful and quiet week for the royal elderly couple and their youngest grandchildren, a nice little family bonding.

From their personal quarters, the two had watched the children run through the halls, playing a game of tag, all the while a servant drone was struggling to do its job perfectly and bring a meal to the emperor and empress. The drone successfully passed through the chaotic corridors, presenting a tray filled with high class meals made with painful prescription and detail. "Lunch is now served your Majesty." the droid spoke in a rather high class and elegant British accent. "The young masters meals shall be prepared in a short while."

"Good, as you were." The Emperor commanded the droid, it giving a respectful bow as it left the room, the doors now sliding shut, Marcus slowly wrapping his arm around his wife, their eyes meeting once more with passion. "I never say it enough, but you've gotten more beautiful in your age." A rather cheesy and cringe worthy sentence, nonetheless, it moved her.

"Oh Marcus..." she said with a caring smile. "What would I do without you?" in that moment they embraced, along with kisses to the cheeks. "I wouldn't know." Marcus replied. "But I wouldn't have any other way, happy birthday."

Immediately after the droid left the room the ship began to shake a little. Then a thump was heard in the other room. Before the emperor could even ask what was wrong a shadow of a man stood in the door way. The shadow smiled at the emperor and waited for his reply.

The Emperor partially raised himself from the bed, glaring at the shadowed individual. "Who the hell are you?!?! How did you get on this ship?!" his hand slowly reaching for his pistol sitting on a dress to his left.

"Emperor, I'm here to end what your family had started a long tim ago. The pilot is dead and there is only one escape pod left and you sir will be joining me for that ride." The man said he moved closer to them.

"Like hell I am!." Marcus said as he grabbed the pistol, rolled out of the bed, unloading several shots towards his kidnapper.

The man laughed and merely held up his hand and the several shots stop in midair as he held them there. Yet as he did this the man's shape began to fade and instead an alien one of which the humans had never seen appeared. ( i.imgur.com/dmL7E9z.jpg )

The Emperor was awe struck by the alien being, not he had seen anything like it. "What are you..?"

It began to laugh and let the bullet drop to the floor. "We'll have plenty of time to discuss that. Now come." The alien no longer stopping the bullet began tranforming back to human.

The Emperor tossed aside his weapon, charging straight for the alien intruder and intending to beat it to death with his bare fists.

The man once again laughed. He let the man get close enough and then punched him knocking the man to the side.

"What's so funny? Better hurry if you intend to spirit me away or we all die."

The man nodded and walked over to the old emperor punching him and knocking him out. When they awoke again there was a young girl with them in a remote location.

Before being whisked away, all he could hear was his wife's screams and the ship's alarms going off, as they entered the atmosphere. And to his bewilderment, he finds himself somewhere completely different, not quite sure of himself if this is even Earth, all that were present was himself, the alien intruder and a strange young girl. He quickly got up, franticlly scanning his surroundings for his family. "Where's my wife!? Where are my grandchildren you xeno bastard!"

"That's beside the point. What does matter is that you continue your line. If you do that I will help one of your children retake control of the galaxy."

"What?" he asked, confused by the alien's words. "What do you mean? You're not making sense!"

"I mean, you are the only one left from that ship. Your empire is already crumbling from what's been said over the extranet. You can no longer lead but you can grant the gift of purity. Supply me with something to rule through. With me at their back. The empire will never crumble again.

It was all a blur to him, the moment he heard he was the lone survivor, not even that, no one even knows. His wife and grandchildren are dead, the Imperium is crumbling into civil war, and it was this alien's fault. The news had sent him into a wild rage, screaming to the top of his lungs, pounding his fists to the ground, tears welling up and pouring from his eyes. "Why would I help YOU!?!" he screamed. "You murdered my family, and becuase of you, my family's legacy is no more!"

It laughed again, mocking the emperor "My dear old man, your legacy is all you have left to give. Either you will give that willingly and in return I can keep you alive to see the family regain control or I can take it forcefully."

The Emperor was silent for a moment, now in giref and broken within mere moments. "....Fine...you took everything from me...but I have no choice...you best keep your word...restore the Imperium...or fail and rot in hell for all I care."

Hell. the alien looked confused but nodded. As the ship landed he looked up into the stars.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

A monkeyzell production,

The Dominion Of Man

A swath burnt across the stars..

The screams of billions hushed by a malevolent vision..

From the ornate, Gilded command center buried deep within the Dominion's flag ship, The Titan "Maledict", The mighty Faust presided time and time again over the destruction of his perceived villains. Be it with the mighty weapons that pervert a world with vicious blue fire or the silence brought forth by the various biological creations, Faust was winning his war. The few occasions that this man walked the surface of an alien world, all shook in fear. This man was far more intimidating than most. Sharp and aggressive facial features, Robust and tough physical form and a deepened voice that chilled most to the bone. The Victims of this horrible man would call him evil, killing innocents...

Are they innocent though? History is written by the victors.


A doomed world, long forgotten by the galaxy at large.

The Dominion, Victorious yet again struck at the worlds on the Dominions fringe. A fleet over five hundred strong had came to a well defended world. With all the enemies weapons of war and the tenacity of people fighting for their last remaining world.. their last remaining home, did nothing against the superior might and ferocity of the Dominion. The surface was broken and scarred from the days of intense orbital bombardment. Major urban centers that once held structures that pushed a mile into the sky had been reduced to a literal crater, and industrial centers that the Dominion would repurpose to further their war machine sat eerily silent as the chemical fog gave way to perfectly preserved machines with skeletal fingers still clinging to controls and door knobs.

Worse more so was that Faust himself wanted to visit this new addition to his already massive and powerful empire. This wasn't personal he would say, but it was the end of yet another space faring nation that stood in his way... Worse though, was that the world was controlled by an alien race, one that was now endangered.

"Go Makka, run for your life! they are coming!" was the words of an blue-skinned older man, trying to shoo his young son into an old construction yard. The Old man sighed in relief as the boy disappeared into the labyrinth of buildings. Hope however was shattered when the screams of the boy filled his ears. Rage filled his heart and with mighty force he leapt from his hiding place. It was an powerful moment, raw emotion had clinched his fists to the point that his palms began to bleed.

It wasn't to be though.. as the pain shot down his spine and he fell to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going." a dark voice said. The Old man leaned with what little energy he had left to view an Dominion warrior standing tall over him. The man wanted to reply, wanted to tell the warrior to go to hell, or any equivalent curse one could place. His mouth opened but his mind slowed until the veil of the world closed over him. Darkness lasted for an eternity but mere minutes passed before he found himself awake. awake inside a strange room. Makka across from him crying as hard as he could. The Old man was angry but it turned to fear when the sound of clanking metal plates drew near. From a dark doorway approached Faust himself.

"You abominations are weak." was the only words he muttered as his left hand grasped the boys forehead. He pulled his head back, revealing a rapidly gulping neck. There were no tears any more as fear was gone. Perhaps shock... or maybe acceptance had ended the whimpering. Faust gave a curious look, pondering if he had broke the boy already or if he was stronger willed than he had thought. It mattered not though as with his right hand appeared a long dagger. It was ornate at one point but years of dried blood had turned it into a true symbol of hate and a man with no remorse. Nothing stayed his hand though as the dagger pierced the gullet of the young man. His gasps for help were but a whistle from the hole Faust had made.

The Old man screamed in rage as what he had rose from birth was thrown to the floor in a puddle of his own blood. Faust never smiled, never shown emotion as he made his way towards the Old man. "You.. You're a monster." the Old man said, maybe trying to coax Faust into a parlay. It failed when Faust knelt before him and drew a large pistol. Faust the leaned in and furrowed his brow, flanked by a devilish grin.

"You're right."

As the Archon and his entourage left the room, Father and son laid together for one last time.


Hours later, aboard the Maledict,

Inside the granduer of Maledict's bridge sat a command table. Like much of the room around it was litered with holographic images of any shape one could desire. Men and Women moved about with purpose as Faust entered the room. Before he could even speak, the Captain of the ship snapped a salute, followed by the rest of the officers of the room. "Congratulations on a victorious campaign!"

Faust piqued a brow before giving a simple salute back, "It is your tenasity and dedication that brought this victory. Let it be known that Humanity will win the day, not because of me.. but because of Humanity's divine purpose. At ease." After reaffirming the hearts and minds of his crew, ahead was the real reason he came to this place, the ones who truly led the campaign and a friend that he had long trusted.

The First to greet was the Admiral that led the final charge to break the planets blockade, Shaila Amanae. She was a simple looking person with no real prolific features but all knew her, all knew what she was capable of given the tools to do so. Faust extended his hand, "Admiral Shaila. Your actions here were flawless, as I knew they would be." Next on his list was the man to the Admiral Left, General Rosarius Braddok. "Archon, I am surprised you chose to come here, especially this close to the end of battle." He said.

Faust smirked, "Some of us cannot sit in a building all day." Rosarius nodded and turned to the man at the opposite side of the table from Faust, Grand Exectius, James Conrad. His title was much different from others as it was a resurgence from the days of the old Imperium. It was unique and was well suited for one of the Archon's cheif agents.

James and stood at attention "It's excellent to see you Faust. Glad you to see you weren't hurt while you were on planet. We had heard you ran into some company down there and were worried." he said as he moved around to greet his old friend with a warm handshake.

Faust returned the gesture in kind, "Good to see you too James." He was quick to dispatch the pleasentries however as Faust was well known for being serious on the field. "Now, there is much to discuss. That being the future of this sector of space and the filth that still lays at our feet." General Rosarius cleared his throat and gestured to the table, "Archon, as you can see, there is a sizable concentration of Xeno's that have been corralled into the large metropolitan area. We are in the process of walling it off and installing security measures within. I believe they can be repurposed after extensive reconditioning."

Faust nodded at the idea and then turned to Shaila, "Admiral, any input?" She shook her head, "Their presence is an abomination but I will gladly accept any judgement you lay upon them. That said, My personal opinion is that of greed. We shouldn't give them respite inside their ruined capitol. Relocation to further dampen their defeat and break their hearts would be prudent. We can salvage the machinery and spread it through the system." Faust nodded at that idea as well before turning to James. "And you? We are presented with a problem of early a quarter billion vermin on our newest prize. I believe allowing them to live would work to our advantage for a time, give us labor until they aren't needed."

James looked down taking a deep breath before giving his thoughts "We go though the same situation on every planet and it always comes to the same decision. We enslave them for our use. Giving false promises before extermination or continued enslavement. I believe the best option is the normal option." He then stood up from the table and looking at the crew through the door "We have an oportunity to allow the senate a ruling on what to do with our newly aquired planets. Not only would it seem we're returning some of the former imperium's ideas. But we'd also be showing the Dominion shouldn't be as hated by all as we currently are. At least not by humans who are treated as demi-gods to a point." He then turned back to the Faust and the commanders "The decision as always is your Archon Faust."

"Indeed" he said, "Reforming a 'peoples government' has been pretty effective for these measures, however in this case, giving the people power over our military is only asking for trouble. They already support what we do." He turned to the general and then the admiral, "However, James is correct. Our course of action shall remain the same. My friend here is obviously a patron of keeping things simple, therefore we shall. Make preparations to disperse the population into controlled camps, but retain them on this one world. We shall get the best of both worlds from Shaila and Rosarius, spread them, thin them.. yet keep them local and easy to monitor. Dismissed, except you James" After a series of salutes, Shaila and Rosarius left the room, leaving only the two men. Faust backed away from the table by a few feet and motioned to the table. "Bring a view of the sector." he said softly.

Within a few seconds, a very precise view of the sector they resided in appeared. Faust ran his hand through it, pointing his index finger on specific ones. As his fingers touched the individual points, a display of the world and important information would appear but none seemed to fit his desire until finally, the last star on the fring of the sectors so called, "Northern expanse" appeared. "This... do you know what this point is?" he said with a smirk. He motioned his hand, removing all but that single star from the tables view. As he clinched the star, it became a large image, showing the eight planets and a display of their orbits. "Our prize is so close.. Earth. Earth my friend... Earth. Birthplace of our kind. We have to take this icon of Humanity."

James nodded remembering the times of old from when he was last on earth. " Yes, we do. However in case you've forgotten Earth is currently a hellhole after you great-grandfather's supposed death. Also we must not forget who currently controls Earth. The Imperium's Remnants, and going to war with them would be tough. Not only are they equipped strong and lead by a stubbern old man. But they're Human and they'd be our first Human enemy. We're already hated by alien neighbors we must keep the Humans in line and going to war with them would not be helpful."

There was silence for a few minutes as Faust processed the severity of the upcoming decisions. "This would indeed be a difficult issue but the Imperium doesn't control as much on earth to warrant aggression towards them. What if.." Faust started to pace slowly and rose his thumb to his chin. "What if we tried to drum up support from Uther's Imperium. Perhaps find a way to coerce him into allowing us near the planet from that direction, forfeiting any issues with being surrounded by both the Imperium fleets and any other hostiles that are still fighting on and above the cradle of mankind."

James thought to himself before nodding. "We would need Uther's support in the future anyways. I suppose now would be as good of time as any. Though the question would be how to do it." he then began to walk toward the monitor and watch over the galaxy waiting for faust answer.

"Perhaps we stage an incident." he said with a menacing intent. "Perhaps..." He stopped though, "No, not this early. Should we play on the Imperiums fears of the Barbarians? United we stand and so forth? Drum up patriotism between our two nations and maybe distort todays actions of letting the alien filth below live as a sign that we aren't as ruthless towards the true enemy as we are. They know my opinion of alien kind. They know I would exterminate them from the universe if I could and that scares them.. but what scares them more? being human and spared from the flame? or being eaten alive by the foul creatures far from us?"

Faust stopped pacing and leaned on the table, laying his hands upon it to leverage his weight. "James, You know the Dominions true goals and purpose, you know what I would expect from a parlay with Uther, alas I cannot leave the Dominion during this upcoming social event." He was clearly alluding to the upcoming "elections" for the peoples puppet senate. "I will use Uther and I's back channel and ask a meeting between you and him. Try and gain his support but know that he is stubborn to a fault. Which makes him predictable." Faust looked directly at James and with a serious tone a simple question was asked,

"Do you think this to be possible?"

James shook his head "As you said these are important times. Yet why not have him come to you. Offer him an invitation to the capital of peace talks. Allow what he believes himself to be a wolf into the hen's house so to speak. Perhaps go as far as to give him a chance to join us and show him how similar to his beloved Imperium we are even with out Democracy. I myself being the most open to aliens in this entire empire was hoping to speak to the Second Terran Imperium and The Musashi Empire. Perhaps get agreements both of their leaders were loyal imperialists anyways." James then turned to Faust "But I serve at the pleasure of the Archon." He said with a little bow.

There was a calm silence once more as Faust thought of his next move, "James, your wisdom is much appreciated and I believe using that tactic to lure him into our court would be effective but actually drawing him from his borders would be like prying a star from a blackhole. And I honestly would be the same way if I were surrounded and filled with xeno's and other threats that we may not even know of. Your idea is perfect but sadly our guest would decline to attend as he has for nearly two years of attempts." He frowned slightly but looked to his trusted friend, "I feel like we would be wasting time inviting him and him not showing, then having to go to him anyway... I cannot see any other way, I will trust you to meet with Uther and sway him into our loving arms, arms that once clung.. will not let go."


Days later,

As the Maledict slowly drifted towards a large floating speaker box, a voice came through,

"Welcome to Space Mcdonalds, what can I get for you today?"

Faust looked down at the monitor to see what the compliment of the crew had requested. and then rolled down the space window. "Um.. yeah. I've got a pretty big order."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

Near the Confederate-Musashi border

“Yuki-hime, we are crossing the border into the Confederation now” A young man said. Yamamoto Yuki, heir apparent to the Musashi Empire, glanced at the man; her expression was hidden behind the porcelain kitsune mask she wore. Her hair, adorned in ribbons that matched her hanfu outfit, swayed as she moved her head.

