Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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T H E G O D S H A V E L E F T U S.
O C E A N S R O A R A N D M O U T A I N S B U C K L E.
A S M A G I C T H I E R F I R S T G I F T V A N I S H E S E M P I R E S F A L L.
Y E T T H E W O R L D S T I L L T U R N S.


Once mortals and gods existed in harmony. The gods as the all powerful bringers of creation and we as the ever grateful worshipers glad to have been chosen. The gods were pleased by our devotion and bestowed upon us many gifts, the first of which was magic. Magic, was but a small taste of their power and yet it would shape the very fabric of civilization. It fueled advances in technology and helped grow empires from small kingdoms and miracles where there was once only the bland and harsh reality of life. Yet it was this first gift that proved to be the most dangerous. Through the use of magic, mortals were introduced to vanity in its most basest form. Magic allowed then to grow powerful, to alter the very fabric of reality if only in short bursts. Magic implanted within us the seeds of rebellion that we could usurp even gods. It was only a matter of time before we acted upon those ideas. Little did we know of the consequences.

The Gods War erupted almost as suddenly as it ended. A group of powerful mages opened a doorway into the gods' realm leading in an army that stretched far beyond the horizon. The intent of this sinner's march was to take the gods' power and to "free man from the chains of servitude". Yet as soon as a mortal man sat upon the All-Father's throne, the gods' realm began to crumble and turn tainted by the wickedness within their hearts. The boundary between the two realms collapsed forever separating creator and creation, forever trapping the sinner's army within the prison of their own creation. The screams of those trapped within the god's realm as it came undone around them could be heard in their for an entire night only followed by the fearsome deafening silence that came afterwards. Thus an age ended with the border between man and god forever severed, the god's who once walked among us and whom shaped the fates for centuries turned there eyes away from their rebellious creation. The sinner's march had done its job at the coast of all those who marched under its causes banner, the world was freed from the wants and desires of the almighty. Little did we know the consequences for such actions.

The gods were the ones that created our world and so it was only natural that without them it would begin to fall apart. Skies once blue turned grey as heavy clouds filled with snow drifted above and let out their unrelenting downfall burying roads, crops and towns within icy prisoners of death. The bitter chill and lacked of resources killed much of the fauna and flora unfit to survive in such environments including many animals essential for hunting further cutting down foodstuffs. Those who did not die in the first few months due to the chill were set upon the slow and painful path of starvation as what little food stores that could be scavenge had to be rationed heavily to sustain even the dwindling populations for more than a couple of days at a time. The savage and unrelenting winter's grip did not just destroy the food but also fragment whatever political unity was left in the world. Mighty empires and kingdoms fragmented and shattered as the many cities that once swore independence to kings and greater ideals broke off form one another becoming independent city states only concerned with their own matters rather than those of a king or emperor that sat far away with food stores aplenty. With these cities concerned about keeping what meager peace they could within their own walls, the roads that they once protected as the vital veins of civilization were now abandoned and haunted by wandering bandits intent on pillage what little they could from those brave enough to weather the wilds, further compounding the dreadful isolation.

As the world fades, so does magic itself. Magic was a so called gift given to the faithful in exchange for their good service to the gods or that is how all the legends go. The emergence of magic changed the world as it was known forever shaping science, industry and every life allowing repairs to be down instantly for great tunnels and canals to be built with only a matter of the mind and even raise fortresses into the sky. But now magic has seemed to vanish from the world, once powerful sorceress and mages can no longer even do what would accumulate to even a basic spell anymore. The very fabric of society based heavily upon the use of what was once lost shifted and collapsed as power became measured not be intellect or political clot but by brute strength and size of armies. Yet not just civilization was effected by the lose of such a vital resource, creatures which depended upon magic for their survival began to fade away. Small creatures such is faeries and pixies vanished in their entirety from the world never to be seen again with only stories of them remaining. Larger creatures fared little better: trolls, giants and even the great dragons themselves which once ruled the skies became severely weakened and infertile cursed to slowly fade away with the knowledge that they are the very last of their kind.