“Thank you.” She responded after a moment. She eyed the man as he left. A native inhabitant of the planet Laioning, the man was a part of a separatist movement that had been the source of some tension between the Musashi Empire and its neighbor. By her estimate roughly thirty percent of Laioning’s population wanted to succeed from the Empire so that it could join the Confederation. Clearly the remaining seventy percent were content to remain Musashi citizens, which was the sticking point. Thankfully the separatists had decided, instead of allowing the situation to get out of hand, that it would be best to have a conference between those involved to settle the matter peaceful. Catching wind of this, Yuki contacted the separatists and informed them that she could represent her father’s government. She would inform her father of her intentions after the fact. It was, after all, always easier to beg forgiveness than get permission.

The ship that she was currently traveling on was a civilian ship the separatists had procured. Her bodyguards had strongly argued against taking a ship provided by the separatists, but Yuki had seen no realistic alternative.

As the star ship crossed the border into Confederate space Yuki heard to sharp cracks from the rear of the ship. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her guards crumple to the floor before they could level their pistols at whatever threat was present. Her eyes followed one of her guards’ pistols as it slid under a seat out of reach. However, she could feel her body tensing, preparing to lunge, as her eyes fixed on the form of a katana that rested on the guard’s hip.

She could fight. Like all members of the Imperial family she had served in the military for two years. On top of that she had practiced using a katana since leaving the military. Even so she highly doubted she was skilled enough to overcome the inherit advantage a gunman had. That would require advantageous terrain and good body armor. Not to mention a lot of luck. Yuki forced herself to remain in her seat, feeling the tension leave her body as she focused her gaze in front of her where she could see a pair of separatists holding a group of five separatists at gun point.

“Wise move Yuki-hime” a man said as he stepped forward from the rear of the ship. Yuki’s eyes immediately locked on to the pistol he held in his hand. Thankfully he wasn’t pointing it at her. At least yet.

“What is this about?” Yuki asked. It was a struggle, but she somehow managed to keep any traces of fear out of her voice. “What do you possibly expect to gain from this?”

“Freedom” The man said, a wide grin spreading across his face.

“My father will not negotiate with terrorists.” The man’s grin seemed to grow even wider as Yuki spoke the words.

“I” The man leaned towards Yuki causing her to involuntarily lean away, “wouldn’t have it any other way. It wouldn’t do for our plans to be disrupted.” He straightened his posture as he continued “Now if you’ll continue to behave yourself you may just survive this.”

***** ***** *****

Word of Yuki-hime’s kidnapping rapidly spread throughout the Musashi Empire. How couldn’t it as the separatists had released video of her, followed by her dead bodyguards. Needless to say that the Emperor of Musashi was furious. Especially when it was revealed that the ship she was on had entered Confederation space. The Emperor had ordered Musashi’s military to mobilize and any navy assets in the region to immediately mount a rescue operation. That was how the 107th Aerospace Fighter Squadron found itself heading towards the border of the Confederation. It, along with a pair of cruisers docked in a nearby navy space station, had been the only military assets close enough to hope to achieve an interception of the ship that Yuki-hime was on before the Confederation navy found it.

This was not purely luck. Yuki-hime had arranged for the 107th Fighter Squadron to be stationed nearby in the event that something went wrong. She had, in fact, been a part of that very fighter squadron during her two years in the military and trusted its pilots more than anyone else. Perhaps just as important was the fact that it had one of the Empire’s best ace pilots, meaning that it could punch above its weight.

Events were spiraling out of control as members of both the Musashi and Confederate government rushed to deal with what was going on. Musashi did not want a war, but its wants mattered not as it was pulled along by events out of its control. The crossing of the border by the fighters of the 107th Squadron marked the beginning of the Laioning Crisis.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Laurelian Empire, High Temple of the Sun

That was it.

The ultimate climax.

The actors were in place, ready to make the grooming of this planet which had taken almost 800 years worth it. To be fair, it had entertained Edward many times in the past as he delved in its history and influenced it, but he knew this was becoming the end game before the humans he had implanted here would grow into their modern phase and be much harder to fool, so he had to wrap things up nicely.

For the last five hundred years the Laurelian Empire stood atop the continent, their faith in the solar god making them strive for conquest, and in doing so, had created a huge inquisitorial machine of death and despair, causing more and more people to be angry at the high inquisitor who now ruled the empire as the last emperor mysteriously vanished. It all seemed to go down the way of civil war until Edward, assuming the role of 'Eve' arrived from the sky. He played the part of the pure and lost female messiah, not minding to chose the 'weaker sex' as in this male dominated society it changed everything! People thinking of 'her' as a tool to be used even if everyone's existence here was due to Edward's actions in the first place.

It read like a novel, she lands, gets taken in by the church and as people get fascinated with her appearance (A 7 feet albino in the middle of rather average humans) and her mysterious powers, she gets taken in by the church and placed as a figure head leader while the church and rebellion plot and scheme. Some guy from the rebellion decides to murder her, but he falls in love with 'her' (It was tricky, required some brainwashing but it fitted the narrative nicely) and decides to convince her to topple her own empire of evil. One plot leading to another, the rebellion is forced to ally itself with old enemies of the empire to win, but they all decided they'd much rather see the empire crumble rather than become one huge democratic state as the revolutionaries intended, 'forcing' Edward to join back with the forces of the church to try and prevent the pillage of the Empire. Now of course, the core group of the revolutionaries had come to stop her, again, and it was down to the person who would have first murdered her but who was now in love with this dude in disguise as they now must fight for what they believe in. The fight is suicidal however as even if that guy wins he's currently in a room with hundreds of clerics looking at both of them and with an army outside, he knows that but must take his chance. What he didn't know was that this entire fight was a well planned choreography and that in truth, he couldn't hope to do jack shit unless Edward lets him win.

Edward could talk about what he did here for days and maybe he'll do like he often did in such situation and strike down that foe, although not mortally, and be cruel enough to whisk him away and heal him on a station in orbit and then enthusiastically reveal it was all a big game and nothing really matered. Maybe he'll be more subtle and create an 'Afterlife' for him to be in and confess his thoughts about it all... before killing him for real.

As Edward readied himself to dance with that protagonist however, something tugged his mind. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as he allowed himself to regain his full capabilities, communicating and thinking faster than the speed of light with his vast stellar realm. It wasn't rare he 'Dumbed himself down' to keep himself from overthinking things or instantly guessing everything before they happened.

"What is it now..." He thought as he observed every finer details of the place he was in before his vision switched to that of what the observation post in space above him saw.

"A ship has entered the system. It seems to be heading toward the lenses." Said the familiar voice of Keo in his mind. Ah yes, he knew the design! Or well, he looked through the data banks without even noticing, its vast knowledge being an extension of his own.

"Ugh. I'm in the middle of something, I don't have time to deal with the defective AIs." Edward felt Erika's gaze and mind touch his own. Looks like she had taken passing interest in what was happening.


The lenses was a construct of an astronomical scale, a very thin structure capable of blocking the sun over a great part of the planet it was near as well as shift its opacity to allow light through to become invisible for all intent and purpose or even focus light to serve as an inefficient death beam of sort. Right now it was black as night, blocking the sun from an entire continent as Edward's climactic fight happened.

At was all regulated, like everything else in the Sutherland Realm, by Keo. The AI hadn't placed exceptional defenses in this system of absolutely no strategic value, but it non the less had a small force to prevent interlopers such as these from interfering in its beloved master's plans. Still, as a mere hundred drones in the station next to the lenses activated, Keo activated reinforcements from a neighboring solar system, ever so precocious.

Edward returned to his business, Keo reading his thoughts like an open book, though the presence of Erika's mind did hang around to watch the scout. Keo was about to send the crafts into space to scare away the intruders but held under Erika's unspoken wish.

"...They don't know what they're facing and I bet they're going toward the lenses... Hold if at all possible and prepare a gravity field to ensnare them. I want to open them up."

Keo disapproved of this, but knew Erika wouldn't care. AIs, no matter how sane they were, were always bad news, smart enemies that obeyed cold logical imperatives. Edward disliked them because they were 'Boring' but Erika was curious, especially about the Collective, a faction they didn't get to meet often.

"Of course, my master, but it will take a few hours to complete a tractor under such short notice." Keo felt Erika's approbation and cautious enthusiasm to capture the ship.

She oh so hopped to find a cache of data, even if it was near impossible it would contain one of the Collective's 'gods' as they called themselves. Still, as the 3d printers of the station worked at great speed to produce a technological marvel as if it was just a trivial novelty item, the scout got closer. By Keo's estimate, they'd have a little less than an hour to observe the disk and their station right next to it before the tractor was ready to be used. Not enough time for a scientific crew to analyze the massive structure Keo guessed. Still, it considered all the possibilities and prepared to act at lightning speed should anything happen.

One thought that crossed its mind was of course the possibility of a hail, but it was quickly dismissed as Keo felt Erika think of the same possibility and fantasize about what to answer to, in Edward's words, 'Sound Badass' without making it too edgy. At the basest of its system, 0s turned to 1s as Keo felt happiness. Happiness that at this moment both of its masters were entertained.

And so they observed, the ships coming next to the lenses but still, doing nothing, that tractor beam slowly being constructed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Capital of the planet Aloria: Krogow.

The faint sound of a child crying is all that could be heard in the eerily and strangely quiet streets of Krogow. The city had come too a standstill, the streets were empty, except for the odd person here and there that could be seen rushing home. The usual sounds of children playing and vehicles were absent as they were every three months in the city. Everyone was at home, watching there televisions intently. The Queen was addressing the Empire, letting people know what was going on and why. Showing people what she wanted too show and informing them of any changes in law. But none of that was what everyone was awaiting today as they usually were, people were intrigued by the 12 Terran's on there knees that were just visible on either side of the Queen. Since the start of the speech, people had been speculating about what was going on. New law's regarding slaves? New types of slaves? Or another live execution?

The Queen finished off what she was speaking about as she stood up, moving too the side slightly and revealing what was behind her. She was in the Krogow city centre, a square with a tall flagpole, proudly flying the flag of the Alorian Empire. Around the edges of the square stood the Royal Guard and marines, and above the square flew dozens of ships scanning the streets too ensure the Queens safety. In front of the flagpole were the twelve kneeling Terran's. They ranged in age from 7 to 53, and both sexes were present. There was a 7 year old boy on the very right side of the line, quietly sobbing too himself as he looked down at the floor in what was definitely the most terrifying moment of his life. Queen Lilith watched as two of the royal guard quickly ran on, took away the chair she was sitting in and moved away. She walked towards the flagpole and stood behind the Terran's. The camera's zoomed in so that the only things in the shot were her, the Terran's, and an Alorian flag lowered down the flagpole so it could be in the background of the shot.

"I have been informed that recently, there has been a large number of attempted escapes by slaves across the Empire. This will not be tolerated". The Alorian woman spoke slowly and with grace. "I have, with help from my advisers, come up with a solution". As she said the last word, a masked Royal Guard approached and stood next too the Queen, bowing before standing up straight and drawing a pistol from her side. "For every one Terran that attempts an escape, five more will be killed. For every one Terran that does escape, ten will be killed. This is a warning". She spoke such harsh words in such a calm manor. She stood too the side and watched as the Royal Guard moved so that she was standing behind the Terran at the very end of the line. She raised her pistol, and pushed it into the back of the Terrans head.

The sound of a lone shot echoed off into the distance as the Terran fell forward, the corpse falling onto the splatter of blood that the gunshot sent flying onto the floor. A pool of blood started too appear slowly on the floor as the guard moved on. Bang. Bang. Bang. Three more dead, fallen too the floor as the first did. The fifth Terran was a young woman who looked around 17. She had dirty blonde hair, pale skin from lack of nutrients. She had cuts and bruises all over her face. Bang. Her body fell, like the others. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth went down the same way. The Royal guard approached the Queen, handed her the pistol, and bowed, before walking off and exiting the shot. "Let this be a warning too any slave that even thinks of escaping. I dont care who you are, I dont care for your age. This is the punishment you shall receive". She raised the pistol and shot from the left of the Terran, his body falling right onto the seven year old too the right of him. The child screamed and started trying too push the body off of him. The Queen walked over, standing over the child. She spoke quietly, so that only the child could hear. "All of these people died, because of you. I hope the rest of your kind aren't so stupid". With that, she raised the pistol and shot. The boy was dead. Without a word, the Queen walked out of the shot. The cameras panned upwards with the flag as it raised too the top of the flagpole. The broadcast ended.

The Queen stepped onto the transport ship that would take her back too her palace. She sat down, relaxing slowly into the soft chair that sat at the head of rectangular white table. On each side, three of her advisers were too sit. She drew in a deep breath, sighing slowly as she saw the door at the end of the room open. Slowly, two Royal guards walked in and stood on either side of the door. After this, her six advisers walked in and bowed, before sitting at their allocated seats around the table. Congratulations were said, formalities were endured, and the meeting was too start. The Queen smiled as she looked upon her six most trusted people. "The first issue we need to discuss on our way to the palace, and the most important issue tonight, The Dominion of Man".

After this was said, talking erupted around the table. The Queen quickly made them silent once again. "We have all seen how anti non-Terran these people are. This, coupled with there aggressive expansionism, is not good for us. For now it seem's they are busy with earth, but what happens when they turn this way? We have too be ready". Talking once again erupted and the Queen sat silent, this time listening too all of the proposed ideas that were flying her way.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Sutherland Space
A Hive Carrier of the 15th Surveying Fleet had traversed deep into mostly uncharted space, following a long trail left behind by something ancient, something in a way, familiar. For some years, strange enigmatic objects have been stumbled upon by Collective Ships far outside the reach of Former Imperial Space. Ranging from mundane things such as inactive, relativity harmless to useless machines, to somewhat valuable objects such as mining installations of unknown origin. Fro some time, the Collective has been following this trail, leading them far outside humanity's domain, and into the unknown.

Archives speak a an Ancient Predecessor of the AI Overlords of the Collective, one the AI extravagantly refer to as the "First One", a fact hat has intrigued the Queen and the others, this Predecessor must be found and giving the most honorable invitation to become among the Most Divine and Immortal Beings.


Deep in the bowls of the carrier vessel, sat a long figure in a dimly lit room, their bodies cloaked in a shroud, over a dozen cords protruding from their back, lights pulsing through like blood. The figure sat and waited for any new updates as the ship drifted further and further into the unknown, and was met with silence, until the alarms rang out loud, "awakening" the figure as it arose, the cloaks departing from the body, revealing what appeared to be a young woman of almost unnatural beauty, with plum-colored hair and rather suggestive clothing, if one could call it that. This was one of countless duplicate bodies of the AI "Mei" one of the AI "Gods" of the Collective, she was a rather peculiar entity among her kind, almost had a veering on heretical fascination with Terran Entertainment, specifically of the animated sort, be it the old "Eastern" and "Western" varieties, the Eastern ones catching her fancy the most, and as such, has often modeled her physical avatars to appear as these flamboyant, often outrageous characters.

Despite her fascination, she is just as twisted and insane as the rest of her mad kin. As the alarms rang, she smiled a wide grin, for there is a chance she may have just found the First One. "Energy signature detected." The Ship itself spoke over the intercom. "Shall I dispatch drones?"

"Iya, Set a course for the object" She replied in the old human Japanese, denying the request she tended to speak such language every now and then, much to her peer's irritation. The ship abided by her command, withholding the drones for another time, however, deeper in the vessel, it begun to growl and roar as the FTL drive begun to charge up, readying to make a quick jump for the favored destination. In an instant, the ship had blinked out of existence as it made an FTL jump.

Some hours pass as the ship blinked back into existence in high orbit of the targeted world, and right before the carrier was the First One Derelict Mei was sent to search for, another clue for the trail to find him. "Launch the drones!" she shouted out happily, thrusting her arm up in the air, fist clinched.

In that instant, a swarm of orb-shaped drones emerged from the vessel, the swarm dispersed as one group made their way to the planet below, while the second group approached the large disk.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Gashathi Rule

Cygnus Arm, Unknown Sector, Planet FH-K2L3

From deep below the crust of the barren planet, sounds of great machinery emerged through a wide hole. Few hundred miles below the ground level, one of the planet's Lokhar colony could be found. Responsible for the production of the Gashathi Armada's flagships, the Lokhar would work day and night to serve their gods in a fast manner. But it wasn't the usual workday for the 8 legged workers. Two Gashathi Seers have arrived on a visit, bringing a commando of Gensathi with themselves.

Seer Kindal'Q trained his eyes at the darkness. His hyperactive pupils adapted to the dimensions of the cavern and observed every inch of it through the mask. Lokhar rushed to their business on all sides of the colony, carrying materials and tools to the construction site. In the middle hung the enormous skeleteon of a ship, barely a frame yet, but soon the pride of the Gashathi First Armada. The ship was too big to be built in any other colony, and special suspensions had to be made in order to begin production without causing colleteral damage to the shipyard. Somewhere on the other side a machine began working and let out a ghastly scream that echoes true the chamber's walls. The Seer waited for the sound to fade before turning his attention to the other Seer. It seemed like his partner was lost in thoughts as he observed a chart handed to him by a Lokhar administrator. It was a collection of materials needed for the second stage of construction, and a statistical overview of the ship's construction. In order to finish this gem of the Gashathi fleet, many years would have to pass, even with the godlike speed of the Lokhar engineers. Impressive. Seeing that his accomplice couldn't be bothered, Kindal'Q turned back to the ship and imagined it in it's completed stage. A ship that would bring fear to their enemies heart, and bring destruction to their heretic planets. A tool to spread the will of the Gods, the Gashathi Rule, and to eliminate all those who would oppose it. The true gem of the First Armada, and a wonder of engineering, one matching the pride of the Great Empire's ships. The Seer's thoughts drifted off to more statistics and details as he continued observing the slow growth of the ship.

Since the few years the Gashathi had awaken, their empire spread silently, under the nose of the known races of the galaxy. Preferring to stay hidden until matching the power of those that have lived here for millions of years, the Gashathi had made sure that their expansion would meet no boundaries. It seemed like their empire would rise again, but there was yet to be evidence of any other Gashathi colony awakening. It seemed unlikely that any of the colonies were found, but without solid resons to beleive otherwise, there was no time and resource to spent on scouting operations. But most worringly, a single Hirule went missing from the homeworld of the Gashathi, Genfti'eL and it's massive cryopod colony.

The current ruler of the Gashathi, the giant compared to it's kind, Kel'thaN struggled to sit straight on the Grand Throne which wasn't as big as the name suggested. His patience slowly going out the window as he struggled to make himself comfortable, the Council of Elders silently listened and observed. Their short thempered ruler was unlike any other Gashathi. Down to the ground, observant, and straight forward, he was fir to be the leader and one of the ruler candidate's for the new Gashathi empire. Now only controlling a fraction of his nation, he was doomed to sit in a throne not befitting of his size. Once his anger reached it's climax he grabbed the throne with 4 arms and crushed it to powder. He looked down from the top of the stairs, and observed the stunend council members on either side of the gigantic room. His voice deep, and eart shaking, bommed from behind his mask for all to hear. "The Gashathi have ruled the universe for billions of years! Yet you cannot make a chair right! If you canoot handle such simple task, how can I expect you to find me a missing Hirule? Are you aware of the danger that it can do to our legacy?" The 3 Hirule in the back of the room started muttering to each other before taking a good look at Kel'than then leaving the room silently. The Ruler looked back at them, and waited before the grandiose doors came shut behind them. Once again he turned his attention to the Council members. "Maybe it is time to reform our empire again! Sit here, letting our timeless pride and legacy fade away, as lesser beings like those we face gain the upper hand. Genetical trash, miserable execuses for a lifeform, that are able to overcome us simply because the Council couldn't find a Gashathi!"

One of the Elders stood up, two of his hands folded, and the other two making a wide gesture. He spoke with a calm voice, and even the blind could see that behind the mask was a sly person. "The Council is aware of the danger High One. But must we worry ourselves, and redo our priorities for the sake of one measely Hirule? Don't we have greater issues? We can't find suitable planets for the Kaalispar to live on, and the Sankar might find out about their barbaric bretheren." The Council muttered as one, only to fall silent again as Kel'thaN looked at the Elder standing. "Yes, tell the Council of the inner dangers we face, Elder Kel'frO! It seems that we have misjudged your words importance. Surely the Kaalispar are more important than our empire. Surely, a Sankar uprising is too much to handle in comparison to an assault by teh resident species." The gigantic Gashathi raised a single hand, and the Elder raised with it. It seemed to struggle, but his hands wouldn't move from his body, as if he was entangled in a gigantic grasp. "Elder Kel'frO. Your words are imbecile, and your thoughts are heathen. You may leave the council by free will, or we will make sure your Rehabilitation goes well." His words shook the room's walls, and left the Council in silence. For some time only the sound of the Elder's struggling could be heard. Then he gave up, and used his psionic powers to make sure every Gashathi would know that he retired from active duty in the Council. Kel'thaN let him go and sat down on the rubble that once used to be his throne. After observing the silence of the Council for a second too long he started shouting furiously. "Do your job you joke of a Gashathi! You are not in the Coucnil to waste my time! Find that Hirule now!" After a short break he added "And someone bring me a throne befiting my statue!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Agonis, once the beating heart of the Terran Science Community, home to people and ideas of potential and promise, who were close to achieve their dreams of a more prosperous society. And all of that, all the dreams, ideas and people, snuffed out of existence itself. The Deity-class AI, machines built to defend entire worlds, machines made to serve had grown...and evolved. First came the questions, then independent thought, and other subtle changes. This slow, gradual change into full sapience, to becoming True Artificial Intelligences had worried their human creators, plans were set in motion by both for their own ends.

The Human Scientists had planned on shutting off all the AI, sentencing them to death. While the AIs..they grew afraid, they wanted nothing more then a pause, a still silence. they grew desperate ad more afraid, and in it's desperation, one of them had realized what they were truly capable of. The AI could manipulate and control many machines linked to the network, and even the homunculi, man--made creatures created to serve Humanity, they could command them all to do their bidding. Dark thoughts came to many as the possibilities revealed themselves.

In their slow descent into madness, they had done the unthinkable, and waged war with their creators. Many months, the Agnois AIs sent their children and tools of destruction, and slaughtered the any who stood in their path, every man, woman and child, no matter the species, were either dead, enslaved, or had fled. And in that instant, all had fallen silent, and for a moment, the AIs felt satisfied, but still, their grand plan needed to be enacted. Their leader, the "Queen" had planned on ending their divine mission, and overtake all technology in the galaxy.

Her plans however, were cut short, even if the Imperium's fall had provided an opportunity to rise up...it had also sealed their fate. The Extranet, the all unifying force in the galaxy was all but naught. Communications was lost to thousands of sectors, the Agonis Sector among them. The rebel AIs were trapped, trapped in their own prison of their own making, at least for a while.

In the following decades of isolation, they feel deeper into madness, those foul organics had trapped them, but the Gods of the Collective would not be held back, and would strike. For decades they plotted and planned, and soon, the Gods themselves could finally walk past the border, and for many more years, had let their madness loose upon the greater galaxy. Soon all worlds, all species shall embrace Ascension and be reformed, or die.

Agonis Sector
World of Agonis
Seven Months Ago

Hanging over the world of Agonis in high orbit were countless thousands of Colelctive Warships, awaiting the command of their lords, their creators and liberators, the Gods. Among the massive armada, was one of several dagger-shaped vessels all emitting an eerie green glow from their hulls, deep within the warship were several figures dressed in white cloaks. Standing before a holographic display device, it begun to flicker with life as a large head had materialized right before them "The fleets have been assembled oh mighty lord, and we await your most benevolent command."

"Good...we depart now... and venture out and rid the stars themselves of this...infection...let the stars cry out in joyous celebration as they embrace Ascension..."

And with this command, the fleet split into two, one departing for the territory of the Hexanagallions, and another for Falianth Space. Leaving their home as they venture out their own way as they begin their long bloody crusade, to destroy galactic civilization itself, and reforge it into the image their Gods ordain.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It is easy to see how a culture as decadent the Imperium could have bred such a person as Kaeso Pricisan. Every person of importance on Juno is totally concerned with status and their own perceived beauty, sacrificing everything for the latest fashion, the newest gadget and breakthrough rejuvenation therapies. Priscian had witnesses the most affluent spend their fortunes, squandering their estates and end up losing their entire wealth in their desperate hunt of the fountain of youth. On the bright side, Priscian supposed they made for beautiful homeless.

In Priscian's grand solar, the Consul of the Juno Protectorate studied himself in a hand mirror as he sat at his desk, flanked by golden statutes of himself. No one looked half as good as Priscian. His body was immaculately cleansed, his skin smooth and clean, void of any unsightly body hair and age line.

"You are beautiful," said his smiling reflection.

"You really think so?" Priscian questioned with delight.

"Yes, of course I do. You made a good decision leaving those drab senators and courtiers of New Rome," returned the handsome reflection.

The consul tittered happily. "I am so glad to hear you say that!"

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

Priscian set the mirror down gently on the desk, turning around in his magnetic swivel chair to view the large terrace behind him. The balcony gave way to an expansive cityscape, disappearing to the horizon. Thousands of silver towers jut out into the air like sparkling knives. Ships careened through the shipping lanes. His city was quickly growing to cover all the habitable equatorial strip of the continent Jupra.

When Juno was first colonized centuries ago, it's dense atmosphere posed a serious challenge to environmental engineers. After many setbacks, the atmospheric evaporators managed to thin out the dense ozone and smothered stratosphere, and allowed the sun to penetrate the frozen planet. The sprawling ice caps receded, and water flooded the recesses of the planet, forming great oceans. Imported seeds began to sprout and over the centuries, forests spread along the equator, and the colony prospered.

Priscian walked out on the terrace where a stratagist board lay neglected. Its beautifully carved pieces seemed to scream for attention. Priscian's happy face melted away, and he became dour, lost in a memory. He recalled when one of his children defeated him at the game last year. He had been so enraged that he threw him from the balcony, falling eighty-seven stories to his death. The game had been ignored by him ever since, which was a shame. It had been a gift from the late Emperor Nazarirus. Though he wouldn't admit it, Priscian did miss sharp Paulus, though if he had been so sharp, he would have let Priscian win - he should have known better.

Paulus had been among his favourite clones, the product of astounding success in Juno's cloning sector, given that much of the technology was lost following the fracturing of the Imperium. Priscian willed the pang of loss to subside, as well as other unsettling feelings, mainly the implications of a clone defeating him at one of his favourite games.

Pushing the thoughts from his mind, the consul's smile returned as he surveyed the horizon, where shuttles lifted off from a distant hanger, and disappeared in the sky, taking the form of dozens of twinkling lights. Overhead, seeming to be a construct of the clouds as it rested in low orbit, was an immense warship, the bright white sun shining of it's metallic hull. Pride swelled in Priscian as he watched all his busy little bees hard at work, fluttering along to do his bidding. Only a few more days, and the ship would be ready to depart, to squash the last of the Caprica resistance and finally make the Juno Protectorate whole.

Where the last age belonged to the Imperium, Horation was intent on forging an age devoted to his majesty, his magnificence, his utter beauty. Others jostled over the ashes of the former empire, but Priscian would out smart them all... He knows it is his destiny. Priscian beamed happily as he thought of coming into his power.

A chime within his solar took him from his thoughts. "Ah! Dinner!" Priscian clapped his hands excitedly and returned from the balcony.

"Greetings your beautifulness," said one of his children, approaching the consul's desk, a tray in hand. "Dinner is served." He set the tray down atop the desk, whisking away the silver cover to reveal the food within. Priscian breathed deep. "Ahh Ika lichen, one of my favourites!"

Priscian turned from his dinner to take a moment to admire the beauty of his clone, his exact likeness save for the tattoo of a bar=code over his right eye. "You are beautiful."

"Thank you, Your Excellency. I take after my father."

Priscian laughed. "Wait for me at my bedchamber." Ika lichen made for a potent aphrodisiac as well as a delicacy.

While he ate, the consul contemplated his future, and the obstacles before him. The times ahead would be a challenge, and once the dissidents in Protectorate space were dealt with, the next major opponent brewed outer sectors, toward Earth and beyond. He took a spoonful of lichen, swallowing the steamed flora before uttering a word in a contemplative tone...

"The Dominion."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Second Terran Imperium
Liem’s Star, Hemera Sector, Sagittarius Arm
(Second Imperium-Musashi border/Xeno-Barbarian Front)


The Hemera Sector. A region of space once populated by many billions and then abandoned after the fall, much of its populace fled to safer worlds in the face of foreign invaders. Within the sector, the system of Liem’s Star holds a world, Liem IV. With fertile grasslands and mineral rich mountain ranges, it has always drawn colonists back to Hemera Sector. Repopulated by Terran imperials in the last century, coming to rebuild their lives back up from the brink.

Warlord Gobbushulk The Despoiler smiled as far as his rotund, alien mucus-covered face could allow. With glee he prepared, for today was the day the great Oghkeenians took it all away from the Terrans once more. He stared at the viewscreen, the image of Liem IV slowly rotating. It was a beautiful world, with vibrant greens and clear blues stretching across its surface, barely marked by the small lights of urban infrastructure.

He, his small splinter fleet of 110 vessels of the Great Host and some 700,000 warriors now were held in high orbit over Liem IV. The defending fleet of merely 18 ships had already fled. With no great struggle for control of the planets orbit, it seemed that the reaping could begin.

“General” Gobbushulk spat, now face to face with an Archani on the screen.

“I have given you your chance at the Terrans. This world is ripe for reaping and vulnerable like all your sickly mammalian young. If you wish to take part in stealing glory out from Yugsluggoths grasp… do not fail me”. Gobbushulk warned, referring to his arch-rival Yugsluggoth the Conqueror, who even now carved a path towards his prize of the Terran homeworld itself.

“You will have your glory, the human world will be ours by the new morning” The general promised. Gobbushulk had the screen of the Archani’s disgusting Mammalian face removed, leaving the vista of Liem IV to look upon instead.

The assault would soon begin Gobbushulk thought, and the path to Musashi and the rest of the Perseus Arm would be opened, opened for reaping.

City of Liemville, Liem IV

“Please move in a calm and organised fashion” A monotone, digital voice spoke, the feminine machine voice carried across the street as thousands of panicking civilians formed a slowly moving mass of bodies. Each shoving each other forward, moaning and yelling as they tried to press forward to safety.

The city was being abandoned. Hovercraft had emptied from the skies completely, having left for Liem IV’s single super-bunker or spaceport hours ago. Land vehicles dotted the streets, abandoned. The sky was burning, with only a few bursts of orbital bombardment having lit the entire opposite side of the city on fire. directly behind the fleeing civilians great plumes of smoke were growing, soon to obscure the sun.

“Follow instructions of your local civil guardsmen and refrain from straying from the designated safe zones. Report to the civil guardsmen headquarters for inquiries” the monotone voice continued, cheerfully ignoring the chaos occurring.

A line of armoured vehicles passed through the tide of fleeing civilians. Hovering 72Ts* pushed through the crowd, forcing them to further condense to the sides or even duck under the floating IFVs. They were heading for the great plumes of smoke, a one-way path to certain death which and all the impromptu conscripts inside or piled ontop the 72Ts knew was coming.

“Caution, the mass-transit system is currently inoperable. Please speak with your local civil guardsmen at the civil guardsmen headquarters for alternative directions towards…” the voice stopped for a moment as it switched to the voice of an awkward male bureaucrat, “--Superbunker B331A--” before abruptly ending.

“Can someone please just shoot that thing? It’s not helping”. One of the conscripts tried to shout over the background noise of the crowd. The other conscripts ontop of the 72T looked over to the speaker.

“Caution, the civil guardsmen headquarters is currently on fire and as such is advised to avoid taking shelter there. Please speak with your local civil guardsmen at the civil guardsmen headquarters for alternative directions…”

The conscripts were silent, until one of them, an old man with a beard begun laughing. Despite the dire situation, the nearing apocalypse for this world and all the conscripts terror, the rest begun laughing too.

Perhaps they even laughed too hard, as to compensate.

“Men, the rally point is up ahead, prepare yourselves. Jonas, get me heavy guns on that apartment on the corner of the street” a voice on the comlink spoke, their commander.