To make matters worse there was the matter of the Wyld Folk. These northern savages lived far beyond the reaches of civilization in the frozen wastes at the tip of the world but sometimes they move southwards for unexplained reasons. Some believe it is because the winter had hit their frozen lands even harder and they moved south to find warmer climes but some think something else had occurred, something far more sinister. Five times have the Wyld Folk pushed south and five times they were repulsed but during those times the lands were united and armies could be marshaled to fight back the advancing barbarians. This time there was no such army, no such unification to repulse the brutes as they marched leaving only ruined cities and destruction in their wake. Without a proper army or the supplies to stop them, the vast horde seems to be all but impossible to stop further destroying any remnants of life desperately clinging to the world in their own fight for survival.

And so everything seems to be fading away into the snow and into the cold embrace of death. Yet life goes on as long as the world still turns.


This story begins in the port city of Aoalvik located on the northern shore of White Crystal Bay. Before the Gods War, Aoalvik was the most prosperous trading hub past the Fingers sending furs and whale meat and oil on southbound ships who in return came to the city with vast supplies of foodstuffs and other luxary items from the more gentle climates. But then snows came and the White Crystal Bay froze over with ice so thick that no long ship could get through her waters intact. When the Wyld Folk began to be spotted and began to leave a path of destruction and death in their wake, many fled to Aoalvik with its high walls of stone thinking that they could take a ship further south to escape carnage not knowing that the state of the Bay. In any other winter, it freezing over would of not been a problem for mages could use fire magics to burn a channel through the ice to allow the ships to pass, but now without magic they were trapped. Ever still though many flocked to the port thinking that they could at least take refuge within its walls where the garrison could protect them better than them trying to defend themselves in their small villages.

To his credit Jarl Sigbjorn of Aoalvik took in many of the first waves of refugees that came to the society intent on protecting those that needed it. But as more and more heard of promises of safety, warmth and food many flocked to the city much more than the port could handle without starving itself out or falling to anarchy. So the Jarl to protect his people and to ensure as many as possible could survive he shut the gates to the city. Guards manned the walls of the city at all times not protecting against the arrival of the Wyld Folk but against the peasants and villagers that tried daily to get into the city firing arrows and dumping hot water upon the angry crowds below. Despite this the refugees, still camp outside the city walls with some ill fated hope that the Jarl will change his mind filling the surrounding flatland with tents and the mill of activity lands that will run red with blood once the Wyld Folk arrive.

Yet time is running out for Aoalvik and all both inside and outside it walls. During the nights upon the horizon one can see the first edges of the Wyld Folk Camp, approaching closer and closer by the day. The city itself is plagued with infighting and chaos with the Jarl refusing to leave his Great Hall or muster any sort of defense against the Wyldlings too afraid that if he does than the angry populace will the storm the undefended hall and kill him in their wild anger. Some want to stand and fight, others want to leave either by fleeing along the coast or by crossing the iced over bay but without a consolidating effort in any of the attempts nothing will work as their own indecisiveness and infighting will be the end of them. Soon the Wyldings will be at the walls and soon even Aoalvik will fall, but if they are lucky and persistent enough maybe some will surive the onslaught to live another day.


Important GM messages, updates on story progression and anything else that needs to be viewable by all will be posted here.

6/15/16 We are live and now accepting applications! Please post the application to the OOC and not the character sheet tab. Only accepted character sheets can go in that tab. Thank you and have a nice day.


01: I'm not the biggest fan of rules because I like to assume everybody is sane human being so I'll keep this short. If you have to abide by any rules be it these two. Common decency and common sense is something that everybody should strive for. Treat your fellow humans like they are just that your fellow humans and with all the respect that implies. Disputes between players should not be long blown out affairs in the OCC, hell disputes should not happen at all if we are doing this right. If you want to argue have your characters dispute about something mundane like the importance of starch or something.
02: In regards to any roleplay involving the dark depravity of mankind and the end of the world there are mature themes within this story. This is not a very nice world and terrible things happen to good people for no good reason. In that regard I heavily suggest you treat these matters with the weight that they would actually entitle. Romance falls into the same thing, sure it can happen just don't be stupid about it
03: Quality matters people, show me that you care. And remember I'm asking for your best not the best of Shakespeare or the like. I've been doing this shit for about a decade now and I'm still learning things everyday. Just remember Quality over Quantity and always remember Fail Faster.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Working on a character!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll get working on a char as soon as possible~
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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I too am working on a character!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

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Let me know if I need to change anything :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Might change her last name because Wilder is too similar to Wyld for my tastes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Hey everybody! It's the weekend so my schedule means that I don't have to pop in at random hours to check on things when I should be sleeping! I'll start looking over the first batch of sheets sometime rather soon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godric
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I'll have mine up by the end of the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Godric
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godric
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A photo for my Char's 'description' I forgot to add.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

And the time for reviews have come!