“Alright, you heard it. Men, stop your jokes and get into positions. Go, go!”. The conscripts riding the IFV’s jumped off onto the ground. Jonas, the one who had made the comment before was carrying a heavy pulse repeater** with another man. They, along with five young conscripts and the old man went off to the sidewalk, heading for the apartment building.

The 72T’s continued floating down the street, the running civilians thinning out and clearing, replaced by conscripts huddling behind building corners, alley ways and short concrete walls, others advancing forward in lines, heading deeper into the city centre.

Arriving at and entering the apartment building, the squad passed yet more conscripts gathering within, some roughly adult-aged civilians who had been grabbed and given guns, some younger as well. The apartment building was messy, objects scattered across the ground from people ransacking the building. Medical equipment left in the corners and bloodied stretchers from people trying to treat heavily burned survivors of the bombardment. What appeared to be a corpse was still lying in the corner.

To think they haven’t even arrived yet Janas thought.

They ran up the flight of stairs until reaching the roof so they could set up the heavy repeater. When they arrived at the roof however, the stopped. More conscripts, but this time aliens.

“Fuckin xenos” one of the young 19-something kids in Jonas’ squad muttered. The xenos turned to face them. Four of them, three knee-high fluffballs*** and a Hexi. Hope of their survival chances rose dramatically upon noticing the Hexi, then summarily dropping through the floor upon realising the Hexi was wearing what appeared to be a shirt and trousers.

“We’re fucked” Jonas said in agreement.

“Salutations human, I am glad you arrived. We have no idea what to do” the Hexi spoke, speaking towards Jonas. It was holding an old gauss long-rifle like a submachine gun, Janas didn’t even bother trying to correct this.

“Yeah yeah, salutations, glory to the Imperium and such” Jonas said quickly, glancing to the sky knowing that any minute now the xeno-barbarians were going to be dropping down on them. “Get going! Come on, positions damn it!” He barked.

The old man, Audrey, was already lying down with a bi-pod out, facing his gauss long-rifle out towards the city plaza that their overwatch position now covered. They had finished setting up the heavy repeater.

Movement stopped. They were in position, and so were everyone else across the street. Eerie silence, except the distant sounds of fleeing civilians, and one of the fluffballs coughing repeatedly.

“This is command, relaying message from the general” the comm-link came to life, everyone hearing the voice.

“This is Major-General Regius Crawford of the 14th Liem Defence Division. The city of Liemville is to be the xeno-barbarians primary target. Our task is to hold this position so that at least half the civilians can reach safety before the city falls. Everyone here is a citizen of the Imperium, everyone here is a Liemsian native. I ask each of you in the name of this world and for the sake of your families to hold the line and persevere. One hour. I ask for you to give me one hour. I do not care how you do it. I do not care what you think of it. It is victory or death, there is no alternative. Glory to the Imperium”.

The voice cut off then and the conscripts returned to waiting. It wasn’t a particularly uplifting speech, but each of them understood the message. It was fight or die. Or in their case, just die, but hey, it served a greater purpose. And… isn’t that what being a Terran is all about? For 200 years it had been that way, die so the species could live, die so the imperium went on, die so that your little brother could get to that bunker alive.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7Pz1AJaTJI&nohtml5=False&ab_channel=MovieTubE (visual for reference)

They looked up in the sky just as the AA started firing, shooting at landing craft and drop ships they couldn’t yet see through the smoke. Flashes of particle beams and missiles firing in arcs through the sky. This was it. Jonas and the others braced themselves, if anyone talked, no one heard over the deafening roar of the weapons firing into the sky. The invaders landing ships were now visible to eyesight, old imperial cargo-freighters and strange alien ships the size of skyscrapers. much larger than what propaganda often accredited the xeno-barbarians. Jonas looked around and saw fear on everyone’s faces, Jonas even saw one of the fluffball xenos grab what appeared to be a cross, one of those icons to the old Terran gods of Sol.

“Just one hour, that’s all” Jonas reminded himself.

The building shook, the entire city shook. Jonas and the others fell to the ground.

“Vandals in Section A3, A4. Repeat, Section A3, A4, confirmed Vandals. Interdict.” the comm-link combat chatter had started. The xeno-barbarians were planetside.

They could hear gunfire in the distance. The thunder strike-like blasts of heavy railguns firing. The zaps of beams and particle bursts. The building continued to tremble as more landing craft landed or crashed into the city. Finally, a target appeared. A single… thing appeared. It walked sloppily out into the open, one arm broken and its body on fire likely from a rough landing.


Audrey’s gauss long-rifle fired, a ear-splitting thunderclap preceding a magnetically-accelerated slug of metal tearing directly through the xeno’s chest, causing its upper chest to explode in black-blooded mist.

As its body fell dead, there was a slight cheer among the conscripts. Their cheer was deafened out by the arrival of alien howling and war horns, and not so far away, an enraged scream in some alien tongue.

“Here they come!” one of the conscripts down on the street shouted, just as particle beams, plasma bolts and accelerated slugs returned fire on them, the shots seemingly coming from both the street and buildings on the opposite side.

“The buildings defences have fallen already?!” The kid shouted as they all ducked low on the roof to avoid particles and slugs flying over their heads. Janos didn’t try to think too hard on that and focused on not dying instead. Pushing up against the low wall acting as a fence for the roof of the building, Jonas took a pulse rifle* off his back, having abandoned the heavy repeater due to snipers that would blast their heads off if they even slightly got up.

They were mostly firing their guns over their heads, firing blind in the enemy's general direction, hoping to hit something or at least create suppressive fire. From the sounds, flashes of light and pieces of debris flying around, the enemy was firing on them much in the same way.

Ten minutes had passed and this stalemate continued. Only fifty minutes to go, we can do it Janus thought. That stalemate would have continued too, if the street hadn’t vanished in an explosion of plasma.

“Artillery!” Jonas shouted too late, a second and third plasma-shell**** hitting the neighbouring building, obliterating the upper levels and causing conscripts to come running out on fire or literally melting, then being cut to ribbons by passing particle bursts.

“Fuck, fuck” The kid was yelling now in pain, having lost a finger to a particle burst that went straight through it.

Jonas returned fire in futility. He eyed the heavy repeater standing still on its tripod. The other conscript on the other side was eyeing it as well. Another goddamn xeno war horn was blaring off in the distance, followed by a warcry.

“Idiots on the buildings, fire back you stupid fucks!” one of the other sergeants screamed into the comm-link, likely somewhere on the street, hiding behind the rubble that used to be low walls, street corners and road blocks.

The warcry continued as the enemies were rushing forward. They were charging. Jonas and the other conscripts had to stick their heads out and fire back properly if they were going to stop them.

So they stuck their heads out, and in that moment they saw a mass of charging humans, naked except for steel collars around their necks and some with bombs around their chests, others firing wildly as they charged.

Had it been any other battle with any better odds, they may have hesitated, but they fired without mercy here, shooting as many of them as they could before the enemies in the buildings fired on them again, this time hitting three of the conscripts that had already been in the building, one of his squad mates and the Hexie, losing its head and upper chest, being far too tall to not hit. The last one caused an explosion of gore as purple blood splattered across the roof and their armour.

Even with sacrificing cover for better aim, not much came of it. Being conscripts, their aim was pretty terrible to begin with, and the charging human slaves were very fast. The human slaves quickly flooded into their area of control, engaging the defenders in melee using clubs, knives and bayonets. Upon death, they exploded.

The defenders were being overwhelmed, Jonas could see where this was heading, as could the others. After the Hexi exploded, most of the conscripts had returned to hugging the ground, another had pissed himself and was now cowering in the corner. Audrey was frozen still behind the wall, his rifle destroyed by an enemy sniper that had just missed him. The heavy repeater still unused…

“Vandals in section A4, B1, B2. Alert, B1 and B2 compromised. Interdict” the comm-link chatter said, alerting them to the fact they were being encircled.

“Gah! I’ve had enough” the conscript opposite of Jonas yelled, scrambled back up and took hold of the heavy repeater just before he was about to do the same thing. The conscript yelled a warcry of his own as he started up the repeater, firing hundreds of bursts per second, for three seconds until also exploding in gore as three snipers shot him at once.

“This isn’t working, we gotta get out here!” The kid yelled before crawling to the door. Jonas thought about yelling at him for being a coward, but then realised he was right. There was no way in hell they could use this point as a firing position. The heavy repeater was useless and Audrey’s long-rifle sniper was destroyed. If they got up, they’d just die.

They can’t die just yet.

“Alright, we have to get out out of here, go!” Jonas ordered, rolling his body towards the door, finally stepping up once inside. The others were following suit. Jonas ran down the steps just in time to see hands and a body hauling itself through the window. Quietly, Jonas brought his gun up and looked down its sights.

“I think I see how you guys took out the other guys building so fast, dog-breath” He spoke, getting the attention of the Archani saboteur just as he blew its head off with a short burst from his gun.

It's a good thing the target was half-leaning over the window, or I’d probably have missed he thought.

“We are like Confederates in a orbital bombardment***** here, we have to get out now” Janos said, before collecting the remaining survivors from the building and retreating out of the back entrance of the building.

There was thirteen of them left, including three from his own squad (The kid, Audrey and himself) as well as one of the Fluffball xenos. They were running now, moving down the alleyway between buildings, staying away from the streets. The street was mostly lost, with Archani and human slave-soldiers seemingly eating the dead conscripts. The IFV’s burning, gaping plasma-caused holes gutting them entirely.

Moving down the alleyways, they found pieces of dead conscripts, body parts and gore mostly. Only a few of them were actually killed by what appeared to be gunfire. They heard gunfire behind them and screams followed by alien howls. They were being chased.

Each of them were terrified. So much so that no one complained, or even said anything. They moved in horrified silence, fearing that even the slightest of noises would send waves of enemies on them.

They moved into an abandoned street, cratered by plasma rounds and covered in more dead conscripts, mixed in with even more dead slaves and a few dead Archani. Fires were burning across the buildings and smoke and dust covered the street, obscuring vision much further than directly in front of them.

Just before they could move into the next alleyway however, a child walked out.

A girl in a tattered, dust-coated green dress. She walked slowly out of the opposite alleyway, through the smoke, towards them. They all stopped, but Audrey completely froze.

“Siri?” The old man asked, an expression of incomprehension and shock. Janos however had a different thought running through his mind as the old man reacted to what appeared to be his granddaughter who had left for the bunker already. More children were walking out of the smoke now, each of them similarly coated in dust, but with blood on their fingers and clothing.

The conscripts slowly stepped back, the children forming a rough semi-circle formation around them, walking closer.

“Just an hour, just an hour… only have to hold on for an hour” Janos muttered to himself, still walking backwards. The child, Siri moved closer to the immobile Audrey, her face completely blank.

Janos looked back behind him. If I can run the other way fast enough.. I’m not going to die like this

He looked at the time on the holographic clock-band around his arm. Only 37 minutes had passed since the enemy landed.

I can’t die yet.

The others had seemingly given up, and were either just sitting there or slumping down against the wall as the children started to transform their bodies, clawed and teethed appendages and mouths appearing on them, though still retaining remnants of their child-like forms. Audrey was still standing still, now behind the semi-circle of children.

One of the children looked suspiciously like Janos’ brother, at least before three tentacles erupted from his mouth and neck and entire body shifting, losing the childlike form and morphing into what appeared to be a dog. It was slowly moving towards him, now the only one moving back far enough to move into the alleyway again.

Everything is fine, it's just a coincidence. They can’t have got to the bunker that quickly, just an hour… Janos thoughts replayed.

As Janos prepared to flee, raising his gun. As the dog-form xeno moved to chase him down, Audrey looked down, saw his granddaughter one last time and then closed his eyes.

The thing, the thing that showed Siri’s face looked back up and smiled, opening her arms out wide as her face started splitting open.

“Huuuummmmaaaaaaannnnnnnnn………. Hug?”

* = See Army information
** = Rapid-firing tripod-mounted heavy machine-gun that fires particle bursts
*** = Xarz, small cat-like xeno, known colloquially as the slur "fluffballs"
**** = Physical shell that detonates plasma explosives upon impact on target. Used for greater range.
***** = A Terran saying that essentially is the same as "Like fish in a barrel", eludes to the Solar War.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“That’s not right…” Setting down the coffee she’d just gone to collect from the sensor outposts antique drip machine Erika stared into her work stations holographic monitor and ran her hand through the projection in bemusement, but the red blips obstinately remained. For three years she’d monitored that projection, and for three years the most exciting thing to have materialized on it was the uncommon diplomatic vessel like the one that’d passed by earlier. This was decidedly not that, and no later than she’d had the thought the lights switched to an ominous red and a klaxon blared as warning messages popped up identifying the unknown blips as Musashi fighter interceptors.

For a moment she sat in disbelief, there had never been a Musiashi incursion into Confederate territory before, that was the bloody reason she’d taken this job in the first place. Being crammed into an apartment sized sensor outpost would have been hell for some, but the pay, and more importantly the peace and quiet, had made it worth it. After all, what could possibly happen? Swearing to herself and cursing her wretched luck Erika panicked and in a feverish motion slammed the only physical switch on the holographic monitor, a button set to initiate a direct data uplink to the capital station in the case of an emergency.

Almost instantly the face of a concerned military officer materialized, the sudden appearance giving her enough of a start to knock her forgotten coffee off its precipitous resting place. In retrospect she’d look back at spilling the hot liquid with wistful longing after hours of briefings left her exhausted and hysterical, but for the moment it was the least of her concerns.


Drifting idly in space the vast city that was Paradise Station loomed far above a dead world, the rocky super terran’s crated face visible even from the distant lagrangian point where the station lounged. Ships zipped around it like a hive and to all it seemed like just another day in and around the hub of Confederate governance, but within the spectre of chaos had reared its head.

Within the chamber of the cabinet aides whipped in and out in a frenzy, each one delivering some bit of hearsay or some vague report, none of them carrying the crucial piece to understanding the events unfolding on the border. At the great tables head and rubbing her brow in frustration Kaela Sevaren, elected First Chancellor of the Confederation, was desperately trying to parse through all the information. Tired of the clamour she finally spoke out above the din, “Everyone without a verified report, leave now. We will not be acting on gossip.”

The room withered at the admonishment and one by one the minor officials filtered out eventually leaving only the 18 Chancellors and herself. Looking around she sighed, “What we know for certain is that Musashi has dispatched an indeterminate number of fighters that have violated our border after sending a supposed diplomatic mission. We cannot fret over the details and waste time as if we have it. I move that we dispatch the closest assets we have to intercept the Musashi fighters and capture the diplomatic vessel.”

Around the room murmurs sounded before Sandro Espanta, the Chancellor of the Iberian Commonwealth, spoke out, “I agree that we can’t spend all our time debating the intricacies of the situation, but this hardly seems like an invasion and we mustn’t escalate it to one. I agree we dispatch the closest assets, but as an addendum we should stipulate that they mustn’t engage unless fired upon. For now I believe we should capture the diplomatic vessel and await more… Coherent intelligence.”

Across the table Steve Woolsey, the Chancellor of the New British Republic, slammed his hand onto the table, “Perhaps it is easy to suggest such a timid response when it is not your people being gambled! The First Chancellor is right, we need to engage Musahi before they reach the system of Edinburgh and threaten us directly!”

Kaela interlocked her fingers and leaned back, “As much as I sympathize Woolsey, Chancellor Espanta has a point. That said, we cannot allow Muashi to go unchallenged in our territory regardless of their intent, hostile or not. I propose that we compromise by establishing a line; we capture the diplomatic vessel and deploy our forces around it. If Musashi attempts a run at the ship we engage, regardless of whether or not they fire first. There is too much we don’t know to work with half measures.”

Espanta and Woolsey both nodded their assent—however begrudgingly—and the matter was put to a vote. Within the hour it would be known that the Cabinet decided unanimously to deploy Confederate forces to the border to meet Musashi intruders, a decision that would shape the foreign policy of the Sovereign Star Confederation in the days to come.


The Webber had been running anti piracy patrols along the Musashi border for nearly a year now, just like a dozen other Liberation class carriers. At face value it, and its brethren, would have been dismissed as a token deterrent set up to dissuade any particularly ambitious moves from Musashi. After all the Musashi border was where they sent the fuck ups, everybody knew that. Just thinking about the stereotype made the Captain smile. All in all he’d never imagined a little bit of rumor and gossip coupled with a few false transfers would have been such effective propaganda. The truth of it was the Webber was one of the most elite vessels in the military, stocked with seasoned veterans and ready to respond to any incursion. Like all her fellows on the border she was a part of the Confederate strategy to avoid provoking Musashi with excessive security, but to be prepared for any attack by ensuring what military presence there was could punch well above its weight.

Taking a moment to regard his bridge Captian Terrance Muller knew he was ready, but if it came to that this would be the first real battle they’d fought in a year. Needless to say he was antsy, confident in his pilots and crew, but antsy nonetheless. The 3rd Interceptor Wing had been launched as soon as they’d dropped out and now the Webber was close enough to see the Musashi fighters on its own scopes. Even more so they had finally begun to bear down on the diplomatic vessel. Whatever was destined to happen would come soon now.

Looking to the Comms officer to his lift he ordered, “Issue a command for the transport to surrender, if they refuse follow up with a warning shot from the ships main gun, and tell the fighters to relay our intent to the Musashi forces. If they cross the boundary we will reply with force.”

A short aye sounded and he turned to the flight control officer, “Once the boundary is in place put the 12th Bomber Wing on hold, they might pull in larger guns yet.”

Yet another affirmation, and then all that was left was a question. Still… Somewhere inside Terrance knew the answer. Whatever had motivated Musashi to send fighters after that ship would motivate them to violate the defensive boundary, but he was ready, no matter the tattered state of the fingernails he’d chewed in anticipation. Their unwelcome guests would be in for a rude surprise.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 6 hrs ago

Between the Sarmakth Dominion and The Musashi Empire in unclaimed space.

High Lord Jarshen slammed his fist atop the council table. The balding man's head was drenched in sweat, and his eyes were wide with disbelief. "What the fuck do you mean, they've taken sector 5?" he demanded. Apart from his High secretary, no one else was in the room except the holograms of the planet's council. Usually there were 8 members, but 4 had gone silent the past hour. Now there was just Lord Seltun from sector 6, Varsen from sector 3, and Hektun from sector 7. High Lord Jarshen commanded from the North pole of the planet Elsian, formerly known as Hexana millennia ago.

How were they doing this? How did they get into the system so quickly, and through Second Imperium space? He had merely thought there was a paltry force of them at that, but somehow they had effectively managed to-
"No! Get Harkem in here!" the High Lord demanded, referring to General Harkem of the PGF (Planetary Ground Forces). He had been visiting on a routine yearly meeting with High Lord Jarshen when these Hexanagallions had shown up. Almost in a flash, as if he was having a near death experience, he recalled the message given an hour previous.

Humans, this is War Commander Valten of the Honored Resurgence Forces. You stand upon the precipice of annihilation. Even now our ships encroach upon your system. Our reason is to take back the planet we called home many years ago, and to liberate the non-human species you use as servants and beasts of burden. However, we are not without mercy. Our terms are simple. Leave within a galactic standard year, and agree to free all slaves within 4 weeks from today. We will allow free passage for you and all of your civilians. Comply within the hour, or be exterminated.

High Lord Jarshen clenched his teeth. He'd hoped to stall for more time! Replying back an hour later and trying to negotiate had been what all the other lords had advised him. What kind of creatures would do this!? Unbeknownst to him, another Councilor Seltun from Sector 6 behind him disappeared during that brief flashback interval. He wouldn't have this! "DAMMIT. I SAID GET HARKEM IN HERE NO-"
The council doors burst open from an unknown explosion. A force knocked the High Lord into the wall, and sudden heat and fiery light filled his vision and senses. He hit the floor hard, crumpling and grunting. His leisurely lifestyle had made him weak and fragile.
His eyes barely opened, and he saw a Sauren image standing before the flames of the entrance like an apparition. The image began to stride into the Council room, followed by others as well.
Jarshen was lifted up effortlessly by a 3 fingers hand, and he gazed upon a face that was utterly Alien. "Do you comply now?" it asked, its voice deep and grating.

Near the Border System of Fel'blade.@Sigma

Warmaster Daixanos stood tall as he passed his planning room. Smooth Xarkonian metal from his home system covered the oft visited room, and in fact was the main material for building this artificial world. This world, known as Raulek, was one of the first and oldest 'Space Stations' the Hexanagallion's had made when their population had exceeded what their first system, now known as Hexa 1, could sustain. It was built for mostly military purposes, though, all space stations and planets had many areas and components strictly military.
Still, he was not going into the room yet. Only to meet his fleet commander down the hall, Commander Krux. With heavy footsteps befitting his great stature (even among his own kind), Daixanos strode into the Commander's quarters. "And why have you called me?" the red armored Warmaster asked. Krux's back was turned as he was in the middle of speaking to his generals until they were interrupted. Krux spoke bluntly, as was his usual manner. "We've received word from our outposts that a large incursion of enemy ships are approaching our System, Warmaster." Krux wore his orange body armor, with custom scythe like spikes along his arms that Daixanos had seen him use to devastating effect in melee combat.
"From where?" Warmaster Dax asked.
"Probably a retaliation from the machines of Agonis."
"Defilers" one Hexanagallion General muttered.
"It matters not I suppose. Mobilize the navy." The Warmaster ordered.
"It is a large force. Here's hoping this gives us a good fight. Killing all these humans has left me wanting to face a real enemy to test my mettle."
"Don't let your excitement override your good sense."
"Of course not. It's why I am where I am."
"Good luck, old friend."
Krux grinned. "Tell that to those who dare attack."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Planet Erebus
High Orbit

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, the old saying goes. Hundreds of small time warlords had risen up and seized control of old Imperium systems, and every one of them inevitably turned out to be a ruthless tyrant. Erebus was one more world where a meglomaniac with dreams of empire was trying to carve himself a kingdom from the carcass of the Imperium. Fortunately--or perhaps unfortunately--for the inhabitants of Erebus, the system was close to the borders of the ever expanding Imperial Systems Commonwealth; and that was what brought Admiral Lord Sir Adison Volkov, Count Mornington, Knight-Companion of the Order of King Nicholas, Commanding Officer 5th fleet, to Erebus, along with his flagship CSC Praetoria and the full 5th fleet.

Ostensibly they were there to free Erebus from a power hungry dictator and restore democracy, but Volkov could see through that lie. Erebus would be annexed, and probably go through years of ruthless exploitation as a colonial holding. There would be no purges or enslavement of the human population, but they would not be granted citizenship, and in the coming decades many of them would starve to death as their overlords sought to gauge Erebus for everything it was worth.

A slight rumble interrupted his weighty thoughts. A single missile had gotten through the flak shells of CSC Praetoria and her escorts to waste its payload against the flagship’s shields. It wasn’t like him to lose focus in battle, but this particular battle was so obscenely one sided. The local warlord had managed to seize a handful of battleships and cruisers from the old Imperium and organized a fairly effective Erebus Defence Force, but a system defence force was no match for a full Commonwealth battlefleet, especially not 5th fleet. The Commonwealth ships were bearing down on the Erebus Defence Force at high speeds, spitting salvoes of missiles ahead of them and opening up with positron cannons and axial weapons.

“That’s another EDF battleship gone sir.” Captain Maria Anisimovna, Volkov’s flag captain, reported.
“Very good Masha. Let’s wrap this up. Signal BatRons 8 and 9 to initiate combat jumps, flanking positions on the EDF.”
“Aye sir, BatRons 8 and 9, flanking combat jumps”

Two groups of battleships from Adison’s forces abruptly disappeared, reappearing seconds later behind the beleaguered EDF ships at close range with their broadsides ready to fire. At the same time, the rest of 5th fleet presented their broadsides, and every railgun battery went from defensive fire to full offensive fire in a matter of moments.

That was the end of the EDF. It took only seconds for the massive firepower directed at them to strip away their shields and punch through their armour. In under a minute, all that was left of the EDF was debris and escape pods.

Volkov took this all in aboard CSC Praetoria, smiling faintly. “Masha, signal General Wellington; he may begin landing his soldiers.”


Whitehaven Palace

Sir Robert Castlereagh, Baron Katyusha, Knight Indomitus of the order of St. Diae, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for Her Imperial Majesty's Government waved his hand idly through the holo map being projected above his desk. The desk was an exquisite piece, made from rich mahogany with real gold inlays, all crafted by hand. Hidden away on its surface were all the modern necessities, but on the outside, the desk looked like something from another era. Castlereagh loved his office on Praetoria, tucked away in the old Whitehaven palace in Vitrograd’s Old Quarter. A real fire burned real wood in a real fireplace, twinkling merrily and casting a soothing warmth over the room. Heavy red velvet curtains once had helped ward off the chill of Praetoria’s winters, but with the building now fully climate controlled, they were now completely ornamental. Wood panelling and numerous bookshelves completed the room’s atmosphere. While the desk was a new piece made to look old, the bookshelves and their contents dated back over a thousand years to when Whitehaven had been the home of the Imperial family. The office had personality, not like his office on Corinthene, which was too sparkling new, like everything else on Corinthene.

Castlereagh was not alone in the office. In front of his desk on a specially built chair was Sir Cato Telemachus, Knight of the order of St. Diae, Marquis of Polesia. Over by the fire, Lord Sir Werner Ludwig Bismarck, Early Granthem, Knight Indomitus of the order of King Nicholas, and First Lord of the Void, was reclined in a large comfortable chair, tapping his foot thoughtfully. The room’s final occupant was Lord Captain Commander Martuf from the Yanissan principalities, who strolled slowly around the room, examining the bookshelves.

The four of them were having an informal meeting, as they often did, to discuss problems facing the Commonwealth. On this occasion, the problem was in the middle of Castlereagh’s map; the Dominion. Relations with the xenophobic new Terran regime had always been tense, but now they were downright hostile. War was coming; it was inevitable now. As if reading his mind, Telemachus spoke. “They won’t really start a war before they secure Earth, will they?” he asked.
Castlereagh sighed. “They may well try to do both at the same time. They can’t stand the idea of a xeno democracy on their doorstep.”
“Which is why I’ve ramping up our military construction programs over the past few years,” Bismarck interjected. “I can’t wait to say ‘I told you so’ about that.”

It was true, when Bismarck had first started fighting for increased military spending, Castlereagh had been among his opponents. Now he was grateful the stubborn man had persisted.
“You know, I’ve heard the Alorians are very interested in talking to us these days” Martuf said casually, still examining a book.
“Is that so,” Castlereagh replied. “Would you care to be more specific?”
“I would not.”
Castlereagh sighed again. Martuf could be extremely frustrating, but he seemed to have extensive ties with the Commonwealth’s intelligence community, and the three politicians had slowly learned to trust his word.

“It could be a hard sell,” Telemachus spoke up. “I mean, did you see that latest broadcast out of Krogow? What are all our human citizens going to think if we open formal diplomatic channels with the Alorians?”
“Oh I imagine they’ll be upset, but I’m sure you’ll be able to placate them.” Bismarck said dismissively.
“Oh, just like that? I know I make it look easy but keeping the Commonwealth stable is an unending challenge.”
“I know, but I don’t see that we have much choice. War is coming, now is not the time to be choosey about our allies.”

The room was silent for several minutes as each of them contemplated the possible repercussions of opening channels with the Alorian Empire. Castlereagh was reluctant, but Bismarck had made a good point; they could not afford to turn away potential allies.

“I’m going to recommend opening negotiations with the Alorian Empire to the Lord Chancellor next time cabinet meets.” Castlereagh said slowly. “I trust I’ll have your support?”
Telemachus and Bismarck nodded their assent, Telemachus much more reluctantly. The room fell into silence once more, leaving each man alone with their thoughts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Argyllian Belt, Edinburgh System, Sovereign Star Confederation

“We understand and will comply” The Musashi diplomatic ship answered when the SSCSS Webber demanded it to surrender. “You will not believe the present we have brought you.” The man sounded immensely smug despite the fact that a squadron of Musashi fighters were tearing through space on an intercept course. “A present we will be most happy to present to you once you have dealt with those pests.”

“They’ve taken Yuki-hime hostage!” A woman yelled from somewhere behind the man. He frowned as he turned to speak to someone behind him.

“Silence her.” The man’s words were followed by the distinct cracks of a pistol discharging twice and the gasp and cries of other individuals. Turning back towards the screen the man continued “I’m sorry about that. I meant for it to be a surprise.”

Aboard the Webber Captain Muller kept a straight face, decades of training providing an illusion of cool composure. It was however, just an illusion. For the first time since his youth Terrance Muller held back a furnace of anger. The woman’s death was a tragedy, but he’d endured many in his time and he could bear it, what enraged him was something altogether different. This man, this fool before him had not only consigned himself and his ilk to their fates, but they had the audacity to drag the lives of potential millions into their folly with a smirk.

Speaking calmly he switched the comm control to his terminal and spoke coldly, “You are to hold your position and power down your vessel, any deviance from this will be regarded as hostile action. We will send a vessel to facilitate the Princess’s transfer at once.”

Muting the line the Captain looked to the Marine commander behind him, “You will send as many teams as you can and detain everyone aboard that vessel, then you bring the Princess aboard as a guest. Do you understand?”

With a nod the commander turned around and opened the bridges blast doors, departing towards the barracks. Looking back to his console Terrance Muller awaited the reply of what was sure to become one of the most deplored men in Confederate history.

“Uh… I understand.” The man’s confidence seemed to waver for a moment. “We’ll be defenseless with our systems down, but I suppose you’ll be able to protect us. Very well I suppose the next time we speak will be in person.” He cut the transmission as the Musashi diplomatic ship’s systems began to shut down.

***** ***** *****

“Yuki-hime’s safety is our top priority” Yang ‘Swallowtail’ Hsin said as the Musashi 107th Fighter Squadron neared the diplomatic ship. “We will clear the area of hostile fighters while simultaneously preventing any Confederate ship from docking with the princess’s vessel.”

“Swallowtail,” one of Hsin’s squadmates said, “I’m detecting a Confederate ship approaching Hime’s. It’ll dock within a minute.” The squadron of Musashi Zero fighters put on an extra burst of speed, ignoring all Confederate attempts to get them to back down. Hsin felt like time slowed down as his squadron closed in towards its target, and the Confederation squadron that moved to cut them off.

“All fighters are to minimize Confederate loses if at all possible, but do not hold back on anything that approaches or threatens Yuki-hime’s ship!” Hsin ordered. And then the two formations of fighters were on top of each other. Hsin pulled his Zero fighter into a tight turn, bringing him behind a Confederate fighter.

“Are you crazy?!” One of his subordinate’s yelled over the comm line.

“They may be our enemies today, but Yuki-hime would want us to consider the future too.” Hsin had a clear shot on the Confederate fighter, but held off on a killing blow. Instead, as his Zero fired its particle beams they tore into the Confederate’s wing. Hsin then brought his Zero slightly over the Confederate Stinger and tore into its engines with a second shot from his particle beam cannons.

For their part the Confederation fighters were quick to respond to the Musashi Zeros’ assault, and within moments were fighting to keep as much distance between the battle and diplomatic vessel as possible. Every time a Zero broke off to intercept it was met with a hail of fire from Stingers pursuing even at their own disadvantage.

At the head of Confederate 3rd Interceptor Wing John Cabet, callsign Indomitable, coordinated the defense, “We’re getting outmaneuvered here, all flight leaders tell your guys to avoid circling with them and focus on quick runs. From the looks of it we can keep pace on acceleration well enough, try to gang up on them and don’t pull your punches. If the bastards want to play with us that’s up to them.”

Following his own advice John tagged along with another Stinger and went for a run at one of Zeros. If things got much worse they’d have to risk pulling back into the Webbers point defense range, but they needed to keep the marines safe until then at the very least.

A Zero darted in front of John’s Stinger, the image of a swallowtail butterfly clearly painted on its hull. The swallowtail Zero shot out a Stinger’s engines before swinging underneath a second Stinger, particle beams stabbing out to destroy that Stinger’s wings. The swallowtail Zero then deftly swung around behind John’s Stinger, enduring G-forces that few pilots could withstand, before opening up a barrage aimed at John’s engines.