@my Lalia
Hey Lalia, haven't seen you around in awhile! Overall I like the concept of Taza, interesting to have somebody who still has some amount of faith in the gods that had abandoned them to there wretched fate. My only complaint really is if maybe you could flesh out her background just a little bit more. As it sort of leaves some holes mostly the gaps between the time she was 15 and the present. You know in that time important things like the Gods War happened and how such events may have effected her. But beside that everything else is looking pretty good!

A gruff north man, a man after my own heart. My concern is the same as Lalia's really, while the background does give a general idea of his history, it once again is a little more sparse than I would prefer. Give it a little more detail and a little more meat to it and everyone else looks good!

Yeah, I'd probably recommend changing the last name. Wyld is a word that is going to be thrown around a lot if you haven't guessed already. Well she certainly came out differently than the first idea you pitched to me but I kind of like this one more to tell you the truth! I wonder if all her fancy martial training will be any good when push comes to shove. She's quite the jack of all trades But I trust you enough to know you won't forget the master of none part and make her into a walking war god. Anyway accepted!

Ah the good knight come to save us all. Hmm the background is once again a little sparse but it does at least provided a nice little path work to follow how he got from point A to Point B. I wonder how the cliched Knight of Virtue is going to deal in a world that spits on those ideals wherever it sees fit. Anyway I see no major problems really so Accepted as well!

Ahh a merchant of all things most interesting indeed! Anyway much of the same deal as the @TheWizardLizard background is sparse but serviceable and tells how he got to know effectively enough, and everything else looks good, he sounds like a right bastard which means I will probably love him. Accepted
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Weew! Let's get excited for some knight and squire adventures!

Also, wouldn't you know it, I've played Carver in several different RPs on a few different sites, as he's one of my favorites and there are a lot of situations that are made extra-interesting by the presence of a truly righteous man. And in just about every single one of those RPs, one of the other characters is a disreputable merchant-type who Carver inevitably butts heads with.

It's getting spooky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godric
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I should think Adjantis wouldn't have the balls to stand up to a knight. Might talk shit behind his back but we shall see :p

With regards to my character I have a question. I set him up to be primarily a Merchant but a doctor as a secondary.

With medicine in this universe shall I lean more towards fantasy or real world? Or perhaps a mix of both?

My original thought was to have a mix of both. Giving Adjantis the ability to create 'Healing Potions' that would moderatly increase wound recovery as well as a mix of disinfectants and painkillers to add a bit of real world medicine to his skillset.

I'm open to any of the aforementioned options of course. Just wanted to know where the universe stood before I go stepping on toes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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So is this pretty much an RP set within the besieged city, and we are simply trying to survive? Or trying to fight? I am quite interested in the premise, I'm just curious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Very spooky indeed.

Well Medicine is a little mixture of both. Most medical needs are treated by doctors and herbalis and back when magic existed for a price those so inclined could use thier magic to perform miracles. But that doesn't happen no more really.

These days it's mostly stitching, bandages and the like. Potions exist but they aren't really magical and can't just be drunken and have wounds be healed at an accelerated rate only magic could do that. Now they only have the slow hand of time. But the correct mixture of herbs could dull pain or slow down hemorrhageing

Glad to answer your questions

Basically The RP is currently going to be broken up into three main parts really.

The first is The Siege. The players get to decide how this works, do they eitherr support those who want to evacuate the city or those that want to fight the Wildlings to the last man. Either way that is going to invole holding the city either just as long as it takes to get all the people out or till the end of time.

Inevitably though the city will fall and the survivors of the destruction must flee South. This is Part 2 chronicling the long road south as the player characters are not only responsible for themselves but for those other survivors as they all flee together plagued by adversity from every angle.

Eventually they will reach their destination in the south, and that is part Three. What happens after that... well is a surprise. xD
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Admin Seen 2 hrs ago

@HexaflexagonThen count me interested sir, if you have another slot available that is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

We indeed still have some room. Welcome aboard!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godric
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I'll keep any of Godric's medical practice to be the ordinary sort.
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