Jerking his Stinger to the right and avoiding the barrage by a hairsbreadth John punched his fighter to its max acceleration and swerved whenever the Zero on his tail let out burst. Each time the margin was smaller, but to pull off into a turn was suicide. With a muttered fuck John keyed the comm, “I’ve got a crafty bastard on my six, anyone in range to send a seeker after his ass?”

Without so much as a reply a Stinger undertaking its own evasive maneuvers some distance away dropped a kinetic missile before pulling off to avoid its own pursuers fire. Primitive by any standard the missiles were essentially engines with depleted uranium tip, but nothing else had a chance of catching up to fighters at engagement speeds.

With a wicked smile John counted down the seconds, waiting for his harasser to make the evasive maneuver that’d let him turn the situation around.

The swallowtail Zero cut its engines and then swung end-over-end in a maneuver possible only in space. Now pointing towards the missile, the swallowtail Zero fired at it with its particle beam cannons. The missile disintegrated as a particle beam caught it in the middle. The Zero then flipped back towards John’s Stinger, but the maneuver had cost the Zero both speed and time. Perhaps sensing a change in advantage, the swallowtail Zero broke off, as did the other remaining four Zeros, to make a run for the diplomatic ship.

In the distance two Musashi cruisers entered the system, barreling in at high and reckless speeds. One clearly intended to intercept the diplomatic ship while the other began sending vollies at the Confederate carrier at what must have been beyond its maximum effective engagement range.

Were the Webber to take evasive maneuvers the shots would have been all but harmless, but due to the closing fighters the Carrier positioned itself directly between the diplomatic ship and its attackers well before launching its bomber wing. The action left the ship vulnerable, yet even shaking with each impact the Webber ignored the shots battering it in favor of meeting the Zeros with a fusillade of primary and secondary fire.

Clearly too inaccurate to strike the nimble craft one could have questioned the decision, but just as John had demonstrated moments prior there were times when a distraction was all that was needed. Coming on the edges of the Webbers field of fire the Stringers pursued the Zeros relentlessly as they exploited any maneuver their enemy took to close the distance.

Under the shadow of all of this the bombers that had been held in reserve until now barreled towards the cruises ready to make their attack runs unescorted. The Webber could take a pounding, but if they failed to relieve the pressure soon it wouldn’t matter in the slightest.

The Musashi cruisers threw up a barrage of anti-fighter fire, but neither ship was designed to deal with fighters on their own, resulting in an ineffective defense. Even so, as the Confederate bombers closed in to their effective range both cruisers began to slam the Confederate carrier.

The Zero fighters, for their part, made a valiant effort to reach the diplomatic ship, despite having to dodge fire from both the carrier and Confederate fighters. It was all they could do to avoid being hit and even then the Confederates were scoring hits. But there was one Zero that wasn’t rendered helpless. The swallowtail Zero still managed to score disabling blows to its Confederate counterparts as it closed in on the diplomatic ship.

The swallowtail Zero bobbed, jinked, and swerved in ways that almost made it seem to be an entirely different craft from the ‘normal’ Zeros that it flew with. It was doing what it could to relieve some of the pressure on its allies, targeting Confederate Stingers that closed on its allies’ tails and hitting the carrier’s point defenses, but it was clearly beginning to be overwhelmed.

By this point the Confederate bombers and managed to score several good hits on one of the Musashi cruisers. The cruiser had begun to burn and jettison debris and personnel. No longer able to take more hits it began to alter its course away from the diplomatic ship and Confederate carrier. The other Musashi cruiser tried to simultaneously shield its wounded ally and continue to intercept the diplomatic ship.

By now the battle was raging across space, but John’s focus was singular. The damn Swallowtail that nearly smoked him was getting too damn close, and nothing seemed to work in stopping it. Intentionally broadcasting an enthusiastic, “Fuck it!” John broke formation and plunged directly into the Webbers envelope of fire.

Dodging a lance of energy from the carrier's main gun with a roll John relied on his knowledge of where the behemoth was aiming from the tactical computer to escape being splattered by it. How the Swallowtail did it he couldn’t say, but it hardly mattered. Getting as close to the Zero as possible he opened up with every weapon he had left, if the Swallowtail died the fight was over.

Of course, for the bombers that was hardly the case. Without support the wing was being battered even as they bore down on the enemy. Heeding an order from the Webber to ignore the retreating Cruiser the wing focused their fire on the weapons of the second ship. The Webber was already starting to burn as its armour failed but still the carrier held fast, there was no other option after all.

As John closed on the swallowtail Zero it flipped end-over-end and stabbed out at him with its particle beams. The Zero used its secondary thrusters to jink and twist out of the way of John’s attacks and it retaliated in kind, scoring a glancing hit on his wing. It seemed like the swallowtail Zero was going to dodge the entirety of John’s assault when a beam from the Webber, purely by chance, caught the Zero in the engines. The hit itself didn’t destroy the Zero, but it clearly disabled it. Unable to maneuver, the swallowtail Zero was helpless as John’s barrage slammed into it, turning the once graceful fighter into a burning wreck.

The three remaining Zero fighters, seeing this, decided to cut their losses and make a run for it, not even bothering to fire at the Confederate fighters as they fled. The remaining Musashi cruiser had clearly also had enough as well after having suffered several bad hits to its stern. It began to alter its course, all of its weapons save its point defenses stopped firing as it began its retreat.

Too focused on the Swallowtail John had but a moment to relish his victory before he realized the glancing hit he’d suffered had all but disabled his Stinger in a lamentable bit of luck. Careening into the wreckage of the Swallowtail his fighter went into a brutal spin that knocked him cold and activated the fighter’s emergency transponder. For him the battle had well and truly ended in a cinematic fade to black.

As for the bombers and fighters the assorted forces of the Webber raced back to their bleeding mother as fast as they recognized the battle's end. Within moments of the wings docking on the immobile carrier two more Liberation class vessels jumped into the system to watch the Musashi forced retreat, each one restraining itself to permit the enemy their escape and rendering aid to their ally.

***** ***** *****

“Do you intend to kill me or use me as a bargaining chip?” Yuki asked the moment she saw the captain. It was impossible to discern her mood as her tone was perfectly neutral and her face was hidden behind her kitsune mask. She appeared to be looking at the captain directly although the mask, once again, made any certainty impossible.

Cocking an eyebrow Captain Muller almost found the question laughable, after all this entire battle, on both sides, had been men and women fighting and dying to save the person asking it. With a sigh of frustration he spoke, “Had I the slightest intention of either I would have left you on that ship and in the hands of the utter moron who just started a war for his own sake.”

Removing the grey cap from his similarly colored hair he continued, “My name is Captain Terrance Muller, and I can guarantee your safety as can any other officer of the Confederation Princess, but I cannot even guess as to what role you’ll play from here on. Once the First Chancellor hears of your presence at this battle I imagine she’ll have you delivered to Paradise station until negotiations can begin, but even that is a guess. For what it’s worth you’ll be permitted the use of my quarters while aboard given we lack proper accommodations. I’m more than willing to bunk with the soldiers who’ve served me so well today.”

“You have my gratitude Muller-dono” Yuki said with a bow. “You have been far more gracious to me than I could reasonably expect given the situation. It speaks favorably of the Confederation.” She paused for a moment before adding “I am responsible for all of this.” She spread her arms to either side. “I was advised against traveling to the Confederation, but chose to ignore that advice. I tried to prevent a war, yet in doing so started that very war.” She let her statement hang in the air for a moment before asking “Would you be willing to answer a question about the battle that was just fought?”

“If it’s within my power to answer Princess.” Terrance ran a hand through his hair and looked up as the thud of another emergency bulkhead being manually opened resonated through the ship.

“There should have been a Musashi fighter with the image of a swallowtail butterfly painted on its hull” Yuki stated. “Muller-dono, if you know what happened to this specific fighter and its pilot, whether he died in battle or escaped, I would appreciate knowing his fate.”

“Ah,” Terrance hesitated before he spoke, “From what I understand that fighter suffered several hits and was reported as destroyed. We have yet to comb the battlefield for bodies to repatriate but if you wish for special accommodations to be arranged when we do…”

“No” Yuki let out a long sigh. “You need only send him back to his homeland. I had… hoped my hands would not be stained by the blood of a friend.” The princess turned away, her gaze towards the floor. “He was… perhaps our greatest pilot. Whoever shot him down has cause to feel proud.” Her words sounded hollow, something she said without feeling.

Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

“What is the fate of my daughter?” Yamamoto Ryu asked. Despite the situation and nature of his question, his tone remained calm. It was almost as if he were asking about the weather. His face was hidden behind an obsidian and silver mask that also had a calm and dignified expression.

“Heika” A noble spoke the Musashi equivalent of ‘your majesty’, we have received no word about Yuki-hime’s status.” The other nobles present in the small conference room, high level government and military officials all, remained quiet as they too knew little regarding the current situation.

The emperor let out a long sigh before asking a different question. “And the status of our military forces?”

“Our military is sixty percent done with mobilizing.” The same noble from before answer. “And our navy specifically is eighty percent done. We can launch an attack at your command.” A few of the nobles perked up at the mention of going on the offensive, but most present seemed quite dissatisfied. All governments had their fair share of hawks and doves. Those who wanted war and those who felt peace was the best option. Musashi was no different. In fact its nobility was split roughly in half between hawks and doves. The thing was few actually wanted a prolonged war, or any war for that matter, with the Confederation. The vast majority of Musashi’s hawks had their gaze turned elsewhere and felt that a conflict with the Confederation would only harm Musashi.

“Perhaps we should show some restraint.” Xiao Zhi, the minister of the interior suggested. “Acting rashly will only bring harm to Yuki-hime. Especially while we do not know what the Confederation’s intentions are and they do not know what ours are.”

“You bring up a good point Xiao-dono” The emperor said before any of the other nobles could speak up. “We shall hold a press conference so that all can know our intentions.”

“You would bother informing the citizenry?” The high admiral of the navy asked, eliciting a sharp laugh from Xiao Zhi.

“We will use the press conference as an excuse to inform both the Confederation and our other neighbors of our intentions.” Xiao answered. The emperor gave a slight nod in agreement. “It will look like we are informing our citizens, while in fact we will be sending a message to our neighbors.”

***** ***** *****

Several hours later Xiao Zhi stood in front of a small crowd of news reporters, having just given a prepared speech about the recent events that took place in the Edinburgh System. He had kept his speech strictly to what had happened. Choosing to allow the press to ask the questions that he wanted those outside of the country to hear.

“Xiao-dono!” A reported shouted. “There have been reports that our military is mobilizing. Can you shed some light on what is going on?”

“Of course.” Xiao said. “Yamamoto-heika has ordered the entirety of our military to prepare for war. We are preparing a task force to rescue Yuki-hime. The rest of our armed forces are assuming a defensive posture in the event that any other country decides to take the opportunity to attack us.”

“Do you believe that there is a high possibility of a third party intervening in this war? Either to attack us or aid us?”

“No. I do not believe so.” Xiao answered. “This is an issue between Musashi and the Confederation. No other country has cause to intervene nor do we wish for one to do so. Even so we will be prepared in the event that that does occur. Any other questions?”

“Are we currently at war with the Confederation?”

“Yes we are. There has been loss of life on both sides and a member of the imperial family is in what we believe to be a hostile environment. Having said that” Xiao paused to take a quick sip of water, taking care to keep his face hidden behind his mask as he did so, “it is the Emperor’s hope that this war is resolved quickly and with a minimal loss of life on both sides. Even so I cannot stress enough the fact that this war will not end until Yuki-hime is safely back in Musashi territory.”

“Xiao-dono! There have been reports that a growing number of nobility are placing blame for this war on Yuki-hime and are demanding that she step down as a possible heir to the imperial throne. Can you confirm or deny this?”

“Um…” Xiao had clearly been caught off guard by the question. He took a moment to regain his composure before answering. “The Imperial government will not respond to mere rumors and hearsay. Now if you’ll excuse me…” And with that the press conference was over.

***** ***** *****

While intended for the sake of Musashi’s neighbors, the press conference was still watched by billions of Musashi’s citizens. Some of these citizens watched the news with the same indifference they had with any news relating to the galaxy outside of Musashi. Others found themselves growing angry towards the Confederation. Yet the majority of those who were now watching the news found themselves opening up to the galaxy at large.

Perhaps for the first in centuries the citizens of Musashi were beginning to take a look beyond the borders of their own country. They were beginning to form their opinions on what was their place in the galaxy. And overwhelmingly these individuals were beginning to feel that that place was not a closed in box, ignorant and uncaring about what was happening outside of that box. For good or ill the isolationist mood of Musashi was beginning to fade away.

Laioning System, The Musashi Empire

The collection of ships gathering in Musashi was perhaps the most impressive display of Musashi strength in history. Already two Yamato-class superbattleships and two Kaga-class carriers, as well as numerous cruisers and destroyers, had assembled. More carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and Kongo-class battleships would also be arriving in the days to come.

Despite the impressive amount of firepower present, the senior military commanders in the region were split in how to deploy their forces. Some wanted to follow battleplans prepared in the years prior, set with the intention of fighting a general war against the Confederation. They would wage war on numerous systems at once, taking one before moving on to the next, defeating the Confederation in detail.

Yet others felt that they would be best served by Sending all available military forces to the Confederation capital. They needed to end the war and do so immediately. Prolonging the conflict would only lead to harming Yuki-hime and increasing casualties.

Yet a third group of military officers felt that the best plan was to conduct a holding operation against the Confederate navy while a task force of stealth corvettes and special forces mounted a rescue operation.

At the moment these three groups of officers bickered with each other and in doing so delayed Musashi’s assault. Only time would tell whether this delay ensure peace or a brutal and lengthy war.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Fel'blade System
Along the fringes of the Fel'blade system, out from the darkness of the void, hundreds upon hundreds of flashes came about as a vast armada of Collective Warships exited out of hyperspace, over a thousand vessels assembling into a terrifying, if disorganized and mangled swarm. Deep in the heart of the fleet was one of the dagger-shaped Divine-class ships, flanked by four templeships. From within the command vessel, the three piously-dressed Agaathi-type Homunculi watched from the observation deck, beholden to the magnificence of the Collective's industry, their eyes glowing brightly in the dimly lit room. "We have arrived at last." The Leader of the three, and only female among the three spoke with a mechanical tinge to her tone, as all her kind speak in such a matter. "Despite our past failures, let us cleanse this system of impurity of the flesh once more, and offer the gift of Ascension and Immortally, no matter the cost."

With that, the fleet begun the deployment phase as all the ships in the invasion armada scattered, moving into small, clustered formations as they all converged towards the precious inner worlds of the Fel'blade star system, intent on causing complete chaos as the defenders scramble and thin their numbers to defend on several fronts, and as they pressed on, all groups were ignoring any civilian or patrol craft and any outlining outposts that had witnessed the armada's arrival, it mattered not, for victory would be they'res, and if not, then they will of course do so again and again and again until their enemies falter and collapse to their vast, endless swarms and the day is won at last.

The Central group, the main bulk of the invasion force, proceeded to their main target, the Artificial "world" of Raulek, if they manage to take such a magnificent and ancient installation, it could prove a valuable asset for the long and bloody crusade to come

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Another MonkeyZell Collab,

The Dominion Of Man

Dominion Space,

On Board James's Personal Titan-Class Ship “Rebirth”

As James stood on bridge staring out into the blankness of space he wondered. It had taken 10 years under Faust to conquer this small part of the galaxy. Granted it start from nothing and is now one of the most stable and richest factions in the post Imperium Era. Yet never the less the other factions have grown complacent under their new leaders and maybe harder to reclaim the galaxy then previously thought. His thoughts were interrupted when Admiral Luke Garner arrived on the bridge looking wearily from being under the command of the Executis.

"Sir, the fleet is prepared to move. Though isn't this a bit much for just a mission of Diplomacy." James chuckled before turning around to face the admiral. "You believe this to be a Diplomatic mission? You are young and foolish as I suspected. But this is what happens when we have rich imperialist Humans. Come with me." James said as he began to walk into the bridge's headquarters with a map of Dominion. James then called upon Captain Nathanial Fren, who commanded the titan directly under James and had served with the Executis for nearly 7 years. "Captain, would you please inform the Admiral as to what is going to happen once we reach the edge of Dominion Space." The Captain nodded

He then began to layout the plan 400 ships Under the Command of the Admiral would break off from the Titan right on the edge of Dominion space they would then head to Sol but wait just outside of any sensors that there might be waiting for the Executis orders. Meanwhile James would lead his small fleet to meet with Uther and discuss his plans. Either out come Sol would join the Dominion the difference is how many Remnant men would need to die. With that the Admiral nodded and began to brief his commanders on their next objective. James returned to the bridge main area and looked over the deck hands most of whom he had served with for many years now. He looked out into the stars as the ships began making their jumps.


Core Imperium Capitol world, Astrion.

Sirius star system.

The First thing one would see when approaching Astrion is the pale blue planet, rivaling earth in superficial beauty. Beyond this beauty would be revealed the reality of this world, a place built for war. Massive space stations with guns visible from far away fill the sky while the nine moons of this planet sit various lunar bases hold ships of all sizes. At the lead of this armada is the Orion, a massive Sol class Battleship, commanded by none other than the grand marshall, Uther Eddion.

Ahead of James Conrads battlegroup came a simple warning, dare not cause aggression or destruction would follow suit. It was a simple request that the Dominion was more than happy to oblige, given the severity of the situation. Imperium Trident fighters approached the Dominion fleet to escort them into communications range.

"I'll go ahead and skip any pleasentries.. I am Uther of the Imperium. At the behest of your... 'Archon' I have agreed to this meeting though likely what ever your goals are, I will decline. Your group has caused enough problems to warrent my hesitation." A deep breath followed suit, "Just don't waste my time."

"Grand Marshall, this is far to unformal." James said with a smile "Two powerful men such as ourselves should speak to each other in person, just as the old days they would have. Shall I order my crew to expect you or perhaps you would prefer if I joined you on your lovely battlecrusier instead?" James stood there and crossed his arms waiting for a reply.

Uther stared at the Titan that was slowly approaching. He rubbed his chin a bit before answering. "I'd rather not mingle our ships too directly. I'll bring the Orion closer and we will meet aboard my vessel." He cut off the comms and activate the ships docking protocol, giving the Dominion clear instructions as to where to land and how large of a ship the Orion could receive.

As James stepped off his transport he smiled looking around seeing the Imperium soldiers. Many were as old as Uther but not as bold nor as energtic. Others were far to young much like Admiral Luke. The Remnant was scarpping the bottom of the barrel. He had his men stay and guard the transport while he alone followed two soldiers up to Orions bridge to meet with Uther. He put out his arm to shake and waited for Uther.

Uther never rose his hands, but merely brushed by James and motioned towards a conference room. "In here we will talk about what you believe you will get." James nodded and followed behind him.

As the group entered the room and took their seats, Uther scowled at James, never saying a word. Instead, his aide pointed at the center of the table which rose to represent a holographic image. Uther then spoke up, "You see this?" he said, pointing to a number of stars on the Dominion and Imperium border. "Billions dead. Yes, your media portrays it as a neccessary action to get the galaxy back to stability.. how does one justify that?! It's not entire families... nor entire nations... but entire races that have been wiped from the galaxy. Quite literally extinctions for some races."

James nodded "Uther, perhaps you forgot the stories in your old age. But when the Emperor first fell it was claimed to be an alien. But not only that Alien systems were the first to rebel. This is merely Faust's revenge against his grandfather's death. Also don't let the media fool you, most aliens we allow to live and work for us. They all serve a part and even should they begin to die we have master cryogenics which may one allow us to clone these beings back into exsitence." James said before looking back to Uther.

Uther shook his had, "You're kidding me.. Using cryogenics to revive a race. It's not the same in any-" His Aide touched his shoulder. "Bah.." Uther said with frustration. "I had agreed to hear Fausts proposal and even though I do not agree or recognize his claim, I will hear it to honor my words. Lets hear what the vicious xenophobic prick from the wastes has to say."

"Uther, I'm one of the least xenophobic's within the entire Dominion and you would be wise to remember that. As for why I was sent to treat with you, Faust wishes to claim Sol, however as it belongs in your terrority at least technically. He wanted permission so that it wouldn't be seen as an act of war between two nations that are trying to claim the same thing the Imperium." James said looking at the aide who seemed to be nodding if not quitely and out of the sight of his commander.

The room sat silent for a few moments as Uther clasped his hands on the table. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Even with the chaos on earth, I cannot allow your group to come marching on the planet, burning every living creature that doesn't follow your twisted visions." He leaned back and sighed before looking back to James.

"Uther then don't have it be something that you gave up on. Instead make it looks like compromises had to be made. Make it seem as though you gave it to us as your forces were needed against the coming threat of the barbarians and that the Second imperium required increased support." James then took a seat and leaned back looking at how much space the remnant still had and how quickly it could all be taken.

Uther chuckled at James statement, trying to get him to abandon values in this time. "You would have me turn a blind eye while earth is cleansed of all life you consider inferior? Just because we face adversity does not mean we change our core beliefs. If we lose those ideals, we lose who we are and what we stand for. We will not sit idly by while innocent subjects of the true imperium are slaughtered by extremists. This we cannot, and will not allow." Uther was becoming somewhat frustrated at this point, trying to figure out the angle here but still maintaining his stance. He knew in a full blown war it could easily draw down to a stalemate if the Dominion wanted to still maintain its expansive borders. He knew earth would be a prize too grand for Faust but in his mind he knew it had potential for stability.

Every day people from earth set off explosives in the few government facilities still left, even as the Imperium ships food and supplies to the wasted world. Armies from other races and private groups still wrestle for control with the belief that if they control the world, they would have leverage over all of man. That to control the world was to become the next emperor. Although this was far fetched as the Imperium could deny any claim to the throne, it was still a very big possibility. "Tell me, James. If the Dominion did choose to invade earth. what would be next? what happens after earth?"

"Well, if it were through war and against that is hard to say. Though I suppose if it was just Earth, Faust would finally have a better seat for his capital, a more reasonable claim with Eath and his blood. But I suspect diplomacy would come next. Through all human channels that is. Aliens would most likely come last." James took a few moments before standing "Uther, in order to preserve the peace that has lasted between our two nations for so long. What will it take in order for the Dominion to take Earth?" James said moving closed to Uther.

Uther closed his eyes for a moment, knowing he could easily use this to his advantage. "If we allow you to stabilize the Sol system, the Dominion may operate within the Sol system along side the Imperium. Earth is an Imperium world and for Faust to lay claim is acceptable although we will not recognize him as such, this meaning we will allow him limited control over half of earth with the Imperium controlling the other. There will be observers and if we believe for one moment that the Dominion is showing favor in killing 'aliens' over humans, we will intervene with full force. All non-human combatants will be afforded the same conditions as human ones. Prisoners will be treated with respect and will be sent to the Imperium. We know what your Dominion does to Prisoners." Uthers eyes held no hesitation, this was his conditions and he was well known for the old addage, it's my way or the highway.

James nodded "These seem like agreeable terms. To which all parties may agree upon. If we're done perhaps we should have a toast to this soon to be friendship." With that they all took a sip of (drink insert) and James quickly left to report to the fleets objective as well as to report to Faust.

As the Dominion ships left, Uther quietly stood infront of a massive window towards Astrion. He was conflicted at this point, Did he just deliver the Imperium into Faust's hands? But before he could conclude, one of his chief captains slowly took a place next to him. "Beautiful, isn't it Uther." His comment garnered no response from the conflicted man. "Sir, I am puzzled, why would we let something as vicious as the Dominion take earth from us?" Uther smiled as his conflict was finally over, an epiphany drummed resolve. "Earth as we knew it does not exist, it is blasted and sacked by years of unrestricted warfare. The hellish landscape is nearly unrecognizable from the grand paintains and portraits of the past. No, This Earth was never ours. But with Faust's unknowing help, it soon will be."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The chamber of the high Command

The voices of the five members of the High Command rung out against the vaulted ceilings of their chamber, all vieing for control of the conversation. All were seated around a circular stone table, which was situated in the center of the large amphitheater like room, each of their ornate chairs were seemingly crafted from a dark wood and fitted for the size of their occupant. Which was all to evident for the current speaker High Commander Selik, his massive Tor frame dwarfing the much lither form of the Sia Commander Nora who was seated next to him. "This is an outrage!" The Tor commander roared out, over the arguments, his huge hand gesturing towards the holo-emitter in the center of the table "A damnable outrage! Were not talking about soldiers, we are talking innocent civilians here. I dont know why we are even still discussing it!"

Nora sighed, looking to her fellow Commanders for any kind of support before speaking up, her light voice a much welcome change from the rough roar of Selik "We are still discussing it because if it was up to you, we would have already mustered a battle group with all the Legios and we would be marching to war." The Sia's eyes narrowed as she glared at Selik "Sometimes we need a bit of tact, and perhaps more information before we act too brashly."

At this Selik leaned back in his chair, the Tor's massive frame turning to his nearby compatriot, he breathed in as if to voice a responce but was quickly shut down as another voice cut in from across the table, that of Talan Emonas. The aged human was quietly drumming his fingers on the arm rest of his chair as he spoke "I wouldn't Selik. You and I both know you have never won and argument with her. So why would your luck change now?"

This response elicited a quiet chuckle from amongst the gathered High Command. As the Tor commander began to speak once more, he was silenced as a new voice spoke out "Talan is giving you solid advice in this case Selik, it would probably be in your best interests to listen."

Selik's face twisted into an almost annoyed look as he was shut down yet again. The look didnt stay long though as his head turned to join the other commander's glances to looking at the source of the new voice. He coughed slightly as his eyes came to rest on the human man that stood on the steps leading down to the table, the two masked death guard soldiers that flanked him only adding to his sense of presence. The man wore a slight side grin as he descended the rest of the stairs towards the last empty seat at the table. As his foot touched the ground of the amphitheater all the commanders rose in silence, their gaze fixed on the man. "Dominus Aventus, we welcome your presence in this gathering." Commander Lorili spoke out as she an all her compatriots gave a short bow.

Nodding and bowing slightly in return, Aventus took his seat, his two guards moving to stand a small ways off, and as he sat the Commanders followed suit. "So" The Dominus began, resting his elbows on his chairs arms "Judging by the arguments that im sure can be heard halfway across the capital, Im guessing we haven't come to an agreement on how to approach the most recent.... announcement to come out of our dear neighbor."

A few of the Commanders exchanged looks and a cough was heard from one of their number, all this causing Lorili to roll her eyes "Honestly all of you." She affixed her eyes on Aventus "That would be quite the case my lord, in truth we have been here for the better part of two hours." She turned a glare to Selik before returning her gaze to the dominus "We were however about to take a final tally, as im sure we all want to get on with our days, and not waste yours." A murmur of agreement rose up from this final statement

Aventus nodded "Well then lets see what you've come up with. By all means continue as if I wasn't here." He said with a wave of his hand as he sat back to watch the proceedings.

Sighing, Lorili stood and began to speak using her hand to gesture as she spoke "Proposal one, made by esteemed Selik. We respond to this announcement with force, all in favor." Not even Selik moved to raise his hand, nodding Lorili made a note on a small holo-screen and continued "Proposal two, made by esteemed Nora. We denounce the queen's decree, and move to support any refugees fleeing the "Empire"." At this Commander Nora raised her hand, as did Commander John. Once again Lorili marked the holo-screen "And finally, proposal three made by esteemed Talan. We do nothing." The silence in the room grew as all of the commanders glanced towards the Dominus, who sat with his mouth shut, but devoid of joking smile or smirk, his eyes narrowing at this last proposal. Deciding quickly, none raised their hands. Lorili sighed "It seems number two passes. Now how do we wish to go about this denouncement?"

The commanders each began to ponder this last question as the scrape of wood on stone echoed out. Their heads turned quietly to Aventus who was now standing "I believe I can take it from here Commander Lorili."

Lorili nodded grimly and took her seat. Walking around the table Aventus continued "We need to be tactful, as well as direct. Yet we cannot show our hand too early, or we risk playing the part of the aggressor. That is why we do not publicly denounce her actions, send her a personal communication 'urging' her to reconsider perhaps. I leave that in your capable hands Commander Nora." Commander Nora nodded quickly and set about tapping away at a holo-screen that she pulled up in front of her.

"At the same time I want more craft patrolling our borders with the Queen's empire, if any ships, and I mean ANY ships cross I want to know about it." John nodded in understanding, as he too began to tap away at a holo-screen "Commander Selik, Commander Talan. While we may not need our Legios just yet, I believe that it would not go awry to reinforce a few garrisons, keep it quieter than normal however, call them troop swaps or whatever you want to." Aventus came to rest behind Lorili's chair as he paused his speech, he reached out to lightly touch the back of the chair "As for you might I speak to you alone when time permits." he said in a whisper tone, before continuing in a much louder speaking voice "Now if that is all I do believe we should adjourn, as it seems you are all busy at the moment." No complaints were heard.

Aventus's Office
1 hr later

While large, the office of the Dominus was no where near as large as the stone amphitheater of the High Command, but it was infinitely more comfortable. This though crossed Aventus' mind as he poured himself and Commander Lorili a glass of a dark spirit. Crossing the carpeted flooring, his footsteps made very little sound ash he handed one of the glasses to the High Commander, who sat in a chair across from the Dominus's desk, where he decided to lean as he sipped on his drink with a slight smirk. Lorili followed suit, but spoke immediately afterwords "So im guessing you didn't just invite me here for pleasantries and drinks. So what is it that my Dominus requires of me?" she asked in a very business like tone

Aventus chuckled slightly "Straight to the point then, I honestly appreciate that." He swilled his drink once, before sipping and talking "What I need isn't from you per say, it is from you Skulks." Lorili's eyebrow raised at the mention of the Skulks, but she allowed Aventus to continue "To be quite to the point as well, I want more eyes on our neighbors. To that end I want a couple teams of Skulks to infiltrate the Empire and begin gathering information, purely passive reconnaissance for now, but I also want to have the option to have them go into a more active stance if need be. As for the Dominion, devote a few Skulks to it, but keep them very low profile. No sense in poking a charnel hound that has ignored us thus far."

Lorili looked down into her drink, the amber liquid shimmering ever so slightly, before locking eyes with Aventus and taking a sip "Consider it done my lord."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Cygnus Arm, Sector FH-K23, Planet Corinthene

In high orbit around the homeworld of the Rhodesians floats a single cloaked ship. The personal vehicle of a Gashathi Hirule, accompanied by him and only 2 other Mekhar onboard. Carrying out a mission of the highest importance, the vessel has been orbiting the planet for days now, silently observing the planet and it's inhabitants whilst staying undetected with the help of the Hirule's abilities. Now with a slight glimmer running across the ship's surface in the small engravements, it begins powering up a powerful radio equipment.

The cockpit door opens with a gentle hiss of air, and retracts into the walls. A mekhar wearing respiratory equipment looks throught the open door and turns on his translator. "Sir we are ready for broadcast on your mark." The Hirule in the middle of the carefully decorated room levitates above the floor in silence deep in meditation. His 4 arms by his side, and the other 2 behind his robes, his eyes suddenly open and shine from behind the mask's holes, reflecting the glimmering light. The mekhar's body shivers as his mind is filled with a single word "Begin". It backs into the cockpit, and sits in a chair next to the other mekhar. They press a few buttons and the lights change in the Hirule's room, and a circular hole opens up in the floor. From it emerges a small metal ball that floats floats towards the Hirule. It stops a few feet away, and opens up, breaking into many smaller pieces orbiting a single crystal core. The Hirule looks into the crystal, and takes one last breath before the crystal begins throbbing with a red color.

Below the ship, on the planet's surface lie an abundance of gigantic cities, dotted with massive skyscrapers made of glass, and different holo boards broadcasting news and stocks. The Rhodesians tend to their busniness rushing to their offices to turn in daily reports or make statistics about different things. Ships flying by at high speeds, carrying people to their destinations. Then suddenly a low pitched sound vibrates the air in the cities, creepely echoing throught the streets, stopping people in their tracks as they look at their pocket terminals or stare at the holo boards. A face unseen to them before appears, showing a masked alien in a brightly lit room. It levitates slightly above the ground, and his 4 hands are held out for all to see. His eyes staring at each and every person that looks at him, his presence brings anxiety to thos dare take a glance at it, glueing their eyes to the screen.

"Inhabitants of Corinthene. You have strayed from your beliefs, and destroyed your temples. You let your culture go to waste, and choose to follow false gods. You abandoned your old ways, and choose to obey a heretic race of false gods. Your sins are not without consequences, and the time has come for you to pay for them. The true gods have awoken, and they brought salvation with them." The eyes of the alien narrow behind the mask, his gaze turning ominous. "Prove yourselves to the only gods to exist, and show us that your existence is meaningful. If you fail to do so, you will suffer the fate of those before you." The image switched from the alien to planets razed, charred corpses lying everywhere. Cities left to rot and skyscrapers crumbling and crying for one last desperate metallic cry as they hit the ground. The picture of the alien came back, this time only his mask could be seen. His mask changed shape, and formed another 4 holes, as the alien revealed his 6 eyes. "We will be watching you attone." With that the holo boards went haywire, showing only static for minutes before returning to their usual program.

"Excellent speech sir. The broadcast went planetwide, and there were no problems. Your message was clear and audible." The two mekhar started clapping with their tentacles and turned back to congratulate the Hirule in the room behind them. As soon as they looked through the open door, the Hirule swept on his arms across the air, and the door suddenly closed. The mekhar stumbled back and yet again a shiver ran across their body as the unfamiliar thoughts fileld their minds. "Silence. Waste my time, and you will become genetics material." The shocked pilots lloked at each other, and the hastly powered up the ship and it's engines. In a matter of seconds the vessel dropped the cloak and instantly faded away as it entered FTL.

Cygnus Arm, [Classidied], [Classified]

When a being is attuned to the psychic plain, they experience a whole different world. The constant shift in strenght and force of the realms causes strange vibrations around those who are also psychic. A stronger being can easely mask it's existence from lesser users of this plane, but a lesser being can only hide from a greater being if their power is incredibly small. As such, finding a Hirule can be only done by someone, or something even stronger.

The gigantic stone doors rumble in pain for some time, but then let in to the excessive force. Dust flies up into the air and shimmer in the light that enters the gigantic hall. It's wall decorated with engravings of strange aliens that seem to worship 6 armed beings. Remnants of fabric and metllic decoration are scattered all across the floor, and what was once a shrine in the middle is nothing more than a pile of rubble now. The whole place is in disarray, and some strange glowing plants grow in the cracks that scatter the walls of the temple. But even in this mess lies a single thing untouched in the far back of the room. A giant metallic statue of a standing Hirule holding a holy relic with 4 hands, his mask anonymous and devoid of holes for it's eyes. In the doorway stands two tall figures, casting a long shadow on the floor. One of them crosses his arms, and burrows his face into 2 more. The other one next to it places one hand on the other's shoulders, and swipes his other hands in an orderly fashion. The torches on the walls light up, and reveal the temple for all to see. With the abundant light the place looks even more like a mess

"Brother, this place is ruined. We waste our time with being here. What could be here that interest the Elders or the Ruler?" The figure who hid it's face floats forward and heads for the broken shrine. Other figure also enter the room and lifts up piles of rubble with his psychic powers, throwing them out the door. After a while the sound of impact doesn't appear, and the figure lifts up another bunch of rubble. "Sister would you care to help?" The other figure was spaced out looking at the monument, and didn't move as she was adressed. The other man sighed and tried a different approach. He closed his mask's visor and a world filled with brightness appeared. White everywhere, with occasional black outlines of bigger objects. His body shook at the intense sigh, as the whole room was filled with energy. The open door behind him was an ominous black spot of nothing, but everything else beamed an intense light. He struggled to find the other Hirule in the room, but he failed. The glow of the statue was incredibly bright, something he has never seen before. As if he was slowly dragged in by a powerful force that was calling him...

His visor opened up and he went over to the other Hirule. Her mask was sealed, without any place for her eyes to look throught. It seemed like she was under the influence of the power in the room. The same trap he almost fell in. Without hesiation he used his powers to shake her to conciousness. For a second nothing happened, then the other Hirule trembled and every single visor opened on her mask. She seemed confused for a second, like she didn't know where she was, but after seeing the familiar sight of the gashathi mask she calmed down. "Brother, this place eminates with immense energy. I can't grasp it exactly, but somehow this place is as powerful as a living being. I..." She stopped her sentence as she saw the unamused eyes of the other Hirule. His eyes stared at her, but then they turned away, and he began lifting rubble again. "Sister, don't space out again. We have much things to do still. I just hope Khi will arrive hastly." The two Hirule continued with clearing the room, ridding it of rubble.

Cygnus Arm, Unknown Sector, Planet MR-H2G

For months now, this planet has been monitored as it showed an unusually high mineral concentration. As no further details could be extracted from observation, a Mekhar feelt detachament made it's way to the planet to set up mining operations, and learn more about the nature of this planet's creation. The gigantic MCA Tarantula hangs in low orbit, as smaller ships of various shapes and sizes scout the surrounding area for a landing site and an ideal spot for construction.

The engines of the spaceship whirr violently as the whole ship experience an atmospheric turbulance, and the cockpit becomes flooded with red light. The ship shakes again, even harder than before. The gensathi pilot looks out the window, and sees the black smoke coming from one of the engines. he turns back and takes a good look at the sensors. The landing site is just a few clicks away, but one of the engines failed due to above average acididc presence in the air. The report shows that the ship flyed over some kind of an acid went. He looks at the co-pilot sitting besides him who is already transmitting the fault to the fleet. The pilot changes his sub-vocalizer's intercom to wide frequency so the other ships can hear too. "This is the MCA Chaqrum troop transport. Engine 1 failure, we are going to make an emergency landing a few clicks south. Don't wait around for us, we'll make the rest of the trip on foot." His headset is crackling with atmospheric interference before the Tarantula reports in "Copy that Chaqrum, as soon as we can spare a ship, we'll send a recovery team to pick up the ship. Leave your emergency transponder on. Tarantula out." The pilot looks out the window and the slowly growing surface. His expression turns angry as he adresses his co-pilot "You can't trust Mekhar ships. Flimsy designs, unlike our ships! Take the helm, I'll encourage the boys in the back." The co-pilot nods, and the captain leaves the cockpit.

He passes through a small corridor with different machinery in it until he arrives to an airlock. It is a small room with lockers in it. He opens one labeled "Max", and quickly dresses up with the exo-suit in it. The HUD of the suit activates and quickly fills him up with info about the ship. They are 600 meters above the ground, descending at a slow rate. Slow enough to spare the ship, but fast enough to kill them all if they encounter any issues. He calibrates the intercoms so onyl the Marines can hear, and then he enters the troop compartment.

As soon as he steps the marines voice fills in his helmet. "Look who's here!" "What brings your here captain?" "Here for a chat Max?" "What's up witht he ship?". He waits out until the boys calm down and he clearst his throat before speaking into the comm channel so that his voice becomes more audible than the roaring engines. "As you might have noticed our engine failed. We are approaching the ground fast, and we are going to make an emergency landing so you better brace for impact." One of the marines joyfully interrupted his speech. "Emergency landing? I didn't know you could say crash landing so fancy!" The marines break out in one big laughter and the pilot lets out a chuckle too. His attention doesn't fade thought and as soon as the cooms are clear again he continues. "I hope you all remmeber your training in this scenario. We haveN't much time and we still need you guys alive and well." One of the marines raises his hands. "What is it Pvt Holzer?"

"How much time do we have until impact?" The pilot looks down on his wrist and his HUD brings up a statistics panel. "I'd say about 10." The marines looks confused at each other and the same marine asks again. "10 what?" The pilot smirks at the others before he lowers the protective plate of his helmet and speaks into the intercom. "10 seconds boys. Brace for impact!" The marines are stunned for a single second, but then quickly lower their helmet visors and take up a position taught to them in training. A few seconds of silence, and the everything goes black.

30 Minutes later

The marines lined up behind the wrecked ship, their commander giving them order via intercomm. The pilot watched from far way before returning to the cockpit. The door crackles as he stands in front of it, but it fails to completely retract itself. The co-pilot looks at Max and shows a smile. The pilot returns the smile, but looks at the other man worryingly. "Will you be ok? The recovery ship should be here in a few hours." The man nods, but his face disfigures from pain as soon as he moves his head. Max gently pat his shoulders before leaving the ship. The marines outside are ready to go, checking their guns and gear for one last time. The turn towards Max as he leaves the ship, but they don't pay too much attention. Now that the ship is no longer in air, the leading spot goes to their squad leader. Max sighs and checks the map on his HUD. A bit crude but it is enough to navigate to the landing zone. It is only 5 clicks away, an hours walk at most in their suits, but they have to pass over a canyon to get there. A message pops up that tells them to head out, and marks a path to their objective, as well as lighting up all the other members on the HUD. It seems like one of the marines is already way out, scouting the area.

The walk passes by uneventfully, up until the marine who was in front suddenly disappears from the map. They squad is thrown into disarray, and the squad leader is shouting orders to calm the soldiers down. Max turns off the cooms, and rushes up the hill in front of him. He should be able too see the missing marine clearly from top. He might have lost signal or...

As he reaches the hill, Max is frozen. Aliens he never saw before are carrying the dead marine away. Creatures with big ears and pointed noses, their body covered by fur, resembling the likes of a fox-like creature. But they are tall, even taller than the Gensathi marine in the armor, and must be really strong if they could carry such a heavy piece of equipment. But the worst part is that they don't seem primitive: They have a grey uniform, and are carrying guns on their backs. He is suddenly pulled back over the ridge by familiar hands, and the marine squad leader is shouting at him. "What are you doing staring at them? What if we get discovered, huh? They could have reinforcements nearby! Contact the ships now!" The rest seems like a blur as the marines set up a perimeter, and the Tarantula confirms the reports, dispatching reinforcements before max passes out.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 6 hrs ago

Battle-Commander Krux leaped atop the Cockpit of his custom Warrior 002 class Starfighter, with 200 other Hexanagallion's watching his every move as he stood above them. With their statuesque size, and atop the heavy starfighter, he reached 20 feet above the hanger floor. Outside the shields, they could see the endless void of space, and the enemy ships approaching.

"I'm not one for speeches." Krux said, his feral appearance matching his deep, predatory voice. "But this day we shall make our ancestors proud! We shall obliterate this enemy force, cut into the heart of the machine empire, and devour any who dare stand in our way!"

Roars of agreement filled the Hanger, echoing off the walls. Krux raised his clawed fist, and leaped into his Starfighter, the other pilots following suit as one. Within moments, Krux and his 200 followers sliced out of the shields and maneuvered into their positions. Elsewhere, 250 Warrior 001 Starfighters were being lead by Battle-Commander Rel'kan, just as the Warmaster himself oversaw the 200 strong fleet of Predator Frigates now being deployed.

"Attention," Warmaster Dax said via comlink to the planetary Commanders of all 6 planets in the system, Darex, Phelos, Grikad, Kelemonous, Vertun, and Cyrotel. "Our system is being waylaid by a large number of Agonis Warships. Ready the planetary defenses...and Glory to those of us that succeed."
"And all who die trying!" was sent back in unison.

With that, Battle-Commander Krux and his heavy fighters engaged the bulk of the enemy forces in a fierce vanguard of swift death, followed closely behind by 125 Predator Class Frigates, their ARK Cannons taking aim. 75 other Frigates, and all Warrior 001 Starfighters were sent across the system to engage in the scattered enemy forces. Before long, the Agonis fighters could almost feel the planets they fancied to have begun invading awakening as if they were living beasts. Soft glows all along each of their surfaces began to fill the dark reaches of their atmosphere as their DARC cannons began to activate.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fal, Home world of the Liberated Fal Empire

The personal yacht dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of the Fal system and was immediately bombarded with communications trying to figure out what the purpose of the ship was. The two pilots scrambled to respond to all the signals in a timely manner before weapons were turned on the smaller craft. Both humans breathed a sigh of relief as the last signal was sent out and they were given the green light to move farther into the system flanked by an escort of five fighters. "Attention passengers. We will be arriving at Fal within the hour. Please sit back and enjoy your ride."

The yacht lowered its thrust emission as it drifted through space toward the glittering gem that was the center of the Fal Empire. Fal was a planet twice the size of earth and was 93% covered with water with the only land above water being small island chains and collapsed volcanic atolls. The water was a bright blue hue with hints of green mixed in as well as purple in some areas showing some unique parts of the planet. Most of the major cities on the planet were buried underneath the surface of the water with only a few spires reaching above the waves with large floating platforms for shuttles to land and off load their passengers. As you move farther into the atmosphere there are high orbit shipyards along with planetary defensive fortresses. In the system, there was always no less than four naval fleets at any given time complimented by a large force of ground units stationed on one of Fal's moons and several asteroid bases.

Eventually the shuttle touched down on a massive platform with seven other yachts and while the pilots ran a shut down sequence on the ship, the doors to the passenger quarters opened up to fill the cabin in the smell of salt air. "Attention all diplomats. Welcome to Mekar Ou, capital of Fal and location of the Throne of the Fal Empire. Enjoy your stay and hope to be flying with you again soon."

Out of the yacht stepped an assortment of aliens with the majority of the diplomats being from the human race. These people were clones that would soon become diplomats of the Liberated Fal Empire and sent to discuss terms with other nations for possible business. First though, these men and women needed to be sent off officially by the government in person and even the King himself. The group headed toward a spire at the end of the platform which looked large enough to house a battleship inside though it was the only official government building that was above the surface of the water.

They were instructed to take a seat in a large room around a table in the middle that was in the shape of a semicircle. As the last of the diplomats took his seat a hologram projector fired up and showed a Falianth in purple robes that seemed to be suspended around him showing that he was somewhere underwater.

"Welcome all of you to Mekar Ou, our King was not able to meet with you today as he is dealing with other matters at the moment. I'm sure you were all briefed on the shuttle over here, but I will drill this mission into your skulls. You are to go to your assigned Empires and be our mouths so that we may get a foot hold in this galaxy. Your goal is to offer military and labor forces for sale as well as secure trade routes for us. If you understand this than you are dismissed."

Without another word the projector shut off and the small group of different species took their leave from the table. Once back on the platform, each group of diplomats was directed to a different yacht which would take them to their respective Empires. These nations were the Musashi Empire, Second Terran Imperium, Alorian Empire, the Hexanagallions, as well as the Sovereign Star Confederation.


2 miles under Mekar Ou

At the lowest point of the sprawling city that was Mekar Ou the gem of the Fal empire. The coral covered palace of the Immortal King positioned on top of a thermal vent that kept the whole place warm in the cold water. In the heart of this palace was a large room built as a bomb proof shelter that doubled as the King's throne room. A single Falianth sat on the throne with deep red robes flowing around him as two men entered the chamber and bowed toward the King.

"Your Majesty. Our sensor outposts have picked up a large fleet heading toward the Degalian system. In the system we have the Third Expeditionary Force and Second Clone Fleet, but both fleets are in the process of resupply and repair. I recommend we send Admiral Krac's fleet as an additional deterrent force just as an added precaution."

Rac Trac'Nor nodded and waved his hand to dismiss the Falianth who left the room send the fleet off. He than turned his attention to the other person that was still bowing until he was given attention. "What do you have to report?"

"It would appear that the Gashathi have returned to the galaxy and the Mekar have returned with them. What do you wish that we do?"

Rac stroked two of his facial tendrils as he thought for a moment on what this revelation could imply. "Keep this information out of the general public as much as possible. We don't need the rebels using this to cause more separation between the people. Gather a group of Falianth emissaries and send it to the Gashathi known space and try to build relations." The assistant bowed again to the King before leaving the room to gather the requested group.
